Deadpool x reader

By ComicHunter

68.4K 2.4K 988

Oh boy! What a long hiatus! Time for some intense action and tragic love! More

Insane in the brain
The city theif
Beauty and the Beast
Smells like pancakes
The big J
Stalk the Stalker
Home Sweet Home
Family Reunion?

Love at first fight

7.8K 287 63
By ComicHunter

your boss told you to go to a place called the Hellhouse where you'd be guaranteed some mercenary work.

You locate the place known as the Hellhouse, you hear all kinds noises in there, it sounds like everyone is having fun, your boss told you to find a small guy when you go in there, he'll give you a job. As soon as you hold the handle, the door falls down, leaving the handle still in your hand, everything goes silent and all eyes are on you, you quickly throw away the handle and scratch the back of your head while laughing nervously. "Heh heh, I'm pretty sure that door was broken before" you say as you walk in. "I think you're in the wrong place girlie" you look to where the voice came from and saw a small old guy. That must be the guy you have to talk to. "Hmm, nope! pretty sure I came to the right place! I'd like a job please!" you say before everyone starts laughing. "Listen kid, you can't get one that easily, you'll need ta prove that you got what it takes, fight C.F." He says before pointing to some weird blobby dude. You walk up to C.F. and tilt your head. "him?" you ask, the blob known as C.F. nods before saying "I'll try to go easy on ya" you tap your chin and look around the room, you nudge C.F. over to a specific spot in the room before backing up and spreading your arms. "come at me bro!" you yell before C.F. charges at you, you move out of the way and he charges straight onto a table with glasses of beer on it, poor guy had broken glass all over his face. You shrug before stating. "Well, that was easy" The short guy known as Patch raises an eyebrow at you "Now, that wasn't a very fair fight girlie" you look over to him and smirk. "I don't do fair fights" you walk up to him. "Can I get a job now?" Before he could reply, someone else breaks the door that was just putting back up. "Hello ladies! your pimp has arrived!" you hear a guy shout, you turn around and see some dude in a red and black outfit before hearing Patch sigh and say "Hiya Deadpool" that name sounds familiar, you see him walking towards Patch so you quickly moved away next to C.F. "What's the deal with that guy?" you whispered to C.F. "Huh? oh, that's Deadpool, he's extremely deadly and he has a healing factor, so he's impossible to kill" C.F. whispered back. "Extremely deadly huh?" you said to yourself with a smirk, you wanted to see what this deadly merc was made of, so you found a frying pan that was randomly laying on a table for no reason what so ever, it just happened to be there, and threw it straight at Deadpool's head. He turned around and saw you but got hit on the head before he could react, mumbling random things before passing out, once again, all eyes were on you. "Heh heh... oops..." you said nervously, you didn't mean to knock him out, you just wanted to grab his attention. "ARE YOU CRAZY!? YOU JUST KNOCKED OUT DEADPOOL! AW MAN HE'S GONNA KILL YOU!" C.F. shouted, he sounded really freaked out. "Relax blubber, I got dis" you said before dragging Deadpool's unconscious body to a nearby seat. "Any of you geeks got something cold?" you ask, out of nowhere a cold beer can is thrown at you, but you swiftly catch it and push it against the merc's head before turning to Patch. "So... about getting a job..." you said to the midget. He sighed and shook his head. "Yeah yeah, you got it kid" He replied before everyone went back to their business. You yelled triumphantly in your head.

2 minutes later..

You sit there boredly, your hand getting tired from holding the can to his head, you suddenly feel him twiching, you sit up proper and look at down at him, he opens his eyes, seeing your masked face a bit blurry, but as soon as his vision clears he sits straight up with a gun to your head. "You're the missy that threw a skillet at my noggin!" He yelled as he pushed the gun onto the side of your head. You sit there still and calm with a hidden smile, it was as if you didn't care if you were going to be shot dead, oh wait, you didn't. "What? no way! that was play-doh over there who threw it!" you stated, pointing to C.F. "What the!? everyone including Deadpool saw YOU throw it! you are not a nice person!" C.F. said in an upset and offended tone. "Aww, blaming poor, innocent C.F. are we?" Deadpool said as kept looking straight at you. You shrugged. "Meh, worth a try, right?" you replied, looking back at him. It was a moment of intense staring before Deadpool put away the gun and started laughing. "Ha! blaming C.F.! classic! I like you! what's yer name!?" Deadpool asked, swinging an arm around your shoulders. "Nunya" you replied. "Nunya?" he asked. "Yeah, Nunya Business." You stated, crossing your arms. "nice to meet'cha Nunya business!" He said as he shook your hand. You chuckled a bit before adding. "Nice to meet you Deadpool, I'm actually (Anti hero name) but whatever y'know, whatever fits" you say as you shake back with just as much force. "Hey what's-yer-face! do you want a job or not?!" Patch yells over to you, you roll your eyes and walk up to him. "Alright gnome, what d'ya have?" You grin, Patch raises an eyebrow before speaking. "It's a two person job, got a partner?" he asks, now it was your turn to raise an eyebrow "Pfft, I don't need a partner shortstack, now what's the job?" before Patch could speak, Deadpool swings in behind you and glady states. "I'll be your partner in crime! in justice! in love~" He wriggles his eyebrows at the last part. You chuckle a bit before sighing. "Weeeeell... I guess could let ya tag along" you say with a shrug. He grins widely and shakes your hand frantically. "Oh geez thanks boss! ya won't be disappointed!" He yells in a geeky voice. You just stare at him for a moment before bursting into laughter, you settle down a bit before taking the paper that had the job and reward on it and walking out the Hellhouse, you turn to Deadpool with a grin. "C'mon Boy Wonder, let's go catch some baddies"

A.N. Sorry if this was short, and took a while to update, I've been stacked with chores so I never got around to writing this, but here it is now! hope you enjoyed reading it! Thanks for being awesome!

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