Biker Baby (BWWM)

By Lucy_Pearl

1.5M 61.3K 12K

16 year old Isabelle Montgomery had one mission: take care of her terminally ill mother. Beside her mother as... More

Biker Baby | Chapter One
Biker Baby | Chapter Two
Biker Baby | Chapter Three
Biker Baby | Chapter Four
Biker Baby | Chapter Five
Biker Baby | Chapter Six
Biker Baby | Chapter Seven
Biker Baby | Chapter Eight
Biker Baby | Chapter Nine
Biker Baby | Chapter Ten
Biker Baby | Chapter Eleven
Biker Baby | Chapter Thirteen
Biker Baby | Chapter Fourteen
Biker Baby | Chapter Fifteen
Biker Baby | Chapter Sixteen
Biker Baby | Chapter Seventeen
Biker Baby | Chapter Eighteen
Biker Baby | Chapter Nineteen
Biker Baby | Chapter Twenty
Biker Baby | Chapter Twenty-One
Biker Baby | Chapter Twenty-Two
Biker Baby | Chapter Twenty-Three
Biker Baby | Chapter Twenty-Four

Biker Baby | Chapter Twelve

56.3K 2.3K 819
By Lucy_Pearl

Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Twelve

"I saw the whole incident Mr. Purcell," Blake sat in the chair beside Isabelle. She held an icepack on her bloody, busted knuckles. "Mackenzie hit Isabelle first and Isabelle was just defending herself," the Dean didn't look as if he was convinced. He watched Isabelle cautiously as if she was going to attack him. But Isabelle sat hunched over, her stomach in knots as she waited for her father to come through the door.

"Mr.Purcell, you know full well how aggressive Kenzie is, especially when it comes to sports, she has fought some girls on and off the court, but-" the principal cut him off.

"I am well aware of Miss Justin's track record. I don't need you to plead a case to me, you are dismissed Mr. Iverson," Blake looked down at Isabelle in pity and quickly stepped from the room. The door closed quietly and she caught a glimpse of the girl Mackenzie in the nurses office across the hall. She was glaring at Isabelle. And inside, Isabelle knew this wasn't going to be the last time she saw this girl.

"Miss McBride," she turned her head to the principal, his gray eyes were watching her cautiously.

"I don't know why you thought that you could come to my school and get in a fight on your second week of school, but I won't stand for it," Isabelle wanted to say something smart, but she sealed her lips shut and half listened to the man. He pointed a finger at her. "I will not tolerate violence, especially against one of my star players," his eyes widened when he realized what he said. Ooh. So that is why he is so angry at me.

"I didn't start it," she replied back. The anger seemed to roar in his eyes as he stood up. His black office chair hitting the tinted window behind him.

"I don't care who started it!" he shouted. His face was turning red and she got scared for a second. She prayed that her father got here, and quickly.

"I want you to stay away from Mackenzie, don't talk to her, don't look at her, don't even breath near her." He snapped. Isabelle looked at him wide eyed. "You understand me?" Isabelle watched him for a while before shrugging in reply. She didn't care what this man thought and she didn't care who he was. He obviously cared more about his sports team then the actual well-beings of the students of this school.

"Miss McBride..." He walked around his desk and stood directly in front of Isabelle. She scooted the plush leather seat back, he was too close for her comfort. And it was obvious the man didn't like her.

"I have a... let's say a friend in the Jean Police Department," he looked at Isabelle, and she curled her hand in her lap. "And he isn't afraid of taking minors and locking them up, and adding a few things to their records," Isabelle immediately got the hint. If she fought Mackenzie again, or any of his other basketball stars. He'd have her arrested and tossed into juvenile hall.

"And from what I hear. They send the violent kids to the big house, not juvie." Scratch that. She'd go to jail.

"You get what I'm saying?" He asked. Her eyes brows lifted in surprise and nodded her head. He didn't scare her, and neither did his "friend." Everyone knew that Mackenzie hit her first and she wasn't going to let that little detail slide.

