Neighbors (Davekat)

By sp00kyJish

120K 4.2K 12.5K

Dave Strider. Jock of the century. Leader of leaders. God of gods. King of kings. Most ironically loved guy... More

2 people, 1 project
The Dream
Gettin' shit done, son.
Gettin' shit done, son pt.2
Just a Project
Their Moment (very short)
Tears & Boners
not an update but..
Guys & Wierd Eyes
Not that Different
Bad Yet Perfect
Happy Valentines Day
Important A/N
Back to Normal
Uninvited Guest
Uninvited Guest 2.0
Satan Is Back
Better Off
John (Continuing)
"I Don't Care."
The Two Ships

The Plan

4.5K 173 779
By sp00kyJish

Be the one making everyones dreams come true except his:

I made yet another deal with someone, that someone being Kanaya.

She agreed to help me get my KitKat back if I help her get Rose.

Currently, I'm lying on my bed, alone, hungry, and tired.

I have absolutely nothing done, and nothing planned.

First, I have to help Sollux get Ampora, Kanaya get Rose, and hopefully, that's it.

I have no idea how I'm gonna help Kanaya and Sollux.

Talk about procrastination.

I decided to stay home, due to the fact that there was absolutely no reason to go to school, and because I need to plan.

C'mon, Strider. Think.

Kitkat likes cheesy rom-coms and whatever comes next, right?

I got off my bed and onto my laptop, I need to study.

I only study important things.

Math is not important.

English is not important.

George Washington was important.

Karkat is important.

I got on google and looked up 'most cheesy moments in movies'.

The list goes on.

And on.

And on.

I stopped at one that didn't sound bad.

It might fucking work.

All I need are a shit load of candles, chocolates, roses, download the song 'Careless Whisper', and I'm good.

Here's the plan. I get the sound guy to play Careless Whisper on the speakers in school, since they're gonna be playing romantic shit like that, I turn off the lights and say 'the power went out' meaning the classrooms evacuate, I stay behind with Karkat, turn my swag level to extreme, and boom, Vantas will bring his Vantass to me.

Probably not the most popular, but hey, I get points for creativity.

I got off my bed and got dressed, just decided to go with a red hoodie, black skinnies and converse.

Time to go shopping.


I got a shopping kart and walked into Walmart, semi-excited yet nervous for tomorrow.

I mean, what if he denies my friendly not-so-friendly-more-like-gay offer? I'll be crushed, forever.

I don't have time for this shit, I have to get things done fast.

I went through the isles filled with all this Valentines Day crap.

The first thing I spotted were roses. All I want are roses, simple as that, but Walmart just turned it to a whole other level.

There's red, dark red, pink, pinkish-red, dark pink, white, yellow, and so much more.

But what if he doesn't like red?

What if he hates flowers?

I picked out a bouquet of red roses and just sped to the other section.

I just got a random box of chocolates and put them in my kart. I mean, they're all chocolate right?

Next I went to the candle section.

What does he like?

Who the fuck has a favorite candle?

What is his favorite scent?

Why do candles even need to smell?

I got those huge block candles and just went in line.

I mean, they're just candles.

It was my turn to pay, I got out a twenty and just handed it to the cashier. She looked at me and smugly smiled with her plump, red lips,"Girlfriend, eh?"


Her face brightened,"Oh, no girlfriend? Wow, girls must throw themselves at yo-"

"I meant, no girlfriend. Boyfriend. As in, I'm gay. I'm gay, as in, I like dick, ma'am."

Her face went from flirty to surprised in less than a second. "O-Oh, I'm sorry."

I sighed,"It happens."

There was an awkward silence after that, she gave me my change and I grabbed my bags and left.

There's nothing wrong with being gay and all, I just hate the feedback I get after I tell people.

They either accept it, or they don't.


I walked into my apartment and saw that Sollux wasn't home yet.

I turned on the tv, but my mind was somewhere else.

I could imagine the look Karkat would give me if he hates it.


And disgust.

But mostly hate.

The only thing I can't imagine is the look he would give me if he likes it. I've never seen him smile, genuinely smile, that is.

If I saw that, then my life would be complete.

But what if he has a favorite cliche moment.

I just got another idea.

I ran to my bedroom, got my phone, and dialed Sollux.

Fuck, he must be in class.

