Loving Yourself (BBW)

By Carrie627

256K 12.6K 1.3K

Confidence - a feeling of self assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's or qualities It's easier de... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Adonis: Straight Outta Compton
We Need We

Chapter 1

23.1K 447 112
By Carrie627

" Wake up Nebbie it's time for your first day of high school," Nebbie's mother said as she walked into her room. Nebbie groaned not wanting to wake up. She knew last night would be her last day of summer so she stayed up all night.

" Come on Nebbie wake up," Nebbie's father joined in. Nebbie pulled back her light grey bed sheets and got out of bed. She stretched and then yawned she was so tired. Maybe I should've went to bed last night. She thought.

" Breakfast is almost done sweetie. I'll let you know when it's finish," Her mother said. Both of her parents left her room and she went into her bathroom. She tried her best to ignore the large mirror but couldn't help to look at it. She was mocha skinned. Throughout the summer she tried to lose weight but she couldn't even get out out of bed some mornings. She wanted to change her body to get a fresh start for freshmen year but she was still her 243 pound self.

She washed her face using St.Ives apricot scrub. She had a little acne but at least the scrub was working for her oily skin. She tooked off her silk black bonnet and began to pull off her rollers that she had in her hair. If she was confident about one thing it was her it was long and hers. She brushed her hair gently not taking her curls out. She parted her hair to the side so she could cover up some of her face. She thinks that her face is too chubby to wear a center part.

She left her bathroom and went into the closet pulling out her school uniform. She went to Dunbar a high school in Washington DC which is where she lived. She put on her white collared polo shirt, khaki pants, and black flats. She sprayed on some Cherry Blossom perfume that she got from Bath and Body works with her mom a few days ago.

Her parents were very supportive of her. Her dad was a trainer and is very healthy well built man. Her mom was an accountant and was a healthy women as well. She wonders how did she get so big when her parents were the complete opposite. She sighed before looking at herself in the mirror. Loving you is complicated. She thought before walking out of her bedroom to downstairs and see the well made breakfast her mom left.

" I made your favorite. Belgian waffles and strawberries on top," Her mother said. It was her favorite she could eat it every morning. Her mouth watered just looking at it. She sat on the kitchen table and dug in the plate like it was her last meal.

After eating it, it was around 6:50am and she had only 15 minutes to get her stuff together. She sighed thinking that she should've done this last night. She went back in her room and put on her bright yellow Jansport backpack and grabbed her black satchel bag and headed back down to the living room. Her dad always drove her to school while her mom picked her up.

" Alright come on Nebbs we gotta go," Her father said.

" I'm ready," She said. She wasn't ready she was actually scared.

" Bye Nebbie, I love you. Have a great day," Her mother said.

" I love you too mom," She said. Then she got into her Dad's all black Altima. She plugged her headphones into her Samsung Galaxy S5 and turned on some Alicia Keys hoping to build her confidence up.

After the third song on her playlist she arrived at Dunbar. She took a deep breath.

" You'll be fine," Her dad said.

" Really? I hope so," She said with hope. Her father gave her a kiss on the cheek.

" Have a good day sweetheart," He said. She got out the car and looked at the huge school in front of her. It was a nice school they have a pool, football field, and three floors. She went inside the school. She looked around and saw lines for schedules she got into to the A-F line. She waited in line with her head down she saw a few people who bullied her in middle school and tried her best to ignore them. She made it to the front of the line.

" Name," The teacher asked.

" Nebbie Blair." She handed her, her schedule. She looked at it.

P1 - Spanish 1

P2 - English 1

P3 - Physical Education

P4 - Lunch A Study Hall

P5 - Writing 1

P6 - Geometry

P7 - World History

She sighed at physical education she hoped she had that class with at least one of her friends.

" Nebbie!" She heard someone say. She turned around and saw her two bestest friends in the whole world, Jessica Holmes and Benjamin Hill. She walked up to them.

