
By luv234_luv

873K 36K 5.7K

Lyra Jay Kellie has just had the second worst day of her entire life. It's right up there at the top of the l... More

2: Marcus
3: Help who?
4: Fish jerky
5: They'll be back right?
6: Two weeks later
7: Lyras valley
8: One Week
9: Paws off
10: What happened?
11: If I wasnt here, you'd be dead
12: It felt good
13: I'll live
14: I'm going crazy
15: Trophy over dinner
16: What are we doing?
17: Stupid gravity
18: It's just a little storm
19: A two year olds work
20: Life is a bitch
21: Missing my hunting partner
22: Night under the stars
23: Habits
24: Crush
25: Matt?
26: Too damn early
27: Teach me your ways Yoda
28: Mine
29: Wanna go elk hunting?
30: I look like Katniss
31: Happy Birthday!!
32: Oops
33: No worries, right?
34: Cabin fever
35: Evil fun
36: I hate winter
37: Tickle fight
38: Trapped
39: Star Map
Hey guys! Please read so you understand!
40: Maisha Mapya
41: She didn't plan on me
42: Whats up with you?
43: What are you, a rock?
44: Makin' faces
45: What the hell am I doing?
46: You promised
47: It's a no pants day
48: Moving day
49: Bad Luck or Something
50: Follow my finger
51: The Cabin in the Woods
52: Spring Cleaning
53: UCC
54: It's a hot one
55: Dirty Dancing
56: Clark
57: Lucy
58: Necessities
59: This happens a lot
60: Retirement
61: I know how he is
62: Two days time
63: We didnt know!
64: You touch her you die
65: My first Rodeo
66: My first Rodeo pt 2
67: Last day of you
68: Forget about it all
69: Just a few more days
70: Bring her back
71: Oh the irony
72: Damsel in distress
73: Do we have a deal?
74: Breached
75: Two shots
76: A lucky one
77: Who knew they were insane?
78: Goin' crazy
79: You had me at steak n' beer
80: I approve
81: I like galas
82: Black Beauty
83: I want one
84: Pictures and Memories
85: Epilogue
Epilogue 2 (as requested)
3/23/18: New Book!

1: Annoying little Brat

38.9K 798 293
By luv234_luv


"Lyra! Come here now!" I yelled, irritatedly tapping the toe of my shoe.

"What, what do you want?"

She stalked into the room as if she owned the place. Well, news flash, I own this place. Half of it at least. It's my right and no one around here seems to act like it.

"What is this mess?" I demanded and looking at all the filth on the floor and then back at Lyra. This is disgusting, who lives like this? When I was a teenager, I never lived like this.

"Um, I'm packing. I'm going to go with dad to Fort Peck," she quipped and I glared at her. This girl has such an attitude and David never fixed it. That's what happens when you baby twenty year olds.

"Well do you have to make a damn mess just to pack a few bags?" I crossed my arms over my chest. She mirrored my glare and frustration bubbles in my chest.

"It's not a mess. But don't worry, I know where everything is and I'll be out of here tomorrow," she smirked at me, putting a hand on her hip.

"Thank god..." she muttered under her breath.

"You disrespectful, annoying little brat. Someone is going to have to teach you to have some manners," I said lowly.

"Oh I have manners, you're just not worthy of receiving them," Lyra said defiantly. I could feel my blood boil and my face redden.

"And how exactly am I not worthy in your eyes?" I said through clenched teeth.

"Well, let's see. One, you're a bitch. Two, you're trying to steal all of my fathers money but let's face it, as long as I'm around, you won't touch it. Three, I just plain resent you. Do you need more reasons? I have a list," she chuckled.

We were far past civil commentary.

"I am not trying to take your fathers money!" I gasped. Lie, but she's only a witless teenager, she doesn't know any better.

Really, David is loaded. I would love to get in on more than what I'm privy to, but he's got little miss everything and would hand his still beating heart over to this little rat.

"You're a liar," Lyra spat flatly.

"That's it! Give me your phone, your grounded!" I held my hand out to take her phone.

I had to do something about this girl or I'll never get anything I need to do done, dammit.

Lyra let out a humorless guffaw "I'm twenty years old and pay my own phone bill. You've got no right."

She continued to laugh, making me angrier by the minute. This girl was a walking entity of sass and I was close to beating it out of her.

"Wow, you're really off you're rocker now. Does dad know you're getting crazier every year?" she chuckled and quirked the corner of her lips into that annoying little smirk of hers.

"Listen here missy! I won't tolerate-" I started to hiss but she cut me off rudely.

"Listen here gold digger, my dad may think you're some kind of role model for me, but I will never in my life obey you. And I mean ever," She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Wait till I tell you're father how you treat me!"



I stared the old crone down. This chick thought she could look all mean and twisted to scare me but it just makes me laugh. I'm twenty years old and she calls me a teenager. I call her an old lady. She comes in here acting like that? Yeah, I'm not in a good mood anymore.

I laughed again at her threat but stopped to look her dead in the eye "Do it, I dare you. No, matter of fact, I invite you. I wanna see his reaction. And then, I will tell him how I caught you trying to transfer our saved money to your own private account. He will see the movement of the money in the files in the guarded section and then he will take his money back and throw your raggedy ass out on the curb where you belong."

