I Found A Way

By TheMShow01

4.4K 306 69

I didn't know what to think when my girlfriend, Melly, told me she was pregnant. Should I be happy? Nervous... More

Chapter 1- Suspicious Sunday, April 13, 2014
Chapter 2- Night Time Sunday, April 13, 2014
Chapter 3- Finally Getting Some Answers Saturday, April 27, 2014
Chapter 4- My Reaction Saturday, April 27, 2014
Chapter 5- The First Ultrasound Friday, May 16, 2014
Chapter 6- Telling My Parents Sunday, May 25, 2014
Chapter 7- Telling Her Parents Sunday, May 25, 2014
Chapter 8- A Surprise Sunday, May 25, 2014
Chapter 9- Parker Family Fun Day Monday, May 26, 2014
Chapter 10- Telling Our Friends Saturday, June 7, 2014
Chapter 11- Monday Morning Monday, June 9, 2014
Chapter 12-Gym Class Monday, June 9, 2014
Chapter 13- Finding A Job Monday, June 9, 2014
Chapter 14- Boy or Girl? Sunday, June 13, 2014
Chapter 15- Band Session Saturday, July 19, 2014
Chapter 16- My Birthday Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Chapter 17- A Date Saturday, August 16, 2014
Chapter 18- At Work Monday, August 18, 2014
Chapter 19- Dinner At Dad's House Monday, August 18, 2014
Chapter 20- Last Day of Summer Sunday, August 31, 2014
Chapter 22- The Birth of The Drama Queen Monday, September 1, 2014
Chapter 23- Our First Fight Saturday, September 13, 2014
Chapter 24- Fighting For Their Lives Saturday, September 13, 2014
Chapter 25- I'm Here Sunday, September 14, 2014
Chapter 26- In The Hospital Monday, September 15, 2014
Chapter 27- Nurse Melly Sunday, September 28, 2014
Chapter 28- Halloween Friday, October 31, 2014
Chapter 29- Thanksgiving Thursday November 27 2014
Chapter 30- Melly's Birthday Friday, December 19, 2014
Chapter 31- The Baby's Coming Friday, December 19, 2014
Chapter 32- Meeting Our Baby Friday, December 19, 2014
Chapter 33- The Visitors Saturday, December 20, 2014
Chapter 34- Going Home Saturday, December 20, 2014
Chapter 35- Up All Night Sunday, December 22, 2014
Chapter 36- Christmas Thursday, December 25, 2014
Chapter 37- New Years Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Chapter 38- Back At School Monday, January 5, 2015
Chapter 39- Drama At School Monday, January 23, 2015
Chapter 40- Melly Loses Her Mind Friday February 6 2015
Chapter 41- Valentine's Day Saturday, February 14, 2015.
Chapter 42- Two Idiots and A Baby Saturday,
Chapter 43- The Gig Friday, February 27, 2015
Chapter 44- 'H' Is For Humiliation Sunday, March 15, 2015
Chapter 45- Danny's First Baptism Sunday, March 29, 2015
Chapter 46- Easter Sunday April 5 2015
Chapter 47- Mother's Day Sunday May 10 2015
Chapter 48- Son Of A Melly Saturday, May 23, 2015
Chapter 49- Prom Friday, June 5, 2015
Chapter 50- Graduation Day Monday, June 8, 2015
Chapter 51- Job Offer Saturday, June 13, 2015
Chapter 52- The Interview Monday, June 14, 2015
Chapter 53- Father's Day Sunday, June 21, 2015
Chapter 54- Moving Saturday, July 5, 2015
Chapter 55- Before The Wedding Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Chapter 56- The Wedding Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Chapter 57- Honeymoon Thursday, December 20, 2018
Epilogue- Saturday July 4 2020

Chapter 21- First Day Of School Monday September 1 2014

51 4 0
By TheMShow01

I walked up on a hardwood floor. I moved my eyes around to see to that I am in a unfamiliar hallway of an unfamiliar setting.

"What the fuck?" I thought.

I groaned as I woke and explored the place, to come to realize I'm upstairs of a two-story house with four bedrooms on one side and a bathroom in another. Seeing as I do not know the place, I decided to not to open any of them, just in case I see something that I don't want to see. So I turned the other way and headed down the stairs, but stopped once I spotted two people. It was a teenage boy and a man who seems to be in his mid-thirties sitting on a chair near a fireplace, looking through an old photo album. The man started to weep as he put his arm around the boy and hugged him very close to him.

