Our Chances (BWWM)

By danidiaaa

1.3M 55.8K 16.5K

Jadelynn Jones is a hard working twenty-four year old woman who is determined to be successful in life. Par... More

1- Intro
2- Don't Look Back
3- Adonis
4- Friends
5-Helping Hands
6-Parties and Hospitals Part I
7 Parties and Hospitals Part II
8-False Alarm
9- Back at It
10-Business First
11- Desperation at it's Finest
12- Date Night
13- Unthinkable
14- Surprise Suprise
16- Typical Work Day
17- Seriously?
18- Answers
19- Emotions
20- Love it
21- J vs A
(21.5)Need You
22- Coming down
23- Give in
24- Elastic Heart
25- Uncommon Troubles
26-Nice to Meet you
27- Keeping you Safe
28- Big House
29- No
30- Lovers Spat
31- Meeting Elliot
32- Clubbin'
33- Shopping disaster
34-Falling Into Place

15- Fool for You

43.9K 1.7K 1K
By danidiaaa

Jadelynn stared at the woman in front of her, trying to keep her composure. There were no words to describe how embarrassed and un-orderly she felt. This wasn't the way she ever pictured herself meeting one of Alexander's parents. In fact, she really hadn't ever thought about meeting them. But here was exactly one half of his DNA looking at her with dark blue eyes that facial features that were similar to that of her son.

"Hi, it's so nice to meet you. Alex has told me a lot about you," Jadelynn finally said, holding out her hand. The older woman slowly reached out and shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you too. But I'm afraid that my son has not told me a single thing about you."

Jadelynn watched as her eyes quickly looked at her from head to toe, her mouth frowning slightly. But instead of doing anything, Jade ignored it, hoping that wasn't a sign that his mother didn't like her already.

The woman gave her a tight lipped smile before turning to her son and giving him a slight glare. "Why didn't you tell me about her, Alex? It would've been nice to know you were with someone. Brook was asking about you again-"

Jadelynn shot Alex a questionable look at the mention of a woman named Brook. But she couldn't jump to conclusions, maybe she was an old friend of his or something. She knew this would be coming sooner or later, she just hoped this Brook woman wouldn't cause any problems. That was the last thing she needed.

"Jadelynn, are you okay?"
She snapped out of her thoughts and turned to Alexander who was looking at her, his eyes worried. Jade nodded, "I'm fine, sorry. I think I'm going to get ready to head home. I have a ton of things to do. I'm sure you want to spend time with your parents and sister before you leave. It was so nice to meet you Mrs. Kingman."

His mother smiled at her, and actually have her a genuine smile. Jade smiled back at her, hoping to woman didn't have too much to say to her. The aura she gave off was just... unfriendly. Almost as if she was just tolerating her.

Jadelynn nearly gave Alex another glare, this was all his fault. He could've warned her or something. Because now was obviously not the right time for her to be meeting his mother.
So she was taking the cowards way out by leaving. He needed to see his family before he left anyway, and she wasn't going to be the one who stopped him from doing that.
Instead she would encourage it, by hauling ass.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay longer? I'm sure Anson and Audrey would love to meet you. Wouldn't they Alex?" The blonde woman said, turning to Alex who was watching her like a hawk.
Jadelynn gave him a look that clearly meant 'tell your mother no', and he only rose his eyebrow at her. She wanted to choke him, he knew she was trying to go, but now he wanted to act dumb.

"Jade are you sure you want to go? Stay for dinner, I'll take you home right after, I promise" he told her.

"I can't, Alex. I have plans with Chelsey, I have to help her cook for a family get together, she took off work for it and she really needs my help."

It was a complete lie but it was the best she could come up with. It needed to seem important so that she didn't look rude.

"Okay, well let's go get your things. We'll be right back mom," he said, kissing his mom on the cheek. Watching that, Jadelynn worried for a split second that he was a huge mama's boy. She then came to realize she had so much to learn about him, and he had a lot to learn about her too. Including her relationship with her parents.

With his hand on the small of her back the two of them walked down to the bedroom. He shut the door and she immediately spun around and pointed at him.

"Why didn't you tell me your mom was coming?! Do you know how bad I look?! My neck is covered in hickies and my hair is a mess and-"

Suddenly his lips landed on hers in a steamy kiss, but she pulled away so she could yell at him some more. But before she could he placed a finger on her lip, and kissed her brow.

