Finally Fitting In (Destiel F...

By Destiel221bTheTARDIS

82.8K 3K 2.7K

Castiel Novak never really fitted in, anywhere! That was until he moved, for the fifth time in 6 months, to L... More

Finally Fitting In (Destiel Fan Fiction (Highschool AU))
Chapter 2: Coming Out (Part 1)
Chapter 2: Coming Out (Part 2)
Chapter 2: Coming Out (Part 3)
Chapter 2: Coming Out (Part 4)
Chapter 2: Coming Out (Part 5)
Chapter 3: Diagnosis (Part 1)
Chapter 3: Diagnosis (Part 2)
Not a chapter (please read.)
Chapter 4: Treatment
Encouraging Words
Family Don't End With Blood
Chapter 5: A Family Reunion... Almost (Part 1)
Chapter 5: A Family Reunion... Almost (Part 2)
Chapter 6: The Root Of Castiel's Problems.
Clarifications... Again
Chapter 7: Why Now?

Chapter 8: 3 Months Later...

2.7K 87 63
By Destiel221bTheTARDIS

On Dean and Castiel's 3 month anniversary Matt entered room 1979 with a massive grin on his face. 

"You are to be released today!" Matt said excitedly. Castiel smiled widely and turned to Dean, who too was smiling. Castiel squealed quietly then launched himself onto his boyfriend.

"I get to leave, Dean. I get to go home." Castiel whispered smiling. Dean chuckled and nodded holding the smaller man close.

"You can leave whenever you want." Matt said some what sadly. Dean and Castiel looked at Matt and smiled. Half an hour later Dean and Castiel walked out of the hospital hand in hand.

"Let's get you home." Dean said as he helped Castiel into the passengers seat. Castiel smiled as he watched as Dean made his way around the car. Dean slid in the drivers side and stared the car. They drove in silence, excitement radiating off of Castiel. They pulled up outside Castiel's house. Dean got out and waited for Castiel to take his hand before heading towards the house. They stopped outside the front door, Dean turned to Castiel.

"Cassie do you want me to go in and tell them?" Dean asked softly as Castiel hadn't told his family what John had done to him, only Sam and Dean knew. Castiel nodded.

"I don't want them to find out because I panic when one of them grab me." Castiel said quietly. Dean nodded and pecked Castiel's lips before walking into the Novak household. Dean was greeted by Castiel's 3 older brothers first then Anna and James coming to see what the commotion was about.

"Hey guys." Dean said smiling. Then each of the Novak's hugged him, first Gabriel, then Lucifer, then Balthazar, then Anna and James.

"Hi! Is Castiel ok?" Gabriel asked. Over the pat 3 months  Dean and the Novaks had gotten very close.

"Yeah he was released today." Dean said looking around the room.

"That's great! Where is he?" Anna said looking around behind Dean as if Castiel would suddenly appear.

"He's outside, but!" Dean said as the family stepped forward. "there's something I need to tell you before you see him." the Novak's nodded and they all crossed their arms at the same time, Dean huffed a laugh then continued. "3 months back, after I had left because of Adam." Dean looked pointedly at Gabriel and Lucifer. "John went to Cas' room and tried..." Dean took a deep breath, keeping the tears from falling."He tried to rape Cas, and he would have succeeded if it weren't for Sam," A gasp filled the room, from every member. " So don't  grab him in anyway and let him come to you." Dean looked around the faces of the older Novak's. Balthazar looked concerned for his baby brother, Gabriel and Lucifer looked angry but both had unshed tears in his eyes, James looked unbelieving and Anna had tears rolling down he cheeks. 

They all nodded in agreement and Dean turned to the door and opened it. He gestured for Castiel to come in. Which he did no matter how hesitantly. Dean smiled reassuringly , Castiel looked at Dean and smiled back softly.

"Hey." Castiel said quietly. Anna smiled sadly and opened her arms for Castiel. Castiel ran into her arms and sobbed. All of the Novak's joined the hug, forming a protective barrier around the youngest member. Dean stood back and watched the family. After a long  family hug, Castiel's head popped up from the mass of bodies that was the Novak family, Dean smiled softly at Castiel.

"Guys? Can I go up to my room with Dean now?" Castiel asked. The whole family mumbled 'yeah' and dispersed. Castiel then ran into Dean's arms. The older man leant down and scooped Castiel into his arms, then carried him bridal style up to Castiel's room. As Dean walked up the stairs Castiel nuzzled his face into Dean's neck. Dean gently kicked the door shut and sat down on Castiel's bed. Castiel looked up at Dean.

"Thank you for telling them, De." Castiel said quietly . Dean smiled and pressed a loving kiss to Castiel's lips.

