The Pretend To Be Agreement

By Cataldinabluebird

469K 12.4K 814

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] 'So, it's agreed then? If I help you with your financial problems, you'll pretend to... More

The Pretend To Be Agreement
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six (Different Version)
Epilogue PT. 1
Epilogue - PT. 2
Important Information (FAQ)
New Account

Chapter Twenty-Nine

9K 290 34
By Cataldinabluebird

*Song to the side: 'Love Somebody' by Maroon 5


Frederick's been dead two and half weeks. That's twenty-one days in counting since his death and seventeen since the funeral. I phone Marge two to three times a day now, wanting to make sure she was okay as I knew David was going to do it. After the funeral she seemed okay, still broken, but it was like she was ready.

Will and I left two days after the funeral, wanting to get away from the sadness. Instead of taking a leave from work, I did my part, and was currently writing a book. It doesn't have a title yet, but so far it's going great. Somewhere between those two and half weeks the only news I heard about was the famous movie star Owen Landon – who I looked up on Google – and Riley James.

Riley had done a radio interview about her and Landon's relationship, which she was just saying they were friends. On her blog – which I follow and scroll through on a daily basis (Will likes to call it 'stalking') – she did a review on the movies Landon worked in. I had learned that most people just call him Landon instead of Owen.

Will had explained to me how he knew Landon, and told me about some of their adventures. In the stories I was told Landon seemed like an okay guy, and even though with his past with the ladies, I didn't care.

At some point Riley had called and asked me how I was doing. I told her all about Will, which she laughed at me when I mentioned all the times we were rudely interrupted. Instead of her lying to me about her giving Landon an 'interview', she, instead, explained how she had done the walk of shame. She got into heavy detail about what happened in the elevator and I swore not to tell a soul and she did the same.

The week leading up to Christmas had past oddly fast, and it was now December fifteenth. Snow was covering everything; the roads, houses, the ocean. It was insane. And then Will had suggested we go somewhere for the holidays and I agreed, if only I had known we were going to his grandma's house.

The plane ride from New York to Minnesota was two hours and thirty minutes, and for some reason, I was more excited than Will. I couldn't wait to meet more of his family, even though his parents are bit mean, his sister isn't – that kindness has got to come from somewhere.

Will had been born and raised in Minnesota until he turned fourteen and then his family had moved to New York. This was another reason he didn't exactly get along well with his parents because they took him away from his home. They had chosen their careers over their children's happiness.

And for the first time, I had seen Will cry. As soon as he saw the snow covered mountains he was in tears. He started getting jittery in car ride down to his grandparents house, and he looked out the window the entire time. I don't think I've ever seen will to happy, so overjoyed.

When the car parks in front of little brown house and the name 'REED' written on a long piece of drift wood that hung up on the roof, Will wasted no time getting out of the car and the running up the house. He tripped going up the stairs but caught himself as his arms wrapped around an old woman that's only four inches shorter me.

I walk towards the three of them slowly, not wanting to interrupt the moment, but I did without even trying. His grandfather notices me first and a wide grin sets on his face as he steps over to me and holds out his hand.

"You must be Grace," he said as we shook hands.

I nod. "And you must Henry."

"That is correct. Now, welcome, Grace. We've waited so long to meet you." He tells me and my eyes widen at that and I glance over at Will and see that there's a blush creeping up on his cheeks.

"Same here."

But before any of us go inside I'm pulled into a hug by Will's grandmother, Vivien. She scolds Will about how he should've introduced me first, but then I tell her its okay and she reluctantly lets it go. Inviting us in, we head towards the living room for coffee and treats. Scanning my surroundings the big, much decorated Christmas tree doesn't go unnoticed, but the mistletoe does.

Vivien points it out for me, whispering it in my ear, and I pull Will by the arm and plant a kiss on his lips. He kisses back, smiling when we pull back and then we go sit down on the couch, near the fire place. Putting his arm around my shoulders he tugs me into his side and I rest my head against his chest.

As were all sitting there awkwardly until Vivien went to the kitchen to go and get us all something to drink. I got a coffee mixed with marshmallows, Will got hot chocolate with a peppermint cane, and Henry just had straight up black coffee, but with a peppermint case just like Will. I had, of course, offered to help, but Vivien had declined.

"Grace, not to be rude or intruding in your personal life, but what do you do for a living?" Asks Vivien as she sips on green tea, a soft smile on her face that looked identical to Samantha's.

