:: When It Rains ::

Par mohiniangel

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Dahlia Watts is your normal seventeen-year-old girl...with a huge secret. She has a loving boyfriend, Lewis B... Plus

When It Rains
::: Chapter 1 --- Dahlia --- :::
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

288 4 2
Par mohiniangel

Chapter 2

The rain was pouring down as I crossed the road, approaching our special place. It was a tent hooked up by two trees, and it was lime green, so you couldn’t see it from a distance. No one ever even visited this field anyway, so we were safe.

I grinned and rushed to the tent, slipping inside and zipping the entrance shut. I closed my umbrella and sat down on the blanket we’d spread out on the floor ages ago. Lewis wasn’t here yet, so I shut my eyes and leant my head back.

I was in a band. I could offically say that I was part of a band now. There was just one problem- we didn’t have a name. I checked my phone and realised I didn’t even have anyone’s number. Oh wait…Drew. I clicked on him and sent him a message; what’s our band name?

His reply arrived within seconds: we don’t have one. We’ll discuss it tomorrow. Where are you?

I didn’t answer the last question, but sent him an OK. Just then, Lewis Brent entered the tent (hey, that rhymed!), shaking out his wet hair.

I sucked in a deep breath, studying my boyfriend’s godlike beauty.

He was tall and lean, with piercing blue eyes and shining blond hair. He was so handsome, it took my breath away. I should’ve been worried about how he resisted all the girls throwing themselves at him, but I knew he’d never cheat.

“Dee…” he breathed, sitting beside me and smiling, showing his adorable dimples. “How are you? I haven’t seen you for weeks!”

That was true. The last time it rained was about a fortnight ago, so we hadn’t seen each other since. I had missed him- a lot.

“I’m fine. What’s been going on with you?” I asked him, as he lay down, his head on my lap, looking up at me. I smoothed his hair down soothingly and his smile grew.

“Nothing much.” I saw a light in his eyes as he remembered something. “Oh, there’s a new girl at school. She’s really nice, and we’re good friends now. She arrived last week. She’s really pretty, but she doesn’t care. She’s much like you, actually.” I couldn’t resist the jealousy flowing through my veins.

“Oh, really.” I muttered. Then I raised the volume slightly of my voice. “Well, that’s funny, because there’s a new guy at our school too. He’s good friends with me now, and he’s so handsome! He’s also really smart, and even though he’s loved by loads of girls, he still hangs out with me.” I lied fluently.

Oh no, no, no, no! What had I done? A simple bit of jealousy caused me to lie to my boyfriend- to make him jealous. That’s just sad. I wanted to smack my forehead, but I kept my smile on my face to fool Lewis.

He scowled and his lips tugged down. “A new guy? Good friends with you?” he repeated stiffly. Then he relaxed. “I’m glad to know you have a good friend now. It’s about time someone noticed your awesomeness.” He smirked as I blushed, so I leaned down and kissed him.

Suddenly, a phone rang, and my head shot up, my hand reaching out to grab my phone, which was ringing loudly. I shot an apologetic glance at Lewis’s head on my lap, and answered the call.


“Dee, it’s Dad.”

I smiled to myself. “Hi, Dad. How are you?”

“I’m good, Dee. I’m coming home in about an hour, but I’m just passing that clothes shop you and your mother were looking at last week. Did you want something from there?”

That’s my Dad, always the thoughtful one. I smiled warmly and replied, “Nah, it’s alright.” I recalled a special item I’d loved when I’d seen it in the shop window and added, “Actually, can you check the price tag for that sleeveless black top, with the black-and-white striped bow on the chest? It’s tight fitting, and has spaghetti straps.”

He sighed and I heard him talking to someone. After about a minute, he spoke again. “Dee? Yeah, they have it. It’s the last one left, and it’s in your size, so you’re in luck.”

I breathed out in relief. “Thanks so much. I hope it’s not too much to ask for.”

“Not at all, sweetie, I don’t mind getting something for you, once in a while. I’ll see you later, then. I have some news for you all.” with that, he hung up. I put down my phone and grinned down at Lewis.

