Horrifically Wounded, Strikin...

By Touka_Kirishima_

59.1K 1.3K 975

For years, Mikasa Ackerman has ruled and pillaged the school with her brute force and sharp tongue. Her attit... More

I: The Kingdom welcomes a Newcomer
II: A Royal Decree
III: An Established Rivalry
IV: The Art of Passing Time
V: The Cult of Exclusivity
VI: Fiery Embers
VII: The Morning After
VIII: The Hunter and the Hunted
X: A Devilishly Evil Queen
XI: Tears are Only Water
XII: Royal Company
XIII: A Royal Secret
XIV: A Tilted Crown
XV: A Royal Beating
XVI: Of Icy Blue and Glimmering Topaz
XVII: A Knight in Shining Armor
XVIII: Breaching the First Wall
XIX: A Royal Scandal
XX: A Crumbling Monarchy
XXI: Overthrown, Overruled
XXII: A Second Wall Fallen
XXIII: The Queen's Lamentation
XXIV: The Knight Hath Returned
XXV: Of Doves and Deliberation
Author's Note
XXVI: Low Profiles
XXVII: A Reformed Sinner

IX: An Unlikely Unison

2.5K 56 19
By Touka_Kirishima_



I stare straight ahead, my eyebrows creased in pure frustration and anger as I fold my arms tightly around my chest. My legs rest on the top of my desk, like ninety percent of the time. I yawn, boredom consuming my body with one big drape of its covers.
I've already been in this room a goddamn hour, yet it feels like I've been stuck in here for days. Weeks, even. I roll my eyes, ignoring the brown haired and bruised boy beside me, sneering as I pull out a familiarly small box from the waste band of my jeans. I'm so glad that there's no teacher in here.
I flip open the cardboard lid, pulling out a small white rod with rich, black tobacco in the middle. I sigh, pulling the cigarette up to my lips. I bring a lighter out of my bra, taking a small second to ignite the damn thing, and immediately set fire to the easily flammable item sitting in between my lips. I feel my throat itch in anticipation, just waiting for the rich smoke to enter my lungs.
I suddenly feel a pair of eyes on me, and turn to see the new kid staring right in my direction. I scowl once again, multitasking as I put the items back in their original places. I don't stop staring at him.
"The fuck're you staring at, small fry?" I ask, holding the cigarette between my fingers as I let a drag of rich, black fog escape from deep within my throat. The boy shakes his head.
Silence engulfs us.
"...Why do you do it?"
My attention is briefly averted to him. I take a long drag of my cigarette.
"What? Smoke?" He nods his head. I arch my eyebrows.
"Because I fucking want to." I snap. The boy sighs.
"...You could be a little nicer you know? I only asked a damn question..." The boy huffs, and I find myself screwing my nose up at him.
"Why would I be nice to you?"
"Because I haven't done anything wrong and you're just being a half-assing bitch?" I glare at him, watching him carefully as his eyebrows crease in frustration. I stand abruptly from my flimsy wooden seat, almost knocking it over. I stalk over to him, looming over him like an animal hunting its prey, and I snarl.
"Look, bright eyes. I suggest you shut your mouth before this half-assing bitch shoves that comment up your nose and chokes you to death." I say. He looks at me grumpily, and we soon find ourselves at a stale-mate as silence blankets over us. The cigarette in my hand still glows brightly, engulfing us in a small pit of smoke as I lean in and tease the smoke around his lips, breathing out heavily right in-front of his face. He scrunches his nose in disapproval.
Finally, the silence is broken.
"I hate you more than detention." He huffs, and I stand up from my desk as he crosses his arms in a child-like manner. Almost immature.
"Likewise." I spit, and go to sit back down at my desk in very opposite corners of the room.
I sigh, looking out the window and at the very dreary, grey looking sky, feeling my eyes get heavy as I take another long drag of my cigarette. There's a rather gusty wind out today, although I can just see the sun peeking through the heavy clouds. A normal spring day.
I feel boredom take over once again, until minutes later I find a vibration feeling in the back pocket of my jeans, and then a loud, deep boom of drums as my ringtone goes off. I sigh, sliding my thumb across the screen as I yank the electronic device from my pocket, immediately silencing 'Match Into Water' and replacing it with a very boredom-clad voice.
"Mikasa where the fuck are you? You were supposed to be home almost an hour ago." A gruff, manly voice says. It's obvious whose it is; I can tell by the very unimpressed manner in which the question and statement is said. I roll my eyes, taking another drag of my cigarette.
"I'm in detention, idiot. I'll be home later." I say blandly, stating the facts and to the point. I hear a groan of agitation as Levi lets out his frustration.
"...Okay, whatever. Are you with the new kid?"
"Must suck for you then. What time will you be arriving from hell?"
"About half past fuck you." I retort.
"Hardy-har-har. Very funny. Just get your ass home." I roll my eyes.
"Yes, mother. Right away birth giver." I say. Silence follows.
"Oh, that reminds me. Mom and dad called. They wanted to talk to you but you had decided not to grace us with your presence." Levi continues sarcastically. I feel my heart skip a beat at the mention of my parents.
"Oh, umm wh-what did they want?" I ask, stuttering. Nice going, Mikasa.
"They called to tell us that they've decided to push their trip back another month or so. Said they're going to Italy for some business trade." I roll my eyes, sighing as I do so.

