The Alphas' Little Luna

JaneEdwinstowe द्वारा

599K 12.9K 1.4K

He pushed me up against the locker, holding me close so i could not get away. He pressed his face into the c... अधिक

The Alphas' Little Luna
Chapter 1 Mate
chapter 2 My Mate Doesn't Know?!?!
Chapter 3 Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 2)
Chapter 4 And the Clock Struck Twelve
Chapter 5 Fate Just Hates Me
Chapter 6 Escaping School Guards and Meeting a Genius.
Chapter 7 Interrogations and Stupidity
Chapter 8 It's a Bond Thing
Chapter 9 Red Eyes and the Barrier Affects
Chapter 10 Accepting The Bond
Chapter 11 Family
Chapter 12 Attractions
Chapter 13 A Twist in School Life
Chapter 14 Die Subway {Part I}
Chapter 15 Die Subway {Part II}
Chapter 16 No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk
Hello All

chapter 3 Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 1)

35.9K 789 76
JaneEdwinstowe द्वारा

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW it has been a while ( well longer than usual) since I have last updated and I am finally ready to do this poo ( as I refer to all work because you know.. it is so flipping hard). Anyway not much to say besides finally out of school for spring break WOOOHOO yep happiness of sleeping until 12 in the afternoon. ( Yes I really can and do sleep that late. DO not judge me for this I am an author and I need SLEEP.) Hope you enjoy the new chapter. FINALLY


Chapter # Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 1)

{Riley POV}

I woke up early in the morning. For some odd reason my wolf was so excited to get me to school. She rushed me into the shower and I clumsily slipped and whacked my head. "OWW. Why can't you let me take my time flee bag. It isn't like I have anything to look forward to so you might as well stop pushing me.", I mumbled to myself, but of course she heard. 'Yes we sure DO. I can't wait to meet.. THE ONE.'

"Ok. That is way to cheesy for even me", I said trying to talk to my wolf, but she decided to go into lala hormone land. I sighed as my wolf ranted on and on and on about how amazing my mate would be. How we will not be able to resist such gorgeousness. I kinda got annoyed when she said that though. Apparently I don't get a choice on who I chose to like or not. It has to be Mr. Mate because of the crap bond we "supposedly have".

Well to me that is a whole bunch of bull. Even though I will never have a man of my own because I am a freak, I would very much appreciate the chance to choice and not have to be told you will be with this person whether you like it or not.

I jumped out the shower and took my time to dry myself off successfully annoying my would when I took the time to thoroughly massage my toes and fingers. "Hurry up before I chop off your fingers. Then you would run around screaming your head off until you fall down a bridge and DIE. You don't want me to cause your death would you.", she said acting all smug. I smiled brightly as I replied. "Has my wittle wolfy woof forgotten? If you kill me you kill yourself which means you are a murder and caused your suicide, preventing you from going to doggy heaven.", I said grinning triumphantly. I could feel my wolf rolling her eyes. "There is no such thing as doggy heaven.", she remarked trying to get the last word. "Yea, but if you kill us then we wont meet our "mate" , so ha!", I yelled triumphantly just as bellina walked into the room. She looked at me like I was crazy then told me that there was sausage, eggs, and pancakes downstairs ready for me to devour.

I almost kissed her. She knows I love pancakes. They are better than waffle and one day I will hopefully prove that to the world. I mean I hate it when people say they are the same because. THEY ARE NOT. There is obviously a texture difference. If people tell you others then they are lying and probably have taste buds that are like 1000 years old. 'Yep because that is obviously the answer', Misty ( my wolf if you've forgotten) said sarcastically.

I practically flew down the stairs, no  

literally. When people say flew down the stairs they usually mean run really fast, but when I say it I mean I ran to the top of the stair and tripped successfully landing on my butt at the bottom stair before touching the earth again. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH", Bellina screeched as she did just witness me fall down over 100 stairs. Usually most people would have dislocated their body right about now, But you guessed it. I am a werewolf with unnatural healing qualities. Yay for me. Instead of crying for a hospital. I moaned in pain of the already healing bone.

So like the genius person I am I decided crawling the rest of the way to the kitchen would be best. When I finally got there I pulled the plate of food to a near by footstool and ate it. after getting seconds, then thirds, I finally left with a worried Bellina waving at the door as I drove down the street. I drove up to the school about 10 minutes later and sighed.

this was it. Back to the hell hole of a place where every single student thought of me as a freak. a few people spotted my car and immediately started to head toward the high building. Asoka was had very weird and complicated system. there was a high school curriculum and a college curriculum. The school was also a boarding school so it had the largest campus I have ever seen. Think of a boarding school and a college campus combined. yep that is basically Asoka in a nutshell.

Looking at my watch I saw that I was already late and I needed to go get my stuff before class started. Not that I really needed it because I already did my homework for the week. Whatever. I still needed a pencil. I trudged up the stairs to the main High school building and passed by the smokers and people who skip school. Misty gagged, but I was gonna take my time even though I was late. One of the main ditchers and smokers who was kinda of popular, Justin Lander, blocked my path. He smiled at me and brushed my bang to the side. This action made me freeze. ok usually he would just glance in my direction and continue to talk to his group, but for some reason He was possessed to confront me today. I blinked and he grinned. "

Hiya Charlie the unicorn play tag-a-boo with me", he said in a slow and funny voice. I sighed in relief. Oh he was high, that totally made sense. 'Did you know you are really pretty up close Charlie. I wonder why I have never noticed before", he said successfully making me blush. I looked down and bit my lip in nervousness. No boy has ever had the stomach or motivation to compliment me before. "You are really cuter than that pee-pee haired phony Briggs.", he said making me laugh. Then he ruined the mood. "I would totally fuck you", He said smiling all goofy like. Yep definitely HIGH. He had not idea what He was saying. I walked passed him blushing and headed for my locker.