"Everyone knows I didn't swing first," she replied. He frowned at her statement and bravado. "I have the school cameras, witnesses and teachers to say what really happened. And judging by the looks of her in the nurses office, she's going to come after me again. And she's going to get the same treatment if she touches me. You can threaten me all you want, but you don't scare me. So maybe, you should warn your star player before coming straight after me, because I was the victim in this situation."

The principal rubbed his chin as his left eyelid started to twitch. He didn't like this kid, not one bit. She was cocky and disrespectful. True, he did favor his athletes over his mathletes, but that was how the school got their money. And all the grants that Miss Justin had brought in made it possible for him to get a new desk and chairs. Which Miss McBride sat in now.

"It doesn't matter what you have, stay away from Mackenzie Justin and I won't call my friends." He went back around his desk and sat down in the chair. A knock sounded on the door and he called for them to come in. He sat up straighter and adjusted his tie. The woman that helped Isabelle on the first day opened the door, her glasses low on her nose.

"There is a Mrs. Montgomery here to see you," she looked at Isabelle briefly before her eyes widened. Isabelle thought for a second Mrs. Montgomery? Her father was married? To who?! The principal raised his eye brow in confusion and then replied.

"Uh, tell her to come in," the door closed briefly before it opened again. Isabelle took the ice pack off of her fist before picking at the swollen broken skin. Who the hell was Mrs.Montgomery? She looked up and saw that her grandmother now stood in the doorway of Mr.Purcell's office. Oh. Nonna. Who else?

"Hello Mrs. Montgomery, you look beautiful this afternoon," Mr.Purcell stood and held his hand out to Nonna. Nonna peeked at Isabelle and Isabelle did a quick shake of her head. Nonna didn't shake the man's hand, instead she walked and stood behind Isabelle's chair and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Mr.Purcell looked shocked for a moment before taking a seat.

"Mr.Purcell," Nonna's accent seemed thicker as she spoke to the man. "Tell me why my Izzabelle is in here." She ordered. Mr.Purcell cleared his throat before speaking.

"Well Isabelle got into a fight with another student, and the girl was badly beaten-"

"Is she dead?" Nonna asked. Mr.Purcell began to shake his head.

"No bu-"

"Did she break a bone, have a concussion?" She asked again. Mr.Purcell shook his head again.

"No, but Mrs. Montgomery the girl was-"

"I donna care who the girl was, or is. If she is not dead, broken or have a concussion why is Izzabelle in the office?" Nonna asked a very good question. Isabelle's eye brows lifted in surprise and turned to look at a very red faced Purcell.

"Well, uh- Isabelle initiated the fight-"

"No I donna believe that," Nonna shook her head. "Izzabelle has never gotten into a fight before, and her track record is clean so I'd like to know why she's being suspended for two weeks." Isabelle looked up at Nonna, whom was trying to refrain from cursing out the man behind the desk.

"I know that Isabelle's records are clean, but the statement from the other girl-"

"Is that her outside?" Nonna interrupted again, and Isabelle could tell he was getting irritated.

"Yes. It is. But-"

"She looks like a bully," Nonna remarked. "Her track record is not so clean right?" Mr. Purcell's face turned red as he got caught up.

"Exactly, Izzabelle should not be suspended for two weeks for a fight she did no start." Nonna said. Isabelle dropped her chin to her chest, and smirked into her lap as Nonna grilled the grown man.

"So we'll take the plea of a one week suspension and maybe a week of detention, which was probably what you offered the other girl right?" Mr.Purcell nodded his head and Nonna patted Isabelle's shoulder.

"Come let's go home," Isabelle stood up and gathered her things quickly. Nonna held the door open, and Isabelle looked back at Mr.Purcell. He was looking at her, his gray eyes angry and full of intent.

