The Abductor Hotelier EBS 4 (...

By MsDreamerGirl84

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Warning: For mature readers only (18+). COMPLETED They started out rough. He took everything in a businesslik... More

A Note From The Author
Chapter 1: The Encounter
Chapter 3: The Job
Chapter 4: Exclusive Waiter
Chapter 5: Undeniable Attraction
Chapter 6: The Remedy
Chapter 7: Her Family
Chapter 8: The News
Chapter 9: The Dilemna
Chapter 10: My Hot Captor
Chapter 11: His fake Girlfriend
Chapter 12: Where Temptation Begins....
Chapter 13: Slowly Falling into the Pit
Chapter 14: Hating the Ruined Moment
Chapter 15: How to treat the troublesome
Chapter 16: Cruising with Love
Chapter 17: The Relationship
Chapter 18: The Petty Quarrels
Chapter 19: The Unwelcome Company
Chapter 20: The Dinner with Unwanted Company.
Chapter 21: Senseless Love
Chapter 22: The Party with her nightmare
Chapter 23: Her Knight in Suit
Chapter 24: Their both life-changer
Chapter 25: The man he's after
Chapter 26: His Proposal and Her Reaction
Chapter 27: The Finding of Justice
Chapter 28: The Chase and The Revenge
Chapter 29: The Final Truth
Chapter 30: Receiving Justice and The Wedding
Unsure which to do Next.
Nicolas Petropoulis Story

Chapter 2: Mr. Arrogant

132K 3.9K 156
By MsDreamerGirl84

"Women scheme when they are weak, they lie out of fear. Men scheme when they are strong, they lie out of arrogance." ― Julian Barnes


[Yvonne's POV]

Oh God, not him! I don't care if he's Hades reincarnation, with his piercing gray eyes that could penetrate deep within your souls, his perfect angular face that is like curved by a legendary sculptor, his stubborn nose, and his lips with a smirked curved on its side. He is like a devil, looking at me, ready to take my breath away.

No. Don't show you're intimidated Yvonne. You have encountered and mingled with some of their kinds and you have not intimidated yet. Not to him! I kept telling myself as I tried to relax myself and act calmly, ignoring that odd, but pleasant feeling of seeing him again.

I instilled in my head our unpleasant encounter, calling me a bad mom, not that I am already mother, but I didn't bother to rectify it, and calling Nico a rude boy is not something that I can accept, knowing it was his niece who's at fault.

I can feel his eyes on me, but I tried hard not to be affected. I push the button on the milk machine, a measure of teaspoon on the medium cup and poured a black coffee until a good half inch before the rim of the cup and I covered it with the lid and handed it to him.

He took the cup with my hand, brushing his hand on mine. An excitement stirred within me with just a short touch.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Ms. Yvonne." he smiled flirtatiously. I squirmed inwardly. He was totally different from the first time I met him.

He was cold and arrogant, now he is flirty!

He thinks he could get me with his charm? Think again!

"Have a good day Mr-"

"Demetrio Pallos." he smiled broadly as he carefully made a sip on his coffee. I just shrugged my shoulder and looked on Cassie, who's now busy attending another customer.

"I'll wait for my donut at my table." he winked before he left and walked to the table at one corner.

There's like 2 people in the cafe plus the lady Cassie was attending, if she stays.

Its 10 in the morning and usually it wasn't busy. People by this time are at work. I made the lady's coffee and soon she was walking out the door.

Then, I remember the donut. I wanted to ask Cassie to give the donut, but I was the runner today and I'm new. It's not a good impression if I'm ordering them, while I'm just building my work reputation.

"What donut did that ugly creature ordered, Cassie?" I asked Cassie shortly. She looked at me in confusion with her forehead furrowing.

"Oh, that ugly guy over there!" I said, pointing to the arrogant Demetrio as he called himself.

"Do you mean that handsome guy? Do you have problem with your eyesight, Yvonne?" Cassie blurted out incredulously, with her mouth hanging open. "He's an epitome of a Greek God!" she said, with exaggeration, not believing I just called him an 'ugly creature'.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. What is his order?" I asked again, impatiently. I want this to be done with, and he can get the hell out of here.