"I didn't know she was coming Jade. She showed up because she knew I wanted to have dinner here on the yacht with my family tonight before I left. She wanted to come to stalk the pantry and she didn't call me until she was here."

Jadelynn nodded, feeling sort of childish at her own assumptions. She then gnawed on her lip, trying to decide whether or not she wanted to tell him about his mother. She looked up and saw that he was staring at her with a dark expression, one that resembled lust.

"Quit biting that lip," he growled,"Now what's wrong?"

"First off, watch your tone. And nothing's wrong."

He smirked at her, taking his thumb and swiping it across her bottom lip.
"Something's wrong because you look nervous. So tell me, now."


"Jade" he said in warning.

"Fine. It's your mom, I don't think she likes me very much."

Alexander looked at her with a shocked expression, but quickly masked it. Instead he shook his head. "Why would you think that? You've only just met her, how could you tell that she doesn't like you, Jadelynn?"

She crossed her arms, and then he did the same which caused her to laugh. He was so cute when he did that, with his little crease in his forehead and pout in his lip.

"I could just tell. Do you ever feel that way when you meet someone, like the give off a bad vibe? And you know that they really don't feel like being bothered with you?"

When he shook his head 'no' she rolled her eyes, and suddenly his hand was hitting her behind with a hard smack. Jade looked at him and glared, rubbing her sore ass.

Alexander held her chin in his hand, "What have I told you about rolling your eyes at me Jadelynn? Next time you do it, I'll take you over my knee."

"Like hell you will."

That comment earned her another resounding slap on her ass.

"Would stop hitting me and help me find my purse? I need to get going."

As she started to look he grabbed her arm, pulling her to him. Jade struggled away but he picked her up and sat them on the bed with her in his lap.

"Why don't you stay for dinner? My mother isn't going to be here all day. I could take you to lunch and we'll stay here until my family come. They will love you. Especially my sister, she can't wait to figure out who you actually are."

"Why are we rushing this? I just agreed last night and now you want me to meet your whole family? I don't even know when your birthday is, or what your favorite color is! Or what you're allergic to!"

Things like that were actually pretty important to her, it was always the little things that mattered the most. She knew the basic things but she wanted to know the small things that made him who he was. If she admitted any of that out loud it would probably sound cheesy as hell, but it was how truly she felt. They really didn't know a lot about each other. And the fact that he wanted her to have dinner with her family was just too fast. It wasn't as if they had been together for months. If they had she wouldn't have a problem with dinner at all.

"My birthday is November twenty-second, my favorite color is gray and I'm actually allergic to cauliflower. Now have dinner with us."

"Cauliflower? I didn't even know white people ate that" she mumbled to herself.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. But you know what I mean. I just want to know more about you before I start meeting your whole family. I'd love to have dinner with them, just not right now."

His arms tightened around her waist, and he rested his chin on her shoulder, placing a single kiss there.


Jade turned around and looked at him with a surprised expression. Since when did he just- agree with what she said?

"Okay?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in question. He laughed once he saw he face all scrunched up, his dimple in his left cheek showing. She'd never noticed his dimple like that before, mainly because he hardly ever laughed like how he just did. For the most part he was a serious man, and harsh businessman but also a good man.

"I will respect your decision. If you don't feel comfortable with having dinner with us then you don't have to. And I know Chelsey must really need your help."

She pressed her lips against his in a slow kiss, but broke apart once he tried to make it deeper. She felt a little guilty about her white lie but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

"Thank you," she whispered softly, pecking his lips again.

"You're welcome, beautiful. Now let's get you home."

Jadelynn gathered her things, and walked back up to the deck with Alexander. His mother was no where in sight which worried Alexander. He called her cell phone and she answered saying she as at one of the local shops near by. When Jadelynn took the phone and saying how nice it was to meet her, the only word she said was 'likewise' before she asked to speak to her son again.

Jadelynn shook her head as they walked back to Alexander's car. He opened the door for her and buckled her in, and pecked her forehead. He got in the drivers seat and they drove is serene silence, the only contact they made was a kiss here and there, or his hands squeezing her thigh.

When the reached her apartment she asked if he wanted to come inside and he agreed.