I knew what I was talking about. And I had already put the money back where it needed to be, but she didn't need to know that.

She may be older but I doubted she knew more than I did. After I caught her, I stocked up on information so she couldn't loophole her way round me. I would never let that happen to my dad and I.

"I-I was securing some of the money!" Alexandra protested, sputtering. She honestly thinks I'm stupid. That money was already secure.

"Sell that shit to someone stupid enough to buy it," I rolled my eyes dismissively and zipped my bag. I needed to get out of here before I put her through the window.

"You will listen to me, or else," she pointed a bright red fingernail at me.

I looked at the finger and then back up to her "Seriously? Why do you even bother trying?"

Her face turned as red as her nails and I held back a laugh.

"Look what you're doing! Gah, my blood pressure is probably sky high! Your going to give me a heart attack one of these days! Then you'll be sorry, you'll regret it!" She hissed at me and pulled at her top.

I gave her the fakest smile I have ever pulled "No, I won't be sorry or regretful, in fact, I'll be happy. So happy, I will dance on your grave."

She let out a strangled noise and took a step towards me, looking like she could kill. One hand pulled back, readying for a slap.

My hand curled into a fist as I growled, "Bitch if I can climb Mt. Everest, I can punt your scrawny ass across this room. Don't touch me."

She started mumbling harshly. Then she sucked in a deep breath, smoothed her dark red skirt, fixed her matching blazer, turned around, and stalked out if my room. Her short, fake, blonde hair bobbing behind her. She really needed to get her roots redone.

I held my head up high. Ah yes, the feeling of sweet victory. Alexandra always seemed to forget what I was capable of. 

When I was fourteen, my dad thought I needed a woman role model. The whole idea of me being a teenager without my mother seemed to scare him, so he married a 'well rounded' and 'goal set woman' to help me.

But trust me here, Alexandra does nothing but sleaze around and try to get a hold of my dads hard earned money. There are no goals for her, other than trying to drain our money.

I caught her trying to transfer over half of our emergency safe money to her own account and swore her off as bad news. It's been years since then but I'll never forget.

I never did like her and I never will.

Now, whenever she's around me, I devote that short amount of time to send her dirty looks and make sure I remind her of what she did.

I started to pull more things out of my closet to pack, grumbling to myself.

Pft, this chick thinks she can run this place, yeah right.

She's tried for years and each time I've kept her from gaining anything.

My dad, oh my poor sweet, innocent, naive dad, he's clueless. He says I'm going through a phase and that I was working some things out.

I don't let Mrs. stick-up-my-ass's secret out so I can hold something against her. Plus, I don't want to upset dad.

Ugh, now what to bring. There's always so many cute and comfy outfits but such a short time. I went ahead and grabbed most of my comfy clothes. I stuffed them into my suit case, pushing it towards my hiking bag.



I briskly made my way back to the kitchen. I've had it with Lyra, she's not going to be in my way much longer. I won't allow it. I'm sick of her and I'm sick of this. She ruins everything and I've been pushed too far!

I picked up the phone and dialed a familiar number. I dreaded the up coming conversation though.


"Richard, I need you to do something," I said flat out, I've been waiting too long for small talk. I have no time for chatter.

"Ah, dear sister, what can I do for you?" He chuckled.

"I've got a problem that is upsetting my plans," I growled quietly, tapping my nails on the counter agitatedly.

"Mmhmm, that same problem that's been there for years? And you need me why?" He hummed leisurely, the lazy bastard.

"Because I want to get rid of that problem, you simpleton!" I snapped, trying to control my temper.

"What do I get out of it?" He asked.

Ugh, always one to make a bargain or trade. You could never get around my brother and you could never owe him anything.

"We will discuss that later. It will be fair, but this must be done quickly."

"Alright, don't get your granny panties in a twist. I'll see what I can do but how far are you willing to go?" He sighed and shuffled around on the other side of the line.

"As far as I need to. Lyra is the only thing blocking me. I have to get her out of my way, you know how long it's been Richard!"

"Okay, if you say so. Any ideas?"

"She's going to meet her father in fort peck Montana tomorrow," I offered and looked at my nails. One of them had a chip in the corner, damnit. Now I have to get the whole hand redone.

"Who's she flying with?"

"All I know is she's taking a regular plane to Devanside and then that grungy old bush pilot is taking her to David."


"Yeah, him, whatever. Just fix this," I growled.

"I'll see what I can do sis, in the mean time, start working out our shares," Richard chuckled.

I hung up and started myself a cup of tea. Perfect, this was going to work. I could just feel it.

I chuckled at the ideas that Richard might have to get rid of Lyra. He was always a creative brother. I knew he got rid of people. They just disappear into thin air. That's why I called, he has connections and will give me the advantage.

"Nice, very nice. This will be over soon," I said to myself and took a sip of tea. Hmm, needs more sugar.


First chapter down!! This is my first book so don't judge! I hope this isn't too short but my chapters will get longer, I promise.

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