I Married The Cat! (A stampyl...

By Hannah_Hatter

3.7K 103 80

Willow is in love with the game Minecraft and her fave youtuber stampylongnose. But when she goes to London a... More

Can't think of a name for the chapter
The Plane Ride
Princess Kate... NOT!
The Shopping Centre
My First Kiss
Jake's Anger
He Came Back!
The Baby's Coming!
A Mother's Life
Stampy Comes Back
He Proposed
The End

The Baby Shower

213 5 12
By Hannah_Hatter

Willow's POV

As the months went by, things changed. I had to quit my part time job at the library so that I could take care of the baby. I announced to my viewers that I was pregnant and ended up getting loads of comments and tweets and Facebook messages and emails about when and how and all kinds of adorable names. I had to cut down on the amount of videos I made. I moved my five dresses that I owned out of my closet and into Jake's closet. Jake and I took out the shelves and racks that held the clothes except for a few shelves to actually put stuff on them. We painted the room a sky and dark blue with a white carpet. We had gotten and ultrasound and found that it was a boy. My baby bump was starting to show and it got harder and harder to walk. Stampy and Jake acted as stressing dads for Ryan (HTT). Speaking of him, I heard that they had let him out of prison a few days ago. Since we hadn't called for any trial, they could keep him in for too long, but they could for about a month. I was so scared that he would come back and try to get me and the baby, but Stampy assured me that he would never let that happen. Then came one of the happiest days of my life. Stampy told me that he was taking me over to our friend Beth's, or Squaishy as she was called on YouTube. She wanted some help moving some furniture and I was with Stamy anyway. We drove to her house and walked right in. The whole place was dark. 

"Hello?" I called, nervously. "Squaishy Duck? Where are you?" I turned and I saw that Stsmpy had disappeared and the door was shut., throwing me into complete darkness alone. I put a hand to my stomach as I reached for my phone to use as a flashlight. Suddenly, all the lights came on and I heard people shouting

"SURPRISE!" And everyone popped out from behind the counters and the couch. I looked up and saw that there was a banner that said "It's A Boy!" And there were presents everywhere. Squaishy had thrown me a baby shower. I looked around and the whole Magic Animal Club was there, including Lee, Rosie, and Braiden (Finball) with his family, who had come from Scotland and America. There was also Amy's sister Salem and her family and Mousie_Mouse and Stampy's sister Netty and Squid's brother Tom. There was even Jade, Mya and Ashlee! And Jake, along wiith Melanie of course, but even she couldn't bring me down now. Everyone came and gave me a hug and congratulated me. There was all kinds of foods. I could tell Squaishy had cooked a lot of it because it was all good. She was the best cook around.  Some of the BBQ though, we could all tell was Stampy because he can't cook to save his life. We all sat or stood around the kitchen, just eating and laughing together. Like a family. All twenty two of us, we were like one big happy family. (Finball has three kids plus a wife and Salem has two kids plus a husband) then it was present time. The first present I got was from Rosie, which was a heart necklace, the kind you could put pictures in. When I opened it up, it had picture of her and I in Minecraft and at a convention we went to together.

"You can always take those out and put baby pictures in them." She told me. "I just put those in there so you wouldn't have to have the pictures of the models in there for the next three months." Everyone laughed and I opened the gift from Finball's family. They had gotten me all kinda of cute baby clothes.

"These were Squishball's" (Squishball's is Finball's son. I don't know his real name) "we weren't sure if you had any, so we decided to give you his." Squishball's face turned red. 

"Thank you." I said, not mentioning the few little outfits that the mail lady gave me, the sweetheart. Everyone laughed at Lee's gift. He had gotten me a package of diapers and a stuffed bear that had a stuffed diamond sword sewn on its hand.

"I couldn't figure anything else out, so I decided to give the baby a guard. Plus, this might save some money on diapers for the first few days." He said, rather sheepishly. 

"Well I love it." I said, leaning over and gave Lee Bear a bear hug. Netty and Mousie had gotten me some more baby clothes and some toys.  Salem got the baby a signed poster of the Magic Animal Club. 

