Dorm Room 210 [Original]

By Kapsie

65.2M 1.5M 687K

Completed! This isn't the first time love had a roommate. It's been five years since the death of her parents... More

Dorm Room 210: Changes
Dorm Room 210: Hello Roommate
Dorm Room 210: Friendships
Dorm Room 210: A Music Festival
Dorm Room 210: Confrontation
Dorm Room 210: Inevitable Fate
Dorm Room 210: Girls and Hope
Dorm Room 210: Steady By the Storm
Dorm Room 210: A Side Dish For Superman 1
Dorm Room 210: A Side Dish For Superman 2
Dorm Room 210: Stormy Weathers
Dorm Room 210: Phones Hold Value
Dorm Room 210: Just a Bit Awkward
Dorm Room 210: Papers and Pillows
Dorm Room 210: Bonds
*Dorm Room 210: React to Change*
Dorm Room 210: Queue The Smile
Dorm Room 210: Sunshine Blues
Dorm Room 210: A Colourful Confession
Dorm Room 210: A Roommates Privacy
Dorm Room 210: An Open Heart
Dorm Room 210: A Roommate's Agreement
Dorm Room 210: Thread and Needle
Dorm Room 210: Pandora's Truth
Dorm Room 210: Extravagant
Dorm Room 210: Lovers
Dorm Room 210: September 26th
Dorm Room 210: An Open Mind
Dorm Room 210: Facts and Flaws
Dorm Room 210: An Inner Peace
EXTRA: Nicole's POV
EXTRA 2: Noah's POV

Dorm Room 210: Vodka Love

1.6M 43.8K 27.2K
By Kapsie

Author Notes: Edited and revised on the 5th of October, 2017

Please read the author notes in the beginning of the chapter; it'll tell you if I have edited it or if you're reading an old version. Nothing makes sense up until the recently updated chapter, so if you're wondering why sudden things are happening, you're reading the old version.

I'm editing as fast and as best as I can. Thank you xx

Chapter 17

Vodka Love

As the music ran through me, Nicole takes my hand and Rachel's, and move us away from DJ hyping everyone up for another remix to the bar table, lit with pink and white lights. A queue stops before us, nothing more than ten, but all equally trying to get the bartenders' attention.

"What do you feel like having?" Nicole shouts over the music, pointing to a chalk board with written, white shot names listed. I read them, not finding any one appetizing.

"They all sound like poison," I tell her, as she moves in step with the beat.

She shrugs. "They all are. Pick your poison, my shout." She makes an ooing sound. "A sour heart shot sounds good."

Someone pushes me to get through, but Nicole's hand tightens, helping me stand my ground. "Thanks." I nod at the drinks. "What's a sour heart?"

She smiles. "It's a vodka shot. It's about forty percent alcohol but they add raspberry to make it taste a bit sweeter. You want one?"

My lips press together as we move up to the front of the bar, Nicole's ten dollars crisp in between her fingers. I told myself I wasn't going to drink. Images of Noah's parents reminded me why I shouldn't.

So I keep quiet, and watch as Nicole orders two sour heart shots.

She passes one to me once the money is handed over.

"Wait," I protest, fingers pinching the glass, "I don't want one."

She clings my shot with hers. "Cheers!" She tips her head back, as the reddish, pink substance disappears in her mouth within seconds. She turns to me once she's done, confusion mixing in with her happy expression. "What are you waiting for? Scull it! It's one shot."

My fingers grip the shot glass a little tighter, feeling drops of the liquid running down my thumb as someone cuts in to the front. Rachel comes around with two beer bottles in hand, watching.

I swallow. Damn peer pressure. My eyes shut as I move the glass to my lips, tipping it back fast like cough syrup. I expect the same, vile taste, the clumpy fluid biting my senses in bitterness, but instead, the sweetness of the raspberry hit me with a much less pungent aftertaste, making it easy to swallow.

I stare at Nicole in amazement as she laughs, taking the glass away. "It's good, right?"

"I feel weird," I manage to say, my chest growing warm from the alcohol sliding through. "I'm buzzing inside."

Rachel leans in close, eyes twinkling mischievously. "Just means you need to have some more." She holds up the beers in front of me. "Going to find Jesse."

"I'm buying the next round," Nicole says, pulling out a twenty from her bra. "Rachel, stay for the shot!"

I stop Nicole before she turns around. "I'm paying this time."

