I Found A Way

By TheMShow01

4.4K 306 69

I didn't know what to think when my girlfriend, Melly, told me she was pregnant. Should I be happy? Nervous... More

Chapter 1- Suspicious Sunday, April 13, 2014
Chapter 2- Night Time Sunday, April 13, 2014
Chapter 3- Finally Getting Some Answers Saturday, April 27, 2014
Chapter 4- My Reaction Saturday, April 27, 2014
Chapter 5- The First Ultrasound Friday, May 16, 2014
Chapter 6- Telling My Parents Sunday, May 25, 2014
Chapter 7- Telling Her Parents Sunday, May 25, 2014
Chapter 8- A Surprise Sunday, May 25, 2014
Chapter 9- Parker Family Fun Day Monday, May 26, 2014
Chapter 10- Telling Our Friends Saturday, June 7, 2014
Chapter 11- Monday Morning Monday, June 9, 2014
Chapter 12-Gym Class Monday, June 9, 2014
Chapter 13- Finding A Job Monday, June 9, 2014
Chapter 14- Boy or Girl? Sunday, June 13, 2014
Chapter 15- Band Session Saturday, July 19, 2014
Chapter 16- My Birthday Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Chapter 17- A Date Saturday, August 16, 2014
Chapter 18- At Work Monday, August 18, 2014
Chapter 19- Dinner At Dad's House Monday, August 18, 2014
Chapter 21- First Day Of School Monday September 1 2014
Chapter 22- The Birth of The Drama Queen Monday, September 1, 2014
Chapter 23- Our First Fight Saturday, September 13, 2014
Chapter 24- Fighting For Their Lives Saturday, September 13, 2014
Chapter 25- I'm Here Sunday, September 14, 2014
Chapter 26- In The Hospital Monday, September 15, 2014
Chapter 27- Nurse Melly Sunday, September 28, 2014
Chapter 28- Halloween Friday, October 31, 2014
Chapter 29- Thanksgiving Thursday November 27 2014
Chapter 30- Melly's Birthday Friday, December 19, 2014
Chapter 31- The Baby's Coming Friday, December 19, 2014
Chapter 32- Meeting Our Baby Friday, December 19, 2014
Chapter 33- The Visitors Saturday, December 20, 2014
Chapter 34- Going Home Saturday, December 20, 2014
Chapter 35- Up All Night Sunday, December 22, 2014
Chapter 36- Christmas Thursday, December 25, 2014
Chapter 37- New Years Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Chapter 38- Back At School Monday, January 5, 2015
Chapter 39- Drama At School Monday, January 23, 2015
Chapter 40- Melly Loses Her Mind Friday February 6 2015
Chapter 41- Valentine's Day Saturday, February 14, 2015.
Chapter 42- Two Idiots and A Baby Saturday,
Chapter 43- The Gig Friday, February 27, 2015
Chapter 44- 'H' Is For Humiliation Sunday, March 15, 2015
Chapter 45- Danny's First Baptism Sunday, March 29, 2015
Chapter 46- Easter Sunday April 5 2015
Chapter 47- Mother's Day Sunday May 10 2015
Chapter 48- Son Of A Melly Saturday, May 23, 2015
Chapter 49- Prom Friday, June 5, 2015
Chapter 50- Graduation Day Monday, June 8, 2015
Chapter 51- Job Offer Saturday, June 13, 2015
Chapter 52- The Interview Monday, June 14, 2015
Chapter 53- Father's Day Sunday, June 21, 2015
Chapter 54- Moving Saturday, July 5, 2015
Chapter 55- Before The Wedding Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Chapter 56- The Wedding Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Chapter 57- Honeymoon Thursday, December 20, 2018
Epilogue- Saturday July 4 2020

Chapter 20- Last Day of Summer Sunday, August 31, 2014

56 4 1
By TheMShow01

Recap: Derek and Melly are expecting a child at sixteen. Right now they're on summer vacation, working at Target(well, Melly works at Starbucks, but it is in Target). Derek encountered his father for the first time in twelve years and his father was trying to make up for it by inviting Derek and Melly to dinner, which they took, but Derek refuses to cooperate with him.

Today was the last day of summer, much to everyone in America despair. But I decided since I can't stop time, I'll get one last kick in before school starts tomorrow. I know how much Melly misses being a kid. It's not just the fact that she's pregnant that makes her feel this way, it's just the fact that we're finally seniors that makes her long for her childhood back. I don't blame her, I miss it too. Teen dad or not, growing up is scary yet exciting. You never know what life has in store for you next.