"But no funny business, Alexander."

"I'll make no promises."

They walked to her apartment and went inside and she was instantly relieved once she saw that she cleaned up before she left last night.

"I'll be right back, I have to use the bathroom really fast. Make yourself at home" she said tossing her purse on the couch.
She went to her bathroom and did her business, but not before taking some makeup and covering up all the hickies on her neck. There was no way in hell she was going to walk around all day looking like she got choked or something.

She walked out and went into the living room where she heard Alexander on the phone.

"Thank you, Chelsey. I'll be sure to let her know. You have a nice day, bye."

Jadelynn cursed under her breath and turned around so she could make a run for the bathroom but he snapped up like he heard her breathing or something.

"Jadelynn Janae Jones, come here to me right now."

"Damn" she mumbled and walked towards the standing man. She was going to question how he even knew her middle name but quickly forgot it when she saw how pissed off he was.

"Why did you lie to me? Chelsey just said she knew nothing about a 'family get together'."

Jade bit her lip, but then quickly released it once she saw the way he was looking at her. Like he either wanted to fúck her to oblivion or curse her out to oblivion. Jade was sure it was the latter.

"I just made it up in front of your mom so I didn't seem rude, Alexander. It's not a big deal-"

"Jadelynn, I don't tolerate lying. There are only a small amount of things that upset me and lying is one of them. I've never lied to you and I don't plan on it, and I expect the same thing from you."

"I apologize. It was just a white lie that popped up at the last minute. I didn't lie to you intentionally ok, I just didn't want to seem like I was so against staying in front of your mom. Don't be mad at me," she said, walking to him and hugging him.

He hugged her back and then bent down to whisper in her ear.
"I'm not anymore I just don't like lying. Just tell me the truth no matter how much you'll think it'll hurt me. Just tell the truth. Promise me, baby."

Jadelynn didn't know why he was acting so serious about the topic, as if it was a sore subject. He probably just had to deal with a lot of liars while working as a CEO.

"I promise."

"Thank you," he replied kissing her neck.

The two of them sat down on the couch five minutes later, each with a bowl of cereal and turned on the history channel. Surprisingly he took her no funny business rule seriously and hadn't tried anything. The most he did was kiss her or touch her legs or hips.
When they were both done eating he asked if there was anything she wanted to do, but she replied no. She only wanted to relax with him.

"That's fine with me baby, come lay down."

They both laid down on the couch and she was on top of him, her face on his chest and his hands on her behind. They talked for a while, but mostly watched the television which was beginning to become blury to her drooping eyes.

"Go to sleep, sweetheart. I'll be here when you wake up."

And as soon as his hands hit her scalp, she became dead to the world.

When she woke up she was alone in her bed and she heard the sound of her sink running in her kitchen. Her apartment wasn't huge but it still allowed her to hear everything. At night it was sort of scary but she quickly became use to random creaks and taps her home made.

She walked into her kitchen and saw legs sticking out from under her sink. The legs of what looked like Alex.

"Alex what are you doing?"

He came from under the sink with tousled hair and a determined face.

"You had a leak, I was fixing it but then I realized it's running because of the pipe line that I couldn't see so I'm leaving it alone. I'll have someone come tomorrow and take care of it."

"I'll just call maintenance."

"I already called and paid. He'll be fixing the sink, your shower head, air conditioning and your windows."

Jade shook her head, "Well what were you doing while I was sleeping? Making sure everything in here worked or something?"

"Yes. I figured if there was something wrong with the sink there were bound to be other problems as well."

"I don't know whether to be flattered by your unneeded generosity or offended."

He stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans, ignoring her comment.

"Are you hungry? You were sleeping for long time."

"How much did you pay?"

"I can take you out to lunch if you want."


He smirked and walked over to her, grabbing her by the behind.

"It's already taken of. I'll feel better knowing that those things are fixed."

"How much was it," she repeated again, giving him a serious look.
She was a little upset that he hadn't asked her first. How did he know she wasn't planning on moving out soon or something?
It was extremely thoughtful of him but she only wished he would've asked her first.

"It doesn't matter how much it cost. Now tell me what you want so that I can feed you, Jade."

"This discussion isn't over. And I'll make myself some pancakes, I have a taste for some. Do you want any?"