"What?! But they said they'd be home before your birthday." I say.

"I don't really care if they're here for my birthday or not, twit. Just get home." I roll my eyes.

"Fine. Yes. Will do. I'll get right on that, boss." I retort, before I hear a beeping at the end of the tone indicating that the call has now ended. I sigh, slumping down in my seat a little further as I relax myself a little.

I feel a pair of eyes on me, so I immediately look to the only thing that could possibly have seeing balls sitting on either side of their nose in the room and glare at him.
"Problem?" I say, raising my eyebrows. The boy stares at me a little more before widening his eyes and shaking his head and hands.

"N-No. Sorry." I hear him say. He turns back to face the front. For a moment I'm astonished at how one moment he can sass me and the next he fears me more than death itself.

I shake my head, returning back to my phone. I can't bloody wait until detention is over.


"I don't want this happening again, you two. Mikasa this is your last warning. I don't want you leaving the school but you better clean up your act. Eren I don't want you getting involved again. Now go." I nod my head, grunting as I roll my eyes and take a step toward the door in a very dramatic notion. I latch my fingers onto the cold bronze handle and twist it, yanking the door open and swinging it forward, stepping into the very eerie and cold hallway. The lights are off, and all classrooms are locked.
Both the new kid and the principal follow suit, stepping outside of the classroom and heading for the exit. I push the doors to the school open, and get hit with a blast of cold air - sometimes I wonder if this town has solid seasons at all.
Remaining almost indifferent about the cold night air, I walk toward the gates of the school and leave in a hurry, making haste to get out of this unbelievably stupid weather.
Completely ignoring the idiotic reject behind me, I start on my way home, pulling out both my phone and earphones. Sticking the small rubber buds in my ears in a swift motion, I plug the ends in and select a song, letting the words blast through my eardrums as the drums and electric guitars erode my ears. Now that I can no longer hear the single set of footsteps behind me, I walk faster, blocking the pathetic twerp out as I walk down the dark grey path. The wind blows haphazardly against my body frame, almost threatening to blow my scarf away. I tighten it around my cheeks.

After about ten minutes, both I and Jäger come to crossroads between our houses and the small group of druggies that roam these streets on a daily basis. I hate these fucking jerks. Since it's about five-thirty at night, this is the time when gangs and drunks come out of hiding, simply because that's when all the cops are at home playing happy families. They're 'too busy' to cuff 'em.
I keep my eyes on them as I walk at a slightly faster pace, although completely unnoticeable to the public eye. Their eyes land on me, and I watch in disgust as their leader runs his horny eyes over my body. I feel the need to throw up - sick bastards.
Soon the rest - about four or five of them - all follow suit, their eyes scanning over my body in an almost greedy like fashion. They need to lay off the crack.
Pausing my music in order to actually hear what they are saying, my ears immediately hear language almost as foul as the poles stuck up their asses as both profanities and wolf whistles are sent my way. I scowl.
"Hey babe, wanna come over an' have some fun?" I hear one of them say, and I just narrow my eyes at them. No fucking way.
"Come on over 'ere an' chill wid us!" I keep walking, ignoring their snide comments as I make my way closer and closer to home.
"Nice legs honey, when do they open!?" I hear snickers from behind me but keep walking, although I can hear their footsteps getting louder and louder.
"C'mon babe!" I hear another gruff voice say. I look over my shoulder, and notice that the new kid is completely and utterly un-involved in this situation.
Bastards. They're looking for some head, and a guy certainly ain't gonna give'em that.
"Naww, don't run away! We know ya wanna stay sweet cheeks." I pull my scarf up further around my face.

"Leave me alone," I say, walking a lot faster and swifter; not that I'd let anyone see it, but I'm starting to panic.

"Aww, hun' don' be like that! Come an' 'ave a good ol' time with us! We won't do nothin'," The leader says, and I shake my head. "Come closer!" He continues. Walking faster, I see my house up ahead. I put one foot in front of the other, wanting to get as far away from those idiotic assholes as possible. I can't let the new kid see me like this, either. The last thing I need is him thinking I'm weak.