She shakes her head, shooting me a 'you crazy?' look, black hair shaking over her shoulder. "This is my treat for taking you out. It's your first time at a club, and you're here to have fun. Don't worry about the money, there's more where that came from."

"I didn't know you had a job," I exclaim, feeling an abundance of happiness for her. Rachel slides up next to me, wrapping an around around my shoulder, swinging gently. "What is it?"

Except Nicole doesn't share the same excitement, and shrugs it off. "Just something on the side, not really worth talking about."

"I've tried working at my local shops during high school, but I think the stress got to me too much because I was having panic attacks." A sudden burst of laughter erupted from me, remembering the look on a woman's face as she asked me where she could find pasta sauce. Rachel laughs too, sinking further into my side. Nicole shoots me a worried look before asking for two more sour heart shots.

"Oh my god, that's horrible! You poor, poor thing." She pats my cheek with the cold bottle. "You know what you need? A Sugar Daddy."

I scrunch up my face. "Why would I give myself away for money?"

Rachel rolls her eyes. "That's what they want you to think, but not all Sugars want sex." She pokes her tongue out.

I shrug, not really caring who wants sex or not, and dance a little on the spot, watching crowds of guys and girls dancing and talking together, colourful lights streaming down, given the added effect of black painted bricks and balloons.

Rachel pulls me in for the shots Nicole has in her hands.

"Hold my bottle, please." Rachel passes me one bottle as Nicole passes the shots out.

We hold the glasses up to clink, before tipping our head backs. It's easier this time, expecting the flavour and aroma to hit me with a sudden spice and warmth. I make a little 'ah' afterwards.

"Whoa," I say, stumbling back just a little. "That's good. I think I'll buy another one." The girls glance at each other. I follow their gaze. "Am I not supposed to?"

Rachel gestured towards the bar. "Go for it!" She takes the beer bottle from my hands. "Jesse and I will be in the middle of the floor. Nicole will look after you."

I turn to Nicole, my heart blossoming so full with happiness. Of course Nicole will. She always has been since she asked me to sit with them. I hug her, and her wraps her arms around me. "You're such a good friend. I don't think I've had many friends like you before, which is okay, Superman is glad there's only one of you."

She moves and grips Rachel's arm, pulling her back towards us. "You're not leaving yet, Ariel. One more shot, and then you can go."

Rachel pouts, holding up the beers. "Can I give them to him first?" But Rachel sighs, puts both bottles in one hand and pulls out a ten from her bra. "So demanding."

"I said shit," Nicole says, taking the money with a "Thank you" at the end.

Nicole eventually comes out with three tall shot glasses, full of light emerald-like liquid with a thick coat of brown on top. As she passes it to us, I notice the thickness the brown liquor has in comparison to the green.

Rachel raises her glass, I follow next. We wait for Nicole, but her hesitation makes Rachel raise a brow. "Are we cheering or not?"

She raises her glass, a sudden look of determination setting across her sharp wing eyeliner. "Let's each toast."

I hold back a laugh, but the sound goes comes through my nose. "Didn't know we were being fancy-fancy. Fancy-fancy toast. I want toast." Toast with butter and jam sounds so good. My stomach agrees. I pat it.

Whether the girls notice the moment between me and food, no one says anything. Nicole just nods enthusiastically. "Before we get wasted, let's just have a moment where we toast, whether we're wishing luck or getting something off our chest." She flicks her hand up, as if to say the idea just came to her head.

The red-head beside me sighs, but raises her shot glass. "I toast that we finish this year off with a bang! May we all have lots of sex in the days to come."


I lean against Rachel. "Superman wants everyone to be happy, haaappppy! And if sex makes you happy, you do it. If food makes you happy, go. Eat the pizza and the basket of fruit-"

"I'm a lesbian."

We turn to Nicole, drink in the air for the toasting signal before Rachel and I can follow.

My mind goes silent despite the lyrics of a song singing from everyone's lips. Her confession blows me off guard, but just for a moment.

I point to her. "Are you happy? If you're happy, I'm happy, she's happy, they're all happy. Not once will it be okay if you aren't happy."

Rachel begins laughing, throwing an arm around Nicole with casualty. The room around spins. "Girl, tell me something I don't know. " She raises her hand in salute before sculling her own glass and plopping it on the bar bench near us. She then presses a kiss to Nicole's cheek. "Cheers to you! Now come on, let's dance already."

