Stephen Curry One Shots

By Curry_Bae

5K 70 13


Camping...Gone Wrong
Basketball in the Face
New One Shot Ideas and Request
Author's Note
Writer's Block!
It's Just A Cold
I Guess I Was Distracted...By Jealousy

Wardell III

577 9 1
By Curry_Bae

Anela's POV
I was in the mood to have a party and I mean why not it's a Saturday night.
So I called my best friend summer.
"Hey , girl" , summer says as she answer's the phone.
"Hey, so I was wondering if you want to throw a party with me tonight?" , I asked hoping she would say yes.
"Yes! , That sounds so fun" , summer said with excitement in her voice.
"That's why we're doing it!" , I said.
"I'm coming over to your house I'll be there in about like 3 minutes." , Summer said and then ending the phone call.
While I was waiting on summer I was thinking of who to invite.
I'll invite some of mine and and how about klay's teammates.
Oh, and did I mention I'm Klay Thompson's 17 year younger sister.
I decided not to invite Klay.
I hear summer coming in because I left the door unlocked for her.
"Hey summer" , I greeted summer as she walked over to the couch.
"Hey , who should we invite to the party?" , Summer asked.
"I was thinking that maybe we invite the whole team and some of our friends" , I replied to summer.
"Is Klay coming?" , summer asked blushing a little.
"No , I'm going to tell everybody not to tell Klay about the party." , I said to summer.
"Oh , okay" , summer said with a little disappointment in her voice.
"Let's go get ready for the party!" , I said to summer and getting up.
" Okay!" , summer said also getting up.
We have already told everybody about the party and people should be showing up soon.
Everybody seem like their having a great time.
I saw summer running up to me.
"Hey , summer" , I said to her.
"C'mom were about to play truth or dare" , summer said while pulling to where we were playing truth or dare.
It was just me and summer and the whole team who decided to play.
"Let's play!" , Draymond said.
We stopped playing truth or dare but now we were all drunk.
"Let's play seven minutes in heaven" , summer says.
"Okay" , we all say.
4 months later
I start to notice that I'm losing my six pack.
Which is strange.
Very strange.
I work out everyday and eat healthy food.
I've been feeling sick lately.
So I decided to call Klay.
Klay's POV
I was at the gym when I start to hear my phone ring.
I look at who's calling me.
It's Anela my little sister.
"Hey , sis what's up" , I say as walking out of the gym.
"Hey, maybe can you come over I feel sick I have felt sick for a while." , Anela replies.
"Yeah , I'll be there in a few minutes" , I said.
"Okay , love you" , Anela says.
"Love you too", I say as hanging up the phone.
Anela's POV
when Klay got to my house he was all paranoid and thought I needed to go to the doctor.
So here we are waiting at the hospital.
"Anela Thompson" , the nurse called my name.
We both walked back to the room.
"The doctor will be right with you" , the nurse said as walking out.
"Hello" , the doctor said as walking into the room.
"Hello" , I said to the doctor.
"So , what seems to be the problem" , the doctor ask.
"Well , I've been sick and we just came to see what's the reason I'm sick." , I say to the doctor.
"Okay, I'm going to need you pee in this cup for me" , the doctor said handing me a cup.
"Okay" , I said giving a confused face to her.
After waiting a little bit for the doctor to come back.
She finally did.
"Well, congratulations! your pregnant!" , the doctor said.
I was happy and confused at the same time and so was Klay and he was a little bit angry also.
I had no idea how I was pregnant.
Until it hit me!
The party.
Seven minutes in heaven.
I need to talk to him.
It's been a couple months since I found out I was pregnant.
I talked to Steph.
He was very happy.
So was I.
So we started dating because we thought it would be good for the baby and we also found out that we had feelings for each other.
I also explained everything to Klay he's happy to bean uncle.
Right now I'm about to find out if I was having a girl or a boy!
I was squeezing Steph's hand.
"Congratulations, your having a baby boy!"m, the doctor said while smiling.
"He's name will be Wardell III" , I said while looking at Steph smiling.
Hope you'll enjoyed it❤️

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