"Losing her is going to be a bitch." He said through his sobs.

Her? Who's her? And why is he going to lose her?

I examined the sad man close. Auburn hair slicked back on his scalp. I saw his face. He's me. Just older. Her? Oh no. It can't be.

I jolted awake from my nightmare at the sound of my beeping alarm. I shut it off, sighing in relief once I saw the girl right next to me, opening and closing her eyes, not sure if she wants to wake up or not.

"It's just a dream, Derek. Nothing more, nothing less." I reassured myself.

I looked at Melly, tapping her shoulder so she could wake up. "Time to wake up. We have our first day of school today." I whispered in her ears.

She groaned in annoyance as pulled the blanket over her head. "I don't wanna go to bed."

"I know, I know. But guess what? We're seniors! That is totally something to celebrate about." I said, shaking her arm under the cover.

"Can't I take a raincheck and go tomorrow?" She groaned.

"No can do. And I won't let you. So get up and get dressed." I said.

"No." She muttered, rolling over to her left side, her back now facing me.

"We can do this the easy or the hard way." I said.

"So bite me!" She retorted.

"Is that an invitation or?" I smirked, causing to her groan in annoyance again.

"You're such a pervert, Derek Parker." She said, in a low voice.

"Thank you. So are you!" I said, laughing. "Come on, babe."

She didn't move, but I know she can still hear me. Fine, we can play that game.

"Fine, I'm going to take a long hot shower. By the time I get, there won't be any hot water left." I said.

I bit my lip to stop myself laughing as she immediately threw the blanket off. "You're not serious!" She said, not wanting to believe my words.

"You can join if you want though." I said, getting my towel from the hamper, heading to the door. Melly immediately got off the bed and followed me into the restroom. I locked the door and closed the shower curtain from behind her.

"I hate you." She said.

"You were the one that agreed to this." I said, leaning down and kissing her passionately.


I whistled as I made us chocolate pancakes as Melly stayed in the bathroom to fix her hair. There's a lot of time to feast on one of the most healthiest breakfast ever, so it's worth it.

My mind is running all over the place, but it stayed on the one thing that has been bothering me since this morning. My nightmare. Why was I crying? Who was that boy next to my older self? Is that my son? Am I just overthinking a dream that my mind most likely invented? I shook my head getting my mind over it.

I should be happy, the only anxiety I should is how today's going to go. I'm a senior in high school. I live on my own with a beautiful girl, who is happy and healthy, and we have a baby coming in less than four months. The only thing that can go wrong is if Blake and Brittany with either me or Melly today.

Speaking of the beauty, I feel her face nuzzled behind my neck as she wraps her arms around my hips, her palms dangerously close to my crotch.

"Melina." I warned. We JUST had sex and she suddenly wants more? I know I'm good at it, but damn, how many times does that girl wants to do it?

"What?" She said, looking at my face innocently.

I sighed, figuring it's too early to dispute with her about sex. "Eat your food, before I drag you to our room for punishment."

"Ohh, I'm scared." Melly mocked as she grabbed her plate of pancakes to the table.

"I mean it, Mel." I warned again.

"Sure you do." She said with a mouth full of pancakes.

we would tease each other like this all the time before Melly got pregnant. We never had sex before that night, but there were times where we would tease each other about it or we were close to actually doing it.


It was the beginning of freshman year, Melly came over to do some homework together. She wore a white and black cardigan over a simple white tank top with dark blue skinny jeans and white flip flops while I was wearing a Beatles t-shirt and jeans. John wasn't there when Melly and I went to my old room, making things much more comfortable for us, but we were greeted by my late dog, Dexter. Melly giggled as she bent down and petted the dog.

"Hey Dexter! How are you doing, baby?" She said, smiling as the dog licks her hand. I couldn't help, but smile at the scenery in front of me. It's too cute.

"I love that dog." Melly said, getting up and putting her slim, caramel arms around me neck.

"I love you." I said, kissing her. She kissed back before breaking out kiss.

"Lets hit the books." She said.

