
Oleh MrsReigns19

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4-
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
I don't Know Why
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
It's Up

Chapter 23

2.6K 104 18
Oleh MrsReigns19

Not edited well

Ciara POV

I picked Avery off of the bathroom and put planted her feet on the ground. She giggled and ran out towards the living room. I smiled and walked out behind her.

Nikki hasn't talked to me since yesterday. I just want to give her some space and let her calm down about the whole thing. I walked towards the kitchen in search of something to eat.

It's about 1:50 in the afternoon, and we just woke up 10 minutes ago. It was pretty late in the afternoon, but last night, we had to travel to the next city, being New York and the flight took forever. Being back in my hometown brings back so many memories.

"Alright little mama, what would you like this morning?"

A knock on the door interrupted Avery from responding.

"Daddy?" Avery said looking up at me. I kissed her head and smile. "Hope so baby girl."

I walked over and opened the door. My smile disappeared within a couple of seconds and disappointment took over.

"Happy Birthday Ciara." Chris said handing me a Victoria's Secret shopping bag. I twisted my lips to the side and looked at him.

"Thanks but, uh.. you didn't have to." I said. Chris chuckled a little and stepped inside. I don't think I remember inviting him in.

"Da-" Avery began yelling but stopped when she noticed that it wasn't Roman. Chris looked around the hotel suite and smiled.

"Are you planning anything fun today?" Chris asked turning to me. I set the bag on the coffee table and rolled my eyes.

"I mean considering that it's your birthday." Chris finished. I rocked back on my feet and raised an eyebrow.

"You remembered."

"How could I forget my Ex's birthday?" Chris asked smiling. I looked at him with displeasure and shook my head. I hated the thought of me even having anything to do with him.

"You know I don't like celebrating my birthday."

"I know, but today should be different. How about you and Avery get ready and I take you both out." Chris said stuffing his hands into his pockets.

I shook my head and crossed my arms. What the hell does he want?

"No, Joe's taking me out I guess." I replied. Avery climbed into the couch and began playing with my phone.

Chris sat down next to her and grinned.

"So what are you guys now, boyfriend and girlfriend? Or just playing house?" Chris asked. I rolled my eyes again and scoffed.

"That's none of your business. You can take your stupid gift and leave." I hissed throwing the bag in his lap. He laughed and put his hands up in surrender.

"Aye, there's nothing I said that you should be getting hostile about. Just let me say something," Chris started.

"If Roman really was drunk the night you two, ya know, conceived Avery and Chris Junior, the next morning he would have woken up with a hangover, probably up on the bed wonder where his clothes are and look around. He would have seen you on the bed and known that you guys did something."

"What are you talking about?"

"Wow, for a girl who tutored me in high school, you sure aren't smart."

Without thinking, I brought my hand back and slapped him, making him stumble back.

"If you don't get out in the next three seconds, I will stab you." I threatened.
He looked at me and chuckled. His cheek was red from my slap but I could care less.

"Im sure your daughter would love watching that, wouldnt she?" He asked. He paused to touch his cheek.

"You have to think Ciara. Everyone wakes up with hangovers and as soon as they realize where they are, they panick. If Joe woke up the next morning and saw you lying asleep next to him, and walked away like nothing happened..." he trailed off as my face fell. My breathing accelerated as I thought about everything Chris just said.

"You're a home wrecker. Get the hell out before I call the police." I said through gritted teeth. Chris sighed and ran his had through his long brown hair.

"That's not necessary. I plan on fighting for you Ciara. You know this is not the person I want to be. I was there for that 15 year old who worked in convenience stores and slept on fire escapes. I was there for you no matter what people said about you and how ragged up you looked, because underneath all those layers, I saw a sad girl. I played for you to sleep in a hotel room and played everyday for 2 years. When I went away to college, I stayed in touch. I could have gone out and partied, but stayed on Skype to help my with 11th grader girlfriend with some homework." Chris started. He stepped closer to me and smiled. I shook my head and laughed sarcastically.

"But you turned into Summer's little lap dog."

"Ciara, you have to understand that the stupid mistakes I have made in life were because I was hurt. That's not an excuse, but everyday I wake up with regret because I let the one person I cared for the most, go. I know your upset at me but deep down you know that you forgave me long ago." Chris finished.

"Don't come in here and try to work your way into my head. Ain't nobody as stupid as you were, letting Summer get to you. Everything that you have done has been a choice. You have to stop and change for the better.  You know I'm in love with Joe, so don't bring up any B.S." I said in defeat. Chris nodded.

"I know baby, I know. But..underneath all of that...Ciara you still love me." Chris replied. I shook my head out of frustration. Does he not get it?

He back me up slowly on the wall and smirked. "Just stop! I have no feeling what so ever for you!" I semi yelled. His face was inches from mine and his smirking was just passing me off.

