Safe Haven

By Clareeey37

1.7K 153 67

Ever since the age of 8, Olive Whitehall has learned to live without her Mother. Diagnosed with lung cancer... More

s a f e • h a v e n
c o p y r i g h t
c o n t e n t s
d e d i c a t i o n
p r o l o g u e
1| o l i v e
2| l a k e • s u r p r i s e
3| t h e • o r a n g e • e n v e l o p e
4| n i c k
5| r o c h e l l e
7| s a t u r d a y
8| t h e • b o y

6| s t o r m y • w e a t h e r

86 10 2
By Clareeey37

As soon as I got home, I placed my bike in the garage and sent a quick group text to Elle and Nick.

Keen on seeing Paper Towns tomorrow?

Within minutes came their replies.

Elle: Hell yeah! There is no way I am missing a John Green movie! Although it'll have to be an afternoon screening cause my game is at 9:50.

Nick: You are trying to drag me along to a chick flick!? :o Count me in ;)

Excitement bubbled through me, Ever since I had read the book, I had been bursting at the seams to watch the film.

Pulling the house key out of my schoolbag, I unlocked the door and walked inside, dumping my school bag on the kitchen bench.

Dad would be home at around seven, that was if, he was even coming home. My stomach did a flip, what would I do if he didn't come home? I would have no parents to look after me, not that I was a little child anymore, but still!

Don't be silly Olive! I said to myself, mentally kicking myself at the thought. I was seriously overreacting.

Grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl, I munched it down as I went to get ready for my run.

Peering out my window, I noticed that rainclouds were starting to form over in the distance. Opting for a long sleeve breathable running top, and my ankle length spandex, I knew that they would protect me from getting sick.

My friends would always think that I was mental, running in stormy weather. But from years of experience, I knew that the canopy of the forest provided me with shelter from the rain. Even in the winter, most of the trees are deciduous do they still provided some form or protection.

But when the snow came, they seemed to not understand how I didn't catch frostbite. Well at first, the running was hard and I would return home with blue toes, as I would struggle to breathe. But as I adjusted to the low temperature, and I started running longer distances, faster, I warmed up quicker and stayed warm for longer.

I guess that it just took practice.

Despite the weather, it would never stop me from running. I had formed a habit, and it just felt too odd to skip my daily exercise.


After I reached the lake, the rain was coming down in sheets and I was quickly becoming drenched from head to toe. It had been a mistake to step out of the foliage and into the open.

Quickly ducking back under the trees, I squeezed out my ponytail and jumped up and down to lose some water.

As I ran through the glade on my way home, I spotter movement out the corner of my eye. Turning my head I saw a shadow about 20 meters to my left. It stayed by my side for a few minutes or so before it disappeared from view all together.

That was weird, I thought. That shadow looked like a boy.


After arriving home, I completely stripped of all my wet clothing and jumped into the shower to help bring my body up to temperature again.

From the minute I arrived home, to the time I jumped in the shower, my body had cooled down rapidly and I had found my teeth chattering.

Don't ever doubt the positives of keeping your blood pumping.

After washing off every trace of rain, mud and leaves, I hop out and towel myself dry.

Popping on some sweats and a jersey that was 3 sizes to big, I get started on preparing some dinner.

The rain sprayed upon the kitchen window as I stood at the kitchen bench chopping up vegetables.

The wind was howling, and it made me feel proud to think that not long ago, I had been out there, battling that beast of a storm.

I wasn't afraid of a little bit of water.

Placing the carrots in a pot of water and the broccoli in a steamer, my mind reverted back to the boy that I thought I saw in the forest.

And of course... that triggered the memory of the dream I had about my Dad the other night. I was officially freaking out now.

What if that was my Dad I saw in the forest? The crazy mass murderer who has constantly been all over the news, unable to be identified.

My whole body was literally shaking, my nerves on a high. I didn't want Dad to come home now, what if he would kill me? What if this was that last day of my life and I would never get to see my friends again?

I turned off the stove. I wasn't hungry anymore, and I'm sure that if Dad wanted food, he could go all cannibal and eat me instead once he was done putting out my spark.

Running up the stairs, I dove onto my bed and pulled my legs up in a tight ball.

The sound of the rain on the roof covered up the sound of wailing I made, as tears fell down my cheeks and onto the duvet.

For the first time in my life, I felt so utterly alone. Not even the rain seemed to want to play nice today.


My eyes flashed open as a boom of thunder clapped amongst the clouds above. Rolling over, I noticed that my fluffy blanket had been placed over me, and my curtains drawn.

Huh, I'm sure I didn't do that.

Sitting up nervously, I slipped into my slippers and padded out onto the landing.

Snores could be heard coming from the bedroom down the hallway, and I peeped in the door to find my father fast asleep next to a clock that read 10:01pm.

That would explain the blanket, but why wasn't I dead yet? Unless...

I was dreaming for sure. Yes! That's it! I was dreaming and Dad wasn't home yet, therefore I was still alive.

Slipping back into my room, I decided to go back to sleep. If this was surely a dream, then I didn't want to wake up.


Sunlight streamed through the crack in my curtains, making all the dust become visible as it floated trough the air waves.

My legs were all cramped up from having probably slept all night in a tight ball.

Stretching out my legs, I once again noticed the blanket covering me. Gasping, I pinched my arm and threw my hand at the bend frame. Nope, this wasn't a dream, maybe last night wasn't either.

My stomach grumbled, indicating the loss of dinner last night. Jumping out of bed, I made my way downstairs to grab something to eat.

On the breakfast bar sat a note


I sincerely apologize for leaving in such a mad rush yesterday morning. That letter you held was of vital importance, and it is my job to see to it that it's delt with asap.

I came home late last night, was going to call you, but because of the storm, all the powerlines were down and I wasn't able to get a hold of you.

I discovered you didn't make dinner, I hope you are feeling okay. I headed myself up some left of lasagne from the other night.

I had to leave very early this morning as there was a call in at work.

Hope you enjoy your Saturday, spend it with your friends :)

I'll be home around 7.

- Dad xx

I knew that damn letter was important! Something to make Dad act the way he did started to gain my curiosity.

I was making it top priority to find out what made it so important that he missed out on eggs, his most favorite breakfast, especially when he didn't have o make them himself.

Woah... this chapter was full on, a bit confusing I would have to say.

Who is enjoying the story so far? Comment your thoughts!

I'd just like to say two things...

1. There is going to be heaps of plot twists within this book so prepare for the unexpected.

2. Most books switch between P.O.V's of different characters, but I have decided not to do that. Simply because I find that having one point of view leaves many questions unanswered, therefore resulting in a more captivating read.


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