Three days later...just kidding, about an hour later, Melly and I were studying Biology about the reproductive system. Of course being how young we were, we couldn't help, but keep making jokes about it. I even almost pulled down my pants as a joke to 'try' to see if the subject could work with us.

Melly laughed as I pulled my pants up again. "Nice try."

I breathed a laugh as I laid down next to her. She sighed as she laid down as well. I wrapped my arms around her slim waist and kissed her lips. "I love you, baby girl." I said, moving her hair behind her ear.

"I love you too." She said, moving closer to my chest. She looked up at me and started to kiss me. I kissed back, immediately swiping my tongue over her bottom lips, begging for entrance. She granted me with it and we fought for dominance, I won, of course. She allowed me to get ontop of her, tugging the hem of my shirt to take off. I broke the kiss to allow her to do so.

"Are you sure?" I asked, not sure if she's thinking straight. I don't want her to do something that she's not comfortable with or will regret later. She nodded her head, pulling my head down to make out again. I eventually took her top and bra off. I made my way down to her chest, staring at the beautiful twins in front of me. "You're so beautiful." I whispered. I lowered my head, almost having one of her breasts in my mouth, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Derek? Are you in there?" I heard my brother, John's prepubescent voice muffled behind the lock door.

I sighed in annoyance. "Cock blocker." I muttered under my breath. I was so close to having sex with the girl that I love the most. Then it hit me that my younger brother is outside our door. "John!" I shouted. Melly and I jumped in fear, as we quickly got off the bed, with her chest covered in my blanket. I got my shirt off the floor and put it back on. "You get dressed, I'll try to get rid of him." I whispered.

Melly nodded her head as she moved to the side, to put half of her clothes back on.

"Coming!" I shouted as John knocked on the door again. I opened the door, muttering a "hi."

"Derek, are you okay? I keep hearing moaning and stuff?" My younger brother said.

I coughed to clear my throat, hoping that I sounded as normal as possible as I speak. "N-nothing's wrong." I stuttered, trying to keep my heart beat down. "Um, what did you want?"

I leaned against the door, trying my best to fight the uncomfortable feeling I have downstairs. It hurts so bad. Thankfully, Melly showed up besides me, fully clothed. She touched my arm, instantly relaxing me.

"Oh, hi Melly." John said, smiling. "I was just wondering if you guys wanted to go to the mall or something."

"Oh yeah! " "Sure we do." "We're fine with that." Melly and I said at the same time, trying our best to not bring up what happened a few minutes ago.

"Are you sure you guys are okay?" He asked, skeptical at us.

"Yeah, yeah." Melly said as I said, "We're fine, why would you ask that?"

John just widened his eyes and said, "Okay. I'll wait for you downstairs."

He didn't looked convinced as he turned around and went to the living room. I let out a breath that I did not know I was holding in as I turned around to look at my girlfriend.

"So...um, besides that, do you wanna, you know?" I tried to ask awkwardly, hoping she'd get my message.

She shook her head 'no'. "No. If what we were doing was interrupted, it was interrupted for a reason. And there may be many reasons for that. Either the universe wasn't ready or we weren't ready. Clearly, this was a mistake that was almost made. Sorry."

I winced as she called our experience a 'mistake', but nodded my head in understanding. "It's okay. We'll do it when we're both ready. You know I wouldn't do anything you don't want to do nor would I make you do anything you don't want to do. I'm fine, Mel."

She gave me a sympathetic smile. "How did I get so lucky to have a guy like you?"

"How did I get so lucky to have a girl like you?" I asked. We kissed, before we headed downstairs to hang with John all day.

-End of flashback-

You would've thought that I've learned something from that day, but truth is I'm just an idiot. So is Mel, since you would've thought that she would've learned something from that day too, but again, we're both idiots.

To this day, I still do not know if John picked up on anything nor would I ask him because Melly and I made it clear that we want to keep that day private since it is the most intimate moment that we've had before March 16. There's certain things that we like to keep to ourselves and that's one of them. Asking John if he knew anything would've spoiled our 'little secret'. The only time that we would even talk about that day is if we were in private and we would have a "remember that time..." moment.

