The Alpha's Luna

By Gurl_named_Haquimah

727 52 6

"I will always love you. Whoever and whatever you are." she mumbled to herself watching the scariest creature... More

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Chapter 1 - Just Another Monday
Chapter 2 - Unstoppable
Chapter 4 - Hello Kitty + Snoopy
Chapter 5 - "What do you mean?"
Chapter 6 - Fate and Mate
Chapter 7 - A Night
Chapter 8 - Say Cheese!
Chapter 9 - Woods
Chapter 10 - Bubbles
Chapter 11 - Water
Chapter 12 - I'm still worth it

Chapter 3- Shitty Day

74 9 0
By Gurl_named_Haquimah

"There must be a deep reason, an acceptable reason for her to throw such a long and best friendship and until now, I haven't stop trying to figure it out." Lenox Tillman, The Alpha's Luna.

*Lenox Tillman*

The time I woke up was also the exact time our telephone started making an annoying noise echoing around the empty living room downstairs. Lethargically, I stepped on the stairs continuing until the last one and crawl (Yes, you read that right. I obnoxiously crawled) advancing to the irritating thing that keeps on ringing. If that telephone could just move, I'm probably in a hospital bed right now with a smashed skull.

"Hello. Good morning. Tillman residents." I greeted trying to feel if ever I have some morning stars at the corners of my eyes. I was raised properly so talking on the phone with crusty eyes are just disgusting (they don't have connections. I know.)

"Good Morning. May I speak to Ms. Lenox Tillman?" A woman greeted back, by the sound of authority and formality of her voice, I knew it was the school head.

"Speaking." I said yawning. I'm afraid of her, yes but me acting like a bitch should bitch all the people around me. She started to blabber about the maintenance that is about to happen today and now I realized what is she trying to imply. She always likes attendance and punctuality so having no classes is really a big deal to her. For her, every time she announce that there will be no classes or a class suspension is supposed to be done, she'll get dramatic. More dramatic than a mother who accidentally bitch slapped her momma's boy son.

"Okay ma'am. Thank you and have a good day." I got so excited that I didn't wait for anymore p.s. and slam the phone down doing air fist bump. I ran back upstairs so fast I tripped twice and almost sent myself back down. Quickly, I took a bath and got ready for some jogging. Exercise is not really my thing but then I realized its for her benefit so I forced my self to love it. I wore sports bra and pants while looking for my IPod and headset. I then put a jacket. Showing my body is like showing them who really am I which is my nightmare.

I pried open the door only to see my parents going out the car then my father got something from the trunk, a wheel chair. Wheel chair were meant to help for better but when you're the one sitting on it, you'll fell more worthless than you already are. Followed by my sister going out from the passenger seat. The struggle on their faces getting my sister seated just provoked me more about it.

"That won't last long, guys." I thought. "Just give me one more year and everything's going back to normal. Only the change is I'm not with you anymore." But then they will not notice someone's absence at how happy they will be.

Today's Tuesday which means they should really be here. I opened the door wider to let them pass. Dad smiled at me and I smiled back. However, my sister, as always, started scowling at me like I am some rat trying to hijack her prey and rolled her eyes almost kicking the shit out of me at how angry she is whenever we're near each other. Her once golden honey hair now turned to a lifeless color of gold, purple instead of pinkish lips, those high cheekbones I always envy now sunk down on her face. And of course, my mom, who until now, is giving me her silent treatment. All of our relatives doesn't agree with me but my mom, oh my mom is the one who disagreed the most. So much that when she can't stop me anymore, she got mad.

I helped her preparing the food she bought take out from McDonald's for breakfast with an atmosphere I really do not like.

"Isn't it Tuesday? Why aren't you in school?" my dad asked while chewing his muffin that's why it sounded lke "Wisint it Bwisday? Bwhy awent you in school?"

"The school called. No classes for maintenance." I answered and looked at my mom sitting beside me. "Mom, do you want to have some rest?" I asked. I hate eating silently. Just the sound of spoon and fork can be heard. It makes my ear dance.

"I'm fine." Her answer is so short and clipped indicating she really is mad but I guess that's better than just some non-verbal motions. Non-verbal like nods only and head shake. I looked at George, my sister and said, "George, I'll go jogging, want me to buy you something?" When we were younger, we were the best-sisters-friends-like-twins although we really are not twins. We have the best friendship I can't compare to my other friendship. But comparing it with my and Shei's is anoter topic. Every time she'd go jogging with my father, she would ask me what I want. She always jog every weekend that's why her body is what girls drools over and catches boys' attentions.

We were so close that when any of us come home crying, the other one would go outside and argue whoever the motherfucker caused the sudden hysteria with knife in our hands. People thought we were dangerous yet they haven't even seen the Level 1, just always some warm-ups. Though that's a smart decision. But that one of the best friendship ended during our middle school and it was her who ended and cut everything between with a reason I still don't know. I even blame one of her friends whose boyfriend broke up with her and started hitting on me. Who knows she wanted revenge but nope, she isn't. There must be a deep reason, an acceptable reason for her to throw such a long and best friendship and until now, I haven't stop figuring it out.

