
By GiantSquidOfHogwarts

334 58 90

Highest #72 The world was in shambles. Again. Disaster had struck on earth. With only the Special superhuman... More

0// Ғoreward
2// Raмen rυмвle
3// тнυѕ ιт вegan
4// Kιll oғ тнe nιgнт

1// Darĸ lιeѕ

85 14 22
By GiantSquidOfHogwarts

Playlist to listen to while you read if you wish:

I woke up as the haze began to clear away. The last thing I remembered was the echo of fallen soldiers. The screams of lost hope and despair before the world went black.




I blinked a few times and glanced around. A single flickering bulb lit the entire room. The walls were tall and dark, and the room itself seemed to be a giant rectangular box. I wasn't sure though, shadows cast darkness upon the corners.

I spotted a set of stairs climbing up to a single, looming door, and the lack of windows led me to conclude the place was underground.

A different, strange scent remained in my nose making me crinkle it and sneeze. It was odd, yet somewhat familiar.

Groaning slightly, I stood up to scan the area around me. Everything reeked of decaying flesh and blood. A thick, white cloud gathered around and broken objects were scattered across the floor.

Shuffling forward, every sound seemed amplified. I tripped over a body and landed on all fours. I glanced at the face, recognition dawning on me. Nadine. Her chocolate skin looked sickly and ashy. Her chipmunk cheeks were caved in. Her bright brown eyes stared lifelessly ahead. Her blonde curly hair hung around her face like a halo and was matted with blood. Her mouth open and her face contorted to shock.

"Shame..." I muttered under my breath. I faintly remembered her infectious laugh and joyful grin.

I scrambled up to my feet and glanced down at my white shirt to find a maroon stain. I bent down and shifted Nadine's hand to find a small blade jutting out oh her stomach. Well someone didn't have a happy end. I sighed and moved on. If ghosts were real, I'd be haunted to insanity.

A silent chill went through me; I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching. I stepped towards the meager light that filtered through the closed door. Glass crunched and dust clouded.

"Leaving already are we?" A deep chuckled sounded from the shadows. The attached tall and muscular body stepped out to the light noisily.

"There is no reason for me to stay," I sighed and turned around to find my long time friend. Miles had the knack of being everywhere at once, even if you didn't want him there. "Any louder and you'll wake up the dead," I added.

"That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, maybe they'd tell us why they're all dead. Do you remember what happened? I woke up a bit before you. How did we end up here?" Miles rambled with a slight edge to his tone. The place was filled with betrayal and broken promises.

"Well, the fact it's a war bunker and pretty much everyone's dead," I stated and poked the nearest rotting corpse with my foot, "I'd say something big happened here," I concluded lamely.

"Oh really? I thought this was my birthday party," Miles shot back sarcastically.

"Of course it is, that's why they all died of boredom," I retorted and chuckled, " A classic Miles Theta birthday party. Did you find anything?"

He shook his head and walked closer, "Nope, I've mostly spent my time staring at that door and waiting for someone else to hopefully wake up," His cornflower blue eyes were hard to see in the meager light.

I laughed and picked up a long jagged piece of glass up, "What? Too scared to go out alone?"

Miles gave me a wry smile and ran his fingers through his light brown hair, "You know it, sweetheart."

I chuckle and examined the sharp glass in my hand, deciding it to fit for a makeshift weapon. Glancing back at Miles, I saw he was still on edge. The dark and small spaces always made him nervous, not that I could blame him. If I had suffered what he had in Camp Galician, I'd be jumpy too.

Shaking off my thoughts, I remembered the scent from earlier, "Hey, do you smell anything weird?" I asked curiously, try to place it.

"No..." He answered, giving me a strange look, "Although it does sort of smell like raspberries," he added unhelpfully.

I nodded and crouched down to the nearest body to try to find something useful. I mean it's not like they need it anymore. Coming up with nothing, I moved onto the next girl. She, on the other hand, had an olive green cargo jacket; it would be a crime not to wear it. I slipped it off her limp body and slid it on. I also pulled the ponytail holder from her hair and swiped my straight black hair into a ponytail. The scents of rotting corpses and, weirdly caramel, permeated the air.

"At least you have your priorities straight Jade," He shook his head and chuckled, "I have something for you by the way," Miles reached down to grab something, "I made this waiting for someone to come."

It was a long dirty piece of wood with both the sides sharpened to a point and pieces razor-edged glass attached. "I know how you like double sided spears and all," He started shyly.

"How did you know I'd be here and awake?" I asked, trying to contain my excitement as I reached for the weapon. I loved spears; they made me remind me of my childhood back in the Wales. My mom taught me in secret in 1869, when I was barely a child, but that did not deter her from sneaking me away from my father to let me practice. All the talk about what a proper lady should be was suffocating. 1,600 years later and a spear is still my weapon of choice. 

"Um I didn't," Miles admitted, pointing to the ground full of sharp wood, "I kind of just made makeshift weapons for everybody."

"Nice," I laughed and stepped over bodies, dust flying into the air. I crept towards the door and being careful no to let anything else stir. I could hear Miles's clumsy footsteps following me.

"Could you be any louder?" I sighed, "and that's not a challenge," I turned to find Miles with one leg in the air about to stomp. He sheepishly put his foot down as I rolled my eyes.

I jiggled the handled before facing Miles again, "Are you sure you don't remember anything?" I asked clutching my spear.

"Positive, Everything is kind of a haze. I just remember bits and pieces, seeing you helped clear some things though. Whatever happened here was big, and we weren't prepared for the aftermath," Miles confessed, weapon in hand. He must have picked it up for his pile. It was a long piece of thick wood with sharp jagged glass tied to the end. If you wanted something from nothing, Miles was your guy.

I could feel he wasn't telling me something but I decided to let it go. I just wanted to get out of here. Taking a deep breath in, I slowly tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. Having very little patience, I wasn't in the mood to search for a key or bobby pin to pick it with. I was a bit rusty, but what good are enhancers if you don't use them?

Closing my eyes, I touched the handle and waited for my hand to start growing warmer and warmer until I had a mini fire. It was hot enough to melt through the metal of the door and let me free. The fire didn't burn me at all; the intensity of the heat did make my hand tingle a little bit though.

After the metal had melted completely, I stepped outside to see the cloudy sky.

If you guys are confused, don't fret. All your questions will be answered in the next few chapters. Or if you have any questions, comment below.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter ^_^ Vote and comment below what you thought. Much Appreciated!

XOXO Giant Squid

( P.S. vote for a cookie! )

(( P.P.S Comment for cake! ))

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