Rejection's a Bitch

By gabbilove

898K 22.4K 4.3K

"Since nobody cares to believe me I'm leaving this note. But I know it's just going to be in the trash as soo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17

Chapter 16

26.6K 914 75
By gabbilove

Hello. Sorry about not writing sooner. I had writers block and my new story was stuck in my head.

Warning: Chapter has violence and language. Contains aberrational behavior, obscene, intense or persistent violence, hard language.

So here's the chapter. Hope you enjoy.

I wake up and find myself locked up tight in a cell. I heard other chains rattling and looked around and saw my brothers locked in cells as well. Whoever did this must be powerful or have powerful people working for them. My father told me that not many things can hurt us. Wolfsbane alone can't even stop the connection we have with our pack or our wolf. But how did we get here? The last thing I remember is talking to Ember after her mate rejected her. Cleo was a bitch to Ember but Ember deserved it. If that fight that was happening while we were down in the cells was another diversion to get Lucy, and Ember, and maybe even me out without Cain and my dad noticing...well it worked.

My brothers were awake and were looking over my body. I guess they were making sure I had no bruises, and by the look in their eyes if I had any bruises it would be hell. I probably shouldn't mention about that kick to the stomach I felt before I passed out. Cleo somehow knew that that kick to the stomach hadn't hurt the baby. But how? But Cleo also said that if we don't listen to the doctors orders about best rest...we will lose the baby. We all heard footsteps coming closer to the room our cells were located in. My brothers tensed up, but it wasn't until I saw who was on the other side of the door that I tensed up. What the hell was Lucy and Ember doing down in the cells. And who the hell was behind them? Wait a minute, he looks so familiar.

I can't believe after all Cleo and I did so long ago, that he's still alive. How is that possible? Who helped him and why?

"Cleo help, he's right behind me. I can't stop him. Cleo why aren't you answering?" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Why couldn't anybody hear me and come help. I was only ten.

Why was that man chasing me? I was crying so hard I didn't notice the uprooted tree limbs. I tripped on one of the roots. I had sprained my ankle and the man had caught up to me. I tried to run but he put his arms around me to stop me.

"Where do you think you're going sweetheart? You're not going anywhere after all you are my key to the Crescent Star Wolves. Oh you have gotten so big sweetheart. The last time I saw you you were just a baby. You killed my men and for that you have to pay."

"What are Crescent Star Wolves? And I never killed anybody I'm just a little kid mister."

"Oh there's so much you need to learn and so much your wolf needs to tell you. Did you ever wonder why you shifted so early when everybody else shifted at the age of seventeen or eighteen?"

I needed to get away but how? I'm too young to do anything. What's burning? I looked up and saw that the man was on fire. He quickly let me go and started rolling around on the ground, but the fire wouldn't go out. Then he looked at me, and got super angry. "You little bitch."

I ran after he called me the b word just like how my family does. Nobody loves me. I hope the mean man is dead. I know I shouldn't have thought that, but he needs to die. I can feel evil waves? Evil whatever they are coming off of him. He wants to hurt people. So it's better for him to die.

He should be die by now right? Too late to turn back, I'm already home. Though I doubt anyone of them had missed me or even known that I was gone. I would never have to see that evil man again.

"Awe look the little bitch remembers me. Wondering how I survived with that burn you gave me?" he said. "Well it was simple. If you have powerful witches and warlocks you can do anything survive anything, even a fatal burn. Same thing happened today. That battle was merely a distraction just like the battle when you were just a little pup. Just so I could get to you, and instead I got you and your brothers. And to add to more surprise you, you little bitch are pregnant. When that child is born I will raise it."

We all growled at that. I was not going to let that happen. I'll kill his ass if he comes near me or my child. I burned him once because he tried to hurt me, but I'll burn him to ashes if he think he'll get my child. He can burn in hell.

"You'll never get my niece or nephew, you bastard." Gabriel said.

"Ah is that you think? Listen to me Gabriel that child will be mine, the only way for you to get me to leave he child alone is kill me, but that will never happen."

We all growled again. I knew my brother were thinking the same as I was. Thinking about way to kill the man I once had burned almost to death. But I need to let my brothers take care of him, I need to find a way out of this dungeon for my child. Why do they want me and my child? Didn't the doctor say that I needed bed rest?

"Oh fucking idiots. Hunter needs bed rest or she will lose the baby." Warren said.

"Oh quiet you mutts. That shit isn't true. Your dear little sister will stay down here have fun."

"You bastards. You're going to kill my niece or nephew." Lucas said.

Whatever his name was came over and punched Lucas in the stomach. Gabriel and Warren growled. I was starting to feel some stomach pains. I can't think about that now. Got to wait till the three idiots leave before I get in contact with Cain. After what's his face got done hurting my brothers they left. This gave me the perfect opportunity to try to get in contact with Cain. Thank God that they don't know that wolfsbane doesn't have any effect on us.

Cain. Honey are you there? Cain Daniel Roberts can you hear me?

Hunter is that you?

The one and only sweetheart.

Hunter how did you know my middle name?

Austin told me in secret one day. Now enough about that...when are you coming to get us?

