A New Unexpected Exorcist (D...

By 4everaddicted2anime

7.3K 247 15

This is my very first D.Gray-Man fanfic! A girl named Iriki suddenly arrives at the Black Order European Bra... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Lost
Chapter 2: Shocking Arrival
A Note About Iriki/ Authors Note
Chapter 3: First Failure
Chapter 4: So-Called Allies
Chapter 5: Savior
Chapter 6: Terrible Secrets
Chapter 7: Hide and Seek
Chapter 8: Saviors Betrayal
Chapter 9: Lavis POV
Chapter 10: (Lavis POV) Mai
Chapter 11: Earl's Decision
A/N: Possible Hiatus
A/N: I'm Back
Chapter 13: Precautions & Fears
Chapter 14: Encounter With...
A/N End of Hiatus

Chapter 12: Tyki's Offer

226 5 0
By 4everaddicted2anime

After Tyki and I left the Noah residence, he took on a new look. This look gave him white skin with ragged clothes and big circular glasses along with his already long dark hair. We walked over to a bar and he put me down.

"Come on, we are going to meet up with Momo and Clark." He cheerfully said as he opened up the door. I nodded and went into the bar. Hmm... I wonder who of everyone here is Momo and Clark. Tyki walked up to the bar table, sat down and began talking to a few of the servers. As they were talking, the ones behind the bar glanced over in my direction. I quickly ran up behind Tyki and gave him a hug.

"So, who are these friends of yours Tyki?" Tyki jumped at the feeling of arms wrapped around him, turned his head, and then smiled.

"The one to the left is Momo and the one to the right is Clark." I got off of Tyki, looked at the two men, and then smiled.

"Hello, I'm Iriki." I greeted both of Tyki's friends. Tyki motioned for them to come closer to him and whispered something into their ears. Momo and Clark then prepared two drinks and brought them to him. I sat down next to Tyki and he put one of the drinks in front of me. Without trying to, I could easily tell what kind of drink it was because of the smell. Alcohol. When I looked over at him, he was almost done with what I thought was his first glass. After Tyki finished the glass, he looked over to me with a confused look.

"I thought you like Sake." He seemed worried.

"I do, but I need to ask you something." He nodded and I continued, "Did you or your buddies put any drugs in this drink?" Tyki's face lit up with relief.

"No." It was obvious that he was holding in a laugh. I gave Tyki a questionable look and then took a sip of my drink. I haven't had this kind of drink in a while. It felt like I was with my father. I didn't taste any drugs in the drink, so I continued to drink it until it was gone. If father were here, I would likely be left behind to deal with his large debts. I wonder if he has someone to deal with those debts at the moment. I looked back at Tyki and he got up.

"Would you come with me Iriki?" He held his hand out to me. I intertwined my hand with his and he led me out of the bar to take me through the night-fallen town. After viewing all the buildings the town had to offer, Tyki took me to a little house. Once inside, he motioned for me to sit on the couch.

"You were wanting a weapon, right?" This topic seemed to peek his interest even though he brought it up. I nodded and he came over and sat next to me.

"I could help you learn how to fight with your body." He offered me, an exorcist, his help?

I don't understand what's going on. Why would he willingly offer an exorcist help, especially with fighting? Why not, it seems like I will not be returning to the Order for a long time.

I jumped off of the couch with excitement and then swung around to see him smiling again.

"Really?!", He nodded and I continued, "When?!" Tyki pondered the new question. He was taking too long to answer, so I started to tap my foot on the ground. He got up, went into the bathroom, and came out with white bandages. Tyki walked over to me, lifted my hands up and wrapped each of them with the bandages around my knuckles. After tying them off, he looked up to me.

"We will start tomorrow." Momo, Clark, and a little blonde boy came in through the front door. The little boy had a doctors mask over his mouth, making it seem as if he was sick. The youngest of the guys came up to me and gave me a hug, upon which I returned.

Tyki never told me that he had a little boy tagging along with him and his buddies. He looks so adorable.

Momo and Clark went off to separate rooms, leaving Tyki and the little boy out here with me. I noticed something silver shine from the boys pocket, so I leaned in closer to get a better look. There was something carved into the silver pendant that seemed like a name of some sort, but it was still to far for me to read the letters. When I let go of the boy, Tyki took him off to a room and when to another room himself. I wasn't sure if there were any empty rooms, so I just laid down on the couch and fell to sleep.

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