"Yes please. I have to take a call, I'll be right outside. You can go ahead and use the sink."

Jade nodded and made the pancakes, turning on some music while she cooked. Pancakes were her specialty, and always had been since she was a kid. She use to make them every Saturday for her parents and they always said her pancakes were the best.
She missed those days. Being an adult was extremely stressful. She had no idea why she always tried to rush growing up while she was a teenager.

Her relationship with her parents was the main reason why she couldn't wait to leave. Well it was mainly her father's fault. He was the one that tore their small family apart with his infidelity. It made her resent her father for the longest time, and even her mother for being in denial about the whole thing. To this day, if anyone were to ask if her father cheated, her mother would say no. Even though there was obvious proof.
And the worst part is, Jadelynn saw the woman and her father together with her own eyes and her mother had the nerve to call her a 'spiteful liar.'

For two years the three of them went through problems, and then finally, when it was her senior year, things cooled down and we're like how the use to be.

Her relationship with her parents was fine now, but deep down she still held things against her father that she knew she'd never let go until he admitted to being unfaithful.

It was part of the reason why she stayed clear of relationships. She didn't want to make the same mistake her mother did by being oblivious and too in love to see the truth.

Jadelynn wouldn't be like her mother though, she refused. If she had any worries about Alexander being with another woman then it would be over between them. She wasn't going to waste her time on a man that obviously didn't a shīt about her or their relationship if he had the nerve to cheat.

The door opened and she was brought out of her depressing thoughts. Alexander walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist while she poured the batter in the skillet.

"Do you like to cook?"

He asked while they were sitting at her table in her dining room eating pancakes.

"I do, I just have to be in the mood to cook. What about you?"

"I like to cook too, but I'm not the best cook around. Maybe you could teach me a few things? These pancakes are delicious baby," he said, stuffing some more in his mouth.

"Thank you," she said smiling.

They finished and he cleaned up while she watched. She had to admit it was pretty sexy seeing him so domestic and cleaning up for her with his shirt unbuttoned and his hair ruffled up. It was definitely at sight she could get use to.

"If you're done eye raping me, I'd like to get a shower."

"Why are you telling me? Go ahead and take one, I don't mind. Towels and rags are in the closet by the door."

He was drying his hands as he walked towards her, replying, "I want you to take a shower, with me."

"Oh!" Jadelynn bit her lip and looked at him. She didn't know why she felt embarrassed, he'd seen all of her and she'd seen all of him.

"Okay, I'll meet you in there I need to do something really fast."

He nodded and unbuttoned the rest of his shirt in front her, which had her crossing her thighs. His eyes looked her up and down before he walked towards the bathroom.

She heard the water running, and she got up to walk to her room. Turning to her vanity mirror and pulled her hair into a pony tail.
She grabbed her towel and walked to the bathroom which was already filled with steam. Her glass shower door allowed her to the outline of his body, which seemed to take up most of her shower.

She stripped and walked in. She almost stared up at him in awe, he looked absolutely gorgeous. His hair was slicked back, and the water droplets were running down his body in a almost entrancing matter, making her want to touch all over him.

She smiled up shyly at him, and he brought her to his arms, his hands roaming all over her body.

They took turns bathing each other, and washing each others back. For five minutes they just held each other in silence, and finally they got out, also drying each other off.

They went to her bedroom and got dressed. She hadn't noticed his clothes he brought from his car while she was cooking.
He got dressed in black pants and dark gray long sleeved shirt. Once he put on his shoes he pulled out a Rolex watch, and fixed his hair.

Jadelynn just put on a shirt she sweats with fuzzy socks. Alexander had to get ready to go, because he had to drive across town to pick out his father and sister. They both had their own drivers but Alexander said his father wanted him to get them both. He was partially pissed off because he wanted to stay with her a little longer, but she shooed him towards the door.

"I'll have someone bring you to my jet so I can see you before I leave. I won't have time to come here. I'll see you later," he gave her a hard kiss, and then grabbed her hand and kissed all of her fingers.

"I'll call you. Pick up your phone, Jadelynn."

"See you later, Adonis."

He look amused by her nickname.
"Adonis? Thank you baby, I didn't know I was that good looking" he said.

"Oh hush, you already knew, stop acting clueless. Now go, before you hit traffic."