He was staring at me, and I blushed under his gaze, glacing around the tent awkwardly. A soft hand carressed my hair gently, and I forced myself to look him in the eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes held amusement in them.

“Getting a new top from your Daddy?” he teased, laughing, while I smacked his arm. “Anyway, tell me more about this new guy friend of yours. What happened to Lidia?”

“Lidia is still my best friend.” I insisted. Then, the next few words blurted out of my mouth before I could control them, “Toby is weird. He’s…” I remembered the word Toby had used to describe himself and smiled to myself. “He’s different.” Yeah. That would work. Wasn’t Toby my friend? He’d acted like one earlier, so I suppose he’d have no problem admitting it.

Lewis searched my face suspiciously. “Oh, really? His name is Toby?” I nodded, beaming broadly at him. “Well, you two seem pretty close. I hope you’re having fun with him.” His voice held a hint of jealousy in them.

“So, am I going to get to know this girl’s name?” my smile faded.

“She’s called Mikayla, and she’s brilliant.” He paused, but I kept my face straight. “She’s really clever, and sometimes she comes over to my house to tutor me in Science. All the boys want her, but she still chose to be my friend.”

I kept down the surge of jealousy running through my body, and stood up, causing Lewis’s head to bounce off onto the tent floor. He cried out in pain and held his head, frowning at me and standing up opposite me. I crossed my arms and scowled back at him.

“What the hell was that for?” exclaimed my boyfriend, rubbing the back of his head. I tried not to think how handsome he looked right now, and focused on the point I was about to make.

“This is not going to happen,” I told him sternly. “It’s so obvious that you’re trying to make me jealous.”

His frown deepened. “Oh, so I’m trying to make you jealous, but you’re not trying to make me jealous?”

“I’m not!” I protested shrilly. “I was just telling you about Toby. He’s my friend,” actually, he might not even be that. “And he’s nothing more.” I continued firmly. “If you get jealous, that’s your stupidity.”

“So now you’re calling me stupid?” he shouted.

“I didn’t say that! Don’t twist my words around!” I shrieked exasperatedly. “It’s not my fault you’re a jealous idiot!”

“I’m a jealous idiot, now?” he yelled angrily.

“Yes!” I threw my hands up and grabbed my bag and umbrella. “Yes- that’s exactly what you are.” I zipped the tent back up, and turned back to Lewis. “Let me know when you’ve calmed down, and have controlled yourself. You’re being so immature about all of this, Lewis. And let me tell you now- I may love you with all my heart, but if I feel this relationship is getting too intense, it might just end.” I warned him, and opened my umbrella, stepping out into the rain.

I rushed away from the tent, on my way home, but I heard Lewis cursing and yelling my name.

Had I done the right thing? Oh no, I overreacted! I should’ve just left it and moved on! But no- I just had to blow it out of proportion. I suppose…well, hadn’t I tried to make Lewis jealous too? Not as much as he was, surely. Urgh, I needed someone to talk to about all this, but who could I trust enough? Lidia?

I squinted through the pouring rain, and I realised I still had a fifteen minute walk. Ten minutes to Luke’s house, then five minutes from there to my house.

My overactive mind was whirring…should I tell Lidia or not? The same question bounced around my head like crazy.

It wasn’t that much. If Lewis called me and apologised, then I wouldn’t have to tell her. So, even if I didn’t tell her, I would be alright.

I breathed out in relief, and immediately, I began fretting about the current situation with Lewis. He was acting like a jealous moron, and if that didn’t change, then I…

I didn’t actually mean what I said. I would never end our relationship just because he was the slightest bit jealous. I was jealous too- but that was a stupid reason to end it. I loved him way too much for that to happen.

However, he wasn’t the one in a crisis right now. He didn’t have a group of boys on his back pressuring him to contribute largely to their band, or have his parents crushing him with responsibilities. He didn’t have it as bad as I did. And this argument simply added to my list of problems.

I did what I never thought I’d be stupid enough to do.