"Mr.Purcell," Nonna caught his attention and he looked away from Isabelle. "If my son was here, things would have went totally differently, consider yourself lucky." Isabelle and Nonna walked out of the weak man's office.
Isabelle saw that Mackenzie was still in the nurses office an ice pack resting on her cheek and left eye. She glared at Isabelle and Isabelle looked back, and then pointed to her own left eye. The girl stood up as if she was going to do something but then Mr.Purcell called her name and he sounded pissed. Her face blanched white before turning the other way and sulking into his office. Isabelle smiled and followed Nonna out of the front of the school. A black truck waited for them and Nonna got in the front as Isabelle climbed into the back.

"How was the other girl?" The man up front asked, he turned to look at Nonna, who just smiled and replied.

"Ass kicked. I want my twenty dollars," she held out her hand and the man snapped his fingers and sucked his teeth. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the bill. He looked back at Isabelle as he pulled out of the school parking lot.

"Sorry I ever doubted ya kid, just never took you as a fighter," he looked back to the road and Isabelle heard the roar of motorcycles. She turned around as far as the seat belt let her and saw the bikes behind them. They never went anywhere without those men.

And she was starting to not mind.

A Couple of Hours Later
Justin Residence/
Devil's Advocate MC Main House

"What in the fuck happened to you?!" She stopped in the door way of the small kitchen and turned to look at her older cousin. The icepack she held on her eye hid the worst black eye she's ever had. Her chest was covered in dark purple bruises and her lip was split open. It felt like everything was throbbing and hurting at the same time.

"A lil mix breed, mutt bitch, that's what happened!" She growled out. She opened the refrigerator and all the things shook inside, threatening to fall out.

"You got your ass kicked?" He leaned against the counter with a crooked smile on his face. She brushed her dark hair out of her face and turned to glare at him.

"What? You wanna rub it in!?" He shook his head and scratched his arm. Damn, he needed a fix. He tried to focus on his little cousin.

"Nah, do you want me to get some of the guys to handle it?" He asked. He was practically begging that she said yes. He's been craving to bust some caps in someone. Every since he found those fucking spies in his club, he wanted to spill some blood. But instead she sucked her teeth and shook her head.

"No I got it, that lil bitch is going to get what's coming to her, and soon," she slammed the ice tray on the counter and refilled her ice pack.

"Don't do nothin' stupid Kenzie, you 'bout to graduate," he sipped the soda in his hand and watched as she pressed the ice pack against her eye.

"I'm not, dipshit. You seen Matt?" She suddenly asked. She needed to find her little brother. Her older cousin shook his head and scratched his arm, she watched as he picked at his inner arm and she wrinkled her nose.

"Stop smoking the Puerto Ricans shit, Guinnes. Before it comes up and kills you." Mackenzie walked out of the kitchen and left her older cousin in the kitchen. He was such a fucking idiot sometimes. How did he even become President?


"Isabelle!" Someone called her name as soon as she walked through the front doors of the house, Nonna right behind her.

"Yes!" She shouted in reply as she tossed her back pack on the floor in the foyer. She walked down the long hallway and turned into the kitchen. Her father stood there in all his leathers, his dark green helmet under his arm.

"What the hell happened at school today?" He asked. His tanned skin was flushed with red and she knew he was angry. Her anger came up with her.

"I kicked some girl's butt," she said nonchalantly. A shrug followed after and Jacks slammed his helmet on the counter.

"And you got suspended for it! I told you don't start no shit at this school. I cleaned your track record for a fucking reason!" He yelled. Nonna stepped into the room and the tension didnt dissipate.

"I didn't ask for you to do that, but thank you," Jacks loss his anger slowly at her obvious gratitude. "You should know that the girl swung first, a right hook to my jaw, it was powder punch though," she touched her jaw, it didn't even throb, but she knew there was a little bruise. Yup, a total powder. He looked angry but she could see the pride glimmering in his eyes.

"You probably got that trait from your father," Nonna smacked the back of Jacks head. "He always had a steel jaw and hard head," Jacks held the back of his head as he watched Nonna passed behind him.

