What Is Pyaar?

By bollywoodobsessed

21.5K 209 117

6 friends from totally different backgrounds. Old enemies one might say. One apartment has brought them all... More

Chapter 2: Girls Oh Girls

Chapter 1: Bye Bye Mumbai

3.8K 120 88
By bollywoodobsessed

Anjali's POV

"Hope you have a safe flight and don't go out too much" my mummy tells me for the hundredth time. She's basically the typical, protective Indian mom. You know, like the one that packs you roti for lunch almost every single day of the week and scolds you for even glancing at a boy. Not saying that it's a bad thing, but I have to admit that sometimes it does get a bit much.

"Yes mummy. Now I have to get going otherwise my flight will leave without me!" I say while turning around.

"One last thing beta, remember to have fun, but never get distracted while working" my papa reminds me. Honestly speaking, that was probably the one thing that I have heard my papa say constantly throughout my upbringing. Anytime I was to go hangout with my friends, I would always hear "remember to have fun, but not too much fun". I guess some things never do change with parents, and I for one am glad for that. My papa was always the person who would remind me of the so-called "bright" future of mine.

I am very thankful that he does remind me otherwise I would not be the independent woman he has shaped me into. As cheesy as that might seem, it is true in a working perspective. After all, he is a big business man and is very well known throughout India, so he does know a thing or two about people tending to slack off while on the job.

"Yes beta, now go and make us proud. And don't forget to call or text us when you land in New York" both my mummy and papa tell me at the same time.

I laugh, "Yes, I won't forget to WhatsApp you. I promise" I say to reassure them. You guys might have been laughing when they said text, but both my parents are unbelievably WhatsApp crazy; 90% of the time they are on their phone, it's because of WhatsApp. Unfortunately that's one of the reasons why they have a bigger social life than I do.

Anyway as I am about to bid them goodbye, papa pulls me to the side and whispers harshly in my ear "Don't you dare pull a stunt like your brother. You already know the consequences". 

With wide eyes I shake my head vigorously, I only see my papa like this whenever he speaks of my brother and every single time I leave the conversation shook. My brother had disgraced our family to such a high level, that papa doesn't even call him his son anymore. It breaks my mom's heart every time we speak of him, so he is rarely spoken of or even mentioned.

I walk back over to where mummy is waiting and with a weak smile I say goodbye and hurry into the airport. I only had 45 minutes to get to my flight and I still had to go through immigration and customs AND security. There was no time to waste thinking about the looming past.

As I approach the line for immigration and customs, I notice that it is surprisingly short. While walking towards the line, my phone starts to ring. I begin to fumble through my purse while walking. I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings and in return, I bump into someone.

I look up to see the most handsomest face I have ever seen. Not to mention I had just bumped into rock hard abs, because damn they actually hurt. His jet black hair was styled in a sort of quiff and he had sharp facial features, and might I add that it includes a very nice jawline. As my eyes moved further down his face I noticed his eyes... oh his eyes. They bore right into mine. As my eyes were traveling down his face they landed on his lips and they didn't like what they saw.

They saw a scowl.

I quickly regained my posture, said sorry and walked away. Talk about embarrassing! Jeez, I didn't realize I was practically drooling over him!
However, when I was walking past him I heard him murmur under his breath "Curse my good looks, even ugly girls are attracted to me."

I stopped in my tracks. What did he just say? 

Curse my good looks, even ugly girls are attracted to me.

Hm. He really thought I didn't hear what he said and would let it slide as if nothing ever happened. But at that comment, I couldn't resist but to walk back to him with my hands clenched at my sides. I was shaking with anger and my blood was boiling with each passing second. To be honest, I was actually scared myself, but I still marched up to him and looked him straight in the eye.

I don't know what comes over me, but the next second my hand makes contact with his cheek.

Oh lord.

I just slapped him.

And my hand left an astonishing red imprint.

"How dare you say that? You're a piece of filth. Do you have no shame?" my voice is shockingly low and full of anger. I was surprised at myself, I didn't know I had that much confidence and anger built up inside of me.

At this point, a circle had started to form around us. Great, I had just grabbed some unwanted attention. People had immediately begun to start whispering about us.

What am I saying? This is India that I'm talking about, of course people would start whispering! The people here are so extra and society is so patriarchal. Tomorrow morning, the news headline would be "Girl slaps man during an encounter in the airport", and they would still figure out a way to make it seem as if it was my fault for initiating it. Ugh, I am so glad that I finally have the opportunity to leave. India is my home and I love it, but sometimes living a lifetime in one place is more than enough.

I turn my attention and watch intently as the handsome hunk lifts his hand and gingerly begins stroking his cheek, clearly in shock. I turn around and strut back to the line; I wasn't going to let that foolish boy have the last word- not that I'll ever see him again, but just for my ego's sake. Little did I know that this was only the beginning of what was yet to come.

In all truth, I was actually hurt by his words, no one has ever called me ugly before. I've always been surrounded by compliments on my looks, I guess a slap of reality comes a long way. Right then I noticed that the crowd of aunties had begun to follow me. Hm, I guess a girl slapping a man causes them to be an instant celebrity, its always something new around here when someone stands up for themselves. Sighing to myself, I speed-walk myself to immigrations, I didn't need the extra aunties gossiping about me behind my back so it was probably best that I get as far away from them as I can.

