
By EssoLloydMpetha

93K 6.6K 890

My whole life just changed in one day. I was kidnapped by a scientist gone rogue. Experimented on with nanote... More

Copyright Notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
A note from the Author
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Part 1
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20 Part 1
Chapter 20 Part 2
Chapter 21 Part 1
Chaper 21 Part 2
Chapter 22 Part 1
Chapter 22 Part 2
Chapter 23 Part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Part 1
Chapter 25 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
A note from the author

Chapter 23 Part 1

1.3K 141 10
By EssoLloydMpetha

"Andrew, Daniel and Annabelle, what are you doing here?"

"We would ask you the same question." Anna says.

"Well, I wanted to have some alone time with my pal over there," I say sarcastically  whilst pointing at the Controller.

"Stop playing around, why are you meeting with the Controller?" Anna asks again.

"The enemy of my enemy, is my friend. That's my reason, what's yours?" I say looking at the Controller with hateful eyes.

"We've had enough of living in fear, hiding and cowering in our building. The Controller promised us freedom, all we have to do is help him get his experiments back. I'm willing to do this, after that we'll be free," Andrew says whilst  darting around the building looking over the edges.

"Do you truly believe that he'll let you go after all this is over?"

"I don't trust him," Danny says, hardly opening his mouth.

"I need him to rescue my friend, he knows something that could be of use to me."

"Do you trust him?" Anna asks as the Controller turns and walks to our direction.

"Never in a million years."

"Enough with the reunion, they'll be time for that later." The door to the flight of stairs flies opens, standing there is the gasman.

"Bruce, lead them down. Help them with everything they need and give them their suits."

"Suits? What sui-"

Anna stops talking when she sees that the Controller has vanished into thin air. The wind blows across our faces like a slap as we walk to the door. They climb down a flight of stairs, Bruce finally opens a door on the side of the staircase. If we were blindly walking into a trap, we wouldn't know. We follow Bruce as he walks purpsefully down a hallway.

We enter a room that looks much like an interrogation room. We find the Controller there, three briefcases lay infront of him. The briefcases have each of our names written on them. We walk closer to the table with briefcase but don't open them.

"What are you waiting for, open the-"

"How do I look?" Andrew asks, already wearing the suit and his briefcase laying on the side with all his clothes. "Well, say something," he says whilst running around the room. Only a circle of black is visible as he runs around in circles. "Damn it, I look good," he says whilst touching the mesh of his costume.

Danny opens the briefcase with excitement in his face. I'm  sure I saw a smile that disappeared as soon as it appeared. He holds the suit close to his body, as if he is checking if it fits him.

"What happens when I shrink or go big?" he asks whilst looking at the Controller.

"Try it on and you'll see," he says with a grin across his face.

"Some of us actually need a room to change."

Anna picks up her costume and lifts it up with her index finger and thumb like some dirty sock that hasn't been washed in months.

"I am so not wearing this," Anna says whilst dropping the costume to the ground in disgust. She folds her arms and looks to the side.

"Just wear it for the mission," the Controller says running his hand through his hair. "After you free my expiriments, you can throw it away or do anything you like with it."

Anna shrugs, "Ok."

Anna enters a portal, after a few minutes she comes out wearing the costume. Andrew's mouth drops open as he looks at Anna in her costume. Anna closes Andrew's mouth by lifting his chin. "My face is up here," Anna says, she noticed that Andrew was looking at her body. "I'm not comfortable with wearing this, can I just wear my clothes?"

"Don't worry, you look good," Danny says with a smile.

Anna starts blushing whilst saying, "Thank you."

Without a shadow of doubt, I am sure something is happening between the two. They clearly have feelings for each other, I am not sure if Andrew has noticed though. He could live with two lovers in the house and not notice, though I doubt that they're dating or anything.

I look at Anna who has her gaze fixed on the floor, and back and Danny who shyly looks down. I now know for sure that something  is going on there, even when they're looking down, their gazes constantly meet.