I shake my head, resting my cup of coffee on my leg. "I don't mind, not at all. I'm ... a photographer."

There's a sort of sadness in my words and the air in my lungs hitched as I attempted at a smile, but it failed as I stare down at my coffee. I feel Will squeeze one of my shoulders reassuringly and I pat his leg as a thank you for the comfort. Vivien lets out a gasp and then asks, "Did I say something wrong?"

Again, I shake my head, giving her a half hearted smile. "No, you did nothing wrong. Just that my ... my father died a little while ago, and he was inspiration for taking photos. Taught me everything I know today."

She sighs, relieved, but still has a look of concern playing on her facial features. "I'm sorry to hear that, Grace. Our prayers to you and your family." Her eyes then dart over to Will and my eyes glance down to his feet when I hear them tapping on the floor nervously. "Are you treating her well? Because, I swear, the last time I checked I raised a gentleman out of you. Not a barbarian."

"Nothing of the sort, Grandma. Even if I did ... actually, I don't want to think about that. But, if I did, I'd be ten feet underground." He tells all three of us slowly, taking a swig of his hot chocolate.

"Alive," I add, smiling oh-so sweetly at my darling boyfriend.

He coughs and I look him in the eye see the glint of fear in his eyes. "Don't kill me."

"I don't plan to." I say, but then mumble under my breath, "Not yet, anyway."

He hears me and chokes on his drink. I suppress a smirk as Vivien starts asking me if I brought my camera, which I had, and when I say yes she proceeds with: "Can we use it to take family photos? Because the one Henry has is a piece of sh—trash."


Washing the dishes that been used to make and eat lunch off of, I put them in the dish rack while Will dries and puts away. He didn't even have to stretch to get to the top shelf, which was attractive by itself, but I really wanted to see his search move upward. It would've revealed his abs, too.

Vivien was in the dining room talking to her son, Mr. Reed, over the phone in hushed whispers. Apparently, from what I could decipher between Will gushing over about how he wanted me to see his room, I caught onto how she was defending me to Will's parents. She argued with Mr. Reed for a while a longer, but that was enough time to finish all the dishes and for Will to put them away.

When were done he grabs me hand and look at me, giving me the puppy dog eyes. "Can I show you my room, now? Please? I've been waiting all day and practically all week since I mentioned this trip."

At first I had been confused when he said 'my room', but then he explained how his parents had owned this place before handing it over to his grandparents because Will was dead set on having something from his childhood that was actually happy. He didn't have to add that last bit, but he had, and it made me feel both pitiful and jealous that he actual had his old home. I got to grow up in a trailer park – not saying there's anything wrong with that, just that he had more opportunities is all.

I nod. "Why not?"

He doesn't jump up and down but he does give me a quick peck on the lips. It goes silent between us as guides us out of the kitchen, our hands linked together, and when were walking up the stairs I tell him to stop so I could look at all the photos that hung in picture frames on the wall. There are plenty of Samantha and him when they were kids, the two either smiling at the camera or looking somewhere else.

I spot of a few that were, again, just of the two siblings but this time it was during Samantha's pregnancy. She wasn't very large in the photos, her stomach only a small bump. But then I see a one that's of her in the delivery room, Will by her side as he holds her hand, and she has sweat dripping down her face. She's breathing through the pain like a champ.

The two looked very young, especially Samantha, but after learning both her and her son's current age I realized why. Samantha is twenty-three right now while Lucas was five, and from the age gap that didn't take me that long to figure out, she is the same age right now as Will was when those photos were taken.

I take my eyes off them and they start to trail to others, there are many of Will, but as he got older the less he smiled. Only in a couple he did, but those were fake, and there was in shimmery glimmer in them. He looked depressed, sad, and just done with the world. I felt bad for him, having a pretty good guess why he wasn't smiling.

The only time I saw him smiling in those photos was either when he was caught off guard, with his sister or nephew, or just simply doing something that was taking all his concentration. It's not until I come across a photo at the top of the stairs do I almost burst into tears.

In a silver frame there was a photo, and this photo didn't consist of any of his family members. In it, all I saw was joy, and it was a picture of the two of in Hawaii. We both looked happy as we sat by the pool, me sitting on the edge with my feet the water while Will had his arms wrapped around my waist. I remember that moment, it had been an hour before we had to get ready to leave for the airport and we got some random lady to take the picture for us.

It was also the reason why we just barely had enough to make our flights – that, and Will likes to wait till the very last minute to get anything done, despite the fact that he's a business man.

