The Day the World Turned Blue

By EverLovingAdelaide

125 14 0

Love is like a window pane The sun shines in, but it stops the rain They say that love is blind To me this is... More

Explanation and Introduction
Say Mama
Lotta Lovin'
Temptation Baby
Race With the Devil
Baby Blue
The Day the World Turned Blue

Cat Man

14 1 0
By EverLovingAdelaide

Lisa had an odd thought in the back of her mind. What if he recognized her? What if she wasn't just another girl? He had asked her to contact him if she was ever at one of his concerts. She was at one of his concerts. Would he have any idea who she was?
Lisa's hands were shaking as she stood on the outside of the concert with a large group of young people. Gene climbed out of the car. The group of people exploded in cheers and screams. Cameras flashed. People were leaning over trying to touch him. When the other musicians passed there was less fight to get towards them.
Lisa lost her nerve. She couldn't say anything to him. She just stared. Her eyes wide. For a moment she imagined that he saw her. That their eyes met and that he recognized her, but that was impossible. It had been over a year, and she had only met him once...
Lisa felt stupid again. It seemed to happen every time she saw Gene Vincent. A stupid feeling. Lisa didn't feel like going into the concert, but she had paid for her ticket. It had costed a lot so she felt obligated to go to the concert. Being in the concert hall felt weird. It was different than the first Gene Vincent concert she had been to. The hall was smaller. There was less dancing. There were less people. It was less fun.
Oh, Gene Vincent still performed with the same intense fury he had at the first concert Lisa had attended, but the audience seemed to react to a lessened degree. The audience was just out of it. It was like they hadn't come for Gene Vincent and he was just there.
When the concert ended Lisa rushed out of the concert hall. Her high heels clacked on the cement sidewalks. She sat down on a bench and lit a cigarette. She stared off in the distance. She felt so stupid. What was she expecting? That he'd see her and recognize her after one meeting and a whole year's time.
Lisa watched the grey smoke float up towards the sky. "I'm an idiot," She said to herself.
"Oh, why's that?"
Lisa jumped. A sweet smile.
It was Gene Vincent.
"Can I have a cigarette?" Gene asked.
Lisa fumbled in her purse to get her cigarettes. When she got them out she dropped them and the top opened and the cigarettes spilled out all over the ground. Gene laughed quietly and watched her pick the cigarettes up off the ground. He had on a large black coat with fur lining and light brown pants.
"It's nice to see you again," Gene said as Lisa handed him a cigarette. She dropped the package back into her purse.
Lisa lit a match and handed it to Gene so he could light his cigarette. He lit the cigarette then blew out the match. Gene let out a large puff of smoke before smiling and turning towards Lisa.
"How have you been?" He asked.
"Good," Lisa said quietly.
"You didn't have to hitchhike here, did you?" Gene asked.
Lisa smiled slightly. "No, this time I saved up more money to take the train," She said.
"That's good," Gene said letting out another puff of smoke.
"How have you been?" Lisa asked.
Gene laughed quietly. "Good enough," He said. "A little trouble with my leg, but nothing too bad."
"Where are you going after this?" Lisa asked.
"Home," Gene said.
"For Christmas?" Lisa asked.
Gene smiled and nodded. "I'm celebrating with my wife and my stepdaughter," He said.
Gene's words hit Lisa like a ton of bricks. He was married. With a stepdaughter. Lisa felt stupid.
"Your wife?" She managed to say. Her voice cracked slightly.
"Her name's Darlene," Gene said. "I don't talk about her often... See I made the mistake of saying I wasn't married during an interview once, and I just never changed my answer since then."
"How long have you been married?" Lisa found herself asking Gene quietly.
Gene smiled slightly. "Only for a few months," He said.
Lisa let out a puff of smoke and sigh of relief. Why had she been so disappointed? He wouldn't be interested in her. She wasn't that pretty.
"Is something wrong?" Gene asked. He touched her shoulder.
Lisa looked over at him. She smiled. "No, there's nothing wrong," She said.
"Good," He said. Another sweet smile. "Are you hungry?"
"A little," Lisa said.
