Working With Temptation

By silvaqua3

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Rosetta Evans has gone through some tough times in her life but things are finally looking up for her when sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Part 1
Chapter 8: Part 2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Part 1
Chapter 10: Part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: Part 1
Chapter 13: Part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 part 1
Chapter 23 Part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Part 1
Chapter 30 - Part 2
Final Chapter

Chapter 27

14.8K 442 11
By silvaqua3

It’s been three miserable weeks since the truth of my affair with James came out and life has been a living hell. I can’t go out because if I do, the paparazzi chase me down the street like a pack of dogs in search for food. The girls have come over to try and cheer me up and I’ve tried to seem upbeat and happier but they see right through me. I know they don’t judge me for my actions which makes it all the worse somehow. I deserve to be condemned and shouted at because what I did is unforgivable and if I could turn back time…

Well if I could turn back time I have no idea what I’d do. When I think about it, I’m not sure what I really upset about. Is it the fact that my hearts broken or that I had an affair worth an engaged man? Or is it simply that the affair became public causing thousands of Isabelle’s fan to write hate mail to me once my email was discovered. If I never had this affair then I would never had realised that James is the love of my life and know what true happiness is.

I don’t deserve kindness. I deserve to suffer in my own misery which I’ve been doing for the past three weeks. Prisoner in my own home, I have tied this house more time than necessary and have cooked more food than is humanly possible to eat. I’ve read then re-read books since I can no longer go to work because James is there.

James. Even thinking about him hurts. I know he said terrible things to me but I can’t help but still love him. He’s been texting and call like crazy but I haven’t answered or replied. I did text him back once when he threatened to come over. I told him not to because it would make everything worse and paparazzi were still snooping about asking for my side of the affair. I can’t talk to him anymore, it doesn’t feel right. He’s with Isabelle anyway so I have to cut all ties with him. He never was mine and he never will be. I haven’t read anything about their relationship and I avoid it like the plague. Just because my hearts has been stabbed doesn’t mean I should allow it hurt more.

To think, I was actually the happiest before the affair ended and my life has now hit rock bottom as soon as it’s ended. Maybe I should take Jessica’s offer and go to Florida for a while- just till this blows over. Sometimes I think about what my parents would say if they were here. It hurts to think they are looking down from heaven and seeing what their only daughter has done to her life. They’d be ashamed.

As I push my almost full lunch away from me I hear my phone ring and groan. It’s probably James I think as I pick it up. Surprisingly, it’s not James but my uncle.

“Hello Rose,” he begins.

“Hi uncle,” I pause before continuing. “I assume this about the recent events that accrued on the news,” I say cutting straight to the chase.

“You assume correctly. I’ve avoided telling you this until now because I know that it must be a stressful time with the press and them getting hold of some of your family history but I have to inform you about this. Your recent exposure has had a negative impact on the company and people no longer want you to take over next year in January as planned. Now, I know their opinion doesn’t matter in terms of the will but they will be the ones working for you and it best to have them on your side.  Some people have even threatened to leave if you take over and doubt your even qualified to run the company.” As he speaks tears roll down my cheeks and I make no effort to stop them. I hadn’t just screwed up my life but my father’s legacy.

“What are you suggesting I do?” I whisper accepting that I taking over in 5 months when I turn 23 in January might not be the best choice.

“Well, we can see how it goes and perhaps postpone you coming into leadership or you can start further down in the company before rising into leadership. If you don’t want the position at all then that’s fine but whatever you choose is fine with me. I’ll support every step of the way.”

“Thank you uncle, you’ve always treated me like your daughter and I thank you for that. I know you didn’t have to take me in but you did anyway. I’ll let you know when I’ve made my decision.”

“Okay kiddo. Your aunt wants to talk to you,” I wait patiently as he exchanges the phone.

“Hello Rose are you there?”

“Yeas aunt,” I reply waiting anxiously for what she has to say.

“You know I’ve always thought of you as a daughter and a wonderful edition to our home and you can talk to me about anything. I know you’re going through a rough time and it may feel as though your life is over but I want you to know that it isn’t. When I look at you, I see your mother through your eyes. Her fighting spirit and determination to overcome problems is a trait that has rightfully passed on to you and despite what you may have done, I know she still would be very proud of you. Time is a great healer, and I know with time you’ll be able to do what’s right for you. I love you my darling.” I gulp for air as I listen to the voice that put me to sleep after my parents were taken from me. The voice that guided me up until I was 18 and let the warmth feel my body.

“Thank you aunt. You always know what to say and I love you too. Goodbye.”

“Bye darling,” she replies just as I cut off the phone. I take deep breaths whilst taking in my surroundings. I need to get my life on track and I can’t do that if I’m hiding. I need time to think away from all the hassle. I need to be with family and friends who love me. I need to be home.

I nod to myself to confirm my decision. I’m going to Florida to stay with Jessica.  

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