"S'mores." she replied nonchalantly. "Isn't he gorgeous? He is like Zeus who just descended from Mount Olympus.." she mused dreamily as she clasp her hands on her chest and stared at his direction.

"Yeah, whatever!" I exclaimed in disbelief as I rolled my eyes.

I walked to the donut station and pick a s'mores and put it on a small plate and headed to his table.

"Here's your donut, Sir," I said politely as I forced a smile. He was busy tapping on his cellphone. I was about to turn on my heel when he talks.

"Sit with me." he ordered. My blood ticks when his demanding tone reach my ears.

I raise my eyebrow and glared at him.

"This is not a stripper bar, Sir, that you could just order any staff here to sit with you!" I scowled at him.

"I didn't mean that. There's no customer? Besides, it's not bad talking to your customer, right? Just to entertain them and make sure they are comfortable and satisfied with your service, isn't it?" he explained further, looking at me unfazed.

"Of course, but I don't have to sit beside you because we are not talking longer!" I snapped widening my eyes at him. "I have some other work at my station that needed to get done. Have a nice coffee Mr. Pallos!" I smiled sarcastically, and left.

"Wait!" he called out.

I stopped and turned my head to him.

"This coffee is cold?" he said suddenly. I know he was just trying to get my attention and he's been drinking it for a while, and he only complained just now? Does he not have anything more important thing to do than pestering me?

"It wasn't when I gave it to you!" I frowned.

"Are you sure?" he looked at me challengingly, but I knew he was trying to piss me off. And, the truth he is getting on my nerves. I am a person with short patience, temperamental to be exact.

"You've been drinking it for a while Mr. Pallos, why complain now? When you're almost half done?" I said sarcastically in a mocking tone.

"It's just few minutes passed, how could it get so cold that easily. It's summer, Yvonne." he quipped mimicking my tone, pushing the cup to the middle of the table. He leaned his back on the chair and he looked at me impassively, crossing his hands on his chest.

His piercing eyes was looking blankly.

I walked back to his table as I mumbled. "That's impossible .."

"Try it." he challenged as he smirked and he looked at me smugly.

"Fine," I said and took the cup and took the lid off. I poured it in his lap.

He hastily stood up when the liquid touch his skin and she looked at me incredulously like I was a deranged woman. "What the hell?" he snapped at me sternly.

I looked at him defiantly, unfazed.

"Is it cold Mr. Pallos?" I scowled down at him with my heart beating a mile per minute. I knew I'm going to lose this job and at this moment I care less for anything, as long as I got back, to this arrogant dick!


[Demetrio's POV]

I can't believe she just poured the coffee on my lap? I'm glad it wasn't hot enough to burn me. Fuck her!

"Why did you do that?" I asked her incredulously.

This girl is insane!

"I just want to make sure it is cold Mr. Pallos. I guess, it is! I'm going to get you another one, and make sure this time, it's steamy." she stressed out and smirked, then she left swiftly.

"What's wrong with you?" I yelled at her gruffly. She is acting so cold and different. I'm not used to being ignored and I'm trying hard to be friendly at her.

She stopped halfway and turned her head to me. "What's wrong?" she repeated, looking at me with hate. I felt that stab in my heart and I squirmed inwardly.

Why am I so affected with her indifference?

Because you like her? my subconscious mind teased.

"For ruining my day!" she added venomously. I'm glad that there's not many customers at this time. A young boy was watching us, but we are both too focused at each other that we were oblivious around us.

For some reason, I was so deeply affected and it's frustrating I couldn't ignore it. I felt like I'm desperately shoving myself onto her and she is rejecting me openly.

I feel hurt.

Demetrio Pallos is rejected by a single mom and a diner? What is worse than that?

I was so furious. "Do you know how much this cost?" I said pointing out on my suit. I was so mad that I never realized I'm acting so arrogant and cocky.

She looked at me, taken aback. Her eyes suddenly softened and alarmed.