" Let me see your schedule," Jessica said before taking it. She compared all three of theirs together.

" We all got Lunch A which is good. Spanish and P.E," Jessica said. She sighed in relief she could be with Jessica in P.E.

" Well we got English and Geo together," Benjamin said.

" And we all got history," Nebbie said. She has known these two her whole life. Benjamin was a preacher's kid and they all went to his church. They were all in the youth church choir and they always been together. They were very silly and loyal. Jessica was a lovely dark skin with a slight curve in her body.She was known as the girl to not mess with. Benjamin was light skin and could get any girl he wanted if he tried.

The bell rang. Jessica and Nebbie waved bye to Benjamin as they went to Spanish.

" I can't believe you, Jessie," Nebbie said in disbelief.

" It's the first day of school and she tryna teach. What's wrong with her? It's bad enough I got a learn a new language first thing in the morning," Jessica explained. Ms.Garcia was trying to teach when Jessica said she had know idea what she was saying and the teacher looked offended. Jessica walked me to English and sat next to Benji. He was the reason why she was up at night. They was on the phone talking about how much we hate the modern kid shows.

" Nebbs I'm gon fall asleep in this class," Benji said.

" No you can't. 'Cause you left me up all night so you not sleeping around me," Nebbie said.

" That was not my fault you could've easily hanged up the phone in my face," He said.

" I'll remember that next time." The teacher walked in she had a red jumpsuit that was flowy. She wrote her name on the board.

" Hello freshman, my name is Ms. Bernice and this English 1," The teacher said.

" No shit," Benji muttered and Nebbie elbowed him.

" Anyways we will go around class and introduce ourselves," She began and then she pointed at Nebbie, " Starting with you. Tell us your name and what you did this summer." She sighed while standing up she did nothing this summer so she had to lie.

" Uh..My name is Nebbie and I went to...Hawaii over the summer," She lied she didn't want to seem like she didn't do anything. She looked down at Benji and he was laughing at her lie. She wanted to slap him but she knows how hard her slaps are. She sat back down and then Benji stood up.

" My name is Benjamin Hill and this summer I went to Taco Bell every day," He said and the class laughed including Nebbie. It was true they all went to Taco Bell at least once a week. It was their favorite. Ms. Bernice gave him a straight face and continued on to the next student. Benji was staring at something on the floor and nudged Nebbie.

" What? I'm trying to be nosy," Nebbie said.

" Look at her shoes," Benji said. She looked down at Ms. Bernice feet.

" Are those skechers strap ups?" Nebbie asked. They looked at each other and started laughing.

" I bet when she jump them shits light up," Benji said. They both laughed even harder.

" Why would she wear that together?" They were still laughing until Ms. Bernice noticed them and they just stopped abruptly. She glared at them and then went back to pay attention to the student talking. They snickered silently. They never could sit together they would laugh at the most stupidest things.

Jessica and Nebbie were in the gym sitting on the bleaches for P.E. class. She was nervous about this class. She wasn't fast in running or good at dodging. Then to make matters worse Brianna Morrison walked into the class with her posse. She was the main bully for Nebbie. Brianna lived for making Nebbie hell since they were in 4th grade. Nebbie never knew the reason why but she ignored every chance she got and when it was directed she'll just walk away. She tried to show her that her words didn't affect her when they did. Our coach walked into the class.

" Hello freshman class...My name to you is Coach Newman and in this class you will work out. I'm talking about track, dodgeball, and climbing a rope. On Wednesdays we will swim and then Fridays we will be outside running around the whole school," The coach said. He had a gruffy voice like he smoked cigarettes since he was 7. Nebbie knew she would hate this class this was too much body movement for her.

" If you don't have your gym uniform everyday next week you will lose 2 grade letters so I suggest you bring your clothes," He continued, " Now we're going do jumping jacks." The whole class groaned. I have on flats How am I going to jump? Nebbie thought. Still they all got up and started jumping. She heard Brianna laughing at her posse while looking at her but she ignored them.