He pulls on my hand gently and I smile at him as I wipe away tears with my free hand. He guides us to the end of the hallway and then we take left, going down another short hall and then stopping when we turn right. I come face to face with black painted door that had a bunch of old decorations, drawings, a warning caution sign on it. Will blushes at this.

Turning the handle and pushing the door open it slides to the side and we walk into together, hand in hand. I let my hand drop down to my side when I'm in the center, my sock covered feet standing on top of a rug that had skull on it. Up near the head of the bed was a bunch of band posters, but then, when I look up at the ceiling there's a light, square piece of fabric that looks like a flag but has The Rolling Stones logo on it.

There's a bunch of different nick-knacks spread across the entire room; like old video game controllers, books, and action figures. Off to the corner near the closet is tote filled with old movies, and since the bed wasn't against a wall, I bang my knee against the hope chest at the foot of the bed.

There's an old TV sitting on top of a dresser that has a bunch of random stickers stuck to it. A VCR is connected to the TV and I can't keep from letting out a low chuckle when I spot a big, patched up teddy bear sitting on one of the shelves in the bookcase. I don't bother to grab it as I point over at it and Will let's out a groan.

Our luggage sits on top of the hope chest and I do a running jump as I land on top of the bed. Somehow, in the back of my mind, I thought he have a water bed, but he didn't and I pout in disappoint as he joins me.

"What's wrong, sugar plum?" He asks as I lay down beside him, curling up in ball as I stare at the ceiling.

"I kind of thought you have a water bed," I admit shyly, and join in the quiet laughter with him as pulls on my hand and I'm tugged into his chest. Our stomachs are pressed together as we lay on our sides, our lips only inches apart.

"As a guy, there's always been this little hope in mind." He tells me, and I feel like I may or may not regret this as I ask, "And what's that?"

"Tainting my bedroom," he answers with sheepish grin, "Making it unholy."

I don't reply as I close the distance between us and let our lips connect like there two magnets. Our hands clasps together while the other remains above our heads, but he uses his and strokes my bangs out of my face. We stay like this for a while until we pull away, needing to breath as we had somehow forgot too.

"I think about it," I said as I stare into his gray eyes.

"Think about what?" He asks with his brow raised.

"Make your dirty fantasy of tainting your childhood bedroom." I tell him and he looks at me, a little surprised that I had just said.

"You don't have to do that, I didn't really mean it." He says and I could hear the anxiousness in his tone.

I shrug. "That's why I said I think about it."

He lips purse. "I don't want to hurt you, Grace."

I reach up and caress his cheek with my thumb. "It's my body Will, and I know when I've had enough. You are the only one who's been there for me, to take care of me, even though you didn't have to. Taking me in, for example. I owe you so much, and you don't even know it. Along this messed up journey you had stolen my heart, like a criminal. You, William Reed, are the only man I want to see me naked. The only man I want; and that will never stops. Because it's you, or it's no one."

He tries to speak, but I press a finger to his lips.

"You are always the first one to do things, to kiss me, to make a move. This time, let give it a try?"

He nods and I notice the tears welling up in his eyes as they are in mine. Before I can get the words out he takes his thumb and rubs it against my bottom lip, swiping it before holding my cheek. Tears slip down my cheek as I continue on to what I was going to say, knowing that if I don't get them out right now I might never will.

"I was falling in love you, slowly, and very, very hard. But as the days went by and the more days we spend together it's become obvious. So, what, what I'm about to say is something I've only told my family. And you, Will, are my family. What I'm saying is ... is that I'm in love with you. I love you so fucking much that hurts because I have absolutely no idea what I did to deserve someone as amazing as you in my life. I love you, William Reed. And I decide that you are the one who gets to hold my heart, the one who gets to have the thing that I will never get back."

I pause as I suck in a breath, closing my eyes and then opening them as I wipe away the tears.

"I choose you. And I will, every time. In every life time, in every story. I choose you, you amazing, good hearted man."

He only stares at me for a few seconds and then, when he doesn't respond a little bit of me cracks. I had just told him how I felt, something I had known for a long time but was never really able to say out loud or admit. But then, his lips crash onto mine, and he's crawling over top of me. One of his tears falls down onto my cheek and I take my hands and wipe away the tears.

He pulls away, but only for a millisecond.

"I love you, too."

It finally happened! They finally said it! And I'm totally evil for cutting it short (I didn't want too, but I had too. Gotta save the sexy stuff for later ... ).

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