Strawberry Gashes (Royed, Hav...

By Lilchibi13

12.1K 318 54

Trigger warnings: Self harm Edward who is so full of pride and dignity is willing to endure humiliation and... More

Who's A Good Dog?
It's Wonderful Wonderful Here...
The Bandaid Only Covers The Bullet Hole
Farewell For Now
This Is Sempiternal
Tomorrow I Will Come Back Leader Of The Whole Pack

Complicate Me, Mistreat Me

1.9K 44 5
By Lilchibi13

"You're living like a disaster." Recalling the last thing Jean told him with a grin before Edward left his place wiping his mouth, walking past the stores hearing a bark turning to see Riza dressed casually with Black Hayate, "Edward it's late what are you doing out at this time?" She asked holding the paper bag in her arms looking over his appearance seeing him look down speaking again, "I want to apologize about earlier.". "It's alright I'll apologize to Havoc tomorrow..." The small alchemist said smiling artificially making Riza sigh when Hayate barked running to Edward tugging at his coat, "I'm sorry I don't know what's with him." Riza said apologetically going over to Edward tugging the leash on the pup before seeing Edward get on his knees and pet the small pup seeing his tired expression. "Edward... You look terrible." Riza said kneeling seeing a bruise on his neck and his bandaged wrist, "Is someone mistreating you?" She asked the small blonde who held Hayate in his arms who was avoiding eye contact with her seeing him shake his head, "Edward look at me." Grabbing his chin making direct eye contact with the alchemist who seemed nervous. "Is. Someone. Mistreating. You." Riza said again in a serious tone to the small blonde who's look in his eyes said a different story, "I-I'm just clumsy that's all." Edward said seeing the unconvinced look in the Lieutenant's eyes, "I don't believe you." She said looking down when Hayate jumped off Ed's lap and bark at him again, "Please if someone is mistreating you tell me." She said with a softer worried look. The alchemist glanced down, "I... I need to get back to Alphonse he's probably worried about me, I'm sorry Lieutenant." He said apologetically getting up and leaving when Riza released her grip making Riza go quiet than sigh, "He wants help but he doesn't know how or who to go to... I'll talk to Alphonse when I see him." Riza thought seeing Edward run off in the distance than looking down at Hayate who whimpered, "Why do I have this uneasy feeling?". The suit of armor grew more worried till he heard the door to the room open turning to see Edward walk in with his usual smile, "Brother you had me worried!" Al said running to Edward, "Sorry I won't be late again..." He said apologetically, "Al...", "Yeah what is Brother?" Al asked, "Do you think I'm a good Brother?" Confusing the suit of armor at his brother's question. "Of course I think so, I look up to you." Al said seeing his brother's expression change, "... And you don't think bad of me?... Would you believe me if I said I would do anything to find a way to get your body back?" Ed said looking down, "...No I wouldn't because you have your pride." Al said back seeing a look of exhaustion on his brother, "You look worse than yesterday Brother..." Worrying a bit more. "I'm... Fine Al... I just really want to take a shower right now..." Ed said walking past the suit of armor who noticed Edward fix his coat over his neck, "?... He never tells me anything anymore..." The suit of armor thought when the blonde shut the door behind him leaning against it looking down, "I'm lying to my own Brother who looks up to me, I'm the absolute worst..." Looking down at his bandaged wrist, "The Colonel knows now...". Al turned when he heard the bathroom door open along with his brother's sigh as he dried his hair letting it fall over his shoulders covering his neck, "Much better..." Looking up when he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Al?...", "I'm worried about you Brother..." Feeling the suit of armor suddenly embrace him tightly making Edward feel worse about himself, "I'm the absolute worst...".

