Foul play is better kept Secr...

Av booandhazzababe

268K 13.8K 14.2K

The model who stole the Spotlight, stole Harry's dignity. Everything that begins with bad intentions ends wit... Mer

Chapter 1: DNA
Chapter 2: Happy Days
Chapter 3: Scheming
Chapter 4: Missus
Chapter 5: Control
Chapter 6: Wings
Chapter 7: Intern
Chapter 8: House
Chapter 9: Straight Issues
Chapter 10: Mission Juda's Kiss
Chapter 11: Right Decisions
Chapter 12: Secrets
Chapter 13: The Unknown
Chapter 14: Steps
Chapter 15: Hourglass
Chapter 16: Wings
Characters Response
Chapter 18: 19th Floor
Chapter 19: Best You Ever Had (Worst too)
Chapter 20: Overlooked
Chapter 21: Lights, Camera, Action!
Chapter 22: Epilogue
Ending Notes

Chapter: 17 Black

9.2K 503 496
Av booandhazzababe

I've decided just to split their trip in America in multiple chapters.:) tumblr post credit to wattpadfic!


The boy wakes up with no idea of what time or where he is. The first rays of sun shine through the window and he holds his sheets tighter, feeling chillier than he did when he left London.

He feels the seat next to him and notices the man is now gone from his side, probably on a bathroom break or phone call.

He rubs his eyes and looks out the window, watching as the white clouds suddenly vanish and all he can see is a mixture of blue and green.

Resting his head on the glass, the boy stares until he can start telling apart buildings from roads and trees from deserted land.

It looks absolutely nothing like London, he thinks.

"Good morning Sunshine."

Louis turns and sees Harry, dressed in a beige long sleeved top with khakis. Ridiculous, he says in his head as Harry hands him over a mug and smiles.

The boy think its too early to be feeling things.

"W-Where are we."

"5,000 feet above New York. Closer, maybe."

"Knew I Recognized that Green Lady somewhere. I thought she was in Las Vegas."

"Wrong State Sweetheart."

Harry chuckles as he runs his fingers through Louis fluffy hair, the boy blowing air at the steam. He slowly takes a sip, at the now known substance, tea, and closes his eyes, already missing home.


The boy follows behind Harry as they walk down the stairs, a black limo waiting at the bottom of the jet. No surprise.

Louis feels out of place as he sees the valet carrying Harry's suitcases down to the vehicle as well as Lily's, him with only a toothbrush in his pocket.
He pushes the thought aside eventually, more focused on the fact he's freezing alive and he's basically stealing the airlines blanket because there is no fuxking way he's about to let go his only source of heat.

Harry motions for Louis to climb into the limo first and he doesn't hesistate.

"Its fooken freezing here what the fook."

Louis shivers, the vehicle beginning to take off. Harry smiles and pulls the boy closer to him, fitting him into his side as he looks to Lily.

"God, don't you just hate that? Hearing babies curse? It's really horrible hearing such small infants use aggressive language like that."


"Im kidding babe, dont worry It'll only be temporary love."

Lily chuckles, shaking her head.

"The sun is out, what, did it decide to take the day off. Fooken shit."

"Louis you came in shorts and a thin shirt. Of course you're cold."

"Who's fault is that. Who even kidnaps someone without letting them change first. Rude."

"Someone who needs new clothing anyway because baby, you're cute but your father's clothes do NOT look good on you.*

Louis frowns and collides his fist with the mans stomach, not much force used.

"Can we not do this right now."

"How else was I supposed to initiate the conversation of you spending a lovely day out shopping with Lily."

"Are you serious?"

The man looks down and grabs Louis arm that was resting on his stomach, smiling. He picks up his hand and curls it, pressing a kiss to Louis knuckles.

"You're wearing your birthday present."

"Yes its very lovely, thank you for that, but hold up. What do you expect me doing today?"

"You're going out with Li-"

"No, I heard you the first time, you can't be such an idiot to think that I would be okay with it though."

Harry curls his lip into pout as the boy sits up straight in his seat, moving away from the man.

"Why? What's wrong with that?"

"I did not fly over seas to spend time with your assistant Harry. Whatever you have planned to do this afternoon, consider it next weeks plan. Why don't you want to spend anytime with me?"

"I do. I-I am. I just thought you would have wanted your personal space while you shopped. From what I learned from my sister, she says I'm the worst company to have when shopping for clothes because I have too much "criticism". But if you want me to come along, that's completely fine. I'll just send Lily to deal with the hotel arrangements."