We're trying babe. Can you give me any information?

Only what I know Cain...and you're not going to like it.

I can handle it...But first I need to know if you and our child are okay.

I'm fine just having some stomach pains but that's all. And the fight was another diversion, and...

And what Hunter?

The man that captured us...well he tried to kidnap me when I was ten.


Yea...and I thought he was dead because I burned his ass when he tried that.

Good Girl. I asked Ryan about the stomach pains and he has a few questions. I'll ask them for him and you give me the answers and I want the truth Hunter. Understand?

Yea yea I get it.

Do you remember anything that happened in the cells before you were taken?

Cleo had taken over. She says she felt a kick to my stomach but other then that I don't remember anything. I think we were unconscious when they took us.

I'm going to kill those bastards.

Um Cain there's one more thing?


That man...

What about him Hunter?

He wants to raise our child Cain.

He won't get the chance Hunter. We'll have you four out before it's time for the birth sweetheart. Ryan says that the stomach pains are because of the kick. We need to get you exammed or you could lose our baby.

There's a witch I know that can help. She's good with locating people. Gavin knows her. Have him go and fetch her please.

I will. Will we need something?

Yes, you need something of mine, anything I've worn recently that has a lot of my scent on it will help more.

Okay. I'm coming to get you baby.

I had fallen unconscious again. I was woken up with water poured over me. When I opened my eyes I saw Lucy standing in front of me with a bucket in her hands also a smirk on her face. Ember was standing behind her. She wasn't looking very happy. Oh yea her mate rejected her before we were taken. But what I want to know was why the hell Lucy was down here in the first place.

"Well well well. Look who is finally awake." Lucy slapped me across my face, definitely going to leave a mark. "You don't make me wait for anything! I thought you learned that when we were living at home before you ran away you little slut" She slapped me again and again. "You little slut. You weren't supposed to leave, you were supposed to stay under my thumb for the rest of your life bitch."

Lucy didn't notice that her mate I suppose was standing behind her, but Ember and I did. Ember backed away and tried to ran out of the room before he grabbed her. The man grabbed Lucy by the shoulder and spun her around. Her face was priceless.


"Shut up bitch."

"But ba-"

"I said shut up bitch." He slapped her as hard as she slapped me. "Your turn to listen to me. I told you to leave her alone. She was not supposed to be touched at all. I don't know how your maternal instincts work, but I'm not going let you lose her child. The child I will raise."

"I'm not raising her child." Lucy sneered.

"Fine bitch you won't raise her, you'll stay down here. And I'll find another bitch to raise the child with. Maybe I'll get one of your so-called friends to be my new mate. God you dumb bitch go get the doctor. Now!" He said to her.

I can't believe he would do something like that. But knowing this man I'm not that surprised at all. Why is he doing this. Aren't mates suppose to love and protect each other? As Lucy ran straight out of the room, the man turned his attention to Ember. He slapped and backhanded her more times than I can count. I turned around and saw my brother passed out as well. I guess the man didn't like me getting hurt. But why would he care?

"You stupid bitch. I gave you everything you every wanted and all I asked you to do was one fucking thing. ONE THING you stupid bitch. And you couldn't even do as I asked. You had to let your mother beat up our guest and drenched her in cold water. You really are a stupid blonde. Go just leave I don't want to see your face till dinner Ember."

Ember was walking out of the dungeon when she turned back around and screamed "You son of a bitch, I hope you rot in hell." And she ran out of there like a bat out of hell. The man ran after her as soon as Lucy got there with the doctor. He shoved Lucy out of the room after he yelled at the doctor to fix me.

"Um. Everything seems in order. Other than a few marks and bruises you're good to go young lady. Well my job is done, now time for me to get out of this dungeon. Good day."

That's a shitty doctor right there. Didn't even check on my child. My head was starting to hurt and I was about ready to call back the doctors when I remembered the block I had put around my mind. Cain must want to talk to me.

Hunter? Are you there?


Hey little sis. How you doin?

Hurting like hell big bro. Doctor came in to check on me, after Lucy slapped the shit out of me.

What did the doctor say?

That I was good to go. Doctor was a damn fucking idiot and just wanted to get the hell out of this god awful dungeon.

I'm so going to kill Lucy if dad doesn't get to her first.

Yea and apparently the guy that kidnapped us is Lucy's mate, and he beat her pretty good when he saw what she did to me.

Why the hell would he care?

How should I know. Last time I saw him, he was chasing after Ember.

Why I thought she was his little angel.

She called him a son of a bitch and also told him she hope he'd rot in hell.

Wow. So we know where you are. You're witch friend was very helpful.

Come on Gav. How much longer are you going to deny her?

I'm not denying her! She's engaged and made it perfectly clear that she wants nothing to do with me at all.

I had no idea Gav, I'm sorry. But she was the only person that I knew that was powerful enough to find a Crescent Star Wolf.

I know. Anyway we're coming to get you. So be ready to see Cain flying down those stair to get to you.

As soon as he said that, I heard a crash so loud it knocked my brothers back to the land of the living. I'm assuming that was Cain. You could hear howling and growling all around the place where we were being held at. The battle had begun.

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