Heaven Can Wait Deep Down in...

By CrowsFate

68.7K 1.8K 360

It's Allie six year at Hogwarts with Fred and George Weasley her two best friends. What crazy things will hap... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

3.7K 106 13
By CrowsFate

I woke up to Squirt's hooting.

"Shut your stupid owl up, Black" Johnson said as she glared at me.

"No" I said glaring back at her.

"Fine then. I guess someone can kill it like they did to your stupid rat" Johnson said.

Did she just say that!

My anger started to boil as I grabbed my wand. I raised it towards Johnson.

"Say that again? I dare you" I said through gritted teeth.

Johnson's face turned from mad to scared. Johnson then ran out of the room screaming.

I laid my wand down next to Squirt and got my uniform out. I got change into my uniform.

"See ya Squirt" I said grabbing my wand and books.

Squirt hooted happily.

I walked out of the room and down to the common room. No one was in the common room so I walked down to the Great Hall.

I walked into the Great Hall and over to where George was sitting at. Which was across from Fred. I sat down beside George and grabbed a piece of toast.

"Good morning George" I said.

"Morning Allie" George said.

I filled my plate with two eggs, another piece of toast and a few pieces of bacon.

"Ms. Black here is your schedule" Professor McGonagall said holding out a piece of parchment.

I grabbed the parchment saying thanks. She then handed Fred and George's their schedule.

I looked down at mine. I had Transfiguration, History of Magic, Herbology, Potions, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"What do you have, Allie?" George asked me.

"Transfiguration, History of Magic, Herbology Potions, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, and Defense Against the Dark Art. What about you?" I asked him.

"I have all of them except Care of Magical Creatures and History of Magic. I have Care of Magical Creatures when you have History of Magic and History of Magic when you have Care of Magical Creatures. What about you, Fred?" George asked Fred.

"I have all my classes with Black" Fred said.

My stomach felt like it dropped when Fred said my last name. Fred never called me by my first name. Only by Allie or Allison.

"Are you still mad at her, because she won't help us?" George asked Fred.

"Yes" Fred said.

"Why?" George asked.

"Because a friend would help their friends do anything" Fred said.

"But a friend won't help their friends do anything dangerous, like entering the tournament" I said and stormed out of the Great Hall to transfiguration.

I was the first one in the classroom. A few minutes passed and everyone was in the classroom.

"I am going to give everyone a partner for today's lesson" Professor McGonagall said.

I don't care who I'm partnered with, unless it's Fred.

"I had written everyone's name on a piece of parchment. I will make each paper float to you randomly. When you get your partners name go sit next to them" Professor McGonagall said.

Professor McGonagall waved her wand and pieces of parchment flew off her desk and down the aisles of desk. One stopped in front of me.

I grabbed it and looked at the name. On the piece of parchment was Fred's name. I slammed my head down on my desk.

"I don't like much than you" Fred said sitting down next to me.

"Shut it" I said raising my head up and glared at him.

"Now that everyone has a partner, I would like for each of you to transform your partner's nose into any animal's nose" Professor McGonagall said.

I Merlin! I thought as I saw Fred grinning like a mad man.

"I'll go first" Fred said.

"No, I will" I said.

I didn't trust Fred.

"I called it first" Fred said.

"I don't care" I said.

"Is there a problem here?" Professor McGonagall asked us.

"Yes, Black won't let me go first" Fred said.

"Ms. Black, why don't you let Mr. Weasley go first" Professor McGonagall said.

"Fine" I muttered.

Professor McGonagall walked away.

"Alright then" Fred said and waved his wand.

I felt my nose transform.

"Your perfect nose" Fred said.

I reached into my robe pocket and got out my mirror. I raised up to where I could see my nose. My nose had transform from an average nose to a pig's!

"Change it back" I said through gritted teeth.

"Why? It suits you" Fred said.

I glared at him as I raised my wand. I waved it and his nose and mouth transformed into a donkey nose and mouth. Fred opened his mouth and he-haw came out.

Everyone started to laugh. I made a snorting sound, because of my nose. Everyone laughed harder. Even Professor McGonagall was laughing and it is hard to get Professor McGonagall to laugh.

"Ten points to Gryffindor. For Ms. Black transforming the nose and mouth perfectly and also transforming the voice" Professor McGonagall said.

Professor McGonagall transformed Fred's voice, mouth and nose back to normal. She then transformed my back.

After Transfiguration class was over I walked to Professor Binn's classroom for History of Magic.

History of Magic was boring, so I fell asleep. After History of Magic I met up with George on the way to the green house. Fred soon caught up with us.

We walked into the Green House. Professor Sprout told us all to read chapter 16. After Herbology everyone went to the Great Hall for lunch. I didn't sit beside Fred and George, cause I promised Luna yesterday, after I ran into her on the train when I went to get changed into my uniform, I would eat lunch with her.