The brunette commented from all the way down the seat isle where she was currently sitting and on her phone. Louis looked over and sighed, feeling a little guilty.

"Oh. Well ...I guess I wouldn't mind then. So you don't expect me to shop all day?"

"No. Just for an hour or however much you need. Were only going to be here and tomorrow you don't need that much clothing unless you want to take some as souvenirs back."

Louis sat and watched through the tinted windows as a massive amount of people begin to appear walking beside the limo, frightening the boy more than it should have.

He turned and could see the same from the ones behind him, although the people were now in cars.

"W-Why is it so packed? This looks like a herd. Do all Americans travel like this?"

"No, Louis, You do realize were in one of Americas Biggest Cities on one of the Biggest Holidays."

Louis turned to Harry, who was leaning over to get a glass. He poured some red wine halfway and then tipped it towards the boy, taking a sip.

Louis looked back at the windows and immediately felt stupid, not realizing what holiday Harry arranged to celebrate together.

"It's New Year's Eve."

Louis said in a hushed voice, to which Harry took a second drink, nodding.

"Indeed it is my beloved."


"Here's my card Angel. Buy yourself whatever you want and go eat too. I think I might head to brunch first myself before dealing with the hotel. And Always stay within 5 feet from Lily, you don't know how crazy this place can be."

"It gets crazier than the naked man on the street with only a cowboy hat and a guitar?"

"You have no idea."

Harry stepped out the limo, and shut the door behind him, Louis seeing through the dark glass the man blow a kiss as the vehicle drove away.


Louis knocked on the white door with his elbow the best he could, holding bags on both arms.

He turned around to Lily who was in the same situation, shaking her at the boy.

He did say to buy anything he wanted.

Harry opens the door and greets Louis very akwardkly in the boys opinion, patting his back. He thinks it has something to do with the way he's glancing at all the bags they've managed to bring up, although there's still some left in the limo but he doesn't have to mention that right now.

"Good Afternoon Love, I was beginning to think you had ran off on me."

"Trust Me, there was thoughts."

Louis smiled at the man and dropped all the bags on the huge white linen bed in the middle of the room. He looked around impressed, really liking the black and white theme the hotel had, the dark walls a touch he would consider in the future for his bedroom.

"Well I'm glad you came back. I think its safe to assume you had a good time?"

"I didn't." Lily spoke, glancing at the boy.

"You really shouldn't trust him with your card. It took me about an hour to convince him we needed to come back."

"And how did you?"

"I didn't. He shopped until he got kicked out. You know, early closing times due to Holidays."

Harry turned to Louis, blue eyes squinted as he giggled on the bed sitting cross legged.

"You savage."

"Well....I had to. You should see the amount of things I actually didn't get because Lily here kept complaining her arms hurted."

"Wait, you mean there was more things you wanted besides this?"

Louis shrugged.

Harry picked one of the bags up, a little confused when instead of clothing items,

"Louis, why, how did you even manage to get a skateboard from Burberry ?"

"Oh it was the cashier's. I offered him 400 for it. He was cool with it."

Harry's eyes widened, one hand going up to his head in disbelief.

"Louis, you know that skateboard is probably like 30 american bucks."

Louis got up from where he was sitting and walked straight up to the man, grabbing the used board. He batted his eyelashes up at Harry, sticking out his bottom lip to create a pout and began to swing from side to side.

"Did I do something wrong Harry? I was just buying what I wanted, I didn't mean to upset you."

The man bit his lip and shook his head, not in control as Louis turned from adolescence innocence to cheeky teenager in a matter of seconds.

"Well then if there's no problem, I'm going to go shower and change."

Louis threw the skateboard on the bed and picked up a single bag, leaving the room making sure to sway his hips from side to side on the way out.

Harry stood still for a while, still coping how bad he had just been played and feeling guilty he had been alright with it.

Gxd Damn, he'd make a fucking great sugar baby.

Harry was lost in a whole other world when the scent of Daisy's invaded his nostrils and he realized his assistant was standing right in front of him.

"You're a complete fool, you know that. Wipe your drool."


Harry watched the woman cautiously as she walked slowly around the room, bringing up his sleeve to his chin.

Lily stood at the feet of the bed and then began to walk backwards, her back hitting the chimney counter.

Harrys fists clenched, watching as the woman turned, meeting face to face with a small wooden clock.

She glanced at the man, making Harry groan.

