Jenny Smith-Holmes

By Jessica_Pond

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What if the Doctor and River had a child, but after the Time War she took a break from traveling and turned h... More

Chapter 1: How It all Started
Chapter 2: Understandings
Chapter 3: Mummy, Daddy, and the Voices
Chapter 4: Nightmares and Uncle Visits
Chapter 5: Drumbeats
Chapter 6: The Time Vortex
Chapter 7: Clothes Shopping
Chapter 8: Angels
Chapter 9: Blue Box?
Chapter 10: Joe
Chapter 11: Lies
Chapter 12: The Pool
Chapter 13: Jessica, Rose, and Mr. Smith
Chapter 15: Fish Fingers and Custard
Chapter 16: Flubble
Chapter 17: Christmas
Chapter 18: AMERICANS!
Chapter 19: Deffry Vale High School and Pirates
Chapter 20: We're Back!
Chapter 21: Jessica!
Chapter 22: Sneaking out
Chapter 23: Time Flies
Chapter 24: The Reichenbach Fall
Chapter 25: Goodbye
Chapter 26: Doctor's Visit
Chapter 27: Some Answers

Chapter 14: Asgard

73 7 1
By Jessica_Pond

After I had gotten home, with my strawberry milkshake, I had realized that I left my folder with Mr. Smith. 'I'll have to ask Jessica to get it back for me.' I thought. So, instead of looking over pictures, I had to sit and do boring homework. John was sitting in his chair; updating his blog again. Daddy leaned over his shoulder, more like pounced, to read what his
"'Geek Interpreter' what's that?" I looked up from my math (honestly, the stuff that daddy does is harder and more interesting).
"It's the title."
"What does it need a title for?" Daddy straightened up and walked away as John slightly smiled. I just ignored them and went back to my homework. Daddy walked into his bedroom and shut the door.
Later, we were at the morgue at St Bart's Hospital. Daddy was using his magnifying glass to look at a woman's body lying on the table. She had dyed blonde and was pale; she had tiny speckles all over her like little puncture wounds. John was standing at the other side of the table while Jessica (she was an inspector) and Detective Inspector Lestrade were standing next to the doorway. I was standing next to Jessica, I didn't like going near bodies as much anymore. They reminded me of horrible things like war and death. We were all just kind of sitting there as daddy and John were examining the body. Jessica had given me the police reports. The body belonged to a girl named Julia Stoner who was in her early 30's. She was found in her bed with no obvious signs of death.
"Do people actually read your blog?" Daddy said while still examining the body
"Where d'you think our clients come from?"John replied looking over the body.
"I have a website."
"In which you enumerate two hundred and forty different types of tobacco ash. Nobody's reading your website." Daddy glared at him and stood up at the same time as John. John continued to look at the body as he spoke.
"Right then: dyed blonde hair; no obvious cause of death except for these speckles, whatever they are." 'wow, exactly what was in the report.' I thought sarcastically to myself. John pointed to the red speckles, but daddy had other plans in mind. He was already walking out and had grabbed my hand. I only had enough time to throw Jessica the report before I was out the door.
A few days later, back at the flat, John was updating his blog again (that's all he ever seems to do). Daddy walked past eating a piece of toast. He stopped, backed up, and looked at the title for this entry. I did the same, since I was the one who had made the toast and I was walking with daddy.
"Oh, for God's sakes!"Daddy yelled with his mouth full.
"What?" John looked up.
"'The Speckled Blonde'?!"John pursed his lips as Daddy walked away again.
"I like the title, John." I smiled as I handed him a piece of toast.
I went to bed that night thinking about 'The Speckled Blonde'.
"Come on, Rullana, we'll be late!" I yelled at Rullana. This was one of the times we could be together during school, on field trips. Today, we are going to Asgard, the planet of the Norse Gods I thinkt. I didn't think that they were really gods, but Asgardians that live long enough to make themselves legends.
"I'm coming!" Rullana yelled at me. He came running around the corner in his best green and brown robes. I was sitting in my best crimson and orange ones because when we visit other's worlds, it's best to look your best and be on your best behavior. That's one of the reasons that I'm worried about Rullana, he can sometimes forget things like that.
"I'm here, I'm here." He said, coming to a stop in front of me, clutching his bag.
"Well that doesn't do us any good, for we are supposed to be over there." I grabbed his hand and ran to the Tardis that we were supposed to be boarding. Being the Doctor's daughter sure comes in handy when there's running to do
We got there as they were taking roll, just in time to.
"Golven, Rullana?"
