Wouldn't It Be Nice? □Complet...

By xx_preppy_xx

6.4K 186 108

Meet Geoff, a party boy who can reel in any female human being with a wink. But, he hates hippies after a bad... More

Quick Note


526 14 5
By xx_preppy_xx

Geoff POV:

"Hey Geoff!", said Dakota, running through the halls.

"Hey Cuz.",I said, smiling yo my goth cousin.

"So wassup?",she asked as we started walking to our 17th Century Literature class.

"Not much."I shrugged. It's the truth, there's nothing really to tell at school, it's outside where the all the fun happens. I mean, even outside of school, Dakota is a famous model with many fans, she's even been invited for the big Victoria's Secret show!

"I heard your seeing a girl.",she said, playfully elbowing my shoulder,

"What?",I asked dumbfounded.

Who was I seeing?

"Don't play dumb with me Geoffy, that hippie girl. Bridgette I think her name was.", she said.

"Who told you about Bridge?",I asked.

"Aha! You admit your seeing her. Yes! My player cousin finally got a girlfriend!",she said, doing a mini happy dance.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself dudette, we're just friends. And once again, who told you?",I asked.

"Courtney.",she pouted, probably upset we weren't dating.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course."

"Hey I also heard you're going to Malibu and you need another person to fly.",she said.

"Actually we were gonna invite Le-",I started before she grabbed my shirt collar.

"Oh please Geoffy! Can I please go with you? I need to meet this Bridgette and find your ship name and see what your future kids will look like, and see how many you will have! Please!",she pouted, tugging at my shirt and shaking me around.

I sighed, "I guess we can take you."

"Oh thanks Geoff! You are the best cousin ever!",she said, kissing my cheek before jumping away.

She's also been so enthusiastic and into my relationships. I don't know why, but I guess my love life appealed to her more than my other cousins Samey and Amy.

I smiled and followed her down the hall.

Maybe it's because I've found the right girl this time.


It was now officially noon, and I was so excited for my picnic with Bridgette. I guess I was really happy to see her, especially since last night. I guess I just wanted to kiss her really bad, even more than usual.

I walked to my car, to see Owen waiting by it.

"Oh, hey Owen.",I said, walking over and gaining his attention.

"Hey there party man.",he said, giving me a fist bump.

"Hey Owen my boy, what's up?",I asked, pulling out my key.

"I just wanted to invite you to my party on Friday, this one's gonna be even more hardcore.',he said.

"Really man?",I asked, a smile appearing in my fave as well as his.

"Yeah! So can you make it? It would be ten times more wicked if you came.",he smiled, causing me to frown.

Partying, my favorite thing to do. That's until I met her. I knew if I went to this party, I'd end up sleeping with someone who wasn't her. Hell, I don't even wanna sleep with her yet. That would mean the bet was done, I'd have a hundred, and I'd never see her again. I want this to last forever.

"Uh sorry man, I have a vacation to Malibu soon and I need to pack.",I said, an apologetic smile on my face.

"Oh, alright.",he said in an understanding voice.

"Next one maybe, alright dude?",I said, holding out my fist.

"Yeah man!",he smiled, giving me a fist bump.

"Alright, see you later. ",I said, opening up my door.

"Alright, bye bro!",he said, waving while I pulled out the parking lot.

I drove to McDonald's immediately? Why? Because I had already packed everything in my car last night, even the food. That's what coolers are for.

It didn't take that long before I found myself in the McDonald's parking lot, where Bridgette was already sitting on the steps of her trailer.

I put the car in park, and watched her head shoot up, her golden eyes on me. She was wearing a dress that was a mix between orange and salmon with his golden locks in a high pony tail while she was wearing the same colored orangish high heels, but the heels were very short. She looked even more gorgeous than usual.

"Hey.", I said, walking out of the car while she stood.

"Hey.",she responded, hopping off the steps and walking over.

"I heard there was gonna be an eclipse today.",I said while a grin appeared on her face.

"Really?",she asked giddily.

"Yeah, and we are gonna go see it.",I said.

"Well what are we waiting for?",she asked, jumping in the car giddily. I laughed and followed her into the driver's seat.

I started up the engine and started to drive to the park.

"So how was school?",she asked, making me laugh.

"Since when did you care mother?",I asked, making her elbow me in my side.

"Don't chastise me, I'm trying to create small talk.",she said, making me laugh once again.

"Well, it was school. Oh! By the way, my cousin Dakota Milton's coming with us to Malibu.",I said.

"Wait as in Dakota Milton the model?!",she asked.

"Yeppy dudette.",I said.

"Oh my! I'm wearing the dress from her clothing line right now! And wait a second, you're related to a model?!",she asked dumbfounded.

"Well yeah, actually two. My cousin Amy's a model and my cousin Samey's an actress.",I said.

"Geez, famous blood much?",she said chuckling.

This caused me to laugh.

"More like good genes man, that's how come you find me irresistible.", I said, putting my arm over her shoulder.

She laughed and shoved my arm off her shoulder, "Don't get cocky cowboy."

I shrugged and pulled into the parking lot of the park.

"Whoa, this place is gorgeous.",she said, stepping out and looking at all the trees and grass.

"Wait till you see the place where I'm about to take you dudette.",I said, popping the trunk.

