Live While We're Young (Boyxb...

By stylesplus

256K 5.1K 589

One direction scored a gig at the best club known to earth, all the celebs go there. After they finish aroun... More

Live While We're Young (Boyxboy) (Lilo Tayne) (Mpreg)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Last chapter :)

Chapter 19 part 2

5.5K 144 19
By stylesplus

Louis POV

Liam is currently setting up the ultrasound machine so that we can show the boys our baby; they are so excited to see him. Tom and Jeremy sat next to Harry on the far end of the couch with Zayn at their feet and Niall in front of me.  Once the machine was connected to the TV Liam brought the ultra-wand over to where I was sitting.

“Lay down babe.” He said while grabbing a bottle of gel so he could squirt it on my tummy ready for the ultra-wand to glide over. I slid down so my baby bump faced up and waiting for the cold gel. “It’s going to be col..”

“WARN ME NEXT TIME” I yelled at him the gel was like ice. Niall laughed at me and I glared at him. “I’m not afraid to squirt that gel on you Horan” I warned him and he backed up a bit, Liam just shook his head and put the wand to my bump and moved it around. “That’s my baby.” I cried out and my eyes started to water, then I heard its heart beat.

Zayn got up and ran out of the room and a couple of minutes later came back with a bottle of apple juice and wine glasses “I think it’s time to celebrate.” I Laughed and nodded sitting up to grab my glass.

“To the baby and its fathers!” Niall said and held out his glass and clapped it everyone else’s glass. It was such a happy and bubbly moment we forgot about the four year old boy sitting with us.

“Dad boys can’t have babies.” Harry bent down and looked at his son; they may not be related but act around each other anyone would think they were.

“Louis special, he’s having a baby boy just like you.” He smiled at the boy in adoration.


I have made this a part 2 of chapter 19 because I want chapter 20 to be big and there will be a surprise. Zayn and Niall don’t seem to be in this much and I was planning on making them have a love life each but I can’t decide if I should make them straight or gay, and if so with who? Please Inbox me what you think. I HAVE THE NAME OF LOUIS BABY!!!!!   

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