Jenny Smith-Holmes

By Jessica_Pond

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What if the Doctor and River had a child, but after the Time War she took a break from traveling and turned h... More

Chapter 1: How It all Started
Chapter 2: Understandings
Chapter 3: Mummy, Daddy, and the Voices
Chapter 4: Nightmares and Uncle Visits
Chapter 5: Drumbeats
Chapter 7: Clothes Shopping
Chapter 8: Angels
Chapter 9: Blue Box?
Chapter 10: Joe
Chapter 11: Lies
Chapter 12: The Pool
Chapter 13: Jessica, Rose, and Mr. Smith
Chapter 14: Asgard
Chapter 15: Fish Fingers and Custard
Chapter 16: Flubble
Chapter 17: Christmas
Chapter 18: AMERICANS!
Chapter 19: Deffry Vale High School and Pirates
Chapter 20: We're Back!
Chapter 21: Jessica!
Chapter 22: Sneaking out
Chapter 23: Time Flies
Chapter 24: The Reichenbach Fall
Chapter 25: Goodbye
Chapter 26: Doctor's Visit
Chapter 27: Some Answers

Chapter 6: The Time Vortex

115 10 1
By Jessica_Pond

The world was shaking around, as Daddy tried to fly the TARDIS. Grandmum was holding me, and sitting down in a chair. I thought it was really funny how both Momma and Daddy were older than Grandmum and Granddad. My arms were around Grandmum's neck when the shaking finally stopped. I looked up to see Daddy walk towards us. Granddad was some where I don't know. I let go of Grandmum's neck and grabbed onto Daddy's.
He picked me up so Grandmum could stand up. She immediately started looking for Granddad, as for me and daddy, we went outside to look around.
"Earth, Cardiff... 18... 12 by the smell of it." Daddy said quite pleased with himself. I nodded in agreement. Yes, I am only a child, but all most Timelords are quite clever.
"Doctor? Jessica? Where are you two?" Grandmum yelled. That's when I realized how far we've actually walked. Daddy didn't seem to notice.
"Daddy," I said pulling on his bowtie, "Grandmum's calling for us." I pointed in the direction of the yelling. I learned how to talk at a very young age (because of how much Grandmum yelled at Daddy and Granddad). It was very useful on my travels Daddy, Grandmum, and Granddad across the universe.
I don't get to see my Momma very often, for she is in the most highly protected prison in the entire universe. There are rumors that she killed the most important man through out time, but no one knew who that man was. The only person I could think of was Daddy, but Momma came to see us, and even join us o adventures every once in awhile.
My thoughts were broken when Daddy yelled back at Grandmum.
"Over here, Amy!!" with that being said Grandmum and Granddad came running. As Daddy and Grandmum and Granddad talked about history and boring stuff, I began to wander through my thoughts.
It felt weird by being older than my grandparents, but yet smaller. Timelord years are different than human years. To a Timelord, I was an infant, but to a human, I was a middle-aged person. I was just about to turn the age 24. At the age eight, before Gallifrey was destroyed, I was entered into the Timelord Academy (they started teaching at such a young age because they treasured intelligence). I was taken to the Time Vortex after about a year of schooling, to look into the Untempered Schism. I sat there just looking for a moment, the raw power of all time and space. Then I could fell it, running through my brain.
The Time Vortex had gotten into my head. I could see the whole of time and space. I could see all that ever was, all that is, and all that will ever be. I could bring life, and control death. The moon and the sun, the night and the day. But it all came with a price, it burned and it hurt so much.
Before my Daddy was my 'Daddy' this happened it one of his companions. Rose Tyler was her name, but she was only human. She looked into the heart of the TARDIS, and said it looked into her. She called herself 'Bad Wolf', she sent the message across all of time and space to lead herself there, and that's what happened. She was Bad Wolf and she created herself. But with a human brain, her head couldn't control it. It hurt her more than it would ever hurt me. It was killing her. She destroyed the Daleks, and began to break under the power. Daddy said I was there for that, i think that he's right. See, I was sent back in time to my dad in his 4th regeneration. I just happen to be traveling with his 11th right now.
But back on topic, I am not human, I am Timelord. I have a bigger brain capacity than she did. I had more power to. I could send objects through time and space. I had telepathic powers to hear what others' thought(although all timelords have that), and implant ideas into to their heads. But the best thing of all was that I could speak to with the TARDIS, understand what she was feeling. I bet this was another reason I was smarter than most Timelords, and was more advanced.
But I could never tell Daddy any of this, he'd find someway of getting rid of it. I die if he did, so would the TARDIS, I'd imagine. She would have no one to talk to anymore. The first time we spoke she told me how lonely it was, and I couldn't bear to imagine it. That was when I vowed to not tell Daddy about it anytime soon, but maybe it was time now.
I snapped back into reality when Daddy set me on the ground to sonic some lock. 'This is a good way of telling him' I thought as he was clearly getting frustrated when the lock wouldn't budge.
My eyes began to glow yellow, as what seemed like dust was rising from them. Daddy, Grandmum, and Granddad were staring at me in amazement as I looked at the lock and it disappeared from the gate and into my hand. As it moved through, it kinda sounded like the TARDIS was materializing, but yet different rang out. See, I only moved it in space, rather than time as well.
My eyes stopped glowing and I looked to Daddy, handing him the lock. He knelt down in front of me and waited a moment before he spoke.
"Jessica, when did t-this happen" His voice was slightly shacking at the end. He pulled me into a hug when I told.
"At the academy, when I first looked into the Time Vortex," I said wrapping my hands around his neck, so he could pick me up. "I'm sorry, Daddy"