"I'll save you a seat," he said in a whisper, "I'm here." he sped off towards the Tardis.
"Lacott, Reogus?"
"I'm over here." He said as he was getting on the Tardis.
"Sigma, Senlor?" I smiled as my name was called.
"Here I am." I ran into the Tardis. It had been set up so there were about 50 seats for people to sit all around the console room. I ran right up to Rullana and sat down. He had been watching the other 5 drivers who were talking.
"Can't you just imagine, Senlor, having your own Tardis and going off to explore the universe?" he said in awe.
"I've told you once, I've told twice. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
"Thesper, Teleem?"We heard the professor call.
"Here." he too, came on the Tardis.
"Oh, but how much fun it'll be, Senlor, Seeing all of the stars at the touch of your finger tips."
"I'll have to introduce you my father. He did run away and he took me with him. That's where I go during breaks, I travel." Rullana looked at me as if to say 'why haven't you told me this before?'
"You never asked." I smirked before looking at the professor who just walked in.
"Please remember to be seated and fastened in until we tell you otherwise. I looked to Rullana and he looked at me. He grabbed my hand as the Tardis started shaking. It was not nearly as bad as dad's but it was still rough.
As soon as the shaking stopped, everyone unfastened the restraints but remained seated.
"Remember, you are representing the Time Lord race. We must respect their customs, their religion, and anything else about them. We must respect them. We will meet back here in 3 hours; you are all responsible for yourselves. If you are not back here at the time that we are leaving, you will be left behind and your parents will contacted. Now that you have been warned, you may leave." All of us jumped up and ran out the Tardis.
Outside there was amazing spires that looked like gold, Asgard was beautiful. Rullana was standing next to me, he too was looking around in awe.
"Come on, let's go explore." He grabbed my hand and I smiled as we ran. We somehow ended up in the gardens of the palace.
"Oh, it's beautiful Rullana. Look, there are flowers taller than you!" I exclaimed. It was true; there were big pink flowers as big as an adult. We were walking down one of the many staircases they had there. We had stopped to marveled at the site. There were lots of shrubs that were made into pictures, like some had been cut into towering spirals, and some were of the gods here on Asgard. There were many exotic flowers, like a rose from Earth that was white with red tips, or a blood red lily. There were many bright purples and blues and pinks and reds and yellows. I was about to say something about this to Rullana, but I when I looked at him, he was nowhere to be seen.
"Rullana, where did you go?" I started to go down the stairs when I saw someone in green go around the corner. He must have been playing a joke on me. I ran around the corner where I saw him go.
"Rullana, what are..."I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized that the person I saw wasn't Rullana at all, but an Asgardian boy with black hair and green robes.
"I'm terribly sorry. I thought you were my friend, I've seem to have lost him." I looked around before looking back at the boy, who had a book in his hand. "I'm Senlor Sigma, what's your name?" the boy sat there for a moment before he spoke.
"I'm Loki, I've never seen you here before, where are you from?"
"I'm from Gallifrey; we're on a field trip. My friend, Rullana, was with me but I lost him and can't find him." I looked at Loki and he looked at me. He looked around before he talked again.
"I could help you find your friend if you wanted."
"Oh, really? Thank you so much. I do believe he's somewhere in the garden, that's where he had disappeared." I walked with Loki through the garden looking for Rullana. It was harder said than done, because Rullana's robes were brown and green so he blended in with the garden. But while we were walking, Loki was telling me about himself, like how his brother always pushed him around and made fun of him, and how he was actually a PRINCE of Asgard and the God of Mischief. I thought he was awfully nice to be the God of Mischief, but hey, I'm wasn't complaining.
When we had actually found Rullana, he was on the ground with his bag open to the side of him, and his drawing utensils out. He was drawing some of the flowers.
"Rullana!" I ran up to him and tackled him to the ground. No sooner was I hitting him upside the head.
"Ow, what was that for!" He was holding his head in the spot I had hit.
"For not telling me where you were going."
"Well, I thought I did, I'm sorry."
"Good, um, Rullana, this is Loki, he helped me find you." Rullana stood up and shook hands with Loki.
"Um, thanks for helping her." He smiled at me, then at Loki.

