He Came Back!

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(Hey guys! Just to let you know, I'm giving you all more time to comment down those baby names! If you don't, I'm probably going to end up naming the baby Percy from Percy Jackson. Or something else from a book I read. Leave your comments and quick! The baby will be born in the next chapter! Also, check my profile for a message that should be up soon if it's not up already.)

One month left. July. I was spending my Fourth of July in pain. Well, Jake and I didn't really celebrate much. Just with some cupcakes, since we weren't in America anymore. The baby was kicking so much, you'd think I was going to give birth to a horse. The doctor gave me pills, but they only helped a little. Then I tripped going down the stairs and that was the othe ankle twisted and Jake insisting on me using my wheelchair. But he and Stampy were good to me. They took care of me the best they could, although Jake was so scared something would happen if I left the house and he wouldn't really take me anywhere. But Stsmpy and I often went to the park together. One day, while I was in my wheel chair an Stsmpy and I were at the park, we were taking a a walk. That's when Stampy had to use the bathroom. He rolled me into the shade of a tree and I just sat there, completely calm. It was relatively quiet, with children playing as just a buzz. The wind whistled and blew my hair out my face and cooled my sweaty belly. That's when I heard someone come up from behind me and began to run with my wheelchair. Stampy would never push my wheelchair that fast! I turned and saw,HTT! The chair was going too fast and I couldn't get up. HTT pushed me until we reached the busy intersection. There were cars just flying past. They wouldn't be able to stop in time if he pushed me in. 

"Ryan!" I shouted, terrified. I couldn't walk with prego belly and a twisted ankle so I was stuck. "What are you doing?!" 

"Well you're going to have my baby." He told me. "I figured that the least I could do was take you home. Home to America with me bitch! Say goodbye to your precious Stampy Cat!" I screamed, trying to get someone's attention. A load of people came over, but HTT stopped them. "Don't come any closer!" He shouted. "If you do, I'll push her into the street!" Everyone froze. I saw the police talking on their radios, hopefully calling for backup. I could see Stampy, running his hands through his bushy hair. Then, the walking light came on and HTT pushed me across the street, then pressed the button on the light so that the others couldn't get over. I just sat in the chair, wishing I could just get up and fight my own battles for a change. I saw Stampy as he frantically waited for the light to turn green so he could walk across. I was just sitting there, panicking. I had left y phone at home because it was dead and needed to charge. Then, i saw a comforting sight. The cop cars! They stopped right by us and HTT tried to run, but they stopped him. Stampy came running up and held me close. That's when I fainted. 

Stampy's POV

Willow was sitting there, her face completely red and sweating. I could askew that she wanted to do something, but couldn't without needing to get up. When the cops pulled up, I saw her expression chafe from scared, to calm. I leaned down and hugged her, then she went unconscious. I felt her pulse. It was racing, so I drove her to the hospital. They did all sorts of treats on her, and said that she was fine, just needed some rest.

"If she doesn't rest, the baby could come an entire month early. We wouldn't want that." The nurse told me. I chose not to tell Willow about he hospital trip, but instead, took her back home and took her upstairs. It was so hard, seeing I was carrying two people, but I eventually got her up to her room. I went in her bathroom and soaked a washcloth and laid it on her sweaty forehead. The I crept downstairs and got her some water. I covered her in a blanket, then went to see the baby's room. It was lovely. The walls were sky and dark blue striped and the carpet was white. The crib was in a corner and had the blanket  I had given her in it, along with a soft looking light blue blanket underneath of it. I could see a rocking chair in the opposite corner, no doubt another gift from Jake, and it had the vase that Amy had gotten her. It was filled with fake roses. At least those won't die. There was also a few shelves that were filled with books and toys that Netty and Mousie had gotten her. Then there was the changing table, that had two cabinets, one filled with drawers and held all of the clothes, and the other, filled with baby toiletries. There was even the mobile over the crib and the rocking horse at the end of it. ThenWillow woke up, and I left the room.

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