With that I woke up very calmly on a chair, curled into a ball. I instantly noticed the drumming was much, much quieter, almost nonexistent. Then I saw Sarah, who I met last night, was walking away from a very wide-eyed John. I got off the chair, and walked over to him, trying to see what made John look so scared. My own eyes bulged as I looked to the telly screen. On it was a picture of a blown up Baker Street.
John was to his feet in a matter of seconds, grabbed me and his jacket as he yelled at Sarah. John turned towards the telly, and the newsreader said on the telly, "Police have issued an emergency number for friends and relatives ..." but he was cut off as John yelled for Sarah again.
He ran with me in his arms towards the front door, with out waiting for a reply from Sarah.
"Sorry- we've got to run." John said hurriedly and we ran. All I could think about on the ride to Baker Street was Daddy. 'Was he alright, or was he dead?'
The taxi stopped and we ran out, I ran ahead of John, as he was paying the cabbie. I was a lot smaller than John, and could slip through people easily. I could hear John coming up behind me.
"Scuse me, can I get through? 'Scuse me." I was short and I just ran under the police tape before any of the police officers noticed me. They are very unobservant. I was half way across the street when I heard John's voice.
"Can I go through." I saw him point towards 221B, where the first floor windows were already boarded up. Thankfully the officers let him though and he ran to pick me up.
John and I walk into the main scene of devastation where bricks and dust were scattered all over the road and pavement. A fire engine was still on the scene and fire hoses were lying in the road waiting to be reeled back in. The windows and shop fronts of the buildings either side of Speedy's have been boarded up; Speedy's itself was protected by its metal roll-down screen. John and I stopped and stared at the building directly opposite the café. The front of the ground and first floor was completely blown out by the explosion and the rooms inside were exposed to the air. John turned and hurried towards 221B, with me in his arms. A police officer standing outside Speedy's moves to intercept us but John explains.
"Uh, we live over there." He said pointing towards 221B.The officer stepped aside for us, John was still carrying me until we reached the door. There John set me down and unlocked the door and we headed inside. He races up the stairs, calling Daddy's name on the way up, leaving me to climb up them be myself. It didn't take about a minute for me to get up the stairs, and enter the flat.
"I saw it on the telly, are you okay? John asked trying to catch his breath.
"Hmm? What?" Daddy said as he looked around at the mess of the broken glass and scattered paperwork as if he had forgotten about it – which he probably had. "Oh, yeah. Fine. Gas leak, apparently." He turned his attention back to his brother, who stared at him pointedly as Daddy plucks his violin strings.
"I can't" he said to...... Minecraft, was it?
"'Can't'?" asked...... Mycrap?
"The stuff I've got on is just too big. I can't spare the time." John looked at him in disbelief and I ran over to him, throwing my arms around his left leg. Daddy looked down on my as I sat on his foot still hugging his leg, like I was never let go. The red haired man...... oh yeah, Mycroft, that's name.... Looked at me too. They sighed in unison when they realized I wasn't going to let go any time soon.
Mycroft was the first to speak up.
"Never mind your usual trivia, this is of national importance."
"How's the diet" Daddy said sulkily flicking his fingers across his violin.
"Fine, maybe you can get though to him, John." Mycroft said refusing to rise to the insult.
"What?" John asked as he turned away from the window.
"I'm afraid my brother can be very intransigent."
"If you're so keen, why don't you investigate to?"
"No-no-no-no-no. I can't possibly be away from the office for any length of time – not with the Korean elections so......" Mycroft's voice tails off as John turned towards him in surprise and Daddy raises his head from his violin. Then I heard it, what Daddy was thinking.
'What the heck do you have to do with the Korean elections?' I looked up to Daddy as Mycroft continued.
"Well, you don't need to know about that, do you?" he humorlessly smiled as in a way of sending a clear message to tell them to forget what he just said. "Besides, a case like this – it requires ..." he grimaced in distaste, "... legwork." Then he hit his umbrella against his leg.
Daddy mis-plucked one of his strings with an irritated look on his face. He turned back to John, who was absent-mindedly rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.
"How's Sarah, John? How was the lilo?" Daddy asked turning his attention to John . Mycroft took out a fob watch, witch made me wander about mine. I blocked out the rest off their conversation and sat under the window. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. So I did the thing I did in my dreams, and told them to forget about me and continue with their conversation. I implanted the idea in their head and they obeyed me. 'This is going to turn out very useful' I thought myself.
I sat under the window studying the fob watch until I saw out of the corner of my eye John getting off the table, placing me back into reality.
"Of course, I'd be lost with out my blogger." Daddy said to John . I realized they hadn't remembered me yet and was about to leave me there so I shouted at them.
"WHAT ABOUT ME?!" Daddy turned around with a look of realization on his face, walking towards me to pick me up.
"SHERLOCK?! You're not really thinking about taking a toddler to a crime scene, ARE YOU?!" John yelled at Daddy. Daddy picked me up said.
"Of course, what else would we do with her?" Daddy asked passing John to get to the stairs. Without another word John gently yanked me from Daddy's grasp and ran down the stairs with Daddy on his tail. We reached a flat on the first floor, and John knocked polity. The elderly woman that John called Mrs. Hudson last night answered the door.
"Mrs. Hudson, hi." John started, "could you watch Jenny for awhile as Sherlock and I go out to a crime scene?" he finished hastily. I could tell Daddy wasn't going to give up easily, so I did the thing I did in the dream. I planted the idea of letting Mrs. Hudson taking care of me while they go gallivanting around on a case. He was about to say something, but quickly shut up.
"Of course, dear. What was her name again?" Mrs. Hudson asked taking me into her arms.
"Jenny." I said as both John and Daddy looked to me in mild surprise. The Mrs. Hudson spoke up.
"She's a smart one, isn't she?" Daddy sighed as John pulled him out the door. I wave good-bye, but I don't think they saw. 

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