"Hey Luna" I said sitting beside her.

"Hello Allie" Luna said.

"Hello Luna and..." A Beauxbaton male student said sitting across from Luna.

The Beauxbaton student was tall with short brown hair and blue eyes.

"I'm Allison, but call me Allie" I said.

"Hello Allie. I am Émile" Émile said holding out his hand towards me. He spoke with a french accent.

I held my hand out. Émile grabbed my hand and kissed it. I pulled it back with a blush forming on my cheeks. I tried hiding my blush by moving some of my hair closer to my cheeks.

"You shouldn't hide your blush. It makes you cuter" Émile said.

I couldn't stop my cheeks from turning redder. I never get comments like that.

I felt like someone was starting at me. So I looked around the room and saw a glaring Fred staring at me or was he glaring at Émile?

"Who iz he?" Émile asked looking at Fred.

"Don't mind him. He's just a prat" I said.

"I thought you was friends with Fred" Luna said.

"I was, until he became a stupid git" I said.

"What 'append?" Émile asked.

I explained to Luna and Émile what happened last night.

"He lost a beautiful friend" Émile said.

My cheeks once again turned red.

After lunch I told Luna and Émile I would meet them later for dinner.

As I walked out of the Great Hall I was stopped by George.

"Who was that with you and Luna?" George asked.

"His name is Émile" I said.

"Isn't that a girls name?" George asked.

"No it's a boy's name. It's french" I said.

George and I had to wait for Fred. I would have gone on to Potions, but George made me wait. Once Fred got over to us we went to the dungeon.

Snape had us write an essay about the aging potion.

After potions I walked out of the dungeon and to Professor Filtwicks classroom.

After everyone walked into the classroom. Professor Filtwick told us to practice some charms we learned last year.

Once charms was over I walked to to Hagrid's hut. On the way there I ran into Émile.

"Hello Allie. Why are you out here for?" Émile asked me.

"I have care of magical creatures. What about you?" I asked him.

"I have that class right now" Émile said smiling.

Émile and I walked over to Hagrid's hut.

"Hey Hagrid" I said.

" 'ello Allie and who's this?" Hagrid asked looking at Émile.

"I am Émile Lefèvre. I'm a student from Beauxbaton" Émile said.

" 'ello Émile and welcome" Hagrid said.

After everyone showed up Hagrid started to teach. I noticed Fred was glaring at Émile. After Care of Magical Creatures Émile and I walked back to the castle.

"That boy, Fred keeps glaring at me. Do you know why? I 'aven't done anything to him, have I?" Émile asked.

"You haven't done anything to him and I'll take care of him later" I said.

Once we got to the castle Émile had potions while I had Defense Against the Dark Arts. .


"Alastor Moody" Professor Moody said once class had started.

"Ex-Auror... Ministry malcontent and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me to. End of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" Professor Moody said.

No one raised their hand. He was kind of scary.

"When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?" Professor Moody asked.

Unforgivable Curses? I never knew there was any. But I did come from a muggle family.

"Three Professor" A Slytherin said.

"And they are so named?" Professor Moody asked.

"Because they are unforgivable. If you use any of them the Ministry will" The same Slytherin began, but was cut off by Professor Moody.

"Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban, correct. The Ministry says you're still too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared" Professor Moody said.

"So which curse shall we see first?" Moody asked.

"Weasley" Professor Moody shouted.

I noticed Fred and George jumped a little.

"Stand" Moody said.

"Which one?" They both asked.

"Both of you" Moody said.

Fred and George stood up.

"Give us a curse" Moody said.

"My dad told us about the Imperius Curse" they both said.

"That curse caused a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why" Moody said and walked over to his desk.

Fred and George sat down.

Moody looked through a few jars and reached into one. He pulled out a weird looking bug. Moody pointed his wand at the bug.

"Engorgio. Imperio!" Moody said.

Moody mad the bug flew to a desk near where I was sitting at with George. Fred was sitting beside Lee a few desks back. The two Slytherin students sitting at the desk nearly fainted as it landed on their books.

Moody then made it flew to where I was sitting at. It landed in my hair.

I didn't mind bugs being near me, but not on me.

I started to swat at my hair trying to the get the bug off of me. A few students started to laugh.

"Don't worry. It's completely harmless" Moody said laughing a little.

The bug flew out of my hair and landed on Johnson's face. She let out a scream and tired to smack the bug, but it flew out of the way and she smacked her own face.

Everyone, except her laughed.

After the bug landed on a couple more students Moody brought it to his hand.

"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius Curse. But here's the rub: How do we sort out the liars? Another, another" Moody said.

A few students raised their hands.

"Flint. Up" Moody said.

Flint stood up.

"The Cruciatus Curse. Professor" Flint said.

"The torture curse" Moody said putting the bug down on the table.