"It's ok, baby." Dean mumbled against Castiel's lips. Castiel smiled and pushed up into Dean's lips forcefully. Dean made a noise of surprise, but kissed Castiel with the same force, he held onto Castiel's waist so he didn't fall back. The latter turned carefully so he was straddling Dan's lap, Castiel snuck his hands under Dean's shirt and rested his hands on his chest. Dean slid his hands down to knead Castiel's ass. Castiel moaned quietly and slipped one hand out from under Dean's shirt to hold the back of Dean's head. They broke apart briefly for air, they rested their foreheads against the others, looking into each others eyes lovingly.

"Are you alright, baby?" Dean whispered. Castiel nodded and pressed his lips to Dean's again. Dean slid his tongue into Castiel's mouth and gently massaged Castiel's tongue with his. Castiel sucked gently on Dean's tongue and shuffled closer to Dean. Castiel clenched the hand in Dean's hair clutching onto the short strands, Dean moaned softly. Castiel rocked forward, subtly. Dean didn't notice Castiel's thrusting forward until his boyfriend starting get hard, he pulled back and shook his head. Castiel just moved his lips to Dean's neck.

"Baby." Dean said, Castiel ignored him and continued kissing Dean's neck. "Baby, stop. Come on." Dean whispered. Castiel pulled back to look at Dean, hurt on his face.

"You don't want me?" Castiel asked sadly.

"Of course I want you, Cas. But not right now." Dean said, he watched as Castiel's face dropped and felt his hand drop from his hes to his neck. "But," Dean started, he moved his hands up to Castiel's back. "How about this weekend, I get mom and Sam to go to see Uncle Bobby then you and me have the house to ourselves, I'll make us dinner, we'll watch a movie or two, I'll get chocolate and strawberries,make it all romantic." Dean said slowly, softly. "How does that sound?" he asked stroking the back of Castiel's head lovingly.

"That sounds good." Castiel smiled.

"Yeah?" Dean asked.

"Yeah De. That sounds great." Castiel said. Dean smiled lovingly at Castiel then pulled his phone out to call Mary.

Dean~ Hey mom.

Mary~ Hi honey. Is everything ok? Did Cas get home ok?

Dean~ Yeah everything's fine. Cas got home fine.

Mary~ So is this just a social call?

Dean~ No, I need to ask you something...

Mary~ What...?

Dean~ Can you and Sam go and see Uncle Bobby this weekend?

Mary~ Why? What are you planning?

Dean~ A weekend with my boyfriend.

Mary~ I err I do not want to know any more!

Dean~ Mom, it's not like I straight up told you I was going to have sex with him.

Mary~ Well, you just did so thanks for that! Sure me and Sammy can go and see your Uncle. You can have your weekend with Cas.

Dean~ Thanks mom!

Mary~ Can I speak to him? Is he nearby?

Dean~ Yeah he's on my lap.

Mary~ Dean!

Dean~ What? It's true.

Castiel~ Hey Mary.

Mary~ Hi Cas. How's my favorite son?

Sam and Dean~ Mom?! What the hell!

Castiel~ Ha! I'm good.

Mary~ Is Dean treating you good?

Castiel~ Yeah he is. He's great.

Mary~ Good. So you're having a romantic weekend?

Castiel~ Yeah it was Dean's idea.

Mary~ Really?

Castiel laid his head on Dean's shoulder and held on, Dean stroked Castiel's hair and ran his other hand up and down his side.

Castiel~ Yeah it was all Dean's idea. You should have heard his description of the weekend.

Mary~ That good?

Castiel~ Yeah it was beautiful.

Mary~ I don't think I have ever heard anyone say that anything that's come out of Dean's mouth beautiful.

Castiel~ Anything Dean says to me is beautiful.

Dean~ Aw baby you're making me blush.

Mary~ I don't think I have ever heard  Dean's voice be full of so much fondness and love.

Dean~ Mom, I can hear you, you know. Cas is right next to me.

Castiel~Dean I'm on you! You're gonna hear what she's saying.

Mary~It's not my fault you love Cas.

Castiel~ That would be my fault.

Dean~ Yeah and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Castiel looked up smiling and pressed a kiss to Dean's lips then rested back on the boys shoulder.

Mary~Oh Dean! You're so sweet.

Castiel~He really is.

Dean~Guys can you please have this conversation on how sweet I am with Cas when I'm not here please?

Castiel looked up at Dean with a sad look on his face.

Dean~ Aw baby don't look at me like that.

Mary~ I can't even see you and I'm sure I'm going to get rotten teeth.

Castiel~Same, but for a different reason.

Dean~Cassie, I'm sure my mom doesn't need to know about that.

Castiel~Well someone besides me needs to know how sweet you are to me.

Dean~ No, no they don't. Baby, the only reason you, and now my mom, know how sweet you and only you is because I love you and that's one of the ways I show it.