"Brother what's wrong?" The suit of armor asked when his brother suddenly sat up on the bed with his regular hand on his face in the middle of the night, "It's nothing Al..." Edward said with a bothered expression partially covering his face when the suit of armor went to him sitting next to him, "I'm sorry Alphonse..." Edward said apologetically suddenly confusing Al. "Brother... You're crying, what's wrong... Does your wrist hurt?..." Al asked seeing his brother look away, "Y-Yeah..." Pulling his wrist away when Al reached towards it, "Please don't touch it..." Feeling the suit of armor embrace him again, "I do want my body back but not if it's going to hurt you Brother, I want you to be happy too." Breaking down more at Al's words, "I'm sorry Alphonse... I'm so sorry..." Apologizing at the small lie, "What are you apologizing for Brother?...". "Sir you look worried." Riza said the next morning to the dark haired alchemist who looked a bit distracted, "Stressed about something?", "Or maybe he's stressed out about somebody." Making both look up to see Jean at the door, "Whatever is bothering me is none of your concern Havoc." Going back to his paperwork, "Lieutenant if you see Fullmetal tell him to come by my office okay.", "Yes Sir." Looking over Jean suspiciously. "Ah boys." Riza said when she finally spotted Edward and Al walk down the hall later that day, "The Colonel said he wanted to see you in his office." Seeing Edward nod sleepily, "Yes Ma'am." Walking off towards the direction of Roy's office without a smart remark, "Sorry Brother didn't sleep so well last night..." Al said apologetically looking over to Riza, "Alphonse can I talk to you in private, it's about yesterday.". The small blonde walked down the hall opening the door to Roy's office, "You wanted to see me." He said when he walked in looking down, "Stop looking down you're not in trouble." Roy said looking at him with his dark eyes holding up an envelope, "Here I just wanted to give some useful information on the stone before you randomly disappear." Seeing Edward's golden eyes widen, "I won't do anything just take it." Roy said leaning back on his chair. The small alchemist walked over to his Superior taking the envelope, "You sure...", "I'm sure. You need to worry about yourself." Referring to his bandaged wrist, "But you could get in trouble if they find out about this..." Edward said holding the envelope against him, "If you're referring to that the answer is no Edward." Roy said simply seeing Edward's exhaustion, "You didn't follow my orders did you.". Edward who just stood quiet put the envelope on his desk looked down, "Colonel please...", "I already told you the answer is no-!" Roy started but was taken by surprise when the blonde suddenly got on his lap wrapping his arms around his neck cutting him off with a kiss feeling something hard in Edward's left pant pocket quietly reaching into it taking it out. The blonde pulled away from the kiss, "Colonel please..." Seeing his Superior hold the box cutter in front of his face looking at him unamused feeling his cheeks tint, "Edward what I tell you yesterday. You thought I wouldn't notice with you kissing me? This isn't a toy." He said scolding the alchemist lightly who looked away, "I'm sorry..." Hearing Roy sigh feeling worse feeling a hand on his neck where the bruise was. "Edward I know you hate me..." Putting his hand on his cheek, "But you said you liked me right Colonel?" Edward said looking his Superior in his eyes giving a pained confused expression, "I know you're only being good but you're too nice..." He said before breaking down surprising Roy who put the box cutter in his pocket embracing the blonde pulling him closer against him feeling the alchemist embrace him back tightly trembling, "Just let it all out...".

"So you're saying you don't know what's with your Brother?" Riza asked the suit of armor who shook his head, "No, he's been keeping to himself a lot but he did break down yesterday when he came back he just kept apologizing to me..." Al said pausing when they walked down the hall, "I'm worried about him..." Making Riza keep yesterday's encounter with Edward to herself. The Flame Alchemist who was still comforting the blonde just sighed when he heard Edward's soft breaths against his neck realizing he had fallen asleep on him, "He fell asleep, He was exhausted..." Trying to move a bit feeling Edward hug him tighter sighing again staying still leaned against his chair, "You won't tell me your side of the story, and I can't seem to understand why you want me to mistreat you with all this humiliation when I clearly said no." He said quietly, "...Why do you put up with me so much?". "Were you going to tell me something Lieutenant? Something about yesterday?" Al asked as they made their way to Roy's office, "Well I saw your Brother on the way yesterday but he was coming from the direction of-" Riza started when she opened the door to the Flame Alchemist's office pausing in her steps along with the suit of armor when they saw Edward fast asleep in Roy's arms making Roy glad he put the information away in his desk along with the box cutter before they got there. "Your Brother is quite the handful Alphonse." Roy said in his usual tone seeing a rather surprised expression on Riza, "I'm sorry! Did Brother cause you trouble!" Al said about to go over and get the sleeping Edward off him pausing in steps when Roy held a hand up, "No, not at all. But he's exhausted isn't he?" He asked seeing Riza sigh, "S-Sorry Brother didn't get any sleep last night..." Al said apologetically, "He didn't cause you any trouble at all Sir?" Riza asked still surprised. "No not at all. He just surprised me that's all but I don't blame him, he was exhausted after all." Roy said simply leaving out earlier's events, "Don't worry he can rest here till he wakes up. I'll keep a close eye on him." Roy said, "Can I at least get Brother off you and put him down on the couch?..." Al said a bit shocked at his brother's actions seeing Roy shake his head, "It's fine I can take care of him." He said simply, "Well alright than if you say so Colonel...". "Sir." Making Roy look over to Riza when she spoke, "It's fine, just take Al with you so he won't be by himself.", "Yes Sir." Riza said turning to Al looking to him, "Come on I brought Hayate with me today if you want to walk him." She said dismissing herself walking out the door with Al still turning to his sleeping brother on his Superior before following behind, "You're worried about Edward aren't you." Riza said reading Al's mind, "Yeah...". Roy sighed when the door shut getting up carrying the sleeping alchemist in his arms to the couch, "Don't know how you're going to explain this to your Brother Fullmetal." He said setting him down on the couch carefully seeing the blonde's sleeping face hearing his light breathing again, "But I don't know how I'm going to explain this to the Lieutenant later on." Putting his black coat over Edward who slept soundly grabbing his bandaged wrist carefully, "This should concern me more...". "What is going on..." The suit of armor thought as he walked the dog around outside in the back, "You really trust the Chief with your Brother?" Making Al turn when he heard a familiar voice pass right by him to see Havoc walking away smoking, "Of course I do!" Al said seeing Jean shake his head laughing a bit, "Whatever you say than, I mean have you really looked at your Brother's wrist just saying, do you believe whatever he told up." Confusing Alphonse more, "Huh?...". Riza who was still suspicious of Roy and Jean grew more suspicious of Jean when he walked in, "Lieutenant Havoc, Edward was coming from your direction last night, I think you know something." She said simply, "Hmm? Really? I had no idea.", "Edward seemed upset and he wouldn't look me in the eyes so whatever you know tell me now." She said again seeing Jean react, "The kid's just messed up but do you really know the Chief well enough?" He said lighting another cigarette. Jean who was averting everyone's attention on him just reversed it back to the Flame Alchemist was was finishing up his paperwork while the small blonde slept hearing him mumble and move around looked up to see Edward call for him in his sleep, "Is he sleep talking?..." Getting up and going over to the sleeping blonde to see him fast asleep remembering what Edward said before he broke down, "But you said you liked me right Colonel?" Sighing heavily at the thought, "Would You ever feel the same for someone who treated you like a toy?".