Gene smiled and took her by the arm and helped her up. "Then let's go get something to eat," He said smiling.
Gene and Lisa walked together to a burger joint. It was quite similar to the one that Lisa had met Gene in. This time Lisa had nickels to spare so she walked up to the jukebox and looked through its song selection. Though it was wintertime Lisa felt the need to play a record she deeply enjoyed. She dropped a nickel into the jukebox and pressed the button for the song Summertime Blues.
Gene looked over at her and smiled. "It's Eddie," He said.
Lisa walked back over to him and smiled. "I like the song," She said quietly.
Gene nodded his head. He looked at the man behind the counter. "Two cheeseburgers and two cokes and a thing of fries," Gene said glancing over at Lisa. Gene placed two dollars on the counter and told the man to keep the change.
"You have money this time," Lisa commented.
Gene laughed. "Johnny left so I have to keep a little money for myself," He said.
Lisa frowned. "Why'd he leave?" She asked.
"I'm always touring, and when I'm not we're in the studio. I guess he just needed a break," Gene said.
Lisa nodded. Her and Gene's burgers were ready so they took them and sat down in a booth. Summertime Blues had ended. This time Gene went to the jukebox. Over the Rainbow by Judy Garland started to play. Lisa stared at Gene as he walked back.
"I wouldn't think you were a Judy Garland person," Lisa said.
Gene smiled. "This is one of my favorite songs," He said. "I've recorded it. Not the same as Judy Garland's version of course."
Lisa looked down at her hands. "Your ballads are very beautiful," She said.
Gene flashed her another smile. "Thank you," He said.
Lisa took a bite of her burger. They ate silently. When they were finished eating Lisa looked at her watch. It was almost time for her to get to the bus station.
"I need to get to the station," Lisa said slipping out of the booth.
Gene followed suit. They both stood up and walked out of the restaurant. Gene had his hands in his pocket. Lisa didn't know what exactly to do with her hands and she felt awkward about swinging them at her side so she put them behind her back. Gene glanced over at her and took his left hand out of his pocket. He took her hand in his as they walked hand-in-hand to the bus station. When they reached the bus station Lisa went to the counter and bought a ticket so that she could get to the train station. She sat down in one of the benches as she waited for the bus. Gene sat down beside her.
Lisa was quiet as she was thinking. When she first met Gene had he felt anything towards her? He had kiss her goodbye, but was that just an act of politeness?
Gene looked over at Lisa. "What are you thinking about?" He asked.
Lisa looked him in the eyes. She wasn't sure if she should say what she was thinking.
Gene smiled. "You can tell me," He said.
"When you first met me... Was I... I mean, did you find me attractive at all?" Lisa asked.
Gene turned towards Lisa. He looked her straight in the eyes. "I found you very attractive then, and I still do," Gene said.
Lisa was blushing as she looked down at her feet. Gene put his hand on her shoulder. "But I'm married," He said. "So I think I'll just settle with your friendship."
Lisa looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah, we can be friends. I'm just flattered you found me attractive," She said.
The bus rolled in and Lisa stood up. Gene stood up as well. He took her hand in his. She felt her heart beat in her ears again. Gene kissed her on the cheek this time.
"I hope I get to see you again," Gene said.
Lisa flashed him a smile. "I'll go to the next concert of yours I can afford," She said.
Gene smiled back at her. "Have a nice trip home," He said.
"I hope your holiday goes well," Lisa said walking towards the bus. Gene was still beside her at the bus. Lisa stepped into the bus and looked for a seat. She took a seat by the window and looked out. Gene was standing at the bus stop still. His coat seemed to dwarf him. Lisa watched him quietly as the bus drove off, and he disappeared in the distance. She didn't know when she would see him again; she only hoped he would still know her when she did.

(The song at the top is Cat Man, it was written by Gene Vincent and his manager. I think it has my favorite Cliff Gallup guitar solo. He was really good.
Well, until next chapter!)

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