Book Ideas I needed to write...

By PotatoLordSupreme

762 30 51

Names and descriptions of books I might one day write... If any of you readers want to use one of my ideas th... More

Locked in Time (CLAIMED)
5 Survived
The Rich Yet Quaint
Lost and Scared
R U Cereal
What If I'm Depressed?
Waiting Willow
Drop the Heart Beat. TC. AU.
An Art In My World
Bonded Till Bitter Ends
Notice: Please read till end
Prompt Idea Short S.
Part Of Prompt Book Idea
How to kill someone
What i have so far
The Actors Set the Scene

Angels Objects

54 1 1
By PotatoLordSupreme


This picture is SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!


Everything has it's tie to this world. Every laugh a meaning. Every waking moment a chance. But what happens when it's over? When the darkness comes and swallows you whole? What happens when you give up the life that you were given and you forever sink into nonexistence? 

When you are born half of you is missing, it's something that only the child can feel but they are only half of a whole. Many live their lives never finding their other half, but the few who do, the several in millions, they are known as the Angels. The empowered ones who found peace.

When you die you don't just drown in emptiness, based on your life's actions you are placed in a never ending war, the ones who sink, and the ones who swam. All Angels immediately go to the light where they are treated like gods and they live in the clouds. And the ones who lead bitter sin filled lives are trapped in a hell like Hades, deep, deep underground. 

Both tribes train in their assigned domains for 11 months exactly, to make sure this process is followed precisely all souls who die before the chosen date are forced to wait in a sort of endless room, where they can find and speak to their dead loved ones.

Their training helps prepare them for the thing that even the eldest, and wisest members of either side fear, The Xronam Mist (pronounced Zer-a-nom). The mist comes out of it's hiding once every year and attacks both the human realm and the fromm. (I tried using German and it failed so hard! Translation: Godly).

The longer we take to destroy the mist, or at least send it away, the more damage it does. One of the last battles we had almost destroyed an entire city! Other examples of damage might confuse you because these parts happened in our world, the things that happened to the humans were very much seen as worse. My examples, Hurricane Katrina, Typhoon Tip, The Lake Nyos Limnic Eruption, the 1960 Chile Earthquake, and of course The 1201 Egypt Syria earthquake that was scaled worst to hit ever by scientists. 

What we don't know can't kill us? Wrong, the Xronam Mist has been building up it's strength. And now, it hopes to kill us all. As an angel, I'm forced to pair up with a demon. My only wish now is that he doesn't hinder my true goal, to once and for all defeat the Xronam Mist and to claim the title of Hero for my people.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So basically when you die you are sorted into two categories, the good and the evil. People who find their 'special connection in life' get a free pass into heaven. While the depressed, sad, mad, etc humans who were known as 'demons' went to a deep hell. With fire, lava, the whole package.

Once a year, each demon is paired with an angel, and the duo moves into a battle of sorts with all of the other warriors. Basically every able soul, good or evil, is sent into the war against the Xronam Mist.

The longer they take to battle the entity, the more damage it does, in both worlds.

The plot of this POV is that an ambitious angel has high gloating hopes for defeating the Mist single handed. And basically he/she is paired with like a really cool Demon who was like, used to be depressed and sad and had depending siblings or something like that.



-Potato Out

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