"Don't touch it."

"Really. A hidden camera in a damn clock."

"Is it noticeable?"

"No but Its still fuxking stupid."

She glanced back and forth between the small device and the bed, seeing it had a straight video shot at the furniture.

"I can't believe you're doing it in here."

"I don't really feel like discussing this with you right now. Look. Just go. Take all of Louis bags back to the limo there's no point of having them here when they're going to go back on the plane."

"Harry, think of what you're going to do."

"No you know what actually, just go Lily. Take the limo and take his bags to the plane. I want our ride back as smooth as it can be. Now hurry up, if you don't want to miss new years."

Lily frowned at the man, but Harry did not get to see it, heading towards the kitchen of the place for a drink.


When Harry is done handling the arrangements for the night planned ahead, he heads back up stairs to his room.

Entering the room, he can only see the back of a small boy wearing superman patterned boxer briefs with a white t shirt standing by a nightstand. He tries not to chuckle at the sight of Louis having a towel wrapped around of head like if he had that much hair, but he fails, the boy twisting his head around.

The boys eyes widen, Harry now seeing a phone resting against his cheek and shoulder brahis Louis places the phone back on the wall, biting his lip.

"You've caught me Harry. Yes, I have a boyfriend."

The man approaches Louis, shaking his head as he looks on top of the drawers.

"Do you think you can make a dumbass out of me?"

Harry picks up Louis and places him on his back, the boy practically planking across the mans shoulders.

"I know you were ordering room service, you bum."

Louis begans to laugh as Harry spins him, the boy holding onto the mans arm the best he can.

Harry sits on the edge of the bed and let's Louis fall into it, the boy in daze.

"What did you order baby cakes?"


"I thought you had eaten already."

"Can't I eat again? A boy has to have his fries and hot dogs at least once a week."

"Oh does he?"

Harry runs a thumb on Louis big cheeks, the boy scrunching his nose in disgust when he winks at him.

"You're horrible."

"And you're amazing. Who doesn't take advantage of Room service and order something more extravagant like Italian or Seafood."

"Oh no no no. I hope if you want to keep on good terms with me Mr.Styles, you don't expect me to agree to things such as fancy dining and having to wear countless amount of annoying snobby suits to keep your image up. I won a hot dog eating contest once. Mum was so disappointed cause the ketchup ruined my 3 thousand dollar tie."

Harry smiled, pinching Louis cheeks as he laid next to him.

"I would have been disappointed too. I would never let you wear something so cheap around me."

Louis gasps, playfully smacking Harry.


"I'm joking baby boy. Although I am kind of curious how many weenies you managed to stick down your throat."

Harry stopped staring at the ceiling and turned his head, locking eyes with the smaller boy.

Louis was grinning from ear to ear, making the man return the gesture back.

"Do you want to find out?"

Louis whispered, bringing his hand up to Harry's chest and very slowly, traveling down. The boy stopped at the belt buckle, hearing Harry's breathing speed up, and unexpectedly, giving the mans crotxh a slap which had Harry rolling over in pain.



There was a knock on the door and Louis jumped out of the bed faster than Sonic the Hedgehog probably could have.

"My baby has arrived!"

The man laid in bed, knees buckled, but still smiling as Louis watched in astonishment as a hotel worker rolled in a cart with plates on top.

The man glanced at Harry, concerned expression written all over his face, but he managed to give the guy a thumbs up with the hand he wasn't massaging his balls with enough to convince the guy to leave without a word spoken.

Harry forgave Louis right away, watching as the boy rolled the cart next to the bed and grabbed the TV remote on his way. The man opened his mouth and as he did, was shut right back.

"No were not watching animal planet."

Louis brought both plates and settled them on pillows, switching channels until he found one suitable enough for the romantic getaway.

"You expect me to eat while watching dead people guts being ripped apart."

"You like animal planet but not The Walking Dead? Harold, you're more basic than my cable package at home."

Louis fake pouted as he began to eat his fries, Harry groaning as he sat up and began to take a bite of his hotdog.

Louis glanced between the screen and Harry, making faces at the man most of the time.

"Is it really necessary to stick your tongue out every time you're about to take a bite."

"Shut up and watch your lame show"

"You're just mad I'd let Daryl tap this ass anyday."

Louis flipped his towel weave and Harry may or may have not choked on a piece of bread, which was taking him a while to recover from.

They watched 2 episodes, after the first one, the man paying more attention to Louis and what he was up to.

