The Gypsy & The Fae (Helvinsk...

By Laney89

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Cover by @_teenagers Gypsies: Humans who interacts with paranormal packs as a mediator between paranormals an... More

Chapter 1 - 5/25/2015
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

69 4 2
By Laney89

A/N: Hello everyone! I know it has been a LONG while. Life situations and reality kicks and such have made it almost impossible for me to be in the right mindset to keep writing so I had to take a while to regroup, rethink, and relax. I suppose this is kind of a bland excuse but honestly, I didn't want to write these stories with all the darkness/sadness around. I feared it would bleed into my works and then, where will I be? So, now that things are a bit more back to normal, I don't have that fear of messing up these lovely creations yay!

For the rest of the class period, Lana left me alone. I think she found out what happened because her face blanched as she scooted away from me. I also noticed she sat on the edge of her seat. I don't think it was possible for her or anyone to know it was me who also made some girls jump and do the wiggle-shock dance. She would still try to flirt with Gavril and Petra but nothing came of it, and she stopped trying. 

Petra started questioning me about living with humans. In return, I asked him about being a gargoyle. It got to the point that Professor Rachet came by and asked us to show her some of the drafts or work we've accomplished. Thankfully, I had some and only felt slightly guilty for getting off topic. I have never had  a conversation that was not about school work when talking to classmates. Even while in group projects, the others would talk amongst themselves about parties or gossip, but when directing talk to me--it was always about school stuff. It was a bit disconcerting and embarrassing that Petra's the official first person that I've talked about random things besides Gavril. Then again, what chances were there when the academia bullies at the public school had spread rumors and told everyone that I was born with an STD? People believed it though. So I didn't really have friend friends like my Ma believed.

By the end of class, I had the beginning paragraph done; the middle portion set up, and the ending semi outlined. This essay was not due till two days later. I'll be able to get this done tonight and not worry about it. The best part came when we were packing our things. 

Petra was an avid Spock fan! As soon as we got up to be ready to leave, he surprised me with, "Live long and prosper." We completely went off from that point on till the bell rang. He promised to bring me some of his DVDs of the previous Star Trek movies and the most recent ones, since I have been too afraid to see them--afraid that they would ruin my experience with the franchise. You can't tell with these movies if they would ruin your love for a television show! Gavril had literally yanked me out, with my bag and his over his shoulder. "Maybe we could have a Star Trek Night! We'll talk later! See ya!" Petra yelled. 

"Sure! Definitely will! Laters! It was nice to meet yo--Gavril!" I called as Gavril gave a hard tug, making me collide into him. "Oof!" I collided and bounced off his chest. "What was that for? I was already following you."

"You're not to have a night with Petra," he growled.

"Wha?" I questioned, askance. 

"You. Are not. To be. Alone. With. Petra," he growled again, narrowing his gaze at me as we walked before looking back ahead of us. I blinked. Blinked again. Brain reboot in process. Brain rewinds the conversation. Oooh. "You can join us if you want. I..." I glanced to the floor. This was so embarrassing! "Besides you...I've never had a friend over for something like a movie night." I snapped my eyes around and remembered that the students here had keener hearing. I don't...err...I'm not interested in Petra that way. You-know-what-I-mean. Petra doesn't seem like he thought of it any differently, not that I'm a guy and know how guys think--besides you of course because of the link. Haahaa! I started to ramble. I never ramble like this. Gah! Gavril finally took pity on me and flicked me on the forehead. "Why are you so awkward today, Little One?" he gave a lop sided smile. My brain rebooted once more, and I heaved a sigh, shrugging. "Guess I act different amongst peers in a school setting," I glanced around the hallway. In a mall setting, I didn't run into the same person on multiple occasions like I would here. Plus, there was more "space" to walk around unlike these hallways.

He gave my hand a squeeze. You can have your movie night with Petra. I snapped my head to look at him. He had a resigned look on his face. I grinned and hugged him, "Thanks for the support ya big teddy bear!" He groaned but kept his arm wrapped around my shoulders, making me unable to untangle from him. People stared. Others gaped at me. Some glared but oh well. I will deal with those people if they do anything. 

