THIS is high school?

By chloecamillee

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Hey guys, i'm not so good at this.. basically this is about a girl named Rebecca, who was home-schooled since... More

THIS is high school? ( Chapter 1 )
THIS is high school? (Chapter 2)
THIS is high school? Chapter 3
THIS is high school? (chapter 4)

THIS is high school? (chapter 5)

181 18 3
By chloecamillee

HEY ALL! ITS THE HOLIDAYSSSSSS! sadly, i have to keep studying -.- danggit. okay erm enjoy !!

Btw this chappie is dedicated to Cupcake-monster. (: THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR COMMENTING(:


the woman turned and walked into a room.

Since i had nothing else to do, i glanced around the room. Greenview high seemed to be very popular at sports. They had won many trophies, though i'm not too sure about their aesthetics..

the clicking of stilettos made me look up and the woman came into view.

"there you go honey." She passed me the sheet of paper.

i thanked her and quickly scanned my schedule.

9am-10am : Homeroom [Room 157]

10am-11am: Biology [Room 47]

11am-12noon: English [Room 24]

12noon-1pm: Lunch

1pm-2pm: Mathematics [Room 94]

2pm-3pm: Music [Room 17]

3pm-4pm: Gym [ Hall ]

Oh gosh GYM. I'm so dead.

"Erm excuse me miss? I dont know my way around here.." I mumbled.

"Its alright! Take this map and you'll know your way soon enough," She replied sweetly, "have a nice day!"

I smiled and walked out of the office. Okay..Homeroom, what the heck is a homeroom? The bell interrupted my thoughts. "Shit." I cursed and quickly ran to the corridor, skimming through every number. I finally got to 157 and twisted the door knob.

The second bell rang just as i entered the room , so i quickly chose a seat at the back. I made sure it was at the corner because i knew that in every school there is bound to be some clique, and i wasnt proven wrong. The 'pretty' clique ( more like plastic) strode in and elegantly took their seats. I scoffed and looked out the window.

"Aw BABBYYYYY i missed you !! " A girl with a high-pitched voice whined.

"C'mon babe i'll show you how i missed you too.." A deep, gruffy voice said.

" Oh pul-lease." I muttered, doing a face palm.

" wait baby hold on," she said and i heard her footsteps coming closer.

" Excuse me-"

"You're excused." I cut her off.

She turned back to her friends and gasped "She did not just do that". She quickly shook her head and snapped back at me " Who the hell do you think you are?!"

" Your living nightmare" I said , giving her a sweet smile.

She gave an evil laugh ( you know the kind where in the movies the killer, psycho or whatever laughs? yeah like that ) and smirked. " I'll be yours." and walked away.

Damn it. My first day and i already made enemies. Good job Becca.

The teacher finally came in " Okay class, I see alot of familiar faces in this class"

She went to the chalkboard and wrote "Miss Norrie"

Miss N ( Norrie is kinda a mouthful so i'll just say that) was in her twenties and she was pretty, i think that every guy in the class now is probably oogling at her.

"We have a new student who just appealed in" She took the class list and looked for a name.

oh shit please dont say my name,please dont say my name, I prayed silently.

"Rebecca Claire Belling?" She looked up and searched for me. The class was dead silent for a few seconds . Suddenly, voices boomed through the class.


"Wait i thought Riley was-"


"No it cant be-"

"But she was the only one-"

Apparently nobody knew i exist, even though they must have seen me in the house now and then, Riley must've told his minions not to say anything about me. Smart move Ri.

The voices went on and on and it was deafening.

" SILENCE!" Miss N screamed.

I silently raised my hand and the voices stopped adruptly.

"You?" The mean girl whispered

" oh gosh no! I need to go to the toilet " I rolled my eyes. "why else would you think i would raise my hand at a time like this?"

She shut her mouth and quickly looked at the front.

" So Rebecca, could you please tell us about yourself? " Miss N said politely.

I cleared my throat and stood up . " Er.. hi everyone," I said awkwardly, " My name's Rebecca but please call me Becca. I was home-schooled so this thing is rather new to me. so... yeah kay thanks." i quickly shut up and sat down.

Miss N smiled at me and looked back to the class. " Okay i have forms that you need to have your parents to sign it. Pass it back to me tomorrow."

The bell rang and everyone stood up.

"Okay class, see you tomorrow!" Miss N shouted.

I quickly dumped my things into my bag and ran out of the room but before i could step out a hand grabbed my arm and i halted.

A guy with blonde hair and sparkling green eyes stared right at me.

I looked at my arm and raised my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry.. " He said apologetically. Wait.. he sounded like.. oh crap, he was the guy with the gruffy voice.

I didnt really know why was he apologising but i still shrugged. "It's alright." I said quietly and turned back to the door.

"Wow. your first day and you have already flirted with someone," The mean girl said. " Impressive"

I looked back at her. " You need to get your ears checked." I paused. " AND, stop messing with me, my last name's pretty popular around here. You of all people should know that " I smirked.

Well, sorry Ri, but i really dont wanna kill her on the first day.

i walked out and into the corridor.

Next stop, Biology.

After what happened during that one hour, i really wonder how am i going to survive 7 more hours in this place.

I guess.. only time will tell.


WEEEE. there you go guys. I'll try to post chappie 6 asap.

hope you liked this Cupcake-monster (: AND ALL OF YOU OUT THERE TOO :>

oh this was edited by my friends Mandy & Tricia.

Thats all!





Chloe (:

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