Crystal clear

By Winter_Dolphin

296 43 129

Kimberly Aven has never really fit in, but she always managed to get by. Until Alexander Shélon shows up at h... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Quick thanks

Chapter 11

6 2 15
By Winter_Dolphin

The truck tosses Alexander and I around as it pulls away from the hospital. I groan as Damien try's to hit every rock and pot hole there is. The highway is off of a main road and has a single lane semi-gravel semi-paved road. It's never been fixed and is rarely used. But with the water that gets into the cracks after our freezing winters, it's a miracle that the road doesn't have a giant split strait down the middle. I should probably mention now, that they took us out through the backdoors to the waiting creepy looking van. I wish I was privy to where we're going, so I could figure out how to get back home. Then again, I wouldn't be able to go home even if I wanted to. There was no way to tell how far we'd gone or how many turns we'd taken. With a wall separating Alexander and I from the front seats, and no windows in the back it makes it rather difficult to see the road. As we hit another bump the smallest flare of pain shoots out across my body from my chest. I hold my breath till the pain subsides, hiding the pain the best I can. I don't want to worry Alexander.

"Kimberly, if I could only teach you how to get us the..." Alexander starts looking at his hands and tugging uselessly at the restraints holding him.

"Flip out of here? I know you would." I say looking over at him. I smile gently at him when he looks up. "You don't need to treat me as a wounded animal." I laugh.

'SHUT UP BACK THERE!' Damien's voice snaps.

I jump, pain shooting through me, but barely there. I'm becoming numb. Surprise courses through me as a section on the supposedly solid wall thins, however still preventing us seeing through. "That's amazing," I stretch the chain that ties me to the wall. It has a thin bendable plastic coating to it to reduce the risk of chaffing I assume. I move closer to the wall, feeling that science nerd in me peak through me. The wall must have been built with some sort of malleable material that could stretch so thin, it would allow sound to pass through however, it would still be dense enough for Alexander and I not to be able to see. The construct of it appears metal, however could very likely be that they're able to transform the materials appearance. If they're able to manipulate something in such a degree that they are here, it would pose as likely.

"Earth to Kimberly." Alexander mumbles.

"Ya know if you want to be a jerk that's fine, but do it when we aren't about to be kidnapped and executed by a couple of lunes!" I snap, dropping my voice so that Damien, Cheyenne and Bethany can't hear me speak. "It's fine by me if you decide to get yourself killed, Alexander, but I'm not going down with that ship."

"Kimberly we have been kidnappés at this point. Not almost." Alexander mumbles. Then He smiles and motions towards the restraints. He acts out smashing the chains that hold us to the wall. I watch as he positions himself, calmly draws back, then strikes the bolt of the chains that attaches us to the truck. Immediately everyone in the front is speaking quietly. To quiet for me to make out any distinguishable words, but that doesn't matter. What matters is their tone.

"I think they heard," I joke shakily. I look at the metal bolts holding me to the wall, draw back and feel a sudden energy burst. I slam my wrists into the wall once, and the restraints shatter as though frozen. I feel no pain in this movement, which one would've expected from my injury. I look at the shattered bracket on the wall and see small fragments of ice splintered in the fractures of the chain that remains slightly attached. The shackles that wrap themselves around my wrists are all but lay in ruins around me. "Well if they didn't hear you, they definitely heard me." I mumble.

"Enough wise cracks Kimberly, just free me and get us out of this..." Alexander's off cursing like a sailor. A long slew of words I've never heard slip, from his mouth as he repeatedly pounds the shackles into the bracket.

"Language." I scold as I scoot over to him. The truck decides to play Cupid and throws me on top of him when we hit a huge pothole. I immediately scamper off of his lap apologizing because, I'm a decent human? No, we all know that's not true. Maybe because I felt bad for basically going headlong into his stomach. I feel a soft burn in my chest. But it wasn't pain from my injury. This wasn't pain...was it, butterflies? Nope. No, I refuse to think it was because of Alexander. Although he was...focus the little voice in my head screams. "Sorry," I apologize.

"Not your fault for the truck deciding that you need to have a conversation with my lunch. Why? Well who the hell knows!" He snaps smashing the chain into the wall.

"How 'bout you let me help you get out of those...setbacks." I ask grabbing the chain. "On three. One. Two." I pull the chain back, call three, and smash the chain into a billion fragments.

"Nice." Alexander breaths. he looks like he'd just seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?"

"We need to get you back to the castle. Your powers are way to advanced for someone who's never been taught." He says standing.

I feel the truck speed up, no doubt to discourage us from jumping out. I hear the people in the front shouting at us, but I don't listen to the words they say. My heart pounds as I try to stand straight and tall. The truck rocks but doesn't move. Alexander stands in front of me, and I in front of the door.

Just then the truck decides to play freaking Cupid again and tosses him into me and throws us both into the back wall, unlocking the door somehow. Maybe too much pressure. I catch the small handle above the doors, holding onto it for all I've got. Because the only thing keeping me inside, away from the edge of a speeding cliff overlooking a very inviting looking sea and my sure death, was this handle. The suction of the cool, salty air begins to pull at me, begging me to be stupid and jump. The tallons of the wind pulls my hair out of its orderly position so it whips around behind me. The vice grip and the pull of the wind yanks at my clothing, pulling it away from me. Pulling me away from the truck.

Alexander slowly moves towards the inside of the truck, having caught a second handle. This truck is apparently made to prevent people from flying out of the truck. Or maybe not designed to prevent, but to help you if you do almost die from the moronic driver's driving. Or to help them hold on while they throw people out the back. Maybe it's a common problem for kidnappers, so they have to put in a safety mechanism.

Alexander grabs onto one of the chains and pulls himself even farther forward. I suddenly feel the urge to get out. To jump. However the choice isn't left to me. With one final bump, Alexander looses his grip, and the truck sends he's flying back at me. I loose my grip and out we are thrown. As we are tossed out the door was swinging back and forth on its hinges, hitting me in the face the door sends me spinning. The cool air bites my lungs as I fly through the air. The warm sun beating brown on me, and the vicious wind pulling me.

The air whips around me as I hit the ground, the road hard and cold, even under the hot sun. The wind drags me towards the edge. My momentum seemingly enough that I'm pulled violently off of the edge of the cliff by the vicious wind.

Now here's a good question: Who the hell was the idiot who didn't put a guard rail on the side of this road, sorry. Cliff, overlooking the sea? I reach out for anything as I tumble down, but all I get is dirt. I reach and reach and I manage to grip at a single flimsy root of a dead tree as I tumble down. The only thing keeping me from my very likely demise. I hold on by one hand, then two. I swallow as I try to find a foothold and come to the realization, Alexander is the only reason any of this has happened. Before him everything was fine...wasn't it? That car accident that killed my parents was just that, right? An accident. Or was that all part of a bigger ploy? And were my sisters really behind the brutal attack from all those years ago? I'm not too sure now. What's happening to me?

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