One thing that I've learned is that you always had a bag of tricks. Regardless if it was a crazy squirrel you were able to talk into attacking a bully during playground hours or accidentally sparking the computer lab and frying everything. People reacted to things and when they were not really sure what was going on? They became extra wary and won't do sudden attacks like what that Hector guy did in homeroom. Nothing during my public school years in Florida led to anything physical. It was just all words since they were afraid of catching this STD the second highest GPA holder told everyone I had at the school--along with some other bad rumors she liked to spread. She was a nasty little classmate on the best of days. She just couldn't get over the fact that even though my family wasn't a mom, dad, cousins, etc. like her's; I had no access to Netflix, and lived in a dilapidated house with no pool like everyone else in Florida that it was possible for me to always score much higher than her and be the awesome teacher's pet for all my classes. Teeheehee!

Gavril walked me to my next class, AP Chemistry with Professor L. Constantine. He walked us up to a gentleman in grey dress pants and a grey dress shirt who shuffled papers around his desk. He had grey streaks in his black hair near his temples and reading glasses perched on his straight nose. He had a trimmed mustache and beard that he ran his fingers through as he read over a piece of paper. "Professor," Gavril called as we approached his desk. The professor looked up and stood, pushing his glasses up higher on his nose. He had blue eyes and laugh lines around the edges of his eyes. "Mister Gavril," he nodded his head, his voice booming naturally loud. 

He was one of Father's guardian captains before retiring. Now he works at this school. His wife wouldn't allow him back on the field after he almost got his arm cut off. 

Oooh~ I smiled. 

"Professor, this is Shelly Scher." The two tall guys glanced down at me. I awkwardly stretched my free hand out for him to shake. "Hello Professor Constantine," I greeted. He took my hand in his and lifted it to give a kiss on my knuckles. Woah! This actually happened! It wasn't something from Pride and Prejudice times only! "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Shelly. I have...right here some forms for Melinda. Please see to it that she fills them out. I prefer them to be back as soon as possible," he said, leaning over his desk, plucking a packet up. He handed it to me. I reached out and took it, nodding my head. "Sure. Are there any empty seats?" I glanced around. Gavril tugged me and plunked my stuff down in the desk in front of the professor's. "I believe that's the best desk for you," the professor smirked, "Relax Mister Gavril, I'll make sure she's brought up to speed with everything." Gavril shot him a look I didn't understand, but clearly the professor did when he nodded his head at him in acknowledgement. "And I'll make sure she's well taken care of. You have my word." Gavril leaned in and gave me a hard kiss before leaning back. 

"I'll be back later to take you to your next class," he murmured. 

"Uh huh. Sure. Won't you...uh....won't you be late?" I asked as my mind slowly came out of its induced daze. 

"No worries. If you haven't noticed, our class exchange time is ten minutes long. Wait for me," he replied and gave me another hard peck before leaving. I shook my head to clear the haze. Looking up, the professor sat perched on the edge of his desk across from me, a small smile on his face. "Mister Gavril is worried. Instead of teaching you Chemistry during this time, we'll be going over some spell patterns. Are you aware of spell construction?" I nodded my head. "Good. I've been informed by Pack Leader Chrys of what you know and his assessments. I would like to do my own. While everyone pairs off, I shall conduct my assessment in the next room," he hitched his thumb in the direction of a closed door. I nodded my head, while my mind whirled. I felt a bit of nervous energy gathering in my tummy that made me feel queasy. Gavril, you knew about this assessment thing right?


What about the part about the finger pinching I like to do? Does he know? 

No. That's to be kept to our group only. 

Now why didn't you warn me of instead of an actual chem class its a magic class? I'm having a mini panic attack here!

...Oops. Gavril's embarrassment flooded the link making me calm a tiny bit. Knowing that he didn't do this on purpose made me focus and remember that Gavril was not all perfect. That meant, he was just like me and not like what all these paranormal students are portraying--perfectly, immaculately dressed; entirely in control of everything they say, do, and think; impenetrable with nothing that can rock their confidence. However, perhaps there may be a few that are really good at covering up their nervousness and concerns like Gavril. Petra loved to joke and make fun of himself. Perhaps that was Petra's way to make himself fit in? 

Faebae, your memory's not that good anymore? Being forgetful at your age is not a good sign~! I singsonged, making him groan in exasperation. 

Be good.