I woke up from my dream and reached for one of my many sketchbooks and started drawing the amazing garden and the two boys.
The rest of the day was the same as always. I went to school, sat by myself, and did all of my homework that I wanted to do (which actually wasn't that much). But daddy surprised me and had picked me up.
About an hour after we had home two little girls were sitting together on one of the dining chairs while daddy paced in front of the fireplace. John was sitting in his seat and I was in daddy's.
"They wouldn't let us see Granddad when he was dead. Is that 'cause he'd gone to heaven?" said the littlest, and probably youngest, girl had said.
"People don't really go to heaven when they die. They're taken to a special room and burned." Daddy said in a monotone voice. The two girls looked at each other in distress while I looked at daddy.
"Sherlock ..." John said disapproving tone.
The little girls had left and the flat was quiet. Daddy was in the kitchen and John was on a date with some girl. I walked into the kitchen to see what daddy was doing.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing, why don't you go play with John?" That was weird; daddy usually lets me help him.
"John left, like, an hour ago on a date." He really didn't notice him leave again?
"Oh, well why don't you call Jessica and see if she can play with you."
"Alright." That's exactly what I did, if daddy didn't want to be bothered, than I won't bother him.
A couple of minutes later, Jessica was walking up the stairs into our flat. She looked like she had just gotten home from work.
"Your dad's busy and John's on a date, yeah?" I nodded, "Then why don't we go out. We can go get Molly and Mrs. Hudson and we can have a girls' night out, sound good?"
"Yeah." I smiled really big.
"Where should we go?"
"We should go get ice cream!"
"That sounds perfect." I ran around the flat looking for my shoes and jacket while Jessica called Molly. Once I had gotten all of my things, we went down stairs to Mrs. Hudson's flat. Jessica had knocked softly and Mrs. Hudson's face appeared in the doorway.
"Mrs. Hudson, hi." Jessica smiled at her
"Oh, hi Jessica, dearie."
"We were wondering if you would you would like to come get ice cream with me, Jenny, Molly."

A week later, Lestrade was leading Daddy, me, and John across an empty field. "There was a plane crash in Dusseldorf yesterday; everyone dead."
"Suspected terrorist bomb. We do watch the news." Daddy said, examining the body.
"You said, 'Boring,' and turned over." John corrected him. Lestrade led us to a car which has its boot opened. There was a body of a man inside the boot. While Lestrade continued to talk, Daddy looked all around the rear of the car.
"Well, according to the flight details, this man was checked in on board. Inside his coat he's got a stub from his boarding pass, napkins from the flight, even one of those special biscuits. Here's his passport stamped in Berlin Airport. So this man should have died in a plane crash in Germany yesterday but instead he's in a car boot in Southwark." Lestrade said, looking at the evidence bag.
"Lucky escape?"
"Any ideas?"
"Eight, so far." Daddy said while examining the body. He straightened up and looked at the body again, and then he frowned momentarily.
"Okay, four ideas." He turned to Lestrade and looked down at the passport and the ticket stub of the passenger, John Coniston, who was meant to be travelling on Flyaway Airways. Straightening up again, he gazed up into the sky.
" Maybe two ideas."The shadow of a passenger jet passed overhead.

The next day, we were at 221B. Daddy, who was wearing heavy protective gloves and safety glasses and carrying a blowtorch in one hand and a glass container of green liquid in the other, had come to the living room table to look at John's latest blog entry which was entitled "Sherlock Holmes baffled".
"No, no, no, don't mention the unsolved ones." He yelled
"People want to know you're human."
"'Cause they're interested."
"No they're not. Why are they?" John smiled at his laptop.
"Look at that." He was looking at the hit counter on the front page of his blog, "One thousand, eight hundred and ninety-five."
"Sorry, what?"
"I reset that counter last night. This blog has had nearly two thousand hits in the last eight hours. This is your living, Sherlock – not two hundred and forty different types of tobacco ash."
"Two hundred and forty-three." Firing up the blowtorch, he put his safety glasses back on and headed back into the kitchen.

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