"Ciara, I know I've hurt you before, but put that aside for a second and look me in the eyes and tell me you have no feelings for me."

I hate what he was doing. It wasn't fair. You can't just spring up on people and ask that question. I looked down at his chest and shook my head.

"I don't have feelings for you Chris, you gotta respect that." I hissed.

He chuckled.

"Babe, my eyes are up here." He touched my face and I cringed.

"Stop!" I spat, trying pushing away from him, but he pushed his body up on me. His hands were up on the wall on both sides of me.

"Christopher, I swear on everything, if you don't back the hell up, you won't be able to walk out that door today."

Oh my goodness, thank God.

Chris smirked and retreated with his hand up in surrender. He turned around to face his cousin and laughed.

"I didn't plan on walking out that door today anyways. After Ciara puts on what's in the bag, only time will tell." I scrambled off the wall and ran to a pissed off Roman. He flexed his jaw muscles and balled his fists.

"Your lucky my daughter is in here." Roman said keeping his eyes locked in Chris. The intensity in the room was intimidating. Avery looked from Roman to Chris and smiled.

"Just an excuse for you to be a bitch about things, ain't it?" Chris asked. I rolled my eyes and turned to Roman.

"Come on Joe, your better than him in every way, don't stoop so low." I advised trying to pull Joe away but he wouldn't move. His jaw muscles stayed flexing.

"Take Avery out." Roman repeated.

Roman POV

I waited till Ciara and Avery had left the hotel suite. I could have tooken her advise, but it's been so long. All this anger I've been building up towards Chris needs to be taken out.

"Joe, you may be bigger than me, physically, but emotionally, I'm above you anyday." Chris started.

"I warned you several times to stay away from Ciara and Avery-"

"She loves me Joe, and we both know it. Can't you acc-."

I cut him off by hitting him with a huge blow to the face making him double over.

"Stupid son of a bi.." He grunted. Before he finished his sentence he launched at me. I quickly moved away and kicked him in his jaw making his head snap back. I punched him every where, getting my anger out.

"Get up jackass." I said through gritted teeth. I went in for another hit, when the door opened suddenly and Dean ran in. Trailing behind him was Ciara, no Avery.

Dean pushed me away from Chris and helped him up.

"What the hell is your problem?!" He asked me, I didn't care any more. Chris was bleeding badly. His face was bruising up as he grunted out the pain.

"Get the fuck off of me." I hissed pushing Dean away from me.

I looked over at Ciara who shook her head in disappointment and went over to who  went over to help Chris out.

Ciara POV

Roman looked at me. I shook my head in disappointment and left the room.

I appreciate the fact that He stood for me but this is exactly what I didn't want. From the beginning, I told him that I don't want to be the type of person who stands between him and his family, but he just proved that I was indeed that person.

After about an hour, I went back to the suite to clean up, Avery was cheerful ad always, but I didn't see what was so funny.

"What should we do for the rest of the day, babe?"I asked ruffling Avery's head. She didn't mind me and just went about playing around. I sighed and looked around. I was still in my pajamas from this morning. Gosh I'm a total mess. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed

"How about we go to the movies and watch that Spongebob movie that came out not to long ago." I asked walking towards the room, guiding Avery in.

I stripped her down leaving her in just a diaper and put her pajamas in a hamper. I soon got her bath ready, and made sure it was the right tempurature.

I after giving her a bath, lotioned her up and dressed her in regular blue jeans along with her favorite Roman Reigns t-shirt. It was big before, but I made some adjustments and now it looks like it was made for her.

"What should mama wear?" I asked wrapping my hair in a bun. I soon pulled out a red plaid shirt with the arms rolled up. To go along with it, blue rolled up Boyfriend jeans and combat boots. I turned on the t.v. to entertain Avery.

Once after I was finished and dressed, I blow dried out my hair and straightened it the best I could. To top it off, I coated my lips with dark red Matte lipstick.

I stuffed my wallet and phone into my purse and slung it on my shoulder. I picked Avery up with my right arm and we soon left.

The way to AMC theater was quite exciting, because we were driving through the city. It was about 5:00 by now, so the sun was setting and the beautiful lights were popping out.

"Thank you so much." I smiled once we got to the theater. I pulled out a twenty and handed it to the cab driver.

"No problem. Next time you need a cab, ask for Reggie." He replied. His thick New York-an accent was hilarious. Avery giggled as we climbed out of the taxi. We waved him off and soon entered the building. The smell of popcorn and hotdogs hit me really hard.

"Welcome to AMC theaters, Which movie will you be viewing?" The guy asked me. I looked at Avery.

"Which one would you like to see?" I asked pointing between Inside Out and Spongebob Out Of Water.

"Bo!" Avery said. I chuckled and turned back to the guy who smiled.

"Two tickets to Spongebob Out Of Water please." I said. He handed me our tickets and the total came to 15 dollars. I played him his money and went to the line to get some snacks.