There, that's more like it! I thought. Then, I realized I just offended her.

I walked past her, and without a glance, I headed to the door and to my Lamborghini parked outside the cafe. I'm still enrage to her, and to myself, for losing my temper.

I'm not going to waste my time to a deranged single mom who was so ill-mannered.

But, before I hope in the driver seat, I found my eyes looking through the mirror glass thinking I could see her through it, but the sunlight was too bright and it's hard to see inside with the harsh glare blocking.

"FUCK!" I mumbled as I slide in to the driver seat and soon, I was emerging with the traffic to my office.


[Yvonne's POV]

"What happened?" Cassie's surprised face was looking at me in disbelief.

"It's nothing." I replied with my heart still pumping so fast. Everything seems blur to me. I just realized what I did and it's too late. I have to start looking for another job.

His suit probably cost more than my monthly salary. I just hope he won't ask me to buy him a new one because honestly, I can't afford it. I had a lot of bills to pay.

"You did not pour that coffee on his lap, didn't you? If the boss finds this out, then this is the end of your life here in Pathos Cafe." Cassie lectured as she shook her head in disbelief.

"I know. But, he is exasperating." I mumbled.

"So, do you know him?" she asked after, with her eyes staring at me intently, full of curiosity.

"Just his name." I replied feeling lost with my thoughts on how am I going to find another job. I groaned inwardly and chided myself for not being able to control my temper.

"But, you two looks like you knew more than names.." she remarked not believing me.

"We don't know each other, Cassie." I repeated. "Just our names." I explained briefly.

"So just his name? His name is all over the internet, the magazines and even billboard." Cassie stressed out.

"I didn't know that. I have more important things to do other than browsing on computer for some infamous guys.." I replied sarcastically.

She just shrugged it off and continued on. "He is one of the most elusive bachelor in the world. He is every girl's dream ...." she said dreamily.

She kept on rambling about how successful he is at the age of 28. How he changed his girlfriend every week, blah blah blah.

I went to my station and started brewing new coffee since it's almost midday where one of the busiest time, while Cassie kept on rambling.

Thank God, people are pouring in and Cassie was back to work. Two more staff came in for afternoon shift and help us out.

Not long, we are running around, attending the customers. I completely forgot about our encounter and his arrogance.


Demetrio POV

I drove straight to my penthouse to change and start drowning myself with work instead of thinking that deranged woman.

God, I have never met someone like her. All this women I met, were practically begging for my attention. With one smile, I knew they will do whatever I say without a word. But, her?

FUCK!! Why am I so deeply affected? I have never experienced this before. A girl lingering in my head and to make it worst, a single mom and a diner. She's not even a model or a famous one.. Why would I let myself bothered, right?

Oh, shut up Demetrio. She may be not a model, but she is very beautiful to make every man gets insane, my inner self teased.

I parked the car outside the Grandt Pallos-Petropoulis Hotel and walked briskly to the entrance revolving door. The guard greeted me, but I just walked past him without giving him a glance, wearing my scowling face.

I walked into the elevator and push the top floor button. The elevator jerked up, moving upward smoothly. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled Nicolas' number.

"Nicolas." he began as soon as the line connected.

"I'll go to Maldives tomorrow," I said to him decidedly. I need a diversion to get her out of my system. As long as I'm here, I knew her face will be glued in my head.

"You have to make up your mind Demi! You're like a girl, with a mood swings." he mocked. There, my friend is back.

"Stop calling me Demi, Nicolas! I hate that name. Call me Demi and I will give you a pen name, you will ever forget." I warned seriously.

"And, what could it be?" he challenged. I know he's grinning and it doesn't suit me. I'm pissed and he is making me more furious.

"Then, I'll start calling you Nicki!" I snapped sternly and he just laughed. Then, he stops laughing.

"Don't you dare call me that!" he grumbled gruffly. I grinned.

"Then, never call me Demi.." I snapped back.

"Fine." he agreed. "So, are you sure you're not changing your mind? Because, I have to make plans. If you go to Maldives, I'll go to Hawaii. They need me there." he explained briefly.