Every year, there's a festival in Sacramento's big huge field to celebrate the ending of summer. There's puppet shows, food, games, carnival rides. It's really fun. While Melly and I can't go on the rides this year, that doesn't mean we can't do everything else while we're here.

I parked on the grass like everyone else, before Melly got up and bolted out of the car. I laughed as I stepped out of the car. "Slow down, speedy." I yelled after her.

She looked back at me, walking backwards. "Well, catch up." She said, turning back around and jogging towards the fair.

"Bitch." I said, a little too loudly.

"Excuse me?" Melly said, making me widened my eyes in fear. Oh, I do not want to make her mad. Especially not here.

"I love you!" I yelled.

"That's what I thought you said." I heard her grumbled. I jogged up to where she is, grabbing her hand as we walked around the festival.

I smiled and said, "So, what do you want to do first?"

"I don't know. What do YOU want to do first?" Michi asked, jokingly.

I laugh and went along with it, "I don't know. I will do whatever you want to do."

"And I will do whatever YOU want to do." She said, with a giggle in her voice.

"Well, fine then. We can walk around and see what they have and get a corn dog." I said.

"Fine! Then we might as well get a juice and cotton candy too." She said.

"Well, fine!" I exclaimed.

"Fine!" She said, looking deeply into my eyes. We bursted into laughter at our little joke. We did our secret handshake, slap our hands to our right, slap left, then fist pump once we were done then we continued our walk with a few giggles left in us. "What can we do?"

I looked around to see what we can do, when I spotted a clown selling balloons. I smiled knowing one way to start our day off. I approached the man giving him twenty-five cents(yes, that's how much it cost).

"Which one do you want?" The clown asked.

"I would like the pink one please." I said.

"Here you go. Enjoy your day!" He said, handing me the balloon.

"Thanks. You too!" I said, going back to Melly, handing her the balloon. "Here you go. One pink balloon for you."

"Aww, thank you, baby. You shouldn't have." Melly said, kissing my lips.

"But I did. Come on, let's see what else they have in store." I said, putting my hands on her shoulder, walking her around the park.

Fifteen minutes and we were laughing and talking, carrying cotton candy in our hands. We lost some good hard-earned money on all the carnival games we've played so far. Luckily, the carnival games didn't cost too much, but we did lose something that could be used towards Junior's college fund to something stupid.

"Oh hey, lets check out this booth." Melly said, dragging me towards a game booth where you squirt water into the clowns mouth. "How much is it to play this game?" She asked the man behind the counter.

"Ten bucks." He stated, looking dead serious at first. He started laughing at Melly's priceless expression. "Just kidding. It's five."That did not help at all as Melly thanked him, dragging me away from the booth.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"We've spent a lot of money today. We don't need to spend anymore." She said, looking serious at me with those big brown eyes of hers.

"Melly, chill out. It's only five bucks." I said, "I know you're going to bring Junior into this, and while the bucks could mean everything to the baby, it doesn't in this case. Just let me do it, okay?"

Melly sighed in defeat, but smiled. "Okay."

I walked over to put my five bucks on the counter. I get three tries. For once I won. I was pretty surprised.

"The yellow Care Bear please." I said to the man behind the counter. I heard him grunt as he plucks the plush toy from it's the rack and gave it to me..

"Have a nice day." He said.

"Thanks." I said, before I turned around and walked away. I love showering my boyfriend with gifts. I don't care how much it cost, I would give her the world if I could. She deserves it. I also love giving her gifts in her least favorite color. In fact she HATES yellow. But I figure she has a lot of pink stuff, she could use a different hue for a change.

She gasped in surprise as I handed her the teddy bear, grabbed it and squeezed it out of my hand. Then again, she loves anything I give her. She's not an ungrateful person. "Thanks Derek, I love Tenderheart Bear." She said.

"You remember the name?" I asked in shocked. She nodded her head. "I don't remember you watching the show."

"They presented the movie on Nick once. I didn't pay too much attention to it, but I do know half of their names. At least the yellow, pink, blue, green, red, orange, and purple bears." She said.

"Oh yeah! I remember the movie. Can't believe you made me sit through that." Looking a bit disgusted as I said the last sentence. That was one of the cheesiest crap I've ever seen in my life. It didn't have a real plot to movie, just something to entertain little kids for an hour and a half.