I sat on the park wall, in the pouring rain, in one of my best jeans, and cried my heart out.


It was now Monday morning, and I was getting ready for school. The weekend ran smoothly, but I didn’t hear from Lewis at all. The band continued to practice my songs, and they were surprisingly good.

Sleepily, I rubbed my eyes and brushed my hair out. I was wearing a pink t-shirt with a heart on it, straight leg jeans and a big, comfy purple hoodie. I left my hair out as usual, hiding my face as much as possible, grabbed my schoolbag, slung it over my shoulder and hurried downstairs. Dad had already left for work, and Mum was in the kitchen, listening to the radio whilst drinking her morning tea.

“Morning, Mum!” I chirped as I grabbed a strawberry-flavoured breakfast bar and rushed to the door, where I slid on my purple Converses.

Without waiting for Drew, I began walking down the street to the bus stop. If I didn’t get there in fifteen minutes, the bus would be gone (it was a twenty minute walk). Sighing, I dug my iPod and earphones out of my shoulder bag and plugged my earphones in my ears, playing my favourite music while I walked.

As usual, my mind was on overdrive, and I was constantly thinking about Lewis. Dad said he was going to tell us something today, because it was apparently really important.

Secretly, I was hoping Lewis would apologise first, and admit that he was wrong to overreact. But I knew, deep inside, that I would be the first one to crack, and come out with the truth- which was that I had overreacted, not him.

Reluctantly, I pushed my legs harder until I reached the bus stop. However, there was no bus! I looked left and right, and realised the bus had already left without me. Brilliant. Groaning in frustration, I began trudging down the street to school, when a silver car pulled up next to me.

A tinted window rolled down, and I found myself staring at a familiar face, with sunglasses on. It was Toby.

“Need a ride? Hop in!” he trilled, reaching out the window and pressing something into my hands. I looked and found they were fancy sunglasses with shiny rhinestones on the sides (not unlike a bunch I knew Toby had). Toby and I had bonded over the weekend whilst practicing with the band. He was a great person, and I knew he’d get along well with Lidia.

“Thanks so much, Toby!” I cried in relief, slipping into the passenger’s seat and closing the door behind me. He pulled into the road and shot me a quick smile. “When did you learn to drive?”

“I’m almost eighteen, you know,” he told me proudly. “I got my licence almost a year ago.” I slipped the shades he’d given to me on.

I nodded in thought. Drew was going to be eighteen in a few months. Lewis was going to be eighteen slightly after that, and my birthday was a bit after that.

We chatted a bit on the way to school, but I could tell he knew I was a bit distant. Once we reached school, I thanked Toby, and went on my way to find Lidia. I located her standing by my locker, in a deep conversation with a girl from our Maths class.

“Boo.” I whispered, as I tapped her on the shoulder. She screamed shrilly and jumped around to face me with a scowl on her face. The girl she was talking to slinked away, looking uncomfortable.

“What was that for?” Lidia demanded, eyeing my sunglasses. I’d give them back to Toby after school, I decided as I tucked them into my shoulder bag.

Lidia Anderson, A.K.A my Best Friend, was a real beauty. With her long, straight, glossy dark hair swaying behind her shoulders, and her captivating dark eyes staring with that innocent look in them, boys were tripping over themselves trying to get her attention. However, she wouldn’t give anyone her time of day. I took up most of it.

I laughed at the stern look on her face. I knew she wasn’t really mad at me. “It was just funny. Come on, let’s get to class.” I took her arm and led her to our first class.

I didn’t see Drew at all.


“Right, class.” my Media teacher, Ms. Payner, shouted, earning the attention of our loud class. Our English teacher, Mr. Bristel, was standing beside her, holding a crate of …I couldn’t see inside it. “This month, we will be combining Media and English, and get you all to do individual videos. These videos will be describing who you are.”

It sounded fun. A lot of things described my life. There were only twenty people in our class though, so we wouldn’t have many to watch at the end of the project. Mr. Bristel handed out small, not-too-expensive video cameras to each student.