The small alchemist woke up a while later opening his golden eyes to see his Superior looking down at him, "You were sleep talking in your sleep, you kept apologizing..." Staying quiet seeing a different expression on the Flame Alchemist when he ran a hand through his dark hair, "You're too nice..." The small blonde said quietly sitting up glancing down Making Roy sigh again, "Do you want me to treat you bad after your little breakdown?!" Making Roy regret his tone. The small blonde looked at him when Roy had raised his voice but paused kneeling in front of him, "Can I kiss you?" He asked seeing his Superior's dark eyes widen, "Why are you so desperate to kiss me Edward?", "...But you're the one that started all this, look at me when I'm talking to you Colonel." He said looking his Superior in the eyes with a defeated expression, "Look into my eyes and tell me what you see...", "I see someone who's desperate and exhausted.", "And you're right Colonel, I'm a disaster...". The Flame Alchemist grabbed Ed's face who still kept his expression inches away from his face seeing the other not put up much of a fight, "You want me to sleep with you is that is? To take advantage of you in your weak moment?" Seeing Edward nod upsetting Roy more feeling the blonde's lips suddenly against his feeling a bite in the rough kiss hearing the door open not knowing Al had came back to check on Edward surprising him more than ever at the situation. Roy had pulled away when he felt a small pain in his lip standing up wiping his lip seeing a bit of blood on his finger turning to see the suit of armor silent followed after Riza who was serious but speechless, "Al take your Brother, he isn't in his right place." Walking past the two with an upset expression, "Brother what were you thinking!?" The suit of armor said grabbing his brother who protested a bit bowing to Riza apologizing, "I'm really sorry about this! I don't know what's with him! I'll talk to him about all this I promise!" Leaving Roy's office with Edward in his arms. "What were you thinking Brother!?" The suit of armor started once they got back to the hotel with the blonde sitting down on the bed looking down, "Did I upset the Colonel?" Ed asked making Al react at his brother's behavior, "YES YOU DID!" Seeing his brother jump at his tone, "You're lucky he didn't write you down for that!" Al said seeing a pained look in Ed's eyes, "Tell me what's going on with you, show me your wrist." Al said reaching for his wrist shocked when Ed kept it away from him staying quiet, "Why can't you trust me Brother...". Roy who sat in his office with an upset expression with a silent Lieutenant next to him glancing to him seeing his bruised lip, "Sir what happened." She asked seeing Roy wouldn't speak about it, "You're not talking either?" She thought when Jean walked in, "Yo Chief- Whoa looks like someone had a bad moment.", "Shut up and go back to work Havoc I don't want to hear your bullshit right now." Surprising Riza at Roy's bad mood, "Jeez moody much." Jean said leaving with Riza now seeing a more worried expression on his face. "Why the hell would you test me like that." Roy thought remembering what Ed said putting a hand to his face hearing Riza clear her throat, "You're dismissed Lieutenant I'm calling it a day." Roy said grabbing the envelope only shutting the drawer than leaving, "Yes Sir." Riza said deciding not to question the series of events, "Edward had that same look in his eyes but seeing the Colonel he had this small spark of life in them left, like if he's the one that keeps him from falling apart completely...". Edward didn't speak a word to Alphonse and went to sleep instead concerning the suit of armor recalling what Havoc told him looking down at his wrist, "Of course I trust the Brother and the Colonel, why wouldn't I.... Brother is just tired that's all... But why do his eyes look so empty?..." Reaching out for the sleeping alchemist's wrist hearing a sudden knock on the door jumping up looking down seeing Edward fast asleep getting up quietly, "...I wonder who could be at the door...".

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