"You didn't have to. I wasn't paying attention."

"We could've change the channel."

"You know there's nothing good in the morning. I just watched because it was something I felt I could tolerate."

"Well, if you see it like that, then I guess it's not that bad. Besides these bears are cute." I admitted. Don't judge me. I've been buying baby stuff for the past two months. The cute stuff are rubbing off on me.

"Haha, glad you had the guts to admit that. Love it though, even if it isn't in my favorite color." Melly said.

"Glad you do, bae." I said, leaning to kiss her.

"I thought we agreed to not call each other that." She whined as she closed the gap between us. I just chuckled through the kiss. We did. It's just so funny to witness her reaction to whenever I called her that, and she would do the same to me. So basically it was an agreement that has been broken from time to time. But we didn't like to be the rest of the couples of our generation, so we would call each baby or babe instead.

We finally broke apart our kiss for oxygen, held hands as we strolled along the festival, until we spotted a dancing center. We exchanged a smile to each other once we people of all ages dancing with each other and just having a good time.

"Shall we dance, my lady?" I asked, holding my hand out for her.

Melly bowed and said, with a giggle, "We shall, my man."

I held her hand to the dance floor and waltzed with her. We laughed as we danced and spinned each other around. I picked her up and spun her in the air a few times. By the time it was over, it was already eight at night. We were both tired and worn out, but we didn't want to go yet. We decided to go to the beach as way to celebrate our last summer night as free people.


We were laying down on our blanket, looking at the star.

"Those stars are pretty, but they can never outmatch you." I said.

"Aww, Derek. Stop it!" Melly said with a smile as she waved her hand around as if it were not a big deal.

"No, but I'm serious. You're much more breathtaking than the more than trillion stars in the sky." I said as I brushed her cheek with my thumb.

She sat up and said, "Thanks, Derek."

"You're welcome." I said, "You want to go in the water for a little bit."

"But I don't have my bathing suit on and we're at a beach." She said.

"But look around you. It's just us. Besides, why do you care if people see you in your underwear? You should let them see how beautiful you are." I said as I smacked her butt.

She blushed wildly at that.

"I'm not even beautiful.," Melly said, looking down in shame.

While it bugs me to hear how insecure she is, I don't mind repeating the same thing over again. I will continue to do so until she finally admits that she's beautiful and means it. I don't care if it's as late as seventy-five and she has the same mindset. I will tell her what I think of her. I will tell her how much she means to me and how much she make me happy. I want her to accept herself as the beautiful girl that she is.

"Hey! Don't you dare say that about yourself, Melina Martinez! You're not even ugly! In fact, you're the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen in the world. No one and nothing can be compared to you. There's a thousand words I can use to describe you. You're intelligent, brave, strong, worthy, divine, talented, stunning, angelic, sexy, classy, wonderful, fun, amazing, delightful, magnificent and just plain beautiful. I just wish you see you the way I see you."I wiped the tears rolling down her cheek once I finished my mini speech. "I love you forever, Melly. Don't you ever forget that." I said, kissing her forehead.

"You're too good for me, though. Why do you even love me?" Melly asked.

"I just told you why, want me to say it again?" I said, causing her to laugh. "But seriously, there are so many reasons why I love you. So many ways how I can tell you differently. I can write you millions songs and poems telling you why I love you. And I will never stop, even once we're dead and in Heaven, I will never stop loving you. I will never stop telling you why I love you. You've got a special place in my heart, Martinez. You know that."

"I love you too, Derek." She said, her cheeks glowing a bright red. But I can tell I made her happy by

the way her eyes sparkles.

"Now I'm going to try this again: do you want to go into the water?" I asked.

She laughed and said, "Yes. Yes I do"

She reached to the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head.

"Okay, I see how you want this to go." I said as I did the same thing to her, exposing her black bra. I'm sorry, I just had to say it. "Your boobs have gotten so big! I love it!" Causing her to blush even more.

I proceeded to remove her shorts, revealing her in a blue underwear. "Blue? My favorite color. It's like you knew I was going to look at it tonight. Now let's see what's underneath that."

I jokingly reached over to remove the blue, cotton piece of fabric off, but she slapped my hand away.

"No, Derek! Bad boy! I'm already in my underwear, isn't that enough for you?" Melly said.

"Awww, but Mel...let them see how beautiful you are." I said, playfully.