"It was the last one. Amy had left it on her kitchen table and I just took it for my girls." She rubbed the shoulders of her two daughters, Rachel and Holly, with pride.  I laughed and thanked her.  Squid and Tom had poured their money and got the baby a crib. And not just any crib. It was an aqua blue one that was decorated with little plastic seaweeds and a purple octopus that were attached to the bars. It came with a Indian sheet and a box of mini plastic toy Indians. (Tom's skin in minecraft is an Indian) Amy had gotten a vase that was decorated like a minecraft garden that was filled with roses and sunlit flowers. On one side, it had a picture of Stampy's skin and my Siamese Cat skin, standing there hugging a much smaller black cat. 

"Because that's what I think he will be in minecraft!" She declared. Everyone laughed again. Stampy had gotten a hand knitted blanket that was light blue and decorated to look like snowflakes.

"I didn't make that myself." He said. "Netty actually did. She was going to give it to you, but instead, gave it to me to give to you." 

"Well thank you to you both." I said, leaning over to kiss Stampy on the cheek and gave Netty a hug. Jade had gotten the baby a rocking horse. Mya bought a mobile and a changing table cover with a matching high chair cover. Ashlee had gotten more clothes, including a wunsie that was designed to like a shirt and tie. Jake told me that he was building a changing table in my closet and had gotten me another cover. Even Melanie had come through and gave me a Toys R Us gift card. It wasn't much, but at least she wasn't spiteful. But the best gift by far had to be from Squaishy. She had given me, handmade plushies! And not just any plushies. There was an orange cat, a Siamese cat, a bear, a squid, an Indian, a mermaid, a king, a lapis lady(Salem) a penguin(Rosie), a mouse, a bear, and a ducky.  And a picture frame that was painted to say, "Friends are Family" and it had an open spot for a picture.

"What picture are you going to put in it?" Finball's daughter Coco Ball asked.

"This one." I told her. "The one of all of us together." Everyone cheered, then we cleared away the gifts into Stampy's car and the wrapping into the trash, then crowded around for the picture. Squaishy set the timer on the camera and we all gathered close, Stampy and I right in the front and centre. The kids all settled around us and everyone crowded around us. We all smiled and ended up taking the picture twice because Tom and Squid had given Stampy and I bunny ears. Then we all ate the cake that Squaishy had made. It was a layered cake that had three layers and was decorated with blue frosting. There were white dots decorating the layers and on top it said congrats. Then we all settled down in front of the TV together and watched Frozen, even though we had all seen it a million times. Everyone took a turn getting up and singing a song. We even rewound the song just so people could sing and dance to it. Amy and Salem and Stamy and Netty did Do You Want to Build a Snowman, Rosie and Netty did For the First Time in Forever,  Salem and Wonderwall (her husband), Finball and Lily Ann (his wife) and Stampy and I did Love is an Open Door, Stampy, Squid, and Lee all got up and sang Let it Go while all of us girls sat down and sang it. Squid and Tom even did In Summer and everyone did Fixer Upper, I playing Anna and Stampy playing Kristoff. Everyone got the biggest laugh when Stampy and Squid did the song that Kristoff sang to his reindeer. All too soon, the party was over. Finball, Rosie, Mousie and Lee left first. They all had to catch flights back to America and Scotland and Fin Ball's youngest, Baby Ball, was fast asleep in his arms already. Then Salem left with Rachel and Holly. Then it was Amy, who had to get up the next morning and do her Sunday Morning Adventure Hexxit video. Jade, Mya, and Ashlee all left because Jade had work in the morning and she was Mya and Ashlee's ride. Netty soon left afterwords, followed by Squid and Tom. Jake went home with Melanie, which left Stampy, Squaishy and I to clean up. Stampy and Squaishy both insisted that I sit down, but I was too jumpy to stay seated for long so I helped. There was a lot of mess. Crumbs on the floor, paper plates everywhere, food left out. Soon, I did sit down. The baby was taking all of my energy. Soon I fell asleep.

Stampy's POV

I finished vacuuming and looked over to see that Willow had fallen asleep. I smiled, them went over and touched her baby bump, feeling the baby kicking. That's when Squaishy came over and sat down. 

"Phew! That was a huge party! But totally worth it!" She exclaimed.

"Hush." I told her. "You'll wake up Willow."  

"Oh, " she said, more quietly. "Why don't the two of you stay over? You're never going to get her in the car and I don't think you're awake enough to drive." I nodded, then she headed  off to bed, being me two blankets and a pillow. I covered Willow up with one of the blankets, then laid down on the couch next to her chair, and fell asleep smiling. 

(Okay! You guys were no help and I decided the baby was going to be a boy! Now I do want you to comment down below baby names! Please hurry!)

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