I continue to hear footsteps behind me, yet I ignore them as I make it up my steps and into my house, shutting the door as quickly as possible, panting as I lean against the door frame. For a second all is quiet, before I hear a loud, booming voice emit from what seems like the living room. I open my eyes.

"Mikasa? That you?" I hear Levi ask, and I straighten up, away from the doorway.
"Y-yeah it's me." I say as Levi walks in, his hair ruffled and his shirt undone. I put on my mask. Rolling my eyes, I continue speaking.
"Why have you got no clothes on?" I ask, walking into the luxurious kitchen and opening the fridge, pulling out a brownie that my brother surprisingly made.
"I do have clothes on. They're just not done up." He mumbles. I shake my head.

"So what did mom and dad have to say?" I ask, my voice echoing throughout the lonesome house.

"Just what I told you on the phone. I also told them you'd call them back." He says. I groan.

"Why the hell would you tell them I was gonna call back, you egg?" I ask, my breathing returning almost to normal. If those guys know what's good for them, they will have split.
"Because they are our birth-givers Mikasa, and that means, you call them back." Levi replies sarcastically, and I just groan again. I take a bite out of my brownie, before walking out and jumping up the stairs.
"Whatever. I'll call them back later. I'm taking a shower." I say, consuming the rest of my brownie and heading straight for the upstairs bathroom. Closing the bathroom door, I lean against it, and for the first time in a while I collapse to the ground, my legs beneath my weight. My mask falls. I look down at the ground.

Those men... Him... Why does this happen to me?


Stepping out of the shower, I quickly get dressed into a pair of shorts and a band shirt, before jumping down the stairs as I tie my hair in a messy ponytail. I walk through the living room to grab the phone, and find my brother still sitting in the same exact spot he was sat in twenty minutes ago.
"What're you still doing here?" Levi doesn't reply. I sigh. I grab the phone, my heart rate increasing just by touching the plastic device. Punching in the number of my parents' communal cell phone, I pull it to my ear, re-entering the foyer and running up the stairs to my bedroom, all the while the ringing in my ears gets more and more impatient.
The phone rings twice more before someone picks up, and by then I'm sprawled across my bed like paint splattered on a canvas.
"Hello?" I hear a female voice say, and I sigh in relief.
"Hi mom." I say nonchalantly, mumbling into my bed covers.
"Oh hello, sweetie. I was wondering when I was going to hear from my favorite daughter." My mother says playfully, although her tone tells me she isn't really in the playful mood - as always.
"Mom I'm your only daughter." I say, and she laughs heavily.
"Oh yeah, I forgot. Sometimes I think I have two daughters and that Levi is a girl." She says. I don't laugh. Silence follows.
"Did Levi tell you the news?" She asks, and I nod - even though I know that she can't see me or feel my movement through the phone.
"Yeah. You said you weren't going to be home before either of our birthdays." I say, a small bit of anger in my tone this time. Mom sighs.
"I know and I'm sorry. It's just your father-"
"Yeah, yeah I know. He's still working on that massive Free Trade Agreement with Italy or something. I know." I say, repeating only the sentence that has been said to me through every telephone call I've ever had with my parents.
"Yes. We promise to be home for your birthday, though. And don't worry. We'll bring something spectacular home for you both." She replies. She says it like it's a duty, not a treat. Sometimes I wonder if my parents even know how to parent.
"Okay." I say. Silence continues.
"Huh? Oh yeah. It's Mikasa. Do you want to-? Okay." I hear my mom mumble in the background. It seems like she's left the phone to talk to someone on the other side. I cringe, expecting the worst case scenario.
"It's your father. He wants to speak to you." My mom says, and I clench my fists. The worst case scenario has been confirmed. I hear a bit of static before an established voice takes over, this one much thicker and deeper, manlier. I can just see the smirk on his face.
"Hi, Mikasa. How are we?" He asks in a fatherly manner, although far from warm and welcoming like it should be. I cringe away from the phone.
"H-hi dad..." I say, trailing off. Fuck.

"I assume your mother told you the plan?" I hear him say, and I get a sick yet relieved feeling in my stomach.

"Yes. You're not coming home until November, right?" I ask.

"Yes. We thought we'd able to finish off this contract sooner, but it looks like that's not going to happen." I stay silent. His cold voice cease on the other end of the line, and silence engulfs us both, with only the static from the phone to hear.

"Well, if that's all you wanted to tell me, I've got to go. Homework to do." I lie, my voice cracking.

"Right. Of course. I'll see you soon my darling, okay?" I try to keep from vomiting.

"Sure thing, dad."

"I love you."

"B-bye." I quickly put an end to the call with a press of the 'end' button, and throw the phone down on the bed. I rub my face with both hands up and down, trying to stop myself from releasing tears.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Get a grip, Mikasa. He's only your father. It's not like he's a criminal.
"If only." I say, rolling over on my bed.