"Yes." I replied.

The elevator dinged, indicating it has reached my floor. I stepped out the elevator as soon as the door opened, with my phone still close to my ear.

"Ok. Then, I will let Gian know I'm coming to Hawaii," he said. "Well, I gotta go then." he added momentarily in dismissal tone.

"Yes. I'll see you later, probably," I said before ending the call.

I quickly punched in the security code and then press enter. A few seconds later, the door unlock and pulled the lever down and push the door open. I walked straight to my room, after kicking the door shut and have another shower to clean the coffee that sticks with my thighs.

"That freaky woman!" I mumbled as I undress myself completely and walk in the washroom, tossing my office clothing on the armchair sitting at one corner of my big room.


[Yvonne's POV]

"What's wrong Yvonne?" Gabriella asked, looking at me worriedly. We were both sitting on the couch watching TV, on Saturday afternoon. Mom, Nana and Dado were off to grocery store.

I was spaced out for a while and Gabriella noticed it.

"Nothing." I replied and stared back on the TV screen blankly.

That day after the accident with Demetrio Pallos, I came home from work and I started digging about him. I found out that he is one of the owner of the luxurious chain of hotels, the Grandt Pallos-Petropoulis hotel and has thousands of chains around the world. He and his friend Nicolas Petropoulis where his hotels named after. They also owned restaurants here and abroad and private beaches.

They are stinking rich. He is indeed every woman's dream, except me.

He is definitely not my dream guy!

He is known as the cold ruthless businessman, in the world of industry. A womanizer and a heartbreaker.

I knew it, he brings no good to any woman!

"Katy came here the other day, by the way. She is asking you if you want to work in a hotel." Gabriella's voice rang in my ears and floated for a while, before it sunk deeply in my brain. When my brain process it, I looked at her incredulously.

"Why did you just tell me now?" I asked in disbelief. I had to suffer two nights of lack-of-sleep because of thinking how to find another job, while Katy came to give me a job and my sister forgot to tell me. I was fired from my job after the manager found out what happened. It took him two days before he had knowledge about it and he fired me. I wasn't surprised and hurts because I knew it will happen. I already expect it.

"I'm sorry Yvonne. I was busy with my exam. It totally slipped off my mind." she apologized. I just looked at her and then I stood up from the couch and pick up my phone. I walked to the kitchen while dialling Katy's number.

After couple of rings, she finally accepted it.

"Katy Speaking." she began.

"Hey Katy, it's Yvonne," I said in my cheerful tone.

"Oh, Hi! I came the other day to see you," she said.

"That's why I called you. I'm sorry, Gabriella forgot it. She's too focused on her exam." I explained briefly.

"No worries. I just came to tell you that my brother who was an HR Director at the Grandt Pallos-Petropoulis hotel was looking for another waiter. I mentioned it to him that you're needing a job. A good paying job." she elaborated further.

When the name sunk in my head, I denied the opportunity for a second. But then, reality kicked in, I need money. And, definitely I need that job.

I know, after digging about him, I found out that he is always travelling since they both need to visit their business from around the world with their own private plane.

So, if ever I get that job, there's a little tendency that we would bump at each other. Unless, he goes to the restaurant or to the kitchen. Which is, I bet he won't.

"I would love to have that job Katy. I really need it badly." I begged her.

"I'll talk to my brother then. They paid well Yvonne. I'm happy that he could help you." she exclaimed happily.

"Thanks Katy! I owe you one." I replied happily and at the same time frightened with the thought of meeting him again.

"Ppfftt.. Shut up Yvonne. You help me a lot with Nico!" she replied bluntly.

"Still, thank you Katy!" I murmured audibly.

"My pleasure Yvonne. I will let you know once I reached him. Talk to you later!" she said and ended the call.

I put the phone down on the counter and took a glass from the cupboard and filled it with a water and drink it until it's empty. Then, I placed it down on the counter and I picked up my phone and walked back to the living room, with a smile in my face.

I just hope our path won't cross any time soon! I thought. Until, I could find a decent job.




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