Harry would be lying if he didn't find everything Louis did extremely adorable. The way he'd subtly close his eyes when there was too much blood being shed, the way he'd bite his lip when a fight was in tact, the way a French Fry would hang from his mouth open when he was in shock, or when his eyebrows were furrowed when someone from the group died.

He'd notice Louis too beginning to pick from his plate, sneaking in a fry like Harry wouldn't notice.

"Is there something wrong with your food Lou?"

"No why?"

"Why are you getting my fries then."

Louis turned his attention from the screen, scoffing.

"What do you mean. Your fries are actually My fries on the wrong plate, Harold."

The boy took another one and waved it under Harry's nose, before eating it.

Harry just couldn't get enough of this boy.


Harry woke up a little confused.

The first thing he saw as he opened his eyes, were blue ones staring right back down at him.

"Good morning there Grandpa. Have a nice nap?"

Harry rubbed his eyes, turning his head and realizing they were still in the hotel room.

His head was rested on Louis lap, making the man smile as he twisted his body enough to begin caressing Louis bare knees.

"I see someone shaved."

"I see someone who knocked out right in the middle of the day. Am I gonna be like this when I'm old."

Harry glared back at Louis, the boy giggling in return. The man pressed a kiss to Louis thigh before he sat up, stretching his arms.

"What time is it munchkin?"

"9 o clock, going on 10."

"We should get ready then."

"Ready? for what?"

The man stood up and looked at Louis with disbelief.

"Um. New Years Celebration?"

"What, were going out?"

Harry rested his hands on his hips and looked at the boy bewildered.

"Um, yes. Did you think we were staying in?"


Harry shook his head.

"Were going out. Go get dressed."

"Aw Harold. Do we have to. I don't want to interact. I don't know proper American. I had a hard time enough today shopping. Like I had asked the man if they had black trousers and he handed me a piece of undergarments and I was so confused. And then I had asked another lady in a coffee shop if she knew the temperature and she was like 40 degrees and I was like what the fook BC Harry it was fooken freezing not hot and then we lost the limo driver and we stopped to ask directions to a subway and we ended up at a fooken sandwhich place and I was like wot the fook is wrong with these people an-"

"Baby, calm down. No . I'm not going to make you speak to no one. Just me. Just stop."

Harry raised his hands in the air, face almost splitting in half because Louis was not from this world.


"I promise."

Louis looked at the man hesitant but eventually removed himself from the bed.


The man looked at himself one last time in the mirror, brushing his hair so it was tamed unlike his usual curly flowing mess. He wore a long sleeved royal blue, white heart patterned shirt with some black trousers and boots.

"Louis, are you almost ready darling."

"Its foken eleven, don't rush me."

Harry laughed, from the reflection seeing a small figure coming out of the restroom.

His heart kind of stopped.

Louis walked towards him slowly, the man turning from the mirror to see the boy with his eyes themselves.

"Why are you so dressed up Harold? I'm not changing absolutely not."

Harry's heart felt, felt something he had never felt before.

Louis wet little hair stuck out messily from his gray beanie, which matched the tiny pair of vans he was wearing with zero socks, Harry could tell. Although the woman black tights made Louis legs look amazing, it was another piece that made Harry's head race more.

"Y-you don't actually expect me to not notice you're wearing my sweater."

"Oh, this is yours?"

Louis looked down at himself and smiled, Harry absolutely gone, his Green packers hoodie fitting Louis right to about his little knees.

Harry approached the boy and wrapped his arms around the small boys waist, resting his forehead against Louis.

"I don't think I've seen anyone more beautiful than you in this world."

Louis looked up and his gaze was locked immediately with Harry's, blue eyes meeting green.

"R-Really? Y-You think I'm Beautiful?"

Harry felt something then change, Louis tough act for the first time thrown out the window, leaving the side of him who was now whispering this so shyly because he was embarrassed of such a thought.

"Yes. I don't say it often, but I hope you know its true. You're fuxking breathtaking Louis."

Harry cupped Louis cheek for a couple of seconds, before engulfing the smaller boy in a hug. Which was totally not what he was expecting, but he didn't question it.

Harry Styles had not kissed him at all.

Something was off. He knew it.


The man walked across the lobby with the boy by his side, arm around his waist because he didn't want to let go.

They reached the outside and Louis felt overwhelmed by the amount of people in the street, seeing bottles of champagne and beer everywhere.

"Harry Styles?"