" It's funny how every time you jump up your fat come up with you," Brianna said to Nebbie while laughing. Nebbie ignored her but that didn't stop Jessica.

" It's funny how every time you sweat your makeup runs down with it," Jessica said to Brianna, Jessica was very protective over Nebbie because she knew she was self-conscious. Benjamin did the same.

" Shut up with your burnt self," Brianna said. Brianna was a light skin beauty she had enormous boobs and very pretty face. Well at least over her makeup.

" Girrrrl my brown skin is beautiful don't hate that I look like chocolate and you look like cream mushrooms," Jessica said.

" Ugh..I wasn't even talking to you. I was talking to Ms. Piggie," Brianna said.

" You fuck with her you fuck with me," Jessica said. Brianna scoffed and continued jumping jacks. Nebbie was hurt by her words and it was going to bother her the whole day.

Nebbie, Jessica, and Benjamin were at lunch at a circular red table. Nebbie and Jessica sat together on one side while Benji was on the other side. Nebbie was slowly eating her pizza she was still upset about what happen in gym.

" What's wrong with you Nebbie Cakes?" Benji asked. She knew that she couldn't hide her emotions from them they see right through her.

" Nothing," She said.

" I hope you're not mad about what Brianna said," Jessica said.

" Kinda I wish she would just leave me alone," Nebbie said.

" Brianna is a bitch. Always tryna bring down people thinking that's gon bring her up," Benji said.

" Benji she's like the most popular girl at school. It must've work."

" Whatever it's gon come back around like Karma," Benji said.

" Y'all going to bible study Wednesday," Nebbie said trying to change the subject.

" I have no choice," Benji said.

" Yeah my momma said she going," Nebbie said.

" Well I'll go since y'all going," Jessica said.

" I have a question. Why is an alarm clock going 'off' when it actually turns on," Benji said. Benji would always ask stupid question that no one had the answers to.

" Here we go," Jessica said


The school day was over for Nebbie and she was happy to leave. She had 6 different syllabus for her mother to sign and she had a few homework assignments to the do on her own. She was waiting on her mom as she waited outside. Benji and Jessica left a few moments ago and she was alone but atleast she has music to listen. Her favorite was old school R&B and Alicia Keys. She loved the way her voiced moved with the piano. She felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Brianna.

" Where your friends at now?" She said to Nebbie.

" Yeah who's here to save you," One of her posse members said.

" Leave me alone," Nebbie spoke.

" Shut up fatty. I can do whatever I want. You need to stop eating before you explode," Brianna said. Brianna loved to bring Nebbie down it covered up her own issues and she had a special plan for bringing her down. Something that can embarrass Nebbie for her whole life. Nebbie put in her headphones and walked away while looking down. She wasn't looking until she bumped into a hard chest.

" I'm sorry," She said. She looked up and saw the most popular boy in school smile at her. Lance Moore my old crush She thought. She used to like him but he was getting to known and she backed up.

" Hey my bad," He said in his deep voice. He was light skinned and handsome. He had three cuts in both eyebrows and he was a football player.

" It was an accident," She said while looking down. He lifted her head up by her chin with his finger.

" That's why you should always keep you head up, Nebbie," He said while looking into her light brown eyes. He smiled showing his white teeth. If she was lighter you could see her blushing.

" Thanks Lance," She said with a smile. Then she heard a horn beep and saw her mom's red Buick. " I have to go."

" It's okay I'll see you again," He said while biting his lip. She walked to her mom's car and got in.

" Who was that?" My mom asked. Her mom was just as nosy as she was.

" Lance..."

" He's cute. So how was your day?" Nebbie looked outside to Lance wave at her and it made her smile.

" It was great," She said.

" I'm glad." They drove off to their home.


This is the end of the first chapter. How you like it? I'm going for a different approach and I am writing in the third person and it's a new thing but I like it. Anyways have a great day. I hope you enjoyed it.

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