Immortal Night.

By Hallie123

8K 101 26

Amy is a Rouge she one of the only Female wolves around and has never meet another Wolf. Unwanted by her fami... More

Chapter One; England.
Chapter Two: Change.
Chapter Three: Prisoner
Chapter Four: School
Chapter Four: Wolves
Chapter Five: Watched

Immortal Night.

2.7K 23 5
By Hallie123

My First Fan for this story, :)

The Beggining; Before the story actually starts.

Well what can I say? Or should I say, how do I start off? Well let me explain myself. I'm a wolf. Yep thats right Wolf through and through. Awesome Right? You see we now live in a time where our kind are rare and female wolves even more rare. Pretty cool huh? I'm sixteen, so yes i've just recently turned.

 I'm not used to everything yet and the transformation still kinda hurts but it'll get better eventually. I'm not part of a pack either as i've never meet anyone else yet who's a wolf. So I guess that makes me a rouge right? I live in New York City. It's pretty cool here I guess, but it can be really lonely.

 So i'm moving country to England, I heard it's pretty cool over there. I'm moving way into the countryside, so I can roam around whenever.

 Are there any wolves in England? Well I guess so, but if I come across any, i'll show them who's boss. That's right. Me! I don't take crap from anyone, so much so, that I lost contact with my family at the young age of fourteen, I was kicked out because of my mood swings, little did I or they know, it was because I was turning into a wolf.

Surely my parents should be wolves if I am you ask? Thats what I couldn't figure out either, you see wolfs can only become a wolf if their family carries the "Gene". As you can see, mine didn't. No one in my family did.

I was the first.

So! Let me intruduce myself. Hi I'm Amy Dallas. Good start, huh? Thought so. Well i'm short with a petit frame. 5.2ft to be exact and an English size 8. I've got long black hair that reaches my lower back and peircing gray eyes. I'm a pretty simple person. I don't get along with anyone, girls are to bitchy and guys are up themselves, thinking there all mighty and powerful. Well you should there faces when I beat them in arm fights. Pure shock and humilliation when I beat there beautiful behinds.

 I wear skinnies most of the time and a plain Tee or Hoodie, Oh! and I love my Converse. There so practical and comfy.I'm a pretty laid back person but I can snap very easily. You've been warned. This girl looked at me the wrong way before thinking she was it, boy did she regret it? Although i did have alot of trouble in the future from her family. But oh well.

 One tip for getting along with me; Don't tell me what to do and be all cocky! I hate that so much!  


And I know what you may be thinking, this is going to be a  soppy love story, but it's not. I promise you, I mean it may have little bits of love in it, but hasn't every story?.....Well Okay, there may be quite a bit of love because oviously, one day I will find my mate, Which?! I might say, I'm NOT looking foward too. I'm a rouge and shall stay this way. Fingers crossed I don't meet any wolves in England. But then again luck is Never on my side. So i'm guessing I will.

You may know be thinking, well if she's got no parents how has she got the money to stay in England let alone plane tickets. My answer to this. My Grandma of course, she's paying for everything. Well she died not long ago. But left everything in her will to me, money, her home, her land. Although it wasn't alot of money and I was alowed acess to it until I was eighteen, everything else I could have, but not the money, typical.

 You see she felt sorry for me being kicked out at fourteen and hated my mother for it, she vowed that if she ever died she'd give her life belongings to me. I'm eternally thankful to her. May her soul rest in peace.

So anyway enough of the chit chat, I've got to get on with the packing i've got to do for my big move to England. Although it wasn't going to take that long because I have hardly any clothes or belongings.

I bent down and pulled out the red tattered suitcase from under the small bed. I started to grab my clothes quickly cause I wanted to get it over and done with cause it's so boring and threw then in the suitcase and when I mean threw them in, I really mean it! My clothes were scrunched up and unfold and my belonging were literally un-organsied and scattered, here, there and everywhere. They'd be lucky if they got to England in one piece.

After I was done packing my few belongings,I clipped it up and threw it back under my bed. I slumped myself onto the rusty framed bed making it squeek. the bed was about hundered years old, well it seemed it anyway.It was a victorian cream framed sevants bed, it was starting to rust rapidly at the joins. I pressed my back into the damp materess. Yukk! I crossed my arms behind my head as I didn't really want my hair to touch the pillow which was also damp. I sighed heavly a looked up at the ceiling.

 The mould on the ceiling had spread around so far to each corner, that it looked like a forest, I scrunched my nose up at it. Not wanting to look at it anymore as it literally made me feel ill,  I rolled over onto my side, trying to getting comfy which was impossible.This matteress was so lumpy! You would of thought by now that I had gotten used to it but I never got used to , I hadn't had a good night sleep in years, but this was the only place I could afford.

 I stared  blindly at the flaked cream walls. They really needed a wash. Eww.One more night in this hell hole of a rented room and i'll be free.Yes! I pulled the covers around me as the icy air nipped at my toes, I shiver for a few minutes, but being a wolf my body tempurature soon warmed me up my eyelids grew heavy as I fell into a deep sense of sleep. My wolf hungry for her future.


First Chapter up and done! :D I feel its always hard to start a story off. But I hoped you like it. I know its not a cliff hanger but I mainly wanted to just introduce my character. Well anyway i would LOVE feedback, negative or possitive. And where you as a reader would like me to go with this.

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