I'm always--

Don't even start. He cut in. I huffed and focused on who was coming in and out of the classroom. Guys and girls walked through the door by themselves or in groups. Most of them went to seats that were in the back of the classroom. Once a few spotted me in my seat, you could see the change of a smiling face to one that's not-so-smiling-in-a-good-way. I spun around and sat in my seat properly, tapping my fingers away on the desk. "You do know they're intimidated by you?" Professor Constantine's voice rumbled. I glanced up, tilting my head, not understand ing how that could be. "Your magic. No one here has seen an electric user before. Quite a deterrent, isn't it?" he looked at me, over the rim of his glasses. I smirked and nodded my head. "Mister Hector wouldn't be so casual cornering you nor do I believe others this time around," he looked across at the door. I glanced too and felt a frown stretch across my face. Hector walked in with his arm around some girl that looked familiar... 

I squinted my eyes and looked her over carefully. Oh Great Scots! It's that Genie or something! Her hair was cut short in a pixie cut. Her blonde locks highlighted with strips of hot pink. Her wrists were full of bangles that jangled whenever she moved. She also had silver hoop earrings and heavy mascara around her light blue eyes, making them seem huge on her small, oval face. She wore a tight, light orange spaghetti top paired with ripped very short blue jeans that made her legs seem so long. She even wore these really high heeled nude pumps. She laughed at something Hector said before her gaze shot toward me, narrowing her eyes. I stiffened. If her glare were laser beams, I would have been a pile of ash right now.


You shush. I narrowed my eyes as she lifted her hand and gave me her middle finger, making her peers laugh rancorously. I peeked and saw that Professor Constantine had his head tucked and angled slightly away, but clearly still looking at me with a look asking what-are-you-going-to-do. Genie or something struck a pose and tossed a small miniature flame up and down in the palm of her hand. She suddenly flicked it right at me. 

Snap! Crackle! Crac-crackle! I smashed the flame in my raised right hand in front of my face. Reopening my palm, my electric magic burst forth and snapped and crackled in the air, caging the flame in a prison of static. Those already in the classroom looked and stared to see what would happen. I snapped my fist shut again. Fizzzz! The flame and electricity winked out. The girl wasn't smiling any longer and just stared at me through even more narrowed slits. I was so tempted to hurl a "little" spark of electricity at her hair to make it stand up on end. "Presentation over, or have you forgotten the rules, class? No magic till the shield's up," the professor's voice rumbled. She sniffed and strutted to the back of the room with Hector snickering and following behind her. Hmph! I should shock her as soon as she sits down. Stupid display of oh em gee~ Looky my flame will burn your facey~! I grumbled and slouched. It was an idea, but I didn't want to get in trouble with the professor. So thinking bad thoughts was a good outlet for some of this...frustration? Anger? Irritant? 

What's Gina doing there?

Oh 'Gina.~'  That's right, not Genie. I watched as people murmured and pointed at me. Gina reenacted what happened, making a laugh out of it all.

What is she doing in your class, Shelly? Gavril sounded irritated. I paused and turned the information around in my mind and frowned. Hey don't go growling at me, this is my first day here. I'm a student not a teacher or admin. She then flicked her wrist and looked at me, smirking. "Want to join our group? You'll have to be a paranormal, human," she purred making more people snicker. I raised an eyebrow. "And be a clone of your's with that awfully girly voice? No thanks," I scoffed. I got a few people covering their mouths and fake coughing.

I was told she was in another class. Gavril growled.

Oh well. Big deal. She's sitting in the back. Even her witchiness can only go so far in front of a professor. Right?

"Oh please. You don't have even a chance to be a clone of me. Gavril will soon be so bored with you, human, he'll come back to me--someone that actually can stand next to him," she sniffed as Hector yelled a hell-yeah, and everyone else around them followed suit. 

I'll get your class changed.

No. I was getting irritated at this point. Two arguments at the same time is a brain stretching exercise. "You know, if you're so sure he'll go back to you, why don't we just ask him. In fact, I can just ask him to come since we've got six more minutes of relaxation," I grinned and blinked my eyes at her. She narrowed her eyes and snapped her mouth shut. "Would you like that? I'll take your silence as agreement," I prodded some more. 

Not up for discussion.

Oh quit your alpha posturing too, Gavril. It's just one ex not two. Or three. Or four. Or however many more. She postured around already and didn't faze me. 

There haven't been any other after her. I'll still get your schedule changed. I'll get your schedule altered. Gina rolled her eyes and scoffed a whatever-bitch and started applying some shiny, clear lip gloss on her lips. 

