Innocence Lost: Ashton's Story

By Lashtongivesmehope

524 35 18

The internet can be a deadly place. When Ashton meets a "nice girl" on a chatroom, they form a great friendsh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapeter 8
Chapeter 9
Chapeter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapeter 17

Chapter 6

20 1 2
By Lashtongivesmehope

Two weeks before summer vacation ended, my parents decided that I could get to use my computer again after a month and two weeks of not using it. The only thing was that now I had restrictions. I was only allowed to use my computer after dinner. I cpulonly use it for like three hours. I wasn't happy with these new rules but it was beet yet if I just kept my mouth shut. I felt really bad cause I couldn't talk to Ella for like a month. She's probably mad at me. 

The day I was given my computer back, I invited Michael over cause we haven't talked in ages. He changed completely. He now dyed his hair black with blue streaks. He also got talent and more bulkier. 

"Hey dude." He said giving me a high five "how are you?"

"Tired. My parents finally gave me my computer back." I yawned 

"Wait, they took your computer away?" He asked

"Yeah. They said I spent too much time on it." I said rolling my eyes

"Oh I didn't know that. I bet that Ella girl is pissed" he joked "that little bitch"

"Hey!" I yelled at him. "Don't say that. You don't even know her!"

"Calm down dude, it was a joke." He said

We spent most of the day riding out bikes around the town and left the town at 5:40. Michael left to go home ten minutes later. I laid in my room staring at the ceiling until dinner was ready. I went downstairs and laid my head down on the table. Victoria sat on the left at me, and Luke sat on the right picking at his paper napkin and throwing shreds at me.

"Luke, are you still mad at me?" I asked

"What do you think Sherlock?" Victoria said sarcastically 

"Stay out of this." I said pushing her

Like looked at me and then turned away picking at the salad on the plate. 

"Look dude I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt your feelings. Can we still be friends?" I asked

"No." He simply said

My mom walked in a carrying a pitcher on cucumber water and five glasses. She sat down and handed Luke a new napkin which he once again ripped. That dinner was quiet and awkward. There was no laugher. No fighting. No stories. It was just complete silence. I took everyone's plates and washed them and walked back in and it was still the same. When I walked in, Victoria left with Luke behind her like he was a puppy following it's shadow.

"Remember Luke, only until 9." My mom said

"Okay" I said. 

I walked up the stairs through the hallway. The floors creeped and felt cold and damped with my socks in. I opened my bedroom door and carried my computer inside. I placed the computer on the the desk and plugged the wires in the wall. I locked the door and logged in. I went to the chatroom and checked my new message. There were no new messages.  I wet to the new message icon and began to type.

"Hey Ella. I'm so sorry that we couldn't talk for a month. My stupid parents took my computer away. They don't understand us. So how have you've been."

I immediately got a response back

"Hey Ash. I forgive you. I've missed you so much. No one understands how I love you. My life sucks without you" Ella said    

"Are you okay Ella?" I said

"No. I want to talk to you."

I was really confused. We were talking. We always talk. Maybe she meant something else. So I asked her:

"What do you mean Ella?"

"Like face to face. I want to see your beautiful face. Maybe we can meet." She said

"I'm not sure if my parents would be okay with that?" I said 

"But I thought you would do anfor our friendship, I thought you were different." She said

Oh crap. I dug this hole too deep.

"I don't want our parents to find out and we can't talk" I said

"Please. I need you" she said

"Okay. I lived in Sydney Australia. 76th street. But we can't meet right now. It would be too risky" I said

"Okay. Fine" she said

"Look, I have to go. It's 9:00. My parents gave me a curfew. I love you" I said

"I love you too. Goodnight" she said.

I turned of my computer and turned off the lights and fell asleep thinking that what if  this was going bad.

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