Innocence Lost: Ashton's Story

By Lashtongivesmehope

524 35 18

The internet can be a deadly place. When Ashton meets a "nice girl" on a chatroom, they form a great friendsh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapeter 8
Chapeter 9
Chapeter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapeter 17

Chapter 5

18 2 0
By Lashtongivesmehope

I spent the next month talking to Ella and lost all connection with my family and my friends. Everyday was the same routine; wake up, turn my computer, make breakfast, and talk to Ella. I spent my summer vacation talking to her and it was like we were best friends. She told me things that she told no one else. She told me that I was special and wonderful. It made me feel good and I told that she was kind and amazing. We laughed at all the stuff things we said and cried when we told each other sad stories of our past. 

My parents weren't happy that I was spending all my time online though. They say that my friendship won't last and that it's just "teenage love". I got furious at them all the time now because they wouldn't let me be with Ella. They're just jealous that they didn't grow up in the world that I live in. I started getting into serious arguments with my parents now. We would scream at each other and my dad would even start swearing at me saying:  "I will take that computer and throw it down to the depths of fucking hell!" I always yell back and told that I would just run away and kill them. I never meant it but my temper would always fall apart 

My brother also has been affect my new lifestyle. We always used to play outside and do crafts and playful wrestle around but now we are as close as strangers. One day me and Ella were talking and I saw that Luke was standing at the door way

"What do you want?" I said

"Can we play now?!?!" Like whined

"Go play with your sister." I said closing the door

He slammed the door open and fought back with me:

"All you do is talk to that slut and you never spend time with me!" He yelled

"Hey! Don't call her slut! She's not a slut oaky?" I snapped

"Well I'm...MAD!!!" He screamed "You never want to hang out with me anymore and you spend all your time with some girl who might never meet you. What happened to my brother?" 

I looked at him and turned away "Enough, go away. I don't want to talk anymore."

I looked at him and he began to cry. He slammed the door and I didn't know what happened after that. He was right. I turned into a complete ass. I knew he was going to tell on me but I didn't care. I dug my head into my desk. I heard my dad call me from downstairs 

"Ashton, come down hear right now." He said

"Okay" I said.

I turned off my computer and asked into the kitchen. I saw my dad sitting at the table with my mom, sister, and brother.

"Your brother told me what you did to him. That was completely uncalled for and you know I tolerate no neglect in this house. U you  Show everyone more respect, I'm going to have to take that computer away." My dad said

I completely lost my mind 



The whole room went quite and no spoke. My brother and sister looked terrified. 

"Victoria,Luke go to your rooms please." My dad sighed

"Okay" they said

Victoria and Luke walked up the stairs to their rooms shaking with each steps they took. My mom and dad look at me with disrespect and anger. I knew that they were dispapointed but they also are ashamed with me too.

"I can't believe you yelled at your own mother Ashton. What happened to my good son" my dad said

"He went to hell, that's what happened. And if you don't like it, you can kiss my ass dad." I yelled

"Say that again," my mom growled " YPU WILL MEVER SEE THE SUNLIGHT EVER AGAIN" 

"Oh please, you don't scare me" I said 

"Go..."my dad said 

"I swear to god Ashton, go right now" my dad said

I slowly walked up the stairs with my mom walking behind me. I unlocked my bedroom door and we walked into my room. I unplugged my computer wires and never looked up, knowing that my mom looked down angrily. She took my computer and walked away. Before she left she said:

"You won't be seeing this computer and the light for a long time." She said

She walked out of my room and slammed it, locking the door behind. I fell into my bed wiping the tiny tears flowing down. I screwed up blandly and it's all my fault.

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