Imagine Us

By gabss_here

215K 5.3K 3.3K

Harry Potter and Hermione a Granger have always been best friends, but will that change now they head back to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
The Proposal:
Chapter 12
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17: IT ISNT OVER HA
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 30: Ending!

Chapter 29:

2.8K 77 30
By gabss_here

A/N: hey! So I don't want to be a downer but I realized that this was started v long ago so sorry if I made spell mistakes. (IM NOT A FAKE FAN I SWEAR) I've read the books twice and I'm sorry about forgetting it was just because Ginny was very good at curses and things like that. Soooo in conclusion, I'm sorry for all of the info I got wrong in this fanfiction. I am a very dedicated Potterhead and sorry if I don't show that often enough.

A name popped into my head. Draco. That's great. How did he get here so quickly? Apparition, possibly. "And why would you care? You aren't invited," Hermione said in
the most posh tone I've ever heard her speak in. "Just...wondering," his voice quavered a bit when he spoke, "Why did all of you leave me?" He asked innocently. I looked up wet everyone flying, laughing and talking. "Bye!" I waved, grabbed a broom, and flew off. "Pass the Quaffle!" I yelled as I flew into the air.

Ron nodded and threw it at full speed towards me. I caught it wit a grunt as it hit me in the stomach. I put a thumbs up to show him I was fine. "Alright, one three, we're going to start! Hermione, love?" I yelled down to her. She looked up at me and nodded, "Yeah?" I coughed and yelled back, "We're going to start throwing the Quaffle around and stuff, want to come up?" She smiled nervously, as I could tell she was debating, "Yeah!" I smiled to myself and looked around me. Ginny and Luna were laughing at George, for Merlin knows what. In a second, Hermione was up.

"Can I try Keeper?" I asked Ron. "Yeah, and I'll try Seeker!" He replied and everyone went silent. "Ron, no offense, but I highly doubt you'll be able to play Seeker, actually, offense," George laughed and shrugged. "I want to go first!" Hermione called, "Just so I could beat your arse, though." I raised an eyebrow at her, "Ms. Granger, soon to be Potter," I whispered, "I am going to royally save that Quaffle and you know it." She rolled her eyes and smirked, "Yeah, whatever you tell yourself to be able to sleep at night, Harry." She got me laughing, and I punched her playfully. I brought my broom closer to hers, and gave her a passionate kiss. She smiled into it, realizing there were so many of our friends around, but I didn't care.

"Ugh I need more of that later," I said when we broke apart. She laughed and blushed, "Will do." I smiled cheekily at her and flew all the way to the three goal posts. "Alright, we're playing on just this side!" I yelled to all of them. I made sure my hands were in the right place, so I could be able to catch the Quaffle.
It was a little while after, but we managed to keep the game going for a while. I mean, technically it wasn't a "game" because there weren't enough players, but it was fun all the same.

"So," I heard Hermione's voice say from behind me, "We should probably do some last minute wedding stuff, right?"

I spun around and wrapped my arms around her waist, "Of course, love. What do we need to do?"

"Um...general stuff like what color the center pieces will be and things like that."

We were in the Gryffindor common room, just waiting for everyone to come down and play a game of Exploding Snap. I brought Hermione in for a kiss and closed the small gap between us. It felt so warm, sweet, genuine. I couldn't believe I was getting married to her, I obviously don't deserve her. "Ugh, you're beautiful," I said as I pulled away.

"Why thank you, Mr. Potter. I could say you're a pretty handsome lad yourself," her face reddened and she giggled.

I spun her around and cradled her in my arms. "You're jumper is itchy against my back, Harry," she laughed a little.

"It's itchy against my entire body as well," I laughed with her.

"Okay, first priority, the center piece NEEDS to be some type of flower!"

"Whatever you say, dearest."

"And they need to be purple."

"Woah okay, no purple. What about blue?"

"But I like purple," she whined.

"But I like blue," I said, mocking her whining tone.

"Oh shut up," she laughed and tackled me into the sofa in the middle of the common room.

"I know, you're jealous of my amazing color choices? Too fab."

"Whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night, babe."

I pecked her cheek and playfully pushed her off of me. "Hope you weren't having too much fun lovebirds!" I heard Ron yell as his footsteps thudded down the stairs. "I heard the snogging from upstairs!" Ginny joked and ran to sit next to us. "Oh trust me I would've heard it. I'm like a hawk when it comes to hearing," George laughed. I laughe with them and hugged Hermione to my side.

"GAME TIME!" Ginny screeched and we all gathered around the game.

"Rule is, whenever it snaps, the person it snaps on needs to take a shot of Firewhisky!"

"Oh god," I groaned. Hermione giggled beside me, "Harry's so much fun to play around with when he's drunk."

Ginny and George rose their eyebrows, and Hermione blushed so hard I laughed, "No not like that! Get your minds out of the gutter you daft dimbos!"

Ron laughed and ruffled Hermione's hair. This ought to be fun.
"BITCH GIVE ME THE SHOT CUP!" Ron slurred drunkenly as Ginny laughed at his state. Ron was ended up being the most unfortunate out of all of us, having it snap on him around four times. My mind felt a little fuzzy, but I could definitely keep my voice straight.

"ALRIGHT BITCH!" Ginny screamed back and handed him the cup. "This is so violent!" Hermione whispered in my ear with a tiny smile. "Watch him, he just calls everyone bitch when he's drunk," I laughed. Hermione laughed and put her head in my lap, watching Ginny reset the game.

"BITCH!" I called and got Ron's attention, "HELP YOUR POOR SISTER SET UP THE GAME!" He laughed and went to help Ginny. "Now they're going to get into a fight. This ought to be fun," Hermione said amusedly.

After what seemed like a few rounds more, Hermione, being the most sober, convinced us it was time to hit the hay. Me, being drunk, agreed with my fiancé, it being the easiest choice in the time being. "OKAY BITCHES GOOD NIGHT!" I heard Ron yell as he ran up the stairs, almost tripping.

"Could you yell any louder?" I laughed.


"Good to know."

I followed him and before I went up, kissed Hermione on the nose. "Night, love."

"Night, Harry."

"No nickname?" I pouted.

"Good niiight," she laughed and put her hand on my chin, following Ginny up. They must've done something to Hogwarts whilst we were gone...again. George led us to the Prefects dorm and decided it was best to stay there for the night. It's honestly crazy to think my wedding was in a few days.

Hehe I already know 😏

Anyway, thank you for the fùcking long wait for me to update! I knew this is short but...LAST CHAPTER IS COMING SOON OOH. I'm so excited to write it but I know how I'm ending this and let's'll be shocked.

You guys are to sweet with ur comments on the 'I SUCK IM SO SORRY' like you guys don't get how much your comments mean to me. I READ ALL OF THEM I PROMISE. You guys who read and comment on this have changed my life and I honestly don't know where I'd be in writing without you 💖

Ilyasm and I hope you have a good life. Always message me for ANYTHING!

Bai fishies!🐠

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