I looked at Melly and sat down next to her with my plate of pancakes. I moved her dark brown hair behind her ear. She raised an eyebrow at me through her bangs. "You look gorgeous today. Like the combination of a mother-to-be and an average kid." I complimented. I will never get over how gorgeous she really is. Then again, she is much more than just a pretty girl.

"Hehe, and I think the syrup has gone into your head already." She said, before expressing her gratitude to me, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I said, kissing her nose. "Finish your breakfast so we can leave."

She nodded her head and did as she was told.


I was sitting in my car outside of my school's parking lot. I can feel the nervous vibes coming from Melly. It doesn't help with that she's making the car shake with her fucking knee. She kept taking deep breaths to calm her nerves. Poor girl is nervous to what to look forward to.

After a moment, I finally put a hand on her knee to help it stop shaking. "Hey, I know you're nervous and I don't blame you. However, I need you to try to relax and stay strong the whole day. Those kids will say some things to you, something mean, but remember, I will be by your side the whole day. We have the same schedule. They don't matter anyway. Okay?" I said, giving her one of my world famous, long, heartfelt speech. Seriously, when did I become Danny Tanner?

Melly looked at me with gratitude. "Thank you, Derek. That's all I needed to hear right now." I smiled as she gave me a hug.

"Anything for you, babe. You know you're my doll forever." I said. I kissed her forehead, before she pulled back a little to look at me.

"I know." She said as she gave me a peck on the lips. "Let's go. We're going to late. It's a half day, if we're lucky it'll be over before we know it."

I smiled at the attitude in her tone. Yup, definitely the girl I know and love. We stepped out of the vehicle and held hands.

Melly took one last deep breath before we entered John F. Kennedy's hallway. There was a banner on the ceiling reading, "WELCOME FRESHMEN!" and something about "CLASS OF 2015" or "WELCOME CLASS OF 2018!" Everyone was already at their lockers, doing something to greet each other after probably going three months without seeing each other. Girls were hugging and gossiping, while boys were chest bumping.

I looked to my left to see Melly looking relieved that no one is bothering her. We've made it so far to our locker before Blake and Brittany showed up in their sports uniform. They look they're ready to ruin lives as always.

"Well, well. Looked what the cat dragged in." Brittany said as Melly rummaged through our locker.

"Oh, hi, Brittany." She said, not looking surprise to her. "How's your summer?"

"Probably better than yours. I went to the Bahamas the whole time." Brittany said, acting a bit civil, until, "You look bigger than before. Slut."

"Thanks. You look skinnier." She said, not looking amused. I can tell, she wants nothing more than to get out of here.

"Thanks. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing you in my classes. Until then, ciao." She said, coolly, before walking away.

"See you at lunch, ya pussy." Blake said in my ear. I glared at him as they walked off.

Melly groaned as she shut our locker. "Let's see..October, November..." She said, counting how many months of school we have left with her fingers." Nine more months until we're out of this hellhole. Until then we have to put up with them."

"Nine months isn't so bad. We could pass by. I mean look at us, we had to tolerate six months of pregnancy.

Melly sighed and said, "I supposed."

I held her hand as we made our way to English 12. I sighed in annoyance as I spotted Mrs. Hayden by the door. She's been my teacher for the past few years and for some reason, she like everyone, but me. She sees me as some sort of lazy delinquent, even though I haven't done anything bad with my life and my grades in her class are a C or higher.

"Good morning, Ms. Martinez. Glad to you doing well during the summer." The short English teacher greeted with a smile. She then looked at me with a glare. "As for you, Derek, I hate you."

"I know." I groaned in annoyance.

Melly smiled her a "thanks" as we proceed to walk inside and take our seats next to each other. I'm on the second row in third column, while Melly sits in front of me. She taps her foot against the leg of her desk to the beat of ticking clock in front of the classroom. She does that sometimes as a reference to "...Baby One More Time" music video featuring Britney Spears. Silly, but it's Melly.

"Summer vacation is officially over." She said, turning to me in her seat with a sad sigh.

"I know. But it's worth it. We've made it all the way to twelfth grade. We can't stop now. Especially since Junior coming in four months." I said.

"You really love the fact you're about to be a father in twelfth grade, don't you?" Melly said with a playful glare.

"I have to. I have no choice. This is my life now; I just have to accept it as it is." I said. "Besides, you know I love Junior."

"Yeah, I know." She said with a small smile. "It's cute."

