Escape from New Salem

By Drella_and_Helena

544 38 6


Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifthteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty One:
Casey & Liz

Chapter Seventeen:

7 0 0
By Drella_and_Helena

I didn't expect to find much researching. After all, I did spend a full week trying with no positive results. The internet in hell sucked. Mainly because of the sweldering heat, and the lack of modern day electronics. But all in all, it was all due to the fact that there just wasn't much on the mock gods having children. The king, who told me to call him dad, had told me that it would be a long an difficult search. But I never expected that it would be that trying.
Then one day I was going through some of hells private records.
"Casey!!" I ran through the halls that soon came familiar to me. "Casey! Casey! Casey! Casey! Casey! Look, look, look, look, look!"
He was sitting on the sofa in our room using one of the 10 laptops in the kingdom.
"Amore?" He didn't bother looking up.
"I think I finally found something!!" I jumped up on the sofa and hit Casey's foot causing him to suck his teeth.
"Hey, you do know I'm breakable right?"
"Yeah yeah yeah! But LOOOOOK!" I rammed the laptop at him and showed him the web page I was looking at.
"....A summoning spell?" He finally looked up at me but it was with a face of pure confusion while my face was that of pure excitement!
"Yeah! It tells you everything you need to know about summoning a mock god! Its a simple recipe and it only calls for-"
"No." He closes my laptop and sets it on the ground.
"What do you mean 'no'?" I crossed my legs and arms and looked over at him.
"Its too risky. I'm not going to let you just try to summon a mock god. They're still oober powerful and I'm not going to let you get yourself killed."
"You must forget that the mock gods are apart of my family."
"Oh but they've never tried to contact you? Where were they when you almost got killed Liz? Family doesn't let family just die."
"Where the hell were you?" I almost whispered it but the impact was just the same as if I had shouted it out.
"I-i....IT WASNT MY FAULT! I HAD NO CLUE HE WAS GOING TO BE THERE! It wasn't my fault." He sat up and stood to walk away but I grabbed his arm.
"And neither is it their's. They didn't know just like you couldn't have known. I'm not blaming you, but do you see my point? This could be the only way I get any answers." He stood there in silence as minutes of unspoken words passed. He didn't even look at me.
"Look, I love you and I just don't want to lose you."
"I know. But this could be it. I can finally find out about everything. Don't you want that?"
"Of course I do. But at the same time I need to pretect you. So as your fiancé, I forbid you to contact the mock gods. For your own safety." He left the room without looking back.
What the hell is his problem. This is my only chance to figure out who I am and what my purpose is. Why isn't he going to help me?
I'll be honest; it made me really shitty that he wasn't going to help me. When he told me that he forbid me? My head started spinning. How could- no. How dare he forbid me from finding out about my own family! After about an hour of sitting in my room dumbfounded and extremely pissed off, I decided that, with or without Casey's permission and help, I was going to contact the mock gods. Whether he liked it or not.

*later on that day*

That night, at roughly 10, Casey crawled into bed and snuggled up to me.
"I'm sorry about earlier. I just want to keep our family safe OK?" His eyes were a light purple and I nodded without looking at him.
"I understand." I rolled over on my side and waited for Casey to fall asleep. It only took but a hand full of minutes before he was snoring away. But as soon as I was sure that he was off I slowly and gently climbed out of the bed and scurried off to the basement.
The basement was dark and had a rather musty smell about it. Casey had said that it used to be an old fashioned torture chamber for certain human souls who spend their lives being tormenters, murders and rapists. But even with the large rooms demented past, the air within the room smelled sweet and made one feel almost at ease.
Walking over to the middle of the room I set down a backpack which had all of the nessicary tools and ingredients for the spell.
To do the speel I put down a small bowl made of burned red wood in the center of the room. I took out the spell instructions and proceeded to put the ingredients in the bowl as instructed:
- the heart of an innocent mortal man
- petals of a cursed black rose
- 13 black widow spider corpses
- a 13 karrot diamond from the forbidden mines of Asia
- the rusted gold of a 13th century pirate
and finally
- the blood of a mock god
Most of the items on the list were relatively easy to obtain. The hardest of which had to be the spider corpses and the easyest the heart. Well, second easyest. The blood requirement was something that I could simply carry with me all the time. I looked down at my wrist and saw it coursing through my veins. Of course I knew exactly what I had to do.
Taking a few short breathes I grabbed my butterfly knife out of my bag and gently placed the sharpened blade against my wrist. In one quick swipe I felt a horrific stinging pain spread throughout my entire arm. I quickly placed it over the summoning bowl where the blood seemed to pour out profoundly from my wrist. Soon seeing that there was enough blood and feeling rather dizzy I threw a lit match into the bowl and began to recited the chant from the site.
No sooner than I had ended the chant, fog started appearing from thin air and encircled me. It began to become rapidly thicker and hotter with every passing second. Before I could blink the fog turned bright red and it started swirling on the opposite side of the bowl.
"Liz!" I heard Casey's familiar voice yell from the opposite side of the room. He ran to my side but was quickly thrown back to the wall behind me and knocked unconscious. Looking forward I saw a tall, slender woman with a slight build standing in front of me. Most of he head was covered in a brightly coloured head scarf but her black, moving hair could be seen in some areas. She wore designer clothes and sunglasses and high heeled boots that made her a good 4 inches taller.
"Oh I just hate it when men interrupt the affairs of women. Dont you, Lizzie dearest." She gave me an evil, cruella deviel kind of smile and showed off her perfectly white and straight smile.
"Which one are you?" I asked using every last bit of courage I could find.
"Oh? Tell me that you haven't forgotten about your dear little Auntie Medusa."

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