I jump in as Rachel holds Nicole's hand, curiosity evading my thoughts. "Have you seen any hot girls tonight? Do they make you happy?"

Nicole laughs, but it's short and edgy. "Three shots and you're gone."

I shake my head, but doing that leaves a heavy weight in the back of my scull. I frown instead.
"I can still your face." I point to Rachel. "I see your face." The shot glass remains in my hand, and I stare at it with amazement. "I need to drink it."

"This wasn't how I expected you guys to react," Nicole says, not moving despite everyone else doing so.

"We're your friends. You're still Nicole." Rachel pulls a five out and stuffs it in Nicole's bra. I wonder if Rachel's gay too. "Your drink is on me. I need to find your step-bro and give him his beer before he starts becoming a drama queen."

"Toooo laattee," I stutter before tipping my head back and sculling the shot down. A mix of chocolate milk and bitter lime went through my system, laced with that clear-as-day alcohol aftertaste. I lick my buzzing numb mouth.

A smirk makes its way through Nicole when I pass by her to lay the shot glass down. "You're totally getting drunk."

I shake my head. "I so am."

"If you're getting drunk, I'm joining you. Bitch or ditch, remember?" It's the same thing she said to me when we first met.

"I know how you don't take the latter lightly."

She winks, taking money from her bra, and all I can think about is how lucky she has enough space to store everything in there. My hands brush the top of my cleavage, running over my phone secured by the side of my bra. Damn B-cup.

Instead of shots, Nicole buys us a mixed drink. She doesn't say what's involved, but it's orange ombre makes the drink look colourful.

We cheers, and we drink. Instead of the bittersweet like the vodka shot or the milky lime one, the drink slides down with fruity smoothness leaving a minimal amount of aftertaste. My tongue tingles with fizz.

I motion the drink to Nicole. "You sure it's alcoholic?"

"You're not really supposed to taste it, but you'll feel it soon," she says, taking my hand to the dance-floor, spotting Jesse and Rachel dancing close in their own personal bubble, beer bottles at their sides.

"What's it called?" The music thrums into my feet, bass so loud I can barely hear myself.

Nicole does. "Vodka Love."

I laugh at the obscurity but take another sip as Nicole begins dancing in front of me, our free hands holding together. "Why is it called that?"

"What is?"

"The drink."

"It's like falling in love," she shouts, making a spinning turn. "It'll hit you unexpectedly, and then go whoop!" She laughs all of a sudden. "You ready to fall in love tonight?"

I stare at her. Then the drink. Then back at her again. "Am I drinking alcohol or a love potion?"

But Nicole, understanding and patient and gorgeous as she is, rolls her eyes. "It's the same thing. Stop worrying and just dance with me."

Like a sudden command, I follow her steps, drinking the sweet alcoholic beverage as I go. We swing our hips, and she twirls me in her arms, pretending that we are alone in a world full of mixers.

She smiles behind me, waving our hands up in the air. "Over here! We're here."

The world spins underneath my feet as I turn to face Noah and Raven approaching, bopping their heads to the rhythm of the song. When they come closer, Nicole raises her hand and turns underneath it in time for Raven to go behind her and move her side to side with him, sloshing her drink in the process.

Noah does those side-step feet movement as he raises his hands above him, like I've seen almost every guy do.

I stare at him I take a larger sip from my cup, wondering what he'll look like dancing with a Spider Man suit.

The distance between us closes in before I snap out of my head. Oh, his hand is near the butt.

Nemo would be so proud.

"I thought you said you weren't drinking." His voice penetrates through the full-toned music.

My lips brush his ear as his hand cups my elbow, bringing me closer. "Superman can hold his liquor so it's fiiiiiine. Wanna smell it?" He pulls a face as the cups lifts to his nose. I splutter out a laugh. "Don't be scared, the drink doesn't bite. But I know something that can."

I touch his lips with the brush of my fingers, feeling the softness bend under it. "I like when you talk, it lights up the sky."

He doesn't say anything, just thrums his fingers on my hips and move us side to side and smiles.

That's when it happens. My drink lowers between us and I stare in those dark eyes without a care. Any sense of embarrassment disappears as the sudden kick in my head turns on a light switch, making every sense of Noah come to life while blinding out the noise around me.

I've been hit with poison.

"You all right, sunshine?" His tongue moistens his lips.

I drink the rest of the liquor in my cup.

I shouldn't have drank the rest of the liquor in my cup.  

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