Yes, yes. You got it all out of your system and have been a good momma's boy after being with your Uncle. So thanks, no thanks. Stick your butt back down in yo seat and lemme take care of myself like I've proven before and again right now. I could clearly see an outline of a classroom with him suddenly standing at the door, ready to head out, while his classmates and professor watched him. He mumbled something as he sat back down at his seat once more, feeling of disgruntlement radiating out from his end of the link. My "mental eyes" zoomed back to the classroom I was in when the bell rang. 

Professor Constantine was at the front of the room and had some things written on the board with a magic marker. Once done, he turned back around and smiled. Everyone quieted and waited for him to speak. "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like you to work in pairs. One person is to hurl magic--element of your choosing--to the other person who is to work on bringing up a shield that absorbs and holds the incoming magic before dispersing it," he said, looking directly me, an eyebrow slightly quirking. I bit my inner cheeks as I fought a smile. Was this in relation to what I did earlier? I would so wanna try again! He turned back to the class. "Everyone up." Everyone clambered out of their seats, taking their belongings with them. I stood and gathered with them near the front of the class. 

Professor Constantine swept his hands out wide and the chairs and desks all clattered and stacked neatly against the walls. A thin, light blue layer blanketed everything. "I've cast a spell to deter any stray shots injuring or destroying anything. Get to work." Everyone started to move to spots around the now open area, putting their stuff near the side. As soon as their belongings touched the floor, the blue layer covered their things too. "Ms. Shelly, if you'll follow me," he said, indicating the closed door. I followed behind him. He opened it and gestured for me to go in first. I walked pass and looked around the room. It was entirely empty besides the vacant wooden shelves along the far wall. It was like another classroom only it was not used. Foggy windows allowed light to stream in since there was only one little light bulb hanging down from the ceiling. Professor Constantine walked in and closed the door behind him. 

"You may place your things on the shelves. The floor hasn't been waxed or cleaned in a while, since I use this as a storage space during the regular school year." I nodded my head and placed my bag on the second shelf from the bottom. The shelf creaked a bit but it was sturdy. I turned and faced Professor Constantine as he casted another spell--the light blue layer thing. "I've got protection up just in case we have an accident. Now, what is your favored element?" he asked as he rolled up his sleeves. I spotted the tattoos going around his wrists. His were three broad bands of green going from the wrist and all the way up his forearms. There was a scar that sliced across his left forearm from mid forearm and all the way up, disappearing under the rolled up sleeves. "Electric," I replied when I saw that he was still waiting for me to answer. 

"Any secondary ones?"

"Uh...I don't think so. I like electricity and use it most often."

"Hmm...we'll try a few different run throughs. Hold out your dominant hand." I held out my right one. "Summon electricity." I made a little sphere of electricity. "Fire." I summoned fire. "Water." A squiggle of water appeared. "Air." I paused and thought.

Huh? "Um...air sir? Professor?"

"Yes. Some form of air." 

Okee-dokee. I summoned a bit of air to whirl around the room. I couldn't do that temperature drop that Gavril could. "Earth." I paused again and had to think. I glanced at the ground--cement. I looked around the room. Wooden beams for the shelves--don't think I can break those and repair them. Brick walls--yeah I ain't no Hulk. Hmm...I glanced back down at the ground and then out of the foggy glass. An idea started to form. I closed my eyes and felt outward. Memories of Gavril doing crazy earth magic came up. Those were tempting but I knew I couldn't do those so I moved on and blanked my mind. I let my electricity send a pulse out, locating grass and dandelions. I focused on them and felt the life pulsing through them. I slowly strengthened that bond these plants had with the earth. My electricity suddenly sapped into the link and there was much crackling and smashing. I jolted and looked aghast at the window. A huge dandelion with uber huge yellow petals was in place of the windows. Huge stalks of grass also seemed to have forced their way in and seemed to spark. "Oopsie," I muttered, taking in the broken pieces of glass and shattered brick on the floor. Professor Constantine walked closer to them. He stretched his hand out and -- ZAP!

He went flying back to the other side and smashed into the wood and brick. Holy mother of honey bunches of oats! I killed a teacher! "P-professor Constantine?!" my voice squeaked.

What? What's happened, Shelly?

My...the dandelion shocked...the professor flew...he's...he's!

Oh. No worries. He'll work his way out of that rubble in a moment. 


