Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning. I slowly pulled the sheets of my skins and felt the warm air from the radiator rising up. I got out of bed and put on a pair of jeans and a green flannel on and walked down the stairs

"Joseph." I called

He didn't answer 

"Joseph?" I called again 

He still didn't answer 

I became worried, so I ran down the stairs. With each step, tiny droplets of red became bigger. At the end of the stairs there was a trail of red droplets that lead to the kitchen. I follewed the trail until it ended. The trail stopped at the end of the kitchen door. I pulled up the blinds and looked the through the window to see the trail continued. I unlocked the door and followed the trail. The trail went downt eh patio step to a shed near the metal gate. I opened the shed and the door creeks open.

Inside the Joseph. I dropped everything I was holding and ran toward his cold body the trail was of red dots was his blood and signs of stab wounds were seen. It was quite clear of what happened to Joesph. He was murdered. I ran to the body and shaked it rapidly seeing if the man was alive. Choking to hold back the tears and breathed heavily and shaked Joseph evenmore.

"Cmon." I trembled "you have to be alive. Please." 

I sat next to his dead corpse. I let my tears free and I let nothing stop my emotions. 

I stopped crying for a moment and listened closely. Footsteps. I hid in a box in the back of the shed and pulled some shelves and more boxes and hid inside. The door creeped open and the steps got louder. I looked through the small hole of the box. A man picked up Joseph's body and shoved the corpse in a bag. He locked the door.

I opened the box and got out I walked to a window and crouched down. The man wore a grey hoodie and yellow rubber gloves and he dragged a the body 5 feet way from the home. He slammed the body down and picked up a shovel and began to dig and a hole. I crouched down again, taking a moment to realize what he was doing a mad to catch my breathe. Was he hiding his crime or was there another reason for his motive? 

I got back up and looked out the window. The man was gone. I got very nervous that maybe he saw me and  now he was coming after me. I knew now that I had to tun. I turned around but in front of me I saw a face for a quick second. The face hit me with a hammer hard and I fell to the ground. I blacked out instantly. The last thing I remember was the feeling of someone grabbing my feet and dragging me.

I woke up again in the shed. Everything seemed normal. But then a soft hand touched my face. I jerked away and trying to speak but I was unable to. 

"Good morning boy" the man said

I mummbled his name. Was it Oscar?

"Your probably wondering what happened." He smiled "Let me explain. You see I wanted you all to my self so I had to take anyone who was in my way, out of my way way. So I had to kill your friend m. It was for the best."

I was so furious at Oscar. I tried to get him but he must tied me down cause I wasn't able to move. 

He laughed as he saw me struggle

He came up to me took the  tape off my mouth.

"Are you fucking serious? I don't find this funny in anyway. I would rip your ass apart but I can't" I scowled

"Why Ashton? Cause you don't have the balls to"? He smiled sarcastically 

He sat down and he sipped slowly on his coffee. 

"You see Ashton. If I cant have you as my child or as my sex slave, then no one can have you". He said getting angry 

"You can kiss my ass" i said quietly 

He ran up to me and tipped the chair over down. He kicked me with his boots which were quite hard. With each kick I felt more worse than the last kick. He picked up the chair and slapped my face. I saw the blood on his hand. He walked to a table and grabbed the tape. Cut off a long piece and pressed against my mouth.

"I'll be back". He growled

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