Letters To An Inmate

By jayjayjadelyn

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Marisol Jamison, or MJ, is a senior finishing up her last few months of high school. She's looking foward to... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

512 9 3
By jayjayjadelyn

Marisol J. --------->

Senior Year. The best yet the hardest year in high school. The best because it's the last year until graduation; the hardest because teachers believe in giving the worst possible assignments ever. They believe they are prepping the students for college but hell half of them didn't even think about going to college. Although on the other half, the ones that did plan on going to college included Marisol Jamison, or MJ to her friends. MJ was one of those students who strived to succeed. Coming from a middle-class family who never graduated from high school Marisol was determined to be the first. Not only that but she planned on going to college far, far away from her family. The phrase, "What happens behind closed doors..." applies to her family perfectly. Marisol planned to make something out of herself and not look back when she did.

So now she's sitting in her Advanced Composition class with a look of pure horror on her face. Not believing what she heard from her teacher, Mrs. Bola, she raised her hand after several minutes of silence from the Senior English class.

"Excuse me Mrs. B., but did you say we're going to be writing letters to convicts? You know like prisoners?" MJ questioned, although she already knew the answer. Mrs. B was one of the best teachers in the school. Even at the age of 42 she could relate to the students as if she was their age. Her class was one of few that students couldn't wait to go to. But only seniors had that privilege since she only taught Senior English. But still all students, including underclassmen, knew who she was.

Mrs. B rolled her eyes playfully, "Yes MJ, like prisoners. I believe it will be a good experience for some of you." MJ closed her jaw that seemed to have been slacked open.

"So you are saying we have to write letters to like murderers, rapists, and thieves?" Tabitha, the captain of the cheerleading team, asked incredulously. Tabitha or Tabby, as she liked to be called, wasn't one of those mean girls who walks around like they own the school. She's the typical blonde, blue-eyed girl yet she is down-to-earth, a little slow and shallow at times, but down-to-earth nontheless.

"Well their might be a possibility some of you will end up with an inmate of that caliber." Mrs. B shrugged carelessly as she rummaged through some papers on her desk.

"Isn't that dangerous for us?" Tabby snapped.

"It is only if you make it that way. You all are Seniors who, I believe, are responsible and mature enough to handle this assignment." Her eyes were boiling, Mrs. B might be a cool teacher she knew how to get down to business and take control of a classroom; which is why she is well respected. "Now, I couldn't think of a Senior Project so my husband suggested the idea and I loved it." Anyone who was here on the first day of school knew that Mr. Bola is a 47 year old ex-con. When he was in his early 20's him and a few of his friends were drunk and needed a few extra bucks so they decided to rob a kwik-e-mart. Well things didn't go as planned and someone ended up dead. Although Mr.B wasn't in the store while it happened, he was still driving the car and was therefore considered an accomplice. He was sentenced to prison for 10 years on an account for murder in the 3rd degree, aiding and abetting in a robbery, and driving while intoxicated. He only served 7 for good behavior.

"Now, you only have 3 months until school ends." Mrs.B smiles as she heard excited woops around the classroom. "As I was saying, 3 months equal 12 weeks and that equals 12 letters. You will have to send one letter a week to your... pen-pal." Mrs.B smirked slighty as MJ coughed at the word pen-pal causing a few to snicker quietly. "On Friday's you will hand in your letter, I'll read and grade them during the weekend. I'll hand them back on Mondays where you will spend the class period making corrections or starting your next letter. I will supply stamps and envelopes but you will be responsible for mailing them. Don't try to be difficult because their is a public mailbox across the street from the school. Now I trust that you all will actually send your letters. Some might get letters back some might not. If you do get letters back those are for yours eyes only. I have no purpose in reading the response letters unless they are threatening in any type of way. Are there any questions?" The teacher's eyes wandered around the classroom.

"At the end of the year instead of doing a 100 multiple choice final, that I know you all love so much, you will have to read one of the response letters of your choice in front of the class. If you have no response letters then you will read one of your own. That including your 12 letters will make your senior project worth 200 points."

MJ groaned quietly and lightly banged her head against the desk. Mrs.B picked up a small square box and went to the front desk on the right side of the classroom. "I have already contacted a few male and female correctional facilities. The names in this hat are inmates who are either on good behavior or have minor offences." She held out the box looked expectingly at the girl in the front right desk. The girl had stared wide-eyed at the box for a few seconds before she hesitantly put her hand in the box and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Mrs.B smiled at her and moved down the aisle. MJ held her breath as she saw the teacher heading up and down the aisle making her way to the left side of the room where MJ sat. She quickly looked at the clock and saw they had 10 minutes left until the bell rang, enough time for Mrs.B to reach her desk. MJ kept her eyes on box as it slowly but steadily made its way closer to her.

 When Mrs.B was finally standing in front of Marisol with the box in her face. Marisol held up a shaky hand and put it in the box. She moved around and felt many folded papers. Realizing it was only second period she knew that the rest of the Seniors who had Mrs.B would be facing the same fate as her. She dug her hand to the bottom and pulled out a folded paper and quickly dropped it on her desk as if it was acid. Mrs.B chuckled at Marisol's antics and walked behind her to the next person.

Marisol held her breath and looked at the paper on her desk. She noticed it seemed thicker than it should so she took her pen and flicked it softly. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw she had accidentally grabbed two folded papers at once. She quickly looked around and saw no one was paying attention to her but talking about who their new "pen-pal" was. She prayed silently and hoped that at least one of them was a woman. She felt that female prisoners couldn't be as bad as the males. Without glancing at the names she opened up both papers and sent another silent prayer.

MJ cursed silently when she saw both names were male. She read over the first name, Jagger Monroe. The name gave her a shutter, she felt the name sounded too much like dagger. She looked over the rest of the paper and saw, Federal Correctional Institution: Marianna, Florida. Marianna was a city in Florida that Marisol recognized and knew it was only four hours away by car. Then her eyes fell on the second name, Ajax Callaway. She like the name Ajax but was still very skeptical. The name sounded... bad. Like he could be the complete badass type. She suddenly turned off by the name when she thought how the name sounded like a serial killer. Of course she was over the top but the name suddenly gave her the chills and not in a good way. She noticed that his had read, Federal Correctional Institution: Miami, Florida. What's the chances that she would get two criminals who were within a few hours driving distance from where she lived?

She didn't know which one to choose. Looking at the clock she saw she had a minute left so she quickly did eeny meeny miny moe. When she finished she didn't like the results so she kept trying. Since it was a 50/50 chance it was either one or the other but she didn't like either outcome. Then she folded back both papers and gathered them in her hand as the bell rang. She hopped up and made her way to the teachers desk making sure to jostle them around a little.

"Uh... Mrs.B I accidentally grabbed two names." Mrs. B raised her eyebrow at Marisol as she saw her shuffling the papers in her hand.

She smiled amusingly, "Couldn't choose one?" Marisol nodded her head sheepishly. "Well then put one back." Marisol held her breath as she dropped one of her folded papers back into the box and started to walk out the door until she heard Mrs.B's voice.

 "Remember Marisol, it's only dangerous if you make it that way." She looked back and saw Mrs.B staring at her intently. Marisol gave a quick nod and headed out the door. She clutched her fate tightly as she made it to her locker. She opened her sweaty hand, unfolded the paper and focused on the name.

Ajax Callaway

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