"Yeah, thanks Ma," he said sarcastically. Nonna turned her face towards Isabelle, who leaned against the wall of the kitchen.

"You should be thanking me too little gal, I pleaded your case," Nonna smiled and Isabelle shook her head.

"Yes, yes you did, thank you," Isabelle replied, but couldn't hold in her nest words. "You should really slow down on those Law & Order reruns though." A few people snickered behind Isabelle and Jacks tried to hold in but it came out anyway.

"Whatever Pacquiao ," Isabelle's eyes widened in surprised and a smile brightened up her face. Jacks looked on in awe as she smiled. She looked just like her mother. But she had his eyes. He felt his heart throb in his chest as her thought about Natasha. She may be gone, but she left a spitting image of herself on this planet.

"So how long are you suspended for?" The laughter stopped abruptly and then the serious frown settled back on Jacks' face, he almost forgot about that.

"Yeah, how long?" He asked. She shifted on her feet and looked at Nonna.

"The principal said a week and then a week of detention," Nonna spoke for her. Isabelle nodded her head and then looked up to Jacks.

"Wyatt will take you to school tomorrow to get next weeks homework," he grabbed his helmet off of the counter and walked out of the kitchen. He motioned to the men sittng at the dinner table and island and they followed him out. When the kitchen was empty and it was only Nonna and Isabelle, no one spoke for a while.

"You want some ice cream?" Isabelle smiled and nodded her head as Nonna pulled the freezer door open. Isabelle got the bowls and spoons. The door to the kitchen opened and Isabelle turned to see Wyatt standing in the doorway.

"Are you okay?" He asked Isabelle. His face was laced with concern and worry as his eyebrows drew together. She nodded her head and proceeded to get the bowls.

"Yeah, but you should see the other girl," she laughed to herself and Nonna bumped her hip. She turned and saw a frown on Wyatt's face.

"What's wrong?" She asked. He contemplated telling her. He liked Isabelle, he really did. As a sister, right? He pushed that thought away and concentrated on more pressing matters. She was going to get herself hurt if she kept... He shook his head and put on a false smile.

"Nothing, I'm good," he held up his back pack. "I got your homework for next week, but your math teacher was being a complete asshole about it," Isabelle smiled and Wyatt noticed the mark on her jaw. His hands clenched at the thought of Mackenzie putting her hands on Isabelle again.

"Oh thanks. I really appreciate it. Want some ice cream?" She asked. Wyatt looked briefly at Nonna and then Isabelle, whom held the spoons and bowls. He shook his head and zipped up his back pack.

"Nah, I'm cool," he stepped out of the kitchen but before he left Isabelle called his name. For some reason she felt like there was something wrong. And she needed to know.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He smiled at her and ruffled his dark hair. He nodded his head and Isabelle took his final answer. He walked out of the kitchen and Nonna decided to open her mouth.

"Wyatt is handsome..." Nonna  said from beside her. Isabelle looked down at her grandmother and smiled a bit.

"Yeah, he is," she suddenly realized what she said and cleared her throat before grabbing the bowl of ice cream Nonna made.

"And very sweet too?" Isabelle didn't reply verbally but Nonna knew the answer.

"He likes you." Isabelle choked on her spoon full of Butter Pecan ice cream and looked to Nonna with wide eyes. She began to shake her head and laughed nervously.

"No. N-no. First, he is way too old for me and he doesn't like me like that. I'm probably like a little sister to him," she tried to rationalize. Nonna shook her head and smiled.

"But you don't like him like a brother."

"Oh my God, Nonna!" Isabelle covered her eyes. "Stop it!" Isabelle's face was red with embarrassment and she touched her hot cheeks with her cold hands. Why was Nonna saying all this? And why was it started to feel true. Those butterflies in her stomach weren't there for no reason.

Author's Note:

SOMEONE HAS SEEN THE LIGHT! (Of course it was Nonna.)

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