He's a Canis Lupus, Little One. A blow back or shock won't hurt him. He was a guardian captain so he's used to being thrown around. Should be used to it. Gavril sounded so nonchalant, but I was in an all out panic. He was a teacher! I've never hurled a teacher before! Let alone hurt one! There's like...he's my friggin teacher! The pile of rubble moved, bits of tiny broken brick rolling down to the floor. A clawed and furry hand suddenly shot out before Professor Constantine emerged. He stumbled out and then brushed the dust and bits of stuff off his clothes. His glasses were broken, but he tucked those in a pocket and ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing it away from his face. He stood up tall and looked from the plants back at the pile of broken pieces of brick-and-mortar, and wood. "Well...that was quite refreshing!" he smiled, showing lengthened canines. The fur on his exposed skin and the claws on his finger tips started to recede back normal human physique. "I am so...sorry, Professor Constantine," I watched him with trepidation. He waved a hand at me. "Perfectly fine. It's nice to see something new," he replied as he went closer to the plants but with a red shield up in front of him. The electricity sparked and zapped his shield as soon as he came too close. "Mister Hector must have had a nice shock," he winked at me. 

I sagged and shook my head. This was one crazy teacher. He also listened to gossip? Word travelled that fast already? He liked being hurled around? "Haven't seen this before. Explain how it happened." I watched as he walked around the plants and did a few things that made them spark more or send a huge, thick bolt of electricity his way. I backed up a step and watched warily as I explained what I did. Even though I knew the voltage shocks won't hurt me, it looked too scary. "Snuck in?" he turned toward me. 

"I wanted to upgrade their life force thing but instead, electricity 'snuck in'? Sorta like attached itself to it and became...that." I pointed at the plants. He was done playing around with them and was now trying to do different things that I had no idea. "Blended. Attached itself. These would be better terms to use to avoid confusion. I would like you to break the link between the plants' enhanced life stream and dissolve the link with electricity. I prefer to leave the plants here. Quite nice to have the smell of nature in this block of metal," he said as he stepped aside. I slowly approached and watched as the electricity wrapped around me like a net around my outstretched right hand. Slowly, I drew the electricity back to me until none was left in the plants. Sparks of it shot all over my clothes. I gathered all the extra energy in the palms of my hands and then dispersed it into the air. Professor Constantine approached the plants with his shield still in place. Seeing no sparks, he lowered his shield and stretched a hand out, smoothing it over the petals of the flower. "Nicely done." I heaved a deep breath and let it all out, sagging a bit. Who knew I would feel wiped out from jangling of nerves?

"Now lets do another test. In your dominant hand, summon the element I tell you to. Instead of releasing it when I say another one, hold it and keep continuing till you can't. Like this." He held out his left hand and summoned a small flicker of fire, the water, a spinning sphere of condensed air, then earth was using pieces of broken wood and making a miniature book case. Awww so cute! "Now you do yours." I snapped back to reality and nodded my head.

"Do I do it in your order?"

"I'll tell you which element to do next. Electricity." I summoned a little static ball. "Air." I copied him and did a little mini sphere of fast spinning air. It looked so cool! "Water." It looked like a little white marble or more like one of the nine gas giants in out planetary system. "Water, Ms. Shelly."

"Oh! Sorry!" I shook my head and summoned a tiny ball of water. It was mesmerizing too. A little clear light blu--"Fire." I blinked and had a little flame flickering. "Earth." I felt a strain that made my shoulders tense up and eyes strain. I managed to make the dandelion grow and seemed to loom it's big head further into the room. "Darkness." I concentrated more and kept one eye on that dangerous dandelion because it felt like electricity was sneaking in to play again. I thought of Gavril and felt his presence. It got rid of some of the tense feeling but I still had to dig around for darkness. I felt a bit of this odd energy and poked at it. A small black dot appeared with the culture of other elements in my hand. ZAP! KABASH!

"ARGH!" I tumbled backward and felt all the air whoosh out of me as I collided with the floor. I blinked at the ceiling before I gasped for air and a cough attack struck as I turned on to my side. "Well clearly you're not friendly with Darkness. Ironic twist of all things," Professor Constantine's voice chuckled as he walked over and held his hand out to me to get up. I put my hand in his and he yanked me up on to my feet. Wobbling a bit, I shook my head and tried to make my eyes focus. Shelly? Shelly! Are you all right?! Little One? 