"Yeah, yeah. Save the fluffy shit for later." I grumbled to keep my manhood in place. That didn't last long as Melly kissed my head, making me feel all mushy inside. Damn it, Mel.

"Love you too." She said, before facing the front of the classroom.

A minute later, Mrs. Hayden came in and introduced us to this class level.

As we listen to this woman ramble on and on about the course, I feel spitballs being thrown at the back of my neck, that I'm pretty sure is meant for Melly by the way the balls are aiming. I looked to the offender to see it's the popular people sitting in the back. Mainly Brittany, who didn't attempt to hide the straw in her hands like her friends. Why can't she leave her alone? She looked at me with a fake smile, blowing a fake kiss, and waving at me. I cringed in disgust as I looked back towards the front. Although the back of her head is facing me, I can tell by the way her jaws are clenched on the side that Melly is trying really, really hard not to punch anyone in the face. While I don't promote violence and Melly's too nice to cause harm to anyone, I wouldn't blame her if she did.

This day is going well so far, I see.


"It wasn't that bad." I said as we came out of the classroom, wiping the tiny, salvia-filled balls from our body. Gross.

"Oh yeah. You get balls spit at you and you're telling me it wasn't that bad." She said in anger as we walked to our locker. I watched as she took out her perfume smelling, hand sanitizer from her bag.

"I'm just saying it could've been worse." I said, trying my best to calm her down. Last thing I want is an even more pissed off Melly.

"Like how?" She questioned. She opened the metal door with a bunch of paper flying out. I know it's not ours since we haven't put any paper in it.

"Like that." I said in low voice.

"Fuck me." She groaned. I bent down to help her clean up the mess. It's no secret who put the paper there or what they wrote and/or drew on there.

I would make a joke about her comment, but I know that would be extremely inappropriate right now. Besides I can't help the heartache I have for her. It's only our first day and she's already getting condemned to hell. Well, that's what some of the paper says as if she isn't in it already. I know we're in high school, but the fact that we're fucking seniors, as in the highest grade level that anyone could get in high school, is ridiculous. We're almost adults. It's sad and pathetic that some choose to not act like it just a little bit.

"Are you okay?" I asked, knowing the answer to that.

She just breathed a laugh. "You know what, yeah. Yeah, I am fine."

"I can take you home, if you'd like." I offered.

"Thanks, but I'm fine. I can go on for the rest of the day." Melly said.

"Are you sure?" I asked as we got up. I can't have her stressed out. It's not good for the baby.

"Yeah. I mean, what else can go wrong?" She asked, emotionlessly. I just stayed quiet as we walked to class.


The rest of the day has been crappy. The popular kids were still throwing spit ball at us whenever they have the chance to, kids and staffs would give Melly judgmental looks due to her growing stomach, I've been stuffed in a locker by none other than Blake, and the locker that I share with Melly keeps getting stuffed with paper. I am pissed with the way people has been treating Melly and there's no doubt that Melly is upset too. I just wish everyone would leave us alone and let us live our own lives. Is that too much to ask? What else could go wrong? The only bright side to it is that we were able to hang out with John and the rest of the members of The Black Pliers during school younger.

I made my way out of the school building to meet Melly at my car. But something was wrong. I froze as I saw my car trashed with inappropriate words, drawings, and printed-pictures of genitals. Male genitals to be specific and graphic abortion picture. I see Melly crying as she desperately tried to remove the picture from my car. I wanted to move. I wanted to help her, but I can't. It's like my feet were superglued to the floor as I watch the shocking image in front of me. I was evidently able to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn't dreaming, but my legs were immobile.

The only emotion I can feel is anger. Anger towards anyone who doesn't have any respect for others or others property. Anger towards anyone who doesn't have a sense of idea how much repair would cost. Anger towards anyone who just wants to harm me and my growing family. This is outrageous, immature, and just plain selfish. My anger was heightened when I saw Brittany and Blake dumped a bucket of ice cold water on my girlfriend as she stood up from the floor. I wanted to beat them into a pulp, but I won't because it will make things worse for everyone, but if there were only positive consequences, oh I would love to do it.

Melly threw her hand down and ran from the scenary as fast as she can.

"Melly! Melly!" I shouted, but she was long gone.

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