I waited about 7 seconds until I fortunately heard his lisp on the other side of the phone. "Hello? Dave?"

"Sollux! I need you to do me a favor!"

"Depene2, what'2 iin iit for me?"

"Godamn, Sollux, I don't have time for this! It's a yes or no question!"

I heard him sigh and answer,"Alriight, fiine."

"Okay, I need to know what Karkat's favorite movie is."

There was a pause until he answered,"You are one 2trange guy, but okay, hold on."

"Not right no-SOLLUX STOP!"

I heard him yelling 'KK, get over here.'


'What'2 your favoriite movie.'


There was a pause.

'No one! Why would you thiink II'm on the phone you weiird-'


Shit shit shit shit.

'KK, II'll tell you who'2 on the phone iif you an2wer my que2tiion.'

There was another pause.


'Eh Eh! Waiit a 2econd mii2ter! What'2 your favoriite part?'

I heard his cute little sigh.


'Heheheh, you're 2uch a nerd.'


'...You're fuckiing mom.'

He hung up.

I'm highly positive he got beaten up by my little devil.

Alright, time to do some research.

I typed in 'The Notebook rain scene.'

I clikced on the first video and watched it.


And over.

And over.

After about 10 minutes, I closed my laptop and realised I was crying.

I can see why Karkat likes these things.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I kept imagining what might possibly happen.

I could here his voice telling me to get away from him.

God, that put a nasty feeling in my stomach.

I got up and leaned against the window that was next to my desk, letting my elbows rest on it. I closed my eyes and just relaxed. Tomorrow will be totally fine, there's absolutely nothing to worry about.

I felt something just brushed up against my arm.

Something hairy?

It felt like a feather.

What animals have feathers?

I opened my eyes and turned to it, I jumped a little and screamed,"SHIT."

"Caw." The little guy looked at me straight in the eye. I remember having a pet that looked like him. I let him out of the cage once, but he flew away and I cried for weeks.

I went back to leaning on the window. "Hey, man."


"I'm nervous. It's cause I like this guy, but he hates me. Atleast, that what he tells me."

He tilted his head.

"I'm just scared, y'know? I really like the guy. I've known him since I was about 4 when my ironic dad used to ironically send me to his house with his dad."


I sighed,"I just can't afford to lose someone else."

I turned to the little guy, I felt like he's my therapist. I could talk to him about anything. Atleast he won't tell me I'm overreacting, or that I'm paranoid. "What about you? What's up with your life?"


"I feel ya, man."

I sighed. I need to give him a name.

"Let's see. Carlos?"

He gave me a blank expression.

Is it a girl or a boy?





Alright, she's a girl. She's a crow.









"Alright, Martha."

I talked to Martha for a while until I heard my apartment door open and close. "2triider! II'm here!"

I turned back to Martha and patted her cute little head,"Alright Martha, I have to go."


Martha waddled her way out the window and flew away.

I'd go back to being straight for Martha.

I walked out of my room and into the living room, heading for the fridge.

"2o, KK'2 favoriite moviie, eh?" He nudged me a little and I gave out a small laugh,"Yeah yeah, it's a long story."

I got out an apple juice from my fridge and began drinking it.

Nothing taste better than the cold blood of apples.

"2o um, 2triider," he scratched the back of his neck,"How are you gonna help me get ED?"

I froze, almost choking on my apple juice. "O-Oh, um, about that."

"Hey, iit'2 okay iif you don't want two help me, II get ii-"

"No! No no, II have a plan. Just, wait here."

I had absolutely no plan, but a small idea. I walked to my room and paced back and forth. How am I gonna pull this off in a few hours?

I yelled,"Sollux! Go buy all kinds of Valentines Day stuff you can think of!"

"What? Why?"

"Just go do it!"

"Ugh, alriight, II'll bee back iin a few!"

I grabbed my phone and called the only person I knew that was a fashion addict,"Hello?"

"Rose! I need you to come over!"

"Hello, Dave. And if I may ask, why do you need me to come over?"

"I have a friend who needs a serious makeover."

There was a small pause until she replied,"I'm on my way."

I then called Cronus, hoping that he had Kanaya's number,"Yellow?"

"Cro! I need you to do me a favor!"

"Wvoah there, chief. Wvhat's the matter?"

"I don't have time, Cronus! Yes or no!"

"Yeah sure, wvhy not."

"Okay, remember Porrim?"

