A Dragons Fire In My Heart

By andrayakruger

165K 4.9K 2.2K

Its been a year since Lucy Heartfilia became a member of fairy tail. But when she finds out that she is desti... More

Chapter 1: The Guild and The Mission (before I knew I was in love)
Chapter 2: The Dream and The Fun
Chapter 3: The Truth
Chapter 4: Why me?
Chapter 5: Love lost?
Chapter 6: The information and The anouncement
Chapter 7:Settling in
Chapter 8: I see you
Chapter 9: Lies and beginings
Chapter 10: I feel safe
Chapter 11: His gift to me
Chapter 12: So it begins
Chapter 13: Slip
Chapter 14: The Blue Gem
Chapter 15: We must fight!
Chapter 16: Fighting for you
Chapter 17: He's here
Chapter 19: You

Chapter 18: Changed

5.3K 193 47
By andrayakruger

Lucy P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of dust, and the noise of thousands of people shouting from far away. My eyes adjusted, I was in a cave. I looked around me, to see Gajeel staring at me. I sat up slowly and winced at the pain. My back hurt like crazy.

"Woah there Lucy, be careful now." Gajeel said.

I rubbed my eyes, "What are we doing here? Where is Natsu?"

"He has been fighting for hours."

I shot up, "What!?"

"Morin and his army showed up last night. We have lost alot of good men...."

I was shocked. Then I remembered how Natsu thought Morin was going to show up sooner, so he said he would hide me. But I wanted to help, I needed to help! I tried to stand up, it was painful but I was determined. Gajeel tried to stop me but I pushed him away.

"Don't try and stop me!"

He tried to hold me back again. This time I pushed him as hard as I could, and he went flying backwards. He crashed into the wall of the cave. I looked down at my hand. I was never that strong? I brushed it off, and started to run. My legs were screaming to stop, but I kept going. I could begin to make out the wizards. I tried to pick up my pace, but suddenly my back began to hurt again. I fell to my knees and screamed. It felt like something was pushing against my skin from the inside, trying to get out. Clenching my hands, gathering sand in between my fingers. I started to cough franticaly, blood ran from my mouth. the horizon became blury. I was about to give up, when i heard a voice in my head.

"Keep going." It was my mothers voice.

"I can't!" I shouted breathing heavily .

"Keep going!"

I got up again and stumbled forward. My legs felt weak, and i felt dizzy. But she kept telling me to keep going. So i listened. Every step felt like agony. Eventually, I had reached one of the tents. I held onto it, catching my breath. In front of me, wizards were fighting beasts. I tried to hide myself. I looked around to spot Natsu. He was not to far away from me. My voice would be to weak to shout but he has good hearing.

"Natsu! Natsu!" It wasnt loud, but he heard me.

He turned around to see me, his face grew pale. He was helping a wounded wizard. He got someone to take over, and he made his way towards me. Once he got me, he picked me up and carried me to the back of the tent.

"What the hell were you thinking!" He hissed through his teeth, "You can get killed out here!" He was covered in bruises, and his lip was cut and bleeding badly.

I swallowed, "Natsu...", I said in my pathetic weak voice, "We have to do that thing."

"What thing Lucy? What are you talking about?" He hissed again.

"That thing, that my mom said we must do." My eyes were feeling droopy. I stumbled forward but he caught me.

"This is madness Lucy! I need to get you back to Gajeel."

I tried to pull away, "No! Please Natsu... please Natsu, please." I started to cry. I held onto his vest tightly.

Natsu picked me up over his shoulder. He began to walk in the direction of the cave, I kicked and screamed, but he wouldn't listen to me.

"Stop this Lucy!" He growled.

"You jerk! Put me down!" I cried.

Natsu P.O.V

She screamed at me to stop, but I couldn't. I needed to get her back to safety. I knew I was hurting her, but I didn't want to lose her. I was about half way to reaching the cave when i heard a voice in my head.

'Turn around"

It was Layla's voice. I pushed it aside and carried on walking.

"Turn around."

"No." I replied back.

"Its your chance. Turn around." She kept repeating the same words to me, until I gave in. I turned around and started to run back. When we reached the tent, I gentley put Lucy down. She immediately shot me a horrible death stare.

"Take her hand." Layla said to me.

I took Lucy's hand but she pulled away, "Don't touch me!"

She began to cry again, "Lucy, your mom. She spoke to me. Please, give me your hand."

I held out my hand In front of her. At first she just stared at it, but took it in agreement.

"Say the words I taught you, together." Layla's voice echoed in my head.

I told Lucy to say the words her mother had taught us. So we did. Nothing happened.

"I don't understand.." Lucy frowned.

"Repeat it." Layla said.

So we did, over and over again. Lucy began to scream, I looked over to her. She was cluching her head. Then all of a sudden she stopped. She got up and walked away from me.

"Lucy! wait!" I shouted.

"Leave her!" The voice ordered to me. So i watched as Lucy walked towards the battle. Everyone stopped and stared at her. She stopped in front of Morin. He chuckled.

"So this, is my fine young niece! I have been waiting to meet you!" He luaghed evily.

No ones P.O.V

Lucy closed her eyes. She felt her body being lifted up. All around her people gasped. Suddenly all the pain she had, had disapeard like it had been wiped away. Her body started to glow. The wizards shielded their eyes from the blinding light. Gigantic pearl white wings, burst from her back, and beautiful dragon horns emerged from her skull. Her blonde hair turned gold, and her tatterd blue clothes was now a short white dress. She felt power bubbling inside her, until she couldn't hold it in any more. She opened her eyes, and stared into Morins. She grinned and shouted.

"Celestial Dragon, wing attack!" And with that, she flew her wings in front of her. Light erupted all around them. Death screams from Morin and his evil army, soon stopped. Lucy fell from the sky. Natsu ran as fast as he could, and caught her. She opened her eyes to see him looking at her, his face was pale. Mira and the others ran over to them.

"Oh my gosh! Lucy!?" Levy covered her mouth with her hands.

Lucy P.O.V

I looked at every one around me, they all looked like they had seen a ghost, "What's wrong?" I asked.

Gray gave me a piece of glass, I looked into it and what I saw shocked the life out of me. I had horns! And gold hair! One of my eyes were my usual chocolate brown colour, while the other was blue. But what really shocked me the most, was my wings.

"They are so beautiful." Natsu said reading my mind.

I looked up at him, "You arnt wierded out?" I asked.

He held me tight, " How can I be? Lucy, you are gorgious!" He ran his hands soflty on my wings, a tear fell from his cheek. It felt good, and i kissed him. We melted into each others kisses. My wings started to disappear, and so did my horns. My mother spoke to me again, she told me that when ever I need to fight, I will regain my wings, but I will always have gold hair and oddly coloured eyes.

While we were hugging each other, we heard a noise above us. We looked up to see the most amazing thing, something we thought we would never see. Dragons flew above us, making their way towards the mountain.

"No freaken way!" Natsu shouted happily.

"The Dragons are back!"

We all cheered. Natsu embraced me in a big hug, "The Dragon Kingdom is resorted!" I said to him.

"I love you Lucy!" He held me tighter.

I started to cry again, I squeezed him back.

Gray put his hand on my shoulder, I pulled away and hugged him, "Thank you for being there for Natsu Gray."

He chuckled, "Lets go home every one." He said pulling away.

I looked back at Natsu and smiled, "Yeah... lets go home."

(Don't worry its not finished yet! Chapter 19 coming soon!)

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