Stephen Curry One Shots

Curry_Bae द्वारा

4.6K 68 13


Wardell III
Basketball in the Face
New One Shot Ideas and Request
Author's Note
Writer's Block!
It's Just A Cold
I Guess I Was Distracted...By Jealousy

Camping...Gone Wrong

1.1K 11 5
Curry_Bae द्वारा

Abigail's POV
It feels like it's been a million years since me and Stephen got to just sit and be with each other.
Right now, me and Steph are laying in bed cuddling and scrolling thru the TV guide.
"Hey, babe" , Steph said to me.
"Yeah, babe", I replied to Stephen.
"Maybe do you want to go camping?" , Steph asked me.
I turned over and faced him and asked "when".
"Tonight!" , he replied happily.
I thought for a moment.
"Yes, but why do you want to go camping all of a sudden?" , I asked curiously.
"Because I think since we don't get to spend time together as much as we want to! It will be a good way to be together and relax! I know your not a nature person and I'm not really either but we can make it fun!" , Steph said with a goofy big smile.
"Your right" , I said while kissing his cheek.
"Maybe we should go pack. It's 5:30 and let's leave at about 7:30." , he said while looking at the time.
"Okay" , I said getting out of bed to go get packed and ready.

"BABE! , are you ready" , I heard Steph yelled from the living room.
Putting my hair into a high ponytail real quick.
YES! Let me grab my bag and I'll be right there. , I replied as grabbing my bag and running down the stairs.
"Ready babe?" , Steph asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be." , I replied back.
He let out a small chuckle and we walked out the door.
Steph parked the car and we got out the car and we grabbed all of our camping gear and set everything up.
We had just finished setting the tent up noticing that it was getting dark.
"Hey, let's make a fire and roast marshmallows" , Steph said excitedly.
"Okay" , I said going to get the marshmallows.
In the process of making the fire , Steph almost caught himself on fire.
"Hey babe , I'm getting tired can we go to sleep" , I asked in a sleepy voice.
"I'm getting tired too , let's go" , Steph said also sounding a little tired too.
I was all cuddled up to Steph when I hear a noise coming outside.
Oh no , this is never good this is where somebody dies in the movies , I thought in my head.
So , Being really scared I try to wake up Steph.
"Steph", I said
No answer.
"Steph", I said again
No answer.
"Stephen" , I said getting annoyed.
No answer.
"WARDELL" , I screamed and hitting him in the chest.
Steph jumped up with a little fear in his face.
"WHAT ARE YOU OKAY!" , Steph asked worried.
"Yes , but I hear something outside maybe we should go look." , I asked Steph.
"Let's go" , he said while grabbing two flashlights and handing me one in the process.
I was squeezing Steph's hand while walking around where I heard the noise.
"I don't see anything or hear anything , how about we go back." , Steph asked while turning back towards where the tent was.
And then all we hear is a loud growl.
"STEPH WATCH OUT IT'S A BEAR" , I screamed as a bear was right behind him.
"Wh-" , he was cut off by the bear scratching his arm.
"STEPH" , Was all I yelled before grabbing his hand and running too the car.
"What about our stuff" , Steph asked while holding his arm where the bear cut it.
"Forget about it for right now that cut is deep I'm taking you to a hospital to get it checked out" , I said while rushing to the hospital.
"Okay I love you" , Steph said.
"I love you too" , I said while grabbing his hand.
"No more camping for a while" , Steph said.
"Got that right!" , I said while laughing a little.
Hoped you liked it Abigail. nxstalgics

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