Mary~ And teasing your brother is the way you show you love him?

Dean~ Mom we're brothers, we're not meant to physically or directly show love. He knows I love him and vise versa.

Castiel~ You show it directly around me.

Mary~ And me.

Dean~ Just because we're not meant to doesn't mean we're not going to.

Mary~ Mhmm. That right there, Cas, is Dean subtly saying he's sweet to his baby brother.

Castiel~ I knew he was sweet to his brother when I first met them.

Mary~ See Dean you're not so cold-hearted.

Castiel~ Oh I would never believe Dean to be cold-hearted.

Mary~ You wouldn't.

Dean~  What's that meant to mean?

Mary~ Dean I was simply implying that he loves you too much to her or believe anything bad said about you.

Dean~ Oh, sorry mom.

Mary~ It's ok, Dean. I love Cas like my own as does Sam.

Castiel~ My family feels the same about you, De.

Mary~ This better be a long term thing, boys, because by the sound of it, it won't just be you two who are affected.

Dean~ Don't worry mom, I don't plan on letting him go any time soon.

Castiel~ I love you, Dean.

Dean~ I love you too, baby.

Mary~ Well boys, I'm sure Sammy's getting hungry so I'm going to go. Dean I'm assuming you're staying with Cas?

Dean~ Yeah, if that's alright?

Mary~ Of course, Dean. I'll see you both on Friday then. Love you both.

Dean~ Love you too mom.

Castiel~ Love you too Mary.

She hung up and Castiel dropped the phone onto the bed. He rested his head on Dean's shoulder, tracing his finger along Dean's collar bone as Dean ran his hand up and down Castiel's side and ran his fingers through Castiel's hair. They sat like this for a while before Anna walked in, the boys didn't move Castiel's only turned his head slightly.

"Dinner's ready boys." She said softly.

"Mom, can Dean stay tonight?" Castiel asked.

"Of course he can, honey." Anna said then she turned to leave. Castiel looked up at Dean and kissed him gently.

"Come on baby let's go." Dean said when Castiel pulled back. They got up and Dean grabbed Castiel's hand. They walked downstairs to the table and sat in their seats.

"How are you two doing then?" Balthazar asked. Castiel waited for Anna to put the food down in the centre of the table and sit in her seat before answering.

"We're good thank you, Balthazar." Castiel said, smiling when Dean squeezed his hand.

"You doing anything nice now you're out?" Gabriel asked, smirking around his fork. Castiel bitch-faced his older brother and shook his head, smiling fondly.

"You make it sound like I just got out of prison." Castiel said.

"Do you?" James asked pressing Castiel and Dean for answers.

"If you nosy people must know we do, in fact, have stuff planned this weekend." Castiel said stabbing the food on his plate with his fork.

"What are you doing?" Lucifer asked curiously.

"Dean's planned a romantic weekend." Castiel said trying not to give away any details.

"Yeah but what are you going to do?" Anna pressed.

"He said he's going to cook us dinner and we're going to watch some movies, he said he's going to get chocolate and strawberries and make it all romantic." Castiel said smiling, Dean blushed and focused on eating

"Aww Dean!" The Novak's cooed. Dean blushed harder and didn't look up.

"Cassie, what did I say about the way I act towards you?" Dean asked softly, leaning towards Castiel.

"Not everyone needs to know." Castiel whispered sadly. Dean sighed and took Castiel's face in his hands.

"Only because I want you and just you to see that side of me. I love you and want to make sure you know it." Dean whispered before pressing a short loving kiss to Castiel's lips. When they separated they turned to their food and casually continued to eat like nothing had happened while the rest of the Novak's looked at the two bemused. They shrugged it off and dinner continued with happy conversation. When the meal ended, Castiel and Dean went back upstairs to Castiel's room.

"I'm going to have a quick shower." Dean whispered as Castiel sat down. The latter smiled and nodded, he took his shirt off and laid down on his bed facing away from the door. Castiel smiled as he heard the shower turn on and the faint squeak of Dean's feet on the shower floor. Castiel started to quietly sing to himself. 

This hit ;That ice cold; Michelle Pfeiffer; That white gold; This one, for them hood girls; Them good girls; Straight masterpieces ; Stylin', while in; Livin' it up in the city; Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent; Got kiss myself I'm so pretty; I'm too hot (hot damn); Called a police and a fireman; I'm too hot (hot damn); Make a dragon wanna retire man; I'm too hot (hot damn); Say my name you know who I am; I'm too hot (hot damn); Am I bad 'bout that money; Break it down; Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo); Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo); Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo); 'Cause Uptown Funk gon' give it to you; 'Cause Uptown Funk gon' give it to you; 'Cause Uptown Funk gon' give it to you; Saturday night and we in the spot; Don't believe me just watch.