Fine. Fine. Just...had the wind knocked out of me--Gavril sit back down! I growled as I saw him about to rush out the door again. He seemed to pout before going back to his seat. Dang you're really adorable when I want to be irritated with you. He froze and his cheeks tinged red. "HA!" I wheeze-coughed and coughed some more as I swallowed saliva, and it went down the wrong pipe. Awww so that's how you look when you get embarrassed. Nice! Adorabooboo~. His face became even more red as he sat down and shifted around in his seat. I cackled and wheezed as I rolled on my side as I tried to gain more air. 

Little One. You. Will. Pay-for-this! He growled but I found it hilarious!

"And he has completely lost his cool! Hahahaha~!" I wheezed as I tried not to fall back to the ground after sitting up. 

"Assuming you're not gasping breath from a puncture lung, does challenging your Life Mate create such happiness?" Professor Constantine's voice made me remember that I was in the middle of a magic test. I shrugged and tried to compose myself. "Mister Gavril rushing over here?"

"No. He's sitting and paying attention to the professor's lesson like a good student," I grinned. He seemed to be searching for something on my face before he smirked, making the laugh lines deepen around his eyes. "You're going to be in trouble."


"Knowing him, he'll be up to something. When my wife pulls one over me...well," he chuckled and shrugs his shoulders. I bit my lower lip and decide that when I see Gavril again, I'll just give him my doe eyes. He usually just melted--85% of the time. Plus, what can he do in school with all these people around? "Don't look so smug, I'm a man. Mister Gavril's a man. You've been warned. Now, darkness is a weak seem to be able to stabilize and use your other elements quite evenly which. Not many can have such a stable grasp when using other elements. However, it is odd how your electric elemental favoring allows it to meld and blend with other elements when you don't control it completely," he mused. I felt the second part of what he said just go way over my head as I got my mind stuck on the man talk thing at the beginning. Gulp. Focus. Focus. Darkness isn't liking me style. Okay. Now what meld to what?

"I know you've been given lessons and your style of learning...if I start explaining the workings, Pack Leader Chrys has warned me that you would just zone out. Lets begin with a few simple spell set ups for now. Melinda also favors electric for the works, correct?" He stretched his arms and legs about, making his muscles bulge and his height look so much taller. "Yes," I replied as he brought forth a reddish shield. 

"We'll start with some simple one layered spells. A trap. Trace. Alert." He starts to show each one and I tried to copy them. He had me work with each different element to set each of them up. Once I went through each one without the spell unravelling, he asked for me to blend two elements together to make the spell. By the twentieth round of combos, I was sweating like one of those people who are crazy gym addicts. He looked at his watch, "We'll stop here for now. Pick this up tomorrow. Bell's about to ring. You can take a breather here or join the rest of the class outside," he unrolled his sleeves and started buttoning them up around his wrists. He walked over and patted my shoulder, "You're a stubborn one. I've lost fifty bucks to Pack Leader Chrys. You lasted longer than twelve rounds," he smirked before walking out and closing the door. I looked at the closed door, wheezing and puffing. Clearly I missed something, but I do believe I was way too serious. I didn't give it a second thought that I could have stopped or something. Teacher said to do your work--I did it. What the heeeeeeeckkkk?!

I heard the lone bell ring out but stood where I was. Ten minutes. No biggie. Ugh but so sweaty! I finally took a few steps without my knees collapsing on me to get my bag. My arms felt like lead by this point. I used the bottom hem of my shirt to wipe the sweat out of my eyes and off the rest of my face. Digging around, I found my hair tie and hoisted my hair up in a messy bun on the top of my head. The door behind me opened again, "I've brought a bottle of water for you." I glanced over to see Gavril walking in, wiggling a bottle of perspiring water in his left hand. 

"Gimme," I wailed, my arms not even able to raise up without them trembling and jittering. He half smiled, giving a sympathetic look. He opened the lid and used just one index finger to move my hands away, making them hang against my sides like useless noodles. "Let me help, Little One. Poor thing...I honestly don't have the heart to torture you for what you pulled on me earlier," he chuckled. I pouted, sticking my lower lip out. He sighed, "Come on. Drink up." He placed a hand on the nape of my neck and the other held the bottle to my lips. I drank and drank and drank till there was only a little bit of the deliciously cool water left. "Wowzer, thank you," I sighed. He laughed. closing and putting the bottle on a shelf before digging in his bag, pulling out a black t-shirt. A large black t-shirt. "Want to change into this? Freshly cleaned. Dry.  It's my spare t-shirt. It may not be your size but I believe you would prefer this than walking around like you ran a marathon?" he waggled his eyes. I nodded my head. I don't like the sweat stains I'm sure that's on my back and under my armpits. Ergh!