Louis eyes widened as a motorcycle with red blue and white lights approached them, a cop pointing at the man.

"Harry, what's going on?"

"Come with me."

The officer said and Louis began to panic, although Harry was smiling.
The man held onto the boy tighter as he lead him out back, the cop still leading.


"Don't worry love. Just follow my lead."

Louis watched cautiously as the officer parked his vehicle and suddenly got off, handing the man his keys.

"Enjoy your night."

"Thank you."

Harry took a step forward and climbed onto the motorcycle, facing Louis.

"Well, aren't you going to hop on babe?"

"Harry. What are you doing."

"Let me show you come on. Don't you trust me?"

Louis had an reasonable answer to that, he swears, but said nothing as he climbed on behind. He wrapped his arms tightly around Harry, never riding in one of them before and not fancying getting sent to a hospital because of them.

Louis felt confused, but said nothing again, hearing Harry turn the siren on and from the corner of his eyes, seeing the three colors flash again.

And they took off.

Louis felt a mixture of emotions as Harry drove back onto the main street, seeing the buildings tall as sky scrapers shine bright different colors all with timers.

People moved out of the way as Harry drove through them, Louis realizing now why they were driving in a federal type of property.

When the fear began to wear off of crashing, Louis lifted his head off Harry's back and began to take in His surrounding's.

That's when Louis realized, Harry Fucken Styles was driving him in illegal property through Times Square on New Years Eve, destination: pretty sure somewhere by the tower where a huge disco ball hanged.

Harry turned off the motorcycle when they arrived there exactly, the sphere looking even more massive from where they were parked underneath it.

No one around there seemed to be affected when they had to make a space for the stationed motorcycle, all too focused on each other.

Harry guided Louis off the bike, and smiled as the boy was still stunned.

Louis slowly looked up, admiring from where he was standing, a scene that only happened in movies.

"You're insane, Harry Styles."

Harry began to laugh, reaching out to Louis arms. The boy looked down as Harry and him actually held hands for the first time, the mans completely making Louis vanish, along with his dignity and pride.

"For you, Louis Tomlinson."

Harry stared in awe as all the lights reflected off of Louis blue sparkling eyes, little nose and cheeks red with the cold temperature that made him a complete idiot for his enemy's son.

Louis smiled so bright as he looked around him and took in everything, in Harry's eyes, a young boy who deserved the world, seeing a small piece of it.

And at that moment, Harry realized he wanted to dedicate the rest of his life, showing it to him.



"Give me a second. I need to make a call just hold on."

Harry let go of Louis and walked a distance away, The smaller boy becoming sad.

The man held up his finger, dialing quickly and pressing the phone up to his ear.

"Lily? Yes its me Harry. Get the plane ready. No were not staying in New York tonight. I don't have time to explain. Well head there after 12 strikes."

The man hangs up, and begins to run back to where the boy waits.

Harry takes both of Louis hands in his and the boy smiles again.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No baby."

"Harry, can I ask you something?"

"What is it."

"You know I've turned 18 for a week now right?"

"Yes my dear."

"Then how come you haven't kissed me."

The boy sincerely frowns and Harry cant keep up with everything that's actually happening.

"I wanted our first kiss to be special."

"We already had our first kiss."

"Yes true, but I mean the one which is going to mark the beginning of something new."

"And you're planning to give me that one when?"

Harry licks his lips and smiles, nudging his head upwards until Louis gets what he's suggesting. The boy looks up as the man says to do and is confused for a while,until hes glancing back at Harry outraged.

"N-No, please tell me you're not going to be that corny bastard who waits for the ball to drop."

Harry laughs, nodding.

"Oh my, you're not normal."

"Says Louis. You're dating a Fashion multimillionaire and hidden Mafia Billionaire. You know Louis, by being with me, you're committing a crime yourself. You know what I am and haven't said a word. You're an accomplice."

Louis looks up at him, heart beating out of his chest.

"Now its my turn to ask a question."

The countdown begins in the background, but Harry has never gave more a flying fuxk with Louis in front of him.


"G-Go Ahead."


Harry steps closer to Louis.




"Will you be my partner in crime?"


"Is this your way of asking me-"


Harry brings both hands up to cup either side of Louis face.


"Will you be my boyfriend Louis?"


"Does this answer your question?"

'Happy New Year!!!'

Wrapping his arms around the mans neck, Louis smashes his lips against Harry's, for the second time in existence, seeing fireworks go off as he kisses the one and only real love of his life.

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