He laughed,"You havwe no idea, chief."

"Alright, well, can you ask her for Kanaya's number?"

"Alright, I'll pester you the num8er, gotta go, Kanny's wvaitin' for me."

Thank God he had her number.

I heard a knock at the door and ran to it, I swung it open and saw that it was Rose.

"Hey! Come in!" She smiled and walked in. It's been a while since I've seen her, ever since I joined football a while back ago, I haven't really been in touch with her. "So, who is the friend that needed help?"

"Oh, he's not here, we went somewhere, but he'll be back in about 10 minutes."

She nodded and got all her stuff ready. I heard my phone make a little 'bing' noise, I got it out of my pocket and hoped it was Cronus.

Cronus [CRONUS] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG]

CRONUS: i got you the num8er, chief.

TG: tell me then

CRONUS: 123-456-7890

TG: thanks bro

turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering Cronus [CRONUS]

Kind of the most awkward conversation I've ever had with Cronus.

I dialed the phone number and she answered it like she was expecting a call,"Hello?"

"Hey! It's Dave."

"Oh, Hello Dave."

"Alright, are you possibly into fashion and whatever?"

She laughed,"Possibly."

"You're friends with Eridan, right?"

"Yes, I Am."

"Makeover the shit out of his fishy ass, okay? Make him look better than Leonardo Decaprio, alright?"

"Indeed, However, I Have A Question."


"Who Is Leonardo?"


I got off my phone and put it back in my pocket, turning to Rose who was playing with a purple wig she had on her hands,"So, who was on the phone?"

I answered blankly,"Kanaya. You know her right?"

She dropped her wig and looked at me with a surprised look on her face,"K-Kanaya? The Kanaya Mayram?"

A smirk grew on my face as I answered back smugly,"Yes, the Kanaya Mayram. You know her?"

She laughed,"Are you kidding? She's a Godess! Her knitting skills are amazing! I wonder what else her hands can do." She had a small smirk and her jet-black lips.

I cringed,"Gross."

Sollux came in with about 6 bags filled with Valentines Day shit. "II'm back, and who'2 thii2?" He dropped the bags on the kitchen counter and walked over to me. Rose came and shook his hand,"Rose. Rose Lalonde."

He shook her hand,"2ollux 'My Lord' Captor."

I turned to him, the smirk still plastered on my face,"Rose here, is gonna make your freakin' dreams come true."

She nodded in agreement, a small, proud smile appearing on her face,"Now please, Sollux, sit."

He sat down on a barber chair I had kept for Rose, he looked at me and gave me a worried face while she was getting out all her supplies, he whispered harshly,"Why the fuck wa2 II not iinformed about thi2?"

I whispered back,"Cause I knew you would say no. Besides, we have to clean you up for tomorrow!"

He looked at me skeptically,"How up are we talkiing about here?"

I sat on my couch and leaned back with a smug look on my face,"You'll see, Captor, you'll see."


I woke up to the smell of hairspray, gel, and regret.

I got up from the couch and turned to Sollu-WOAH THERE.

He walked further out of his room, a confident look on his face.

"Oh. My. Motherfucking. Jegus."

"II fuckiing know, riight!" He smirked and waltzed towards me, spinning and giving me gun-fingered snaps,"II feel liike a fuckiing GOD."

He had his glasses off with a white, red and blue leather jacket with tight black skinny jeans and red and blue converse with a purple shirt under.

He pretty much looked hella cool. I also noticed that he was wearing contacts, ice-blue contacts,"Did Rose see your eyes?!"

He shook his head,"Nah, II told her II couldn't take them off, 2o 2he gave me the2e."

"Bro, you look hella sick!" He laughed,"II know! I can't fuckiing waiit to 2how ED!"

I laughed and got off from the couch, heading for the shower. I need to look as cool as I can, today's the big day.

Today's the day I get to hear Karkat's voice again.


I got dressed, I put on my lucky underwear, my best black skinnies, my converse and a black and red flannel. I had to look my best. I absolutely had to.

I grabbed the flowers, but the chocolates and candles in my backpack, along with a Careless Whisper record, and headed out the door with Sollux, who also had his things for Eridan.

Today is the day I regain what I lost.

Today is the day I finally get back what's rightfully mine.

This is for you, Karkat.

All for you.


Cliffhanger, yay!

Please don't kill me.

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