He kissed her again, "See you later, Aphrodite."

He gave her a wink and then turned to leave.
She watched, and went back inside to go call Chelsey. She needed to tell her best friend everything before she called a million times.

It was going on seven o'clock when Jadelynn got a call from Alexander saying to expect someone in thirty minutes. She was already dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, so she was ready to go. As if on cue, thirty minutes later she heard a knock on the door, and it was Donald.

"How are you tonight, Miss Jones?"

"Just call me Jade, Donald. And I'm doing fine, how are you? How's your granddaughter, Alex told me she was just born. That must be exciting!"

Donald actually smiled at her and she smiled back.

"She's doing fine, her name is Lilly. Thank you for asking."

"No problem. Thank you for driving me around this past week."

"You're very welcome, Jade."

They got in the car and drove to what looked like a private airport. They drove until they were a few yards away from the plane. She got out when Donald told her to go inside the plane.

She went inside and was greeted by a female flight attendant who kindly asked if she would like a glass of champagne.

Jade said no and walked forward where the seats were. She'd never been inside a private jet, but this one looked like it cost tons of money. Leather seats, a mini bar and two flat screens.

Alexander was sitting facing forward, on the phone and he smiled once he saw her, patting his thigh for her to come sit on.

She sat and he kissed the back of her neck.

"We'll have to continue this conversation later Mr. Lao, I'll set up a conference call as soon as I land. Arigatō, sayōnara."

He hung up the phone and tossed it on the seat beside him.

"Hi, baby. How are you?" He said kissing her lips.

"Sad that you're leaving but happy I get to see you. How was dinner with your family?"

"It was- eventful but nice. And don't be sad, Jadelynn. We'll see each other again soon."

"I know but I want to see you everday, I'll miss you so much."

"And I'll miss you more. I'll call everday and I'll see you in a few weeks. I'm coming back for Eric and Kate's annual fall party. I'd like you to come with me."

"Fall party?"

"Yes, they have a large fall themed party with an auction. It's always really a good time, you'll like it."

She was a little unsure, considering it was her bosse's party. It would be full of a bunch of billionaires and upper class people.

"I don't know...."

"I'll be with you the the whole time. It'll be fun. Come with me."

"I'll think about it."

"This is your pilot speaking, we'll be taking off in ten minutes."

Alexander sighed and brought her closer to his chest, "I wish I could just take you with me. I will, one day. And we'll go anywhere you want to, and stay there until everyone comes looking for us. How does that sound?"

"That sounds, nice" she murmured over his lips, moaning when he deepened it.

"Then I'll make it happen. I know this probably sounds forward, but there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you."

"I know."

"And you know that if you ever need anything you need to call me and tell me. Anything Jadelynn, I mean that."

"Okay, I will. And you know that if you just need a break from anything or anyone you can call me and tell me. I'll always pick up for you."

"I know you will. Kiss me again."

She complied and kissed him, threading her fingers through his hair. He gripped her waist tight and they kissed for what seemed like forever. When he pulled away she was panting for breath.

"Let me walk you to the car" he said.

They walked to the car and he waved to Donald who was in the car, and was hardly visible since the tents were so dark.

"Well this is it. See you in a few weeks" she said hugging him tight.

He kissed her forehead three times, before speaking to her.
"See you in a few weeks."

"Bye, Adonis" she said, letting him go smiling.

He laughed and pecked her lips, "Bye Aphrodite."

He kissed her again and walked to his plane. She waved again and got back in the car.
She put her seat belt on in the car and then her phone started ringing.


"I miss you already," she heard Alexander say softly.

"Boy put your seatbelt on and call me when you land. And have a safe flight."

"Will do, my Jadelynn. I'm not hanging up the phone until you tell me you miss me."

Jadelynn laughed, "I miss you, happy now?"

"Very. Well we're about to take off. Talk to you later, beautiful."

"Okay, talk to you later, bye."

"Bye, baby."

She hung up and watched from he car as his jet took off, and then it suddenly hit her, she was going to really, really miss him. More than she thought she would. And she hoped the next few weeks flew by fast, so she could see her Adonis again.

Translation- Arigatō, sayōnara- means thank you and Goodbye in Japanese.
See you Guys next time, (if this heat doesn't kill me) lol bye!

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