"When you say them do you mean you?" She said, with a smirk on her face.

"You caught me." I said, lifting my hands up in defense

"Mhm. Smooth, Parker. " She said, "Now it's my turn."

She leaned over and unzipped my shorts. My face looked as red as a tomato as I can feel myself growing down there as she left me in my black boxer. She got up with a grin on her face. "You're so sexy, big boy."

"Hehe, thanks." I said, blushing more than I thought I could. "You're sexy too." I commented lightly, poking at a boob.

"Thanks." Melly said, her blush returning to her face. "Last one in is a rotten egg!"

She then let go of my hand and ran towards the ocean. Aww, she's really cute if she thinks she could beat me.

I started to sprint and ran past her to the water. "Haha!" I laughed at her.

"Damn it, you beat me!" She said as she walked in the ocean.

"Haha. Aww, sorry, Mel. Maybe next time." I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

She laughed before I see her leaned up to kiss me. I did the same thing. I closed my eyes as I feel my lips coming closer to hers, when all of a sudden I feel cold water being splashed on my face. I opened my eyes in anger to see Melly standing there in the ocean, trying to look all innocent.

She looked at me, trying to act confused as she said, "What?"

"You fucking tease!" I shouted at her in false anger. "Come here!"

She squeaked and tried to run away from me. Not being a very fast runner, I caught up with her, wrapped my arms around her from behind and gently swung her around in the air again. She laughed as she held herself tightly around my neck before I put her down in the ocean again. After a few minutes of trying to catch our breath, I tickled her. She laughed hysterically and trying to get away from my hands, but I wasn't going to let her have it!

"Stop!...This isn't funny!" She said through the breaks of laughter.

"Then why are you laughing?" I asked, laughing along with her. She really is adorable when I get her to laugh like this.

"Because you're making me, you bastard!" She managed to retort through laughter.

I continued to tickle for one minute before I stopped. I let her catch her breath for a brief second, before I tickled her again causing her to laugh even harder this time. I stopped again, this time for good.

"Oh goodness gracious, Derek! You know I hate being tickled!" Melly said, in an angry voice.

"Yeah, well, you know I hate being teased." I retorted in a calm voice.

"Yeah, well. that's actually funny." She said.

"So is tickling you." I responded.

"Fair enough." She responded.

We were quiet for a second before I broke the silence, saying, "Look Melly, I love you and I always will. These past five months made me feel closer to you than ever before. And there's nothing that can make me happier than that."

"It makes me really happy too. Just promise me, we won't drift apart once the baby is here." She told me, with sadness in her eyes as she said that.

"We won't. Nothing will ever us apart. After all, we're Delina! Nothing can ever drift us apart! You can't have one without the other, or else it wouldn't make sense at all." I told her.

Nothing in the world to make us hate each other. Not even Junior. We're invincible together.

Tears formed in her eyes for the second time tonight as my words echos in her ears. "Oh Derek, nothing makes me happier than to hear you say that to me." Melly said.

"I love you, baby doll. Forever and always." I said.

"I love you too, baby boy. Forever and always." She responded and with that I kissed her on the lips...with no interruption this time. I smiled as I felt her kissed me back. It was amazing and very sensual.

We started to make out a little bit more as I felt Melly wrap her legs around my waist. I moved my hands from her waist to her legs, helping them stay there for as long as they can. We all know where this is headed.


We came out of the ocean once we both had our underwears back on.

"Oh, that was amazing." She commented in amazement.

"Same here." I said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

We sat down on our blanket, trying our best to catch our breaths from sex. Even though it wasn't our first time, it always feels as if it is our first time. Of course, there wasn't any pain or blood that came along with it since I first took Melly's virginity, but I always feel that amazing spark there. It's as if we were meant to be together like that all along.

I looked at my girlfriend and see her body glowing in the beautiful moonlight. A year ago, or even five months ago, if someone were to tell me, this how my life would be today, I probably wouldn't have believed them. However, I would do everything as possible to make it happen. Maybe I wouldn't make Melly pregnant, but who knows? I don't regret it. Come to think of it, I honestly wouldn't change any of this for the world, not one bit.

I smiled to myself as I looked at her staring at the moon. I wrapped my red, plaid shirt over her as I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and kissed her forehead. She laid her head on my shoulder as I laid my head on top of her's, looking in the same direction as her for the rest of the night.

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