"Try to buy me a heart."

"W-what?" I asked taken aback my eyes rapidly blinking.

"You heard me loud and clear. I'll repeat it: Try to buy me a heart. If I know that's just one of your shows to gain more attentions and praises." She spat slightly cocking her head from side to side.

"What do you mean?" I asked feeling the stinging sensation at the back of my eyes and at the middle of my chest painfully spreading through out my body. This would be one of the times I dread so much; fighting with her. Because even though she's the weaker one, the sick one, she always wins.

"Oh come on! We fucking both know tha-"

"Enough!" my father shouted cutting the little battle we were about to have. "We're only complete once in a while and yet can't even be grateful?!" He cried slamming his fork to the table sending all the thing on there fly to the air and fall back.

So I did the best thing I could do, started the thing I wasn't able to. Jog outside. But instead of jogging, I run. Run and run until I can't hear anymore my mother's cry. Until I can't get a sight of our house, our gate, and the high tree house we have while crying like a melodramatic bitch.

"She's just angry that she's ill. She doesn't mean any of her words." I ranted to myself though I don't know if I'm just lying to myself or convincing the wind that whispers.

'Of course, she does. She hates you, Lenox. More than she hates her illness.' My subconscious whispered almost letting me believe. I was about to fight back but she was gone when a fast gray van -I know they're in an illegal speed- came. It didn't stop and made me wonder why is it in such a hurry mercy. Then my curiosity stopped, even my heart and especially my brain when the door burst open approaching me. I don't know what happened just me being sent into someone's arms with handkerchief blocking my nose and mouth that smelled like shit forced me to fall into a deep sleep.


I woke up my body feeling numb and my head aching like some construction is happening inside.

"Ughh!" I groaned letting my hair break free from its bun and started massaging my temples.

"Good evening." And that so unfamiliar male voice being heard of my ears just made me want to run like mad grandma and sleep to death. His voice was so deep and hoarse like he hadn't spoke for long but it wasn't the texture of his voice; it was the tone that made me stop. The voice alone let me picture already an ugly man sitting beside who's probably just waiting for me to say my last words and kill me. He sounded like a brother greeting his sister sarcastically every morning but deep down I know there's another meaning of it.

It was already dark, outside and inside the house which just makes everything worse. How could I escape with a dark atmosphere surrounding me, not also to mention the fact that I have a blurry sight for forgetting to wear any contacts, even my glasses. Oh boy, how I really love fate.

I instantly shifted to the other side of the bed. The lamp was on the other side (his side) that when I looked at him, I saw his face. We were both shocked. I don't know why he is but I was shocked because his face is so oh my God. His pink lips that are slightly parted, that pointed nose, strong jaws, honey brown hair and his golden brown eyes that were gaping at me. Perfection is the- For Pete's sake you don't know him! Stupid hormones.

"Who are you?!" I asked backing more away until I'm out of the bed and standing. "What am I doing here?" I asked once more when he just continued to gape at me.

"I just need help." He said standing up as well recovered from his sudden reaction.

"Last time I checked, kidnapping is really not a necessary thing when you need help." I need a witty response but that's just what I could think of. My brain is somewhere but not in the place where it really should be.

"I'm not telling you. I'm begging." I was about to say something back like 'Is that how you beg? Acting like a gangster and kidnap some random person?' but I stopped.

"Is that how you beg? What do I get in return?" I am not that kind of person who helps with something to be returned but he's just annoying me. Of all the people, doesn't he have any friends to ask for help? I thought he'll kneel since he advanced but he continued to walk so I step backwards. He walked again and so did I for it should be a sane person would do. The room seems to become smaller until I hit the wall behind me, him towering. We were so close you could balance a rice grain between us.

Closing the space between us, he gripped my jacket and slipped his hands inside feeling my naked waist. He leaned down to my left, his lips brushing my ear.

"Do you really wanna know?" his voice was so low it sent vibration to my body. The hot breath he exhales to my body just made the humidity 10x hotter.

"I was planning to make it a surprise." He whispered and if smirking can be heard, I may be deaf by now.

I was about to push him, thanks for my fucking malfunctioning brain, but swiftly he held both if my wrists with his left hand, while his right was still there exploring the place like an adventurer lost because of Dora.

"You asked for it, I'll give it." He whispered again then placed open mouthed kisses on my neck. I even felt his tongue leaving wet spots. He slightly bit them making my breath hitch fighting back the tears that threat to come out. I felt dirty, angry and disgusted. I can't fight, I am weak. He's controlled everything. When he got to my jaw,

"Justin!" someone shouted outside the door, immediately sending this bastard 3 feet away from me.

This bastard just disrespect and molested me that will always haunt me the time I fot home. That is... if ever I still can go home.

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