I ignore the thoughts that are starting to flood into my mind and I quickly move through immigration and security. There was absolutely no way I was going to miss my flight because of a stupid boy and my stupid thoughts.

After I went through all the procedures, I sat down by the gate to wait for my flight. Even though I was running late in the beginning, I somehow ended up to be 10 minutes early as the lines were short. "I probably would have been earlier if it weren't for Mr. I'msobeautiful" I think to myself.

As I'm sitting I realize that I never had the opportunity to check who was calling me. I open up my phone to see a missed call from Veer.

Ah, Veer. My secret boyfriend that no one knew about except me. He was my little secret.

Smiling to myself I text him letting him know that I missed him and that I'll see him soon.

After sending that text I start fiddling around with my fingers, but that quickly stops when I hear a low growl. My head shoots up and I look around hoping no one heard that. Unless there was a baby tiger roaming around the airport, I'm pretty sure that the growl was my stomach. I didn't realize how hungry I was until it growled once more.

I look around for a restaurant or perhaps fast food place. My eyes land on a samosa/pastry counter. My legs having a mind of their own decide to walk me over to the counter and buy myself 2 samosa's. I grab a seat and start eating the crispy, golden, potato stuffed samosa. It's so delicious, like heaven in a triangle.

I am so immersed into eating, that I don't even realize that someone has sat in the chair in front of me. I look up when I hear an "Excuse me" and I see its Mr. I'msobeautiful...just peachy.

"Hey. I'm sorry for earlier" he says in a half apologetic tone while clearly looking over my shoulder. I turn my head and see a hot chick standing in line by the counter. I quickly analyzed her; she had long gorgeous locks, had on too much makeup and was definitely showing off more than needed. I don't get what he saw in her, but maybe it was because I was looking at it in a girls perspective.

I turn back to him and just simply nod, my mouth is currently filled with a bite of the mouthwatering samosa. There is no way I am going to speak with anyone with food in my mouth.

"Can you not speak or something? I definitely heard you when you called me a piece of filth", he replies while air quoting "piece of filth".
I hold up my index finger indicating that I need a moment before I can speak to him. I like to take my time in eating and I was in no hurry. While I'm chewing I take a second to observe him. He was definitely swoon worthy which explains his ever high ego. 

My personal favorite rule: fries before guys. But in my case, it's all foods before dudes.

I swallow the bite of samosa in attempt to answer him, but apparently instead of going down my esophagus, it goes down another pipe.

"Ahek, ahek, ahek" I start coughing in an unattractive manner.

I guess in my attempt of answering him, I end up choking. He smirks before coming to help me. Great, I gave him a chance to be the hero.

Anyway, he comes up behind me and starts gently rubbing my back? Wait, I thought when someone is choking you basically hit their back till the food comes up. Either way I shiver under his touch, which is odd as he is trying to save me from practically dying. While he is trying to help me, all I can think about is him touching me.


I think not. This is exactly the reaction he wanted from me.

A couple of intense moments later, I cough up the samosa bite. "What a waste", I think to myself. I thank him and he gets me a glass of water.

Damn, I never knew he had two sides, I guess I misjudged him in the beginning. He comes with the glass and hands it to me. I take the glass eagerly and chug it down, it felt so refreshing. I thank him once more and right as he sits down again, the intercom speaks.

"Boarding for flight S-57 has now begun". I look at him and he's eagerly staring back, still awaiting an answer. I clear my throat and state that "My flight has begun boarding, I have to go". I start walking when I feel a slight tug on my wrist sending tingles throughout my body. "Wait", I turn around to see his gorgeous face expecting him to say something that would only happen in a movie like "What's your name?", but instead he says "You have some gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe", my eyes dart towards my shoes and he was right, I had an oddly large piece of pink gum stuck to the soles of my huaraches. I look up to see him already walking away while laughing. Ha ha ha, jokes on me. He actually got the last word. Jerk. 

Sighing, I quickly grab some paper napkins off of the table beside me and pick off as much gum as I can manage. I drag my luggage to the desk and give the lady my boarding pass who looks as if she might pass out at any moment. I start walking in the little tunnel that connects the airplane to the airport. Then I cautiously find my designated seat, haul my carry-on luggage into an overhead compartment, and sit down on the soft blue cushion covering the seat.

I finally boarded the plane! I was so happy and anxious, mostly anxious. I really wanted to know who I'd be sitting with for the next 13 hours. There were only 3 to a row, but the possibilities could be endless. For all I know I could have an aunty sitting next to me bragging about her kids for the next 13 hours!

It was honestly stupid of me to fret over who I was going to sit next to. I grab my purse and pull out one of the books I was currently reading, "My Life with the Walter Boys". It was such a good book and I wasn't even half way done with it. I open it and start flipping through the pages, and then the inevitable happens... my bookmark falls out.

I lean over the armrest to pick it up when someone steps on it. Hopefully they didn't have gum stuck onto the bottom of their shoe as well, otherwise there goes my bookmark. 

I look up and to my great fortune it was the same idiot I had bumped into earlier. Not to mention, he basically saved me from dying.

"What do you want?" I say a little too harshly.

"Duh, I sit here" he replies while rolling his eyes.

"Uhh, no you don't. I sit here", I say while pointing to my boarding pass. "See? It says 18-E and that's where I'm sitting".

"No way! Look" he said while pointing to his own boarding pass. It said 18-E in bold letters.


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