Castiel was so focused on singing he didn't notice Dean get out of the shower and stand in the doorway, quietly listening to Castiel sing.

Stop; Wait a minute; Fill my cup put some liquor in it; Take a sip, sign a check; Julio! Get the stretch!; Ride to Harlem, Hollywood, Jackson, Mississippi; If we show up, we gon' show out; Smoother than a fresh jar of skippy

Dean decided to make himself known by singing the 'hot damn's. Castiel turned over and smiled.

I'm too hot (hot damn); Called a police and a fireman; I'm too hot (hot damn); Make a dragon wanna retire man; I'm too hot (hot damn); Bitch, say my name you know who I am; I'm too hot (hot damn); Am I bad 'bout that money; Break it down; Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo); Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo); Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)

Dean walked forward to Castiel's bed. He perched on the edge of his bed as he ran his hand up and down Castiel's side lovingly while the latter continued to sing quietly. As if they had rehearsed constantly, Castiel quietened as Dean sang the next part.

Come on, dance; Jump on it; If you sexy than flaunt it; If you freaky than own it; Don't brag about it, come show me; Come on, dance; Jump on it; If you sexy than flaunt it,

Dean smiled as Castiel picked up the song again. When Castiel had finished, he smiled up at Dean. Dean smiled back and leant down to press his lips to Castiel's. Dean pulled away slightly to look at Castiel, Castiel looked towards the door to see it was closed, he only noticed when he looked back to Dean that the older boy was only wearing boxers. Dean leant down again and pressed and open-mouthed kiss to Castiel's lips, Castiel hummed happily into Dean's mouth as Dean's tongue slipped into his mouth. Dean turned to straddle Castiel but rolled over so Castiel was laying on him, his legs flung on either side of Dean's thighs, Dean held onto Castiel's waist tightly pulling him close. Castiel moved his hands to either side if Dean's head and went to push his weight up off of Dean but the Winchester stopped him, pulling him back down. Castiel pulled back confused.

"I like the feel of your weight on me, it's comforting." Dean said softly. Castiel smiled and moved his hands to Dean's hair and gently rubbed his thumbs behind Dean's ears. Dean slid his hand up Castiel's back to the back of Castiel's head and slowly pushed his head down to connect their lips again. Their tongues brushed and Castiel moaned quietly, Dean pushed his hand on Castiel's head down to kiss his boyfriend deeper, his other hand tightened on Castiel's waist. Castiel sucked on Dean's tongue gently and smiled when Dean tugged on his bottom lip lightly. Dean slipped his hand from Castiel's waist down over the globe of Castiel's ass to the bottom of his ass, between his legs, where he squeezed firmly.

"Dean!" Castiel moaned, he pulled back to look down at Dean. "Keep doing that and I'll get too excited." Castiel breathed out looking down at Dean with his blue eyes sparkling.

"Look down." Dean whispered smiling, Castiel looked over his shoulder and down to Dean's crotch. He turned back to Dean with a soft smile. "I already am excited baby."  Dean whispered then he leant up and lightly licked Castiel's lips. Castiel hummed quietly and turned to look at Dean's tented boxers.

"Do you want some help with that?" Castiel asked, biting his lip.

"Baby, the way you're kissing me, I'm nearly there." Dean whispered seductively, squeezing at the bottom of of his ass between his legs again, Castiel moaned and dropped his head, resting his forehead on Dean's chin briefly before nudging Dean's lips gently with his nose.

"But there's got to be a way I can get you there?" Castiel asked running his finger down Dean's chest. 

"How about we start with getting those jeans off?" Dean purred, Castiel quickly slid off Dean and the bed to shimmy off his jeans. "Baby I love you." Dean sighed when Castiel turned back to him. Castiel smiled and straddled Dean's bare stomach, immediately Dean's hands settled on Castiel's thighs.

"Oh baby, just seeing you sat up there almost made me cum." Dean moaned rubbing Castiel's thighs firmly. Castiel's eyes glinted mischievously then he tangled his hands in his own hair and stretched, arching his back, purposely rubbing his half hard dick against Dean's stomach. Dean moaned and came hard.

"Baby the things you do to me." Dean sighed still in the haze of his high. Castiel slid off Dean's stomach and laid on his bed. Dean got up to clean himself and changed his boxers then he turned the light off before laying in bed, curling around Castiel, spooning him from behind.

"Dean I love you." Castiel whispered holding the hand Dean had curled over his waist.

"I love you too baby." Dean replied kissing his boyfriend's neck lovingly.

"Don't let anything happen to me ok?" Castiel asked insecure.

"I'm going to protect you, baby. Don't worry, I've got you." Dean said nuzzling Castiel's neck and pulling him tight against his chest.

Sorry it took so long. Hope you enjoyed! <3

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