"Want some help?" he purred. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. No way jose! He sighed and laid the shirt on my shoulder, giving me puppy eyes. Not gonna work, mister! His cologne's smell seeped into my sense. I can just imagine it now. Me sniffing it unconsciously while a professors taught their lesson. "Holler if you need help," he laughed. He walked out and closed the door. I struggled to get my arms through the tiny arm holes and peel my shirt off me. Thankfully his t-shirt was so big, I just had to stick my head through the head hole and my arms just slip right through the t-shrit's short sleeve holes. It hit me just mid thigh. I sighed in relief and reached for my bag with one hand while the other held my shirt. Smack. I glanced and saw the shelf was entirely empty. No bottle of water. No bag. The door creaked open. "Come on, Little One. We need to head to your next class. I've got your things."

I frowned and dragged my feet over toward him. "How did you get my bag and stuff? I could've sworn they were still on the shelf when you left."

"I took them. Is there a slip in your memory?" he grinned cheekily. I huffed and smiled. "Okay~. Man I'm tired out. I could possibly just sleep on my feet by this point." He tugged me close to him, his arm across my shoulders. Warm. Comfy, soft cotton. Addictive smell. "Hey, hey. You fall asleep then I will carry you around the rest of the day," he murmured. I shook my head and opened my eyes wide. Sleeping? I have no idea what he's talking about. He shook his head and guided us down the hallway. "By the way. Hiroshi's in your psychology class. I'll give you two a quick introduction. Remember, he's quiet." I nodded my head. There was one particular question I was dying to ask him without Gavril being around. This was perfect! In myth and Japanese culture, tengu's are depicted with a very long nose. They used to draw and make masks and statues of tengu's with beaks but now it's just a very long nose. I'm dying to know if they have that very long nose. A few people hollered out to Gavril and he gave them a wave or a head nod. Thankfully, we had to go down staircases and not up. Professor T. Spooner's AP Psychology classroom was on the ground floor. Entering, I immediately spotted the only possible person that could be Hiroshi. Not being racist but he was the only asian--specifically Japanese in origin--in the almost full classroom. He sat in the middle row of single chair-desk contraptions, second row from the front of the classroom. 

His hair was slightly long, curling around his neck and the tips of his ears and part of his forehead. His skin was slightly tanned. He had a straight nose a softer jaw line compared to Gavril's but still as defined. He had thick eyebrows and the asian eyes--smaller but narrow, making them look sharp and piercing. He work a deep red polo and long dark blue or possibly black jeans that covered his black and white sneakers. His legs were long. Even went bent, they rubbed right against the underside of the desk's table bottom. He raised a buffed arm and waved his hand at us as we approached. "Hiroshi. This is Shelly Scher. She may like to talk but I think Professor Constantine wore her out. Please make sure she doesn't fall asleep in class?" Gavril smiled. I weakly smacked him on his arm. "Even when I'm sick, I come to class loaded up on cold meds and still don't fall asleep, thank you very much. Nice to meet you Hiroshi. Is it alright for me to call you that?"

The chair in front of him was empty except for a large black book bag, which Hiroshi moved. He laid it on the ground next to him, while Gavril put my bag on the floor next to the now empty desk. I plunked down, while Hiroshi's head tilted to the side, looking at me. "I don't mind. I'm used to people calling me by first name basis. Thank you for asking," he replied softly in a low voice. There was a small microscopic smile that tilted the sides of his lips up. Gavril gave a kiss on my temple. "Be nice. Don't go overboard with the questions," he warned. I blinked my eyes and shrug up at him as he stood back up. Hiroshi looked between me and him. "I know what you've been thinking. Good luck, Hiroshi," he waved and left. I scoffed and shook my head. I glanced over at him and smiled, which made the guy stiffen slightly. "I don't know what he has said, but I only just have one question for ya."

"...Go on," he replied slowly. 

"Do you have a long nose?" I asked quickly. He blinked. Blinked three more times before his brows furrowed. "Can you elaborate?" he asked for clarification. I can see one of his hands on the desk twitching like he wanted to reach his hand up to feel his nose. "When you're in your tengu form. Do you have that long nose as the Japanese paint it? They used to do the beak for nose and mouth for you guys but now it's just a very very very long nose." A dazzling smile stretched across his face, making his pearly whites come out. 