"Well you can see the eclipse in process.",she said, looking at the sky where a black circle partially overlapped the sun.

"Well let's go get some good seats, shall we?",I said, grabbing the basket and blanket while sticking out my arm.

"What are you doing?",she asked, eyebrow quirked up.

"You know like olden dudes and dudettes.",I explained.

"Oh,",she said, taking my arm "We shall."

I smiled as we walked to the sidewalk and followed it until I took her "off course", and then, we found a lake with swans.

"Oh my gosh.",she said, covering her mouth, "This is amazing!"

"I know, and as long as you give them some food, they'll leave you alone.",I said, throwing a loaf of french bread to the birds.

"How did you find this?",she asked.

"Eh, you know, I was running then I kinda tripped and fell and volia! Paradise man.",I said, making her laugh.

"Well I thought I was clumsy.",she said, while I set up the blanket and the basket.

"You want PB&J or Veggie sandwich?",I asked, unloading the two bags of sandwiches.

"Sandwiches?", she asked, sitting down on the blanket.

"What can I say? I'm not a cook.",I shrugged.

She laughed sweetly, "Veggie."

"Here.",I said, tossing her the Ziploc.

"Professional wrapping to I see.",she said opening the bag and taking out a sandwich while I rolled my eyes.

"If I wanted to be a chef, I would be in culinary school.",I said, opening the PB&J bag and taking a bite of a sandwich.

"Speaking of school, what are you majoring in?",she asked, delicately taking a bite of her sandwich.

" I'm getting a general degree, I don't know what I want to do yet.",I said, looking her eat her food.

"Oh.",she responded.

"Wait a second!",I said, stuffing the rest of my sandwich in my mouth.

"What?",she asked.

"We nweed a pwicture togwether.",I said, my mouth full.

"What are you saying? ",she asked laughing.

I simply took out my phone and put the camera on timer.

"Twen swenconds!", I said, getting up and picking her up.

"What are you doing!",she asked, laughing widly.

"Chweese!",I said, smiling at the phone while she laughed and looked at me, smiling happily.

The phone made a click sound, then i set her back om the ground.

"Picture?",she asked as I swallowed my food and nodded.

"Yeppers.",I responded, looking at the picture.

I immediately fell in love with it. Her eyes were glistening in the last glimpse of sunlight, her white teeth were showing as she smiled at me, her face red from laughing.

"Geoff look!",she said, pointing at the sky where the black circle was finally fully covering the sun.

"Whoa!",I said, dropping the phone I went over to her by the edge of the lake.

The sky turned red as the yellow light surrounded the black circle. I looked over at Bridge who was smiling awestruck as she looked up at the sky.

It was one of those moments where you only saw her, like she was your who world. Smiling happily while her pink lips surrounded her white teeth. Her face looked purely happy, like she was a little kid looking at candy. Her eyes looked up at the sky, the little light left shining onto her face making her golden eyes stand out. Her blonde locks flowed gently in her pony tail, letting the cool breeze control it. I knew I loved her, but I had never felt it this much.

"Bridgette.",I said, earning her attention.

"What?",she asked in her sweet voice.

"You're beautiful.",I said, making her turn pink.

"W-what?!",she said, flustered.

"I mean it.", I said, cupping her face with my hand.

Her lips quivered as she responded, "I know."

Her small hand reached up and grabbed mt hand, which was on her face.

I leaned in slowly, looking at her face, so gentle and precious. Like an angel.

I could feel her soft breathes, and the hitched as my lips moved closer to hers.

Then the worst possible thing happened.

My phone rang, playing the ringtone "Can't Touch This" by The MC Hammer.

"Seriously.",I murmured, getting up and going to my phone, which read Duncan.

"What?!",I answered angrily.

"Dude, you invited Dakota to come with us?!",he asked.

"That's what you were calling me about!",I screamed.

"Well yeah! Do you know how much attention we're gonna get with a model coming with us?",he said, making me groan.

"So? I thought you liked attention man.", I said.

"Remember our last trip when a girl talked to me. Courtney fucking broke her arm!", he said.

"Well, just don't talk to them!", I screamed.

"What's up your ass? Did I interrupt a little something with Malibu?",he said, making me groan.

"Fuck you Duncan.",I said, hanging up the phone.

My phone then vibrated again, my alarm going off saying my next class was in ten minutes.

"Shit Bridge, I gotta go.", I said, turning off the alarm, "My next class is in ten minutes."

"Oh, okay.",she said, standing up.

We packed up and left quickly, getting in the car and leaving.

Before I knew it, we were in front of McDonald's.

"Thanks for the date Geoff, it was fun."she smiled, getting out of the car.

"Well, thanks for going with me.",I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"I'm gonna catch up on protesting, so see you in Malibu?",she said.

"Yeah, well bye Bridge.",I smiled, letting her wave.

"Bye!", she said, walking up to the trailer and opening up the door.

I groaned and threw my phone in the cup holder.

Fuck you Duncan!

Helloooo new chapter, Duncan ruins everything doesn't he? 1973 words, close to 2000 but I was in a hurry to end it if you can't tell. Sorry bout the rushed ending...yeah. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, cause the end is near! Love you all and stay amaze!

°Keep Calm and Be a Prep°


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