"This should be good. At least I'm doing something today. Ain't that right?"
Well today started off terrible but ended out alright. After the movie, I took Avery out to this kiddie place, and free meals are included all in the price of one. In a way, it felt like it was both of our birthdays.

We stopped by Brie's hotel room and she insisted on taking Avery for the night. I was hesitant, but agreed after a while. I pressed the button for the elevator. It arrived within a couple minutes and I stepped on.

Roman was in workout clothes and had his beats hanging around his neck. His eyes were glued to his phone but he looked up as I walked in.

I sighed and  pressed the button for the 4th floor. "Hey." I mumbled, throwing my pride to the side. He looked me up and down and didn't say a word. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"If you're not going to talk to me, just say that. It's not like you're d!ck is the only one waiting for me." I hissed.  Roman laughed and shook his head.

"YOu're something else Owens. Just say so if you want my attention. I know you can't stay mad at me." Roman said. I scoffed.

"No one wants your damn  attention." I retorted and turned away from him. The elevator came to a halt and I stepped off as soon as the door parted. Roman followed me out and sighed.

"Are you mad at me for this morning?" Roman asked as I unlocked the door to my suite.

"No.. just disappointed. I know you meant well for me when you were defending me. But fighting is never the answer." I retorted. Roman stepped in behind me and closed the door.

"If you think I'm going to apologize for being here when you needed me most, then you must be mistaken." Roman said. I set my bag down and tossed the keys onto the coffee table.

I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. "And I'm  greatful, but like I said before, I don't want to be that person who drives you away from your family.

He grinned and kissed my forehead. He put his arms around my waist and brought me closer to his body.

"Don't blame yourself for shit. The put this on themselves."

I nodded slowly as Roman kissed my lips. I smiled a little and began moving my lips in sync with him. His lips soon traveled down my jaw line. I exhaled silently and bobbed my head back a little. Oh yes.

Before I knew it, Roman had swept me up.

I giggled and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pulled apart and grinned at me.

"Almost to second base." He said. I laughed and shook my head. "Don't be so cocky." I said, telling him like I always do. I rubbed his bottom lip with my thumb, some of my lipstick came off on his lips.

I ran my hand through his hair, scalp to the tip of the strands and kissed him again.

Roman moved his hand down cupping my behind, making me jump a little. He rested his hands there, and laughed at the look I was giving him.

I hopped off of him and shook my head. "YOu're something else Anao'I." I said as I fixed my shirt.

"But you love me." Roman mimicked me. I rolled my eyes playfully and went into the room to change my clothes.

"So where's my daughter?" Roman asked walking in.

"Uh, she's with Briana." I replied, unbottoning my plaid shirt. I tossed it into  the bathroom hamper. Roman groaned and I turned to look at him.

His eyes were closed and and ad he flopped back on the bed.

"Why do you do this to me?" He asked. I laughed and crossed my arms. "Grow up, your acting like I'm walking around butt-naked." I said. Roman sat back up and opened his eyes. They were so beautiful and blue so full of love and lust. He bit his lip while looking at me.

I was perfectly fine, but having him look at me in such a way was cute. It's been so long since someone has seen me as beautiful or gorgeous and most importantly, it was nice to have someone who loved me.

No I wasn't naked, I was in a bra and my jeans. Roman stood up off of the bed and made his way over to me. Without a word and leaned in and kissed me. I pushed him a little roughly on the bed, making him chuckle, and crawled on top of him.

"The things you do to me Ciara....."Roman whispered. I giggled as he flipped us over, to him being ontop. He grabbed both of my hands and held them down above my head in a playful, dominant way. Instead of holding my wrists, our hands were intertwined which only made it better.

His lips traveled down my neck. He used his knee to part my legs so he has a place to rest his body.

He looked at the faded marks across my stomach and looked up at me. I smiled weakly and shrugged a little. "My battlescars." I mumbled.

He chuckled. "Nothing to be afraid of, you're beautiful no matter what." He replied. His lips were against mines and the movement was just insane.

Soon enough my jeans came off and his shirt went flying to the floor. His muscles flexed widly, adding more to this wild expirience. He slowly began to grind, teasing in in every way. I got one of my hands free from his hold and slowly ran it down his back as he bit and sucked on my neck. My hand landed on the rim of his pants.

His hair was  wild and messy. He had his pants off within seconds, leaving him in these sexy ass Calvin Klein's.

"Stop with all your teasing Roman." I whined. Joe laughed making me roll my eyes playfully.

His hands traveled down my side's to my underwear and slipped them  off.

I felt something throb against my entrance and widend my eyes. Its just been so long since I... My insides churned with nervousness. Roman brought his face inches from mines and nodded, his blue eyes locked on my brown ones.

"I love you Ciara.. Roman said trailing off.

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