"No. Fortunately I don't have a long nose as such. I only gain the black wings similar to ravens and my clothes become the traditional Japanese style."

"The clothes just...appear?"

"'s more a morph of ancient magic that's linked to Nature. As we call forth our ancient form, we take on the appearance of the traditional tengu's. Reverting back to our more human form, our human clothes do come back," he said before I could ask. He quirked an eyebrow in a challenge, like he wanted me to throw him another question. I had plenty! "What's your magic like? Is it a mix of your parents?"

"I do have some dragon qualities, yes. Though for me, it depletes me quite fast."

"How fast can you fly? What's that like?"

"I fly fairly fast. It's not as fast as Superman though. Think of a cheetah in the sky."

"Hahaha! Cool!" I smiled. He nodded his head in agreement. I heard the snickering as people listened in to us but I disregarded it. "How did you and Gavril meet?" he suddenly asked me. I waggled my eye brows and leaned over his desk. "Actually I ran away from him." His eyes went wide as I giggled at his expression. "I suddenly heard his voice but didn't see his lips moving as he talked. It freaked me out so I ran."

"Idiot. How stupid are humans, anyway? My god. Gina was right. She's so un sophisticated," I turned to my side and saw a group of girls giggling while one brunette twirled her long hair around her fingers and looked at me with a smirk on her face. Honestly, even though I know she was nothing, but just the mention of her name brought forth the image of the two of them kissing and that just made me feel so uncomfortable. 

"What are you looking at? Stupid human," she said snidely, her friends laughed some more. My good angel got her mouth duct-taped shut, while my devil laughed in glee. 'Time to start some rumors in my favor!' the little devil squeaks. "You've committed a serious crime. I thought...well...if I'm the idiot then you would know better. Didn't you know? The thing about eavesdropping on gypsies? It's one of the reasons why some adult paranormals really despise us," I gave her a worried look.

"What? You cry to your mummy?" she cackled. Hiroshi watched on, his eyes narrowing a bit. "Oh no. It's even worse. You see...when you eavesdrop on gypsies, things happen. Usually for girls, it's something with their hair or clothing. For guys,'s their performance in the horizontal tango--or so I've heard from reliable sources--other gypsies you know? For example, girls found themselves with their hair falling out for a week or singed really badly to the point they have to cut it very short. Guys just can't get it up--if you know what I mean," I stage whispered the end. I had already zapped a bit of her hair so there were parts that were already singed and roughed--nothing a good conditioner wouldn't fix if she knew how to take care of her hair. I did it too to the blonde sitting in front of the brunette as she scoffed and said stupid bitch. The more the merrier then. She, the brunette, wasn't smiling anymore. One of the other girls had her nose in the air sniffing. "What's that smell?" her face scrunched up in disgust. The brunette's nose twitched as she sniffed too and suddenly started to grab her hair and swing it under her face to look. "OH MY GOD! MY HAAAAAIR!" she screeched so loud, I was definitely sure it echoed down the hallways. The others around us paled and looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders, closing my eyes so I wouldn't start cracking up. All their faces were of distress as they fingered their own locks. The blonde screeched and started to inspect her own hair now.

"Good luck for the rest of the week ladies and...gentlemen," I gave a plastic sympathetic look. Guys scooted their desks away from Hiroshi and I, while all the other girls started looking through their locks and asking their friends to check. I looked at Hiroshi and gave him a wink. "Make it stop!" the brunette wailed. I shrugged my shoulders again. "I'm sorry, but this is something I can't do anything about. I'm new to all this and dunno about this magic connection thing--stupid really. Why didn't you even know this? You're a paranormal. You know everything." The brunette was in a full-on panic. 

" least you have a tengu here," Hiroshi suddenly spoke up. I eyed him, thinking what he was up to. He waved his hands around in some pattern before blowing his palms. "Tengu's are still part of the deep ancient magic of the land. I was able to dampen this...side effect. It shouldn't last long."

"OH THANK YOU!" the brunette wailed. There were loud sighs of relief all around the classroom before the bell rang, and the Professor T. Spooner walked in with a cup of steaming sweet smelling tea. Hiroshi quirked a smile at me before I turned around and faced the front. He definitely earned a few brownie points with that! 

Let others know not to mess with me? Check.

Make them more wary of snide remarks because they heard something? Check.

Make them scared of a human? Hell yeah! My devilish senses were tingling.

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