Well that was not awkward", I mumbled to myself as I looked for my locker. I found it next to one of the classrooms. A whole 2 flights away from my home class. I opened my locker and with held the scream that fought to surface from my mouth. Out of my locker tumbled a fake bloody decapitated head with a zombie look and an ax in its head. I picked up the prop and tossed it a good 12 feet into a trash bin. Unfortunately I did not notice the wire that was attached to the head and When I tossed the head. All of the things out of my locker tumbled.

I mentally groaned and my wolf growled. 'The lot of sluts', She growled out suggesting that they did this. I nodded. Only the plate that will hold the cake of this day. I mean I did disrespect queen B*tch last time I was in school. It would have to be a miracle if they decided to leave me alone for the day. Sigh, unfortunately that would not be happening.

I started to reload my once neatly stacked locker with my belongings. While I was putting the last of it away, I smelt it. The worlds greatest scent I had dubbed it and I noticed how it was getting stronger. Which meant one thing. That whoever the owner of this scent was fast approaching. I now was practically throwing things in my locker when I heard footsteps. Part of me was excited to meet the stranger, and the other half of me wanted to leave. Ok more like one third wanted to leave. WHAT? I know it is kind of creepy, but I can't help myself. ' Told ya', My wolf said smugly. I groaned, SHUT UP. I yelled playfully back at her.

I was almost done when I heard the footsteps stop almost a few feet away. For a moment I went rigid as I felt his stare. YEP definitely a male scent, I confirmed as I indulged my sense of smell with this wondrous smell. I slowed down what I was doing so I would not have to leave sooner. I felt like such a creepy stalker. Normal people would introduce themselves and would not be intoxicated with a persons smell. Unfortunately I am a werewolf and am not normal in any way shape or form. hell, I did not even look normal.

I could not take this anymore. I turned as normally as possible to face HIM. Misty seemed to be all out in a Dazed as she sucked in his appearance. A mop of golden hair from the sun that has grazed the earth adding a slight brownish mix. Blu-ish green eyes that any girl would swoon at, a defined jaw and as I scaled down I instantly knew he had very toned abs. I wonder what they feel li- No stop bad girl dammit. do not think like that. This person is a stranger he could be dangerous. But for some reason my whole being did not agree and I almost immediately felt bad for thinking like that.

I was about to walk forward when Someone's glare distracted me. OH NO. Queen B*tch alert. Yes ladies and Gentleman the wicked witch of the west the horrendous Chelsea Briggs stood a few feet behind the beautiful stranger. She glared a dark and deadly glare that made the message clear. DO not approach him. He is mine. off limits. Leave before I make you.

I suddenly felt anger shoot up in me. I felt a strong possessiveness over him suddenly and that scarred me. SO if not for her deadly glare, then for my new feelings, I fled. I fled to the staircase down the hall and I never once looked back. I ran up the two flights and quickly made it to my class. I was already 10 minutes late I knew Mrs. Lily would not be pleased.

I looked through the small window that was on the door to the classroom and I immediately saw the opportunity. Mrs. Lily was walking to the back of the classroom. I silently opened the door and closed it without making a sound. None of the students noticed for they all had their gaze trained on Mrs. Lily. I took a step and regretted instantly my mistaken move. A loud creak came from the floor board underneath me. All heads snapped to me. I smiled sheepishly. "Uhh.......I can explain why I was late", I said to the glowering Mrs. Lily. "Oh Please do inform us why. Ms. Coleston." "You see... I had a run in with some problems.", I said. 'Yeah Riley cause that totally sounds acceptable'. Misty said through mind link. "Oh and pray tell, what did you run into that caused you difficulty to make it to class on time.

Oh you know. My wolf would not stop yapping about this stranger with a glorious scent. I flew down the stairs this morning which I should have broken my tail bone and been to the hospital, But no worries I am totally fine since I am werewolf. I pulled up to school and was confronted by a popular person who, smokes and was high, but actually does not like and hasn't had sex with Chelsea Briggs. Oh yea I came to my locker and a decapitated rolled out of my locker. oh do not worry, fortunately it was fake. But when I tossed it in the trash 12 feet away perfectly, all my things fell out of my locker. So I was putting my things away and the mystery hottie- wait scratch that I never said that. the mystery person who my wolf Misty and I are obsessed about I=his scent, came. I turned around and was bout to say hi, but the underworlders came up and brought their queen, Chelsea and I believe she tried to pull me six feet under, because with a glare like hers I was surprised I did not have a heart attack from its intensity. Yep then I fled up here. Believable story right. NOT

"I - I almost got in a car accident", I said looking her straight in the forehead. yep I said forehead. I cannot lie to people when I look them in the eyes, so I suffice for the forehead. And it works as long as their a good distance away. She gave me a stern look saying that we would discuss the real reason after class. "Ok, well please sit'', she said and continued with her lecture.

The rest of the class period was spent on me thinking about That gorgeous god of a man instead of a good excuse for why I was late.


UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH finally finished. I am soooo sorry it took so long to update. I was just so lazy over spring break. I promise now that school is starting I will be updating every week or two.

Back stage -new bit-

Riley: yess no more work.

Author; what are you talking about you still have to do the whole thing again. We have not filmed anything.


Author: COOLE

Cole chases after Riley.

Riley: This is *pants* Injustice to* pants* the actors *pants*

Cole: I gotcha

Riley: NOOOOOOOOOOOO save me my fans plz. I deserve my FRE- * cut off by peck on the cheek from Cole*

Riley: Ok lets get back to work

!!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!_! don't judge short chap I know




and all that shiz

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