“We will give you every Media and English lesson to plan and record whatever you feel makes up your life. Think carefully, this is very important, and plays a significant role in your grade sheet report.” with that, both teachers began talking among themselves, and the students started up their own conversations.

I held the video camera in my hand and opened it, beginning to record. I turned to Lidia, who was sitting next to me, grinning. “This girl, right here, makes up a quarter of my life. She is my best friend, Lidia Anderson.” I beamed.

She pouted. “Only a quarter of your life?”

I chuckled and stopped recording, shutting the camera. I heard Drew’s laughter from across the room, and was suddenly interested in what he would record. Probably a bunch of girls and parties and his mates and sports. I’d record my best friend, music, art, sports, my parents, and maybe some of the band playing. I wouldn’t do Lewis, even though he played a very important part in my life. It was too risky.

“We’re going to have lots of fun with this!”

We messed around with the cameras (not mine, Lidia’s camera), and when there was only a few minutes of the lesson left, Ms. Payner stood up and clapped her hands to gain the attention of the class.

“Pack your things up. This is like a Video Diary. Record things every day. Tell the camera everything going on in your head. It will help your development. If some of your videos are too personal, then we won’t show them at the end of the project. It’s your choice!” just then, the bell rang, and everyone made a beeline for the door.

Sighing, I placed the camera in my schoolbag and headed out the door with Lidia. It was the end of school, so she waved me goodbye and sprinted to the bus stop. I began strolling down the road to my bus stop, but someone grabbed my arm. I whipped around, shaking off whoever it was, ready to lash out at them, but I stopped myself.

“Toby?” I frowned, confused.

“That’s me.” he grinned cheerfully. “Let’s go!”

“But-but why?” I asked as he began dragging me back into the school’s car park, where there were a fair amount of cars. He led me to his silver one, and opened the door for me.

He shook his brown hair out of his eyes and waved his hand towards the open door, indicating I should sit.

“Oh! Thanks for the shades, by the way.” I took them out and held them over to Toby, but he shook his head dismissively, pushing my hand back towards myself.

“Keep them. They suit you, anyway.” he smiled. I grinned and put them on, striking a pose.

“Stop flirting, Toby,” sounded a familiar husky voice. “Leave some for me.”

We both turned around and found Drew leaning against the car, in his black jacket, wearing trendy sunglasses, just like I was. Blushing, I took my sunglasses off and scowled.

“We weren’t flirting.”

“Did I say both of you?” he smiled and his shiny teeth gleamed in the sunlight. I blinked and shaded my eyes. “Put your sunglasses on. It’s what they’re meant for.”

I rolled my eyes but slid them on. “Let’s go, then, Toby,” however, just before I was sat in the car, I turned my head and asked, “Where were you in the morning, Drew?”

“I skipped,” he muttered, like it was nothing. “Why do you care?”

I shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t.” brushing my hair back with my fingers, I slipped into the car and shut the door behind me.

Toby smirked at me and rolled down all the car windows. “Peace out, sucka!” he shouted as he swerved in a U-Turn past Drew. Drew’s face was unexplainable.

I laughed with Toby as we drove down the streets. I couldn’t help thinking how much more fun I’d have if Lidia were here.

“You’re amazing, Dee, you know that?” Toby sobered up from his laughing fit, and stared at me. I shifted uncomfortably.

“Um, thanks,” I blushed and averted my gaze. “You’ve only known me for a weekend, though.” I realised he was still looking at me. “Eyes on the road!” I ordered, causing his to laugh again.

And, just like that, things were normal between us again. However, I couldn’t get rid of the intense stare Toby had been giving me just moments ago. It was quite scary, and I didn’t like it.

My mind was probably on over-drive once again. And, this time, I wasn’t even thinking about Lewis. 


It's me again! Thanks so much to every new fan, ILY. 

Taylor Swift has a new music video for The Story Of Us, I love it! It's so cute, and you should watch it. Right there, look! On the side, press play!

While you're at it, also press the vote button, and leave a comment! =D xx

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