I stare at the ceiling, my arms spread out on my bed. Then, a knock on the front door snaps me back to reality and away from my horrible thoughts I thought I had been left with to torment me.
I'm about to get up and answer it, before I hear footsteps and the clicking of the door. Levi must have answered it. I flop back on my bed, expecting the half a second conversation between Levi and the person at the door to end, but unexpectedly my name is called.
"Mikasa! Someone's at the door for you!" I hear Levi's indifferent toned voice echo throughout the house. My eyebrows crease in confusion. Who the hell would come to my house? And more importantly, for me? I sigh, getting up as I tighten my pony tail on my head and make my way outside my bedroom. Jumping down the stairs, I walk toward the foyer. My face remains indifferent when I see Levi, but then contorts when I realize who stands oh-so casually in the doorway of my home. What the fuck is he doing here?!


"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Wow. Okay. I find myself stuttering as my eyes scan over her. She looks entirely different. Her legs are bare, save for a pair of slinky shorts that stop mid-thigh, and on her shoulders rests an over-sized shirt with what looks like a band logo. The fabric is black. Her hair is tied back and out of her face, and it looks absolutely stunning. Her cheekbones are more prominent, and her neck and back are exposed. Her face has barely any makeup, unlike at school where her eyes are always lined with eyeliner - not that it looks bad.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to carry on with our science project?" I ask timidly, mentally slapping myself for coming up with such a bad reason. Will she go along with it? Or will she just completely blow my cover? Her eyes dart from me to her brother, before back to me again as her eyes go wide and her mouth forms an 'o'. Her brothers gaze is currently fixated at me, so he can't see the obviously suspicious expressions Mikasa currently makes.
"Whatever. Come right in, bright eyes." She says, walking away from the door and toward a large staircase on the right side of the foyer. I hear her brother sigh. Stepping through the threshold, I enter the mansion-like house, gaping in awe at the sheer size of the foyer alone. My eyes wide, I scan the room. The walls are a slight Ivory color, with marble gilding and designs chiseled through the pillars and ceiling. I wipe my feet on the mat inside the door frame, and chase Mikasa up the stairs as I stare back down at the black-haired indifferent young man that stands in the foyer still, shutting and locking the front door. I see him look up at me with a suspicious look for a second, before glaring at me and looking away, heading into another expensive-looking room.
I look to the raven-haired girl, who dumps her body onto the bed as she looks over at me, glaring in my direction.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She snaps, rolling over.
I raise my hands up in defense, stammering.
"I-I just wa-wanted t-to see i-if you we-were okay... A-after, y-y'know..." I say. I hear a sigh.
"I'm fine." She says. I nod my head.
"I'll be going?" I ask, pointing to the door. She shakes her head as my eyes widen in surprise.
"If you do then Levi's gonna get suspicious. Hang around for about forty-five minutes, then leave."
Silence follows.
"...Why didn't you just ask if I was okay out there?" She asks monotone, not looking me in the eye. My head snaps to attention.
"Oh, well... I kinda figured you wouldn't tell you brother, so... A-and I didn't want to, y'know... Make him suspicious." I say, finishing with a large sigh. She sighs.
"At least you have enough common sense to know that much about me." She says, ending the conversation abruptly.
I sigh. At least she's okay.
For the next hour we sit in silence, listening to music on our phones or playing some game. Regardless of the fact that this is the lengthiest amount of time we've spent with each other in a day, it's obvious that Mikasa is still miles away from liking me. I don't know what it is about her, but I want to know more. More about the rock-hard personality that is Mikasa Ackerman.

Is that even a possibility?



Okay guys, so I FINALLY GOT TIME TO WATCH THE DAMN MOVIE AND I JUST GOT SUCH INSPIRATION FROM THE GORE THAT I HAD TO GET ON MY LAPTOP AND WRITE THIS DAMN FANFIC MHK. The gore was just... Ughhhh It was a blessing it was. @ first I was all like, "Mikasa's actress sucks' but by the end I was convinced she was the best they could have picked tbh! Armin was actually on point despite his black hair, and I feel like Hanji too was on point! The animation was amazing and the special effects just fantastic. Still a bit disappointed Levi isn't exactly in this movie but not complaining the gore made up for it really. Upset that the movie took a different route to the anime and manga, but again still an awesome adaption and can't wait to see the second part!

Anyway, sorry for what happened about the whole 'no update for like two months' scenario, I've been super busy. I love you guys for understanding, thanks for sticking with me!

Please feel free to post your thoughts on the live action movie for Attack On Titan in the comments, I'd love to see your view on the movie - as it has had quite a lot of controversy over the past few months and a lot of hate concerning the lack of character identification and the lack plot consistency. Love you guys! Thanks for hanging on tight!


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