"Crucio!" Moody said pointing his wand at the poor bug.

The bug started to screech out in pain. I felt kind of sorry for the bug. I felt tears coming to my eyes.

When Pettigrew killed my mum did he use this curse on her? Or any of the other curses?

I felt George looking at me. Fred and George could tell when I was about to cry.

"Stop it!" I shouted out.

Moody stopped using the curse. Everyone turned to me. Moody got the bug and walked over to where I was at. He laid the bug down in front of me.

"Could you give us the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Black?" Moody asked me.

"I don't know them" I said.

"No? Avada Kedava!" Moody said.

A green light came from Moody's wand and hit the bug killing it instantly.

"The Killing Curse. Only one person has survived it and he goes to the school" Moody said.

Everyone knew he was talking about Harry.

Once that class was over I rushed out of the room. I ran to Mourning Myrtle's bathroom.

"Who's there?" Myrtle asked floating out of her stall.

"Oh it's only you" Myrtle said and floated down her toilet.

I slid down a wall and started to cry.

Seeing that bug being tortured and killed made think of how my mum was killed. Did Pettigrew use those curses on her?

I heard the door opened and closed.

"Go away!" I shouted not looking up at who ever it was.

"A-are you okay?" Neville asked me.

I looked up at him.

"Not really" I said.

"What's wrong?" Neville asked me.

"Sit down. It's a long story" I said.

Neville sat down beside me.

I told Neville what happened in Moody's class and how my mum was killed. I didn't tell him who killed her.

After I told him that, he told me how Moody taught everyone about the curses and how it bothered him.

I never knew Neville's parent's was sent into insanity by the torture curse.

I don't know how long we was in there, but me and Neville became friends after that.

I wiped the tears off of my face and stood up.

"Well I feel a little bit better, now I'm hungry" I said.

Neville got up.

"Me too" Neville said.

Neville and I walked to the Great Hall since it was dinner time.

"Neville, do you want to sit with me, Luna and Émile?" I asked him.

"I can't. I promised Ginny I would sit with her for dinner" Neville said.

"Ooh. Go get her" I said winking at him.

Neville blushed.

"Just watch out for Fred and George" I said.

Neville nodded and walked over to where Ginny was sitting at.

I walked over to where Luna and Émile was sitting at.

"Hello Luna and Émile" I said sitting beside Luna.

"Hello Allie" Émile and Luna said.

We ate dinner and chatted for a while. After dinner I walked to the Gryffindor common room. I was walking towards the girl's dorm when I remember I had to tell Fred to stop glaring at Émile.

So I sat down on one of the couches and waited for Fred to walk in. An hour passed and Fred walked into the room.

"Fred" I said walking over to him.

"What?" He asked me.

"Quit glaring at Émile. He hasn't done anything to you" I told him.

"Who's Émile?" He asked me.

"The Beauxbaton student that you glared at in Care of Magical Creatures" I said.

"Oh him. No I don't think I'll stop" Fred said.

"Why not?" I asked him.

"I don't like him" Fred said.

"You don't even know him" I said.

"You don't either. You just met him this morning" Fred said.

"So" I said.

"You don't hear what boys say in the bathrooms around the castle" Fred said.

"And what do they say?" I asked him.

Fred didn't say. He just stomped up to the boys dorm room.

Maybe I could ask George. Just then George walked into the Gryffindor common room.

"George" I said walking over to him.

"What do guys say in the bathrooms around the castle?" I asked him.

George blinked a few times then started to laugh.

"Why are you asking me about that for?" He asked.

I explained to George what Fred had said a while ago.

"Oh um" George said looking around the common room.

"Oh um. What?" I asked him.

"I don't think you should know" George said and walked up to the boy's dorm.

I glared at the staircase before walking up to the girls dorm room.

When I walked into the room Squirt had a letter. I got the letter from him.

The letter was from Grandma Kindle. I opened it up.

Dear Allison,

I hope your having a wonderful first day back at Hogwarts! I heard about the Tri-wizard Tournament. I hope you don't enter in to it. It's to dangerous.

Love, Grandma Kindle and Grandpa Kindle.

I laid the letter down beside Squirts cage. I started to write to Grandma Kindle.

Dear Grandma Kindle and Grandpa Kindle,

My first day isn't really good, but I made a couple of new friends and lost one. It's Fred. He's such a prat! George, and him wants to enter the tournament. I don't want them too. So Fred got mad and we got into an argument. So now we aren't friends anymore.

I don't like the tournament anyways. I wouldn't mind watching it though, just not watching anyone I know and care for enter it. I'm glad Harry's fourteen.

They only let students who are seventeen or above to enter it. I'm not seventeen yet, even if I was I wouldn't.

Love Allie.

I gave Squirt the letter and he flew out the window. I then got dressed into my pjs and laid down in my bed. I fell asleep.

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