"Good, now that that is settled, your mission is to destroy. I don't want that lab standing when you leave," the Controller says clenching his fists.


I'm  amazed at the number of guards in the place, I can't even tell if the guards are beasts or normal. They could all be beasts, then we would be greatly outnumbered. I look through the walls and to the lab beneath. "Everybody touch me," I say.

"Uhm no thank you," Anna gives me a quizzical look.

"Just trust me on this," my eyes almost begging her to play along.

They all obey and touch me, "Now I'm going to teleport. Do not let go until we reach there," I say checking if everyone is touching me. I then teleport them down into the lab, and this time scientists are working in the lab.

"What are you doing here? All guards should remain upstairs," says a scrawny man who has a ponytail.

"That's the thing," Andrew destroys a test tube next to him with a jolt of electricity, "we ain't your average guards."

The scientists hurry up the stairs, many of them fearing for their lives. We know that we'll alarm the guards at the top, but our mission is not to go in and out without being detected. Our mission is to destroy.

The scientists trip over each other as they run, a stampede of scientists run up these stairs.

We all turn our gazes to a small boy in a tube filled with water. The boy however can somehow breath, underneath the water. His eyes are closed, he must be asleep. We click on the release button, all the water sinks out before it opens.

The boy drops to the floor, and opens his eyes. He stands up and takes a few steps back. "We're not going to hurt you," I say moving closer. The boy steps back until he is against the tube.

He keeps looking to the sides whilst he keeps us all at arms length away. "What do you want with me?"

"Nothing, we're here to set you free," I say pointing up, "I can teleport  you home if you want?"

The boy looks at us, he runs across the room faster than any human should be able to. He jumps on the walls and sticks to it, he crawls up the wall.The others watch in amazement as the boy jumps up and starts flying. He breaks through the roof above him and flies out of sight.

"Should we be worried about that?" Anna asks, pointing  upwards.

Bruce shrugs as he melts the tubes around him with his hands. He lets the gas escape from his hands and melt everything in sight.

Danny grows huge and starts throwing everything around with ease. Andrew breaks everything he passes next to, whilst Anna just stands there watching the chaos. I throw everything around, the test tubes, tables even the tube-like-pod I was once in.

Entering their lab was a lot easier this time, and thanks to my vision and teleportation we managed to get in easily.The horror that awaits us just up the flight of stairs is unimaginable. The place was already highly guarded because of the previous attack.

As we destroy, the guards are already making their way down here. I levitate up turning everyone's attention to me.

"I didn't know he could fly," Andrew says, looking at me in amazement.

I shoot blasts of energy with my hands in all directions. Anna sees the change in my face, I look a lot more in control. My eyes blazing with fire as I shoot energy, Anna couldn't help but notice how invincible I look.

It is like something takes over my whole body, and I'm left with a face of sheer anger and determination. Shaun is obviously someone who has been through a lot, he uses these chances to take out the anger inside of him, Anna thinks.

He keeps so much of everything bottled up inside, he hardly ever speaks about how he feels. Everytime he uses his powers, he unleashes the rage inside of him. She has never seen anything like this. Could the power really be getting to him, could it be revealing the darkness in him, she continues diving deep into thought.

I fly to the side trying to dodge an attack from my side. I fly slowly and sloppily because I lack training, much like a bird learning to fly.

Claws scratch across my shoulder, sending blood splattering on the floor below. I turn myself  around to see a bird like human flying on my side.

"You look like a chick learning to fly," the man says whilst slowly flapping the wings that are on his back. There are feathers all around the man's body, and he actually has a beak. His feet look like a bird's feet and so do his hands. Razer sharp claws appear on the man's hands. He flaps his black wings together sending a gust of wind in my direction. The wind blows me backwards as I struggle to keep myself  afloat.

"It's a shame I'll have to chop those wings of you," I say with a dark smirk on my face.

The man backs up preparing for a charge at me, "You're awfully confident for a bird that can hardly fly."

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