high school ー the cube au

By aestheticens

6.8K 374 320

high school; (n.) 1. a shitty place where teenage sub-culture drives you insane and teachers give you lots of... More



572 37 27
By aestheticens



I heard my door creak open, and greeted with "Hey Joe," with Zack carrying the 'e' out. He sat down on my bed, and watched as I scrolled down an endless webpage of calculus stuff. I greeted back, sighing at the next 5 hours of work I had in front of me. 

"So, I saw this really funny vine, and-" 

"Zack, I know you have just as much work as I do, and I know you are no where near to finishing." I cut him off. He had a surprised look. I know me, I know I'm not usually like this. "Look, this is a really big test and we need to pass this year, we almost failed last year. Because you're a crazy savage," I smiled, trying to lighten the mood. He laughed. 

"I know, I talked you into some crazy ass things, from the robbing that corner store, to driving until 6 a.m, and remember when we stole that whole jar of chocolate from the front office?" He started laughing harder. I laughed with him, reliving the stupid, but very fun, actions in my mind.

"And when we skipped class and hid out under the stairs, just because there was that hot girl you were too embarrassed to say hi to?" I looked at Zack and started laughing really hard. I was basically that 'xD' emoticon. I lightly punched his shoulder.

"Joe, this is frickin' boring. Let's go back to our Junior year and go do something amazingly crazy."  He giggled, and I sat back in my chair debating whether or whether I shouldn't agree to this psychopath. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine," I laughed, "but anything we do is all on you!" I teased. I jumped out of my leather chair and Zack followed. We went downstairs and I grabbed my car keys off of the side table next to the front door. I grabbed my jacket off of the rack, and threw it on. Zack closed the door behind him and trotted to the car. I locked the door and followed to the driver's seat.

"You're hysterical,"  I teased, after I turned on the engine. He turned the station to a pop station immediately, knowing the expensively humorous torture it brought me. "Ow! My ears!" I dramatically giggled. He laughed at my exaggeration. He screamed along to a Taylor Swift song, and pointed down each road he wanted me to turn on. We finally pulled into an empty parking lot. I shut off the engine and took a look at my surroundings. I opened the car door, greeted with the memories from Zack and I's childhood. I looked back at Zack.

"Zack! I just want to hug you, even though the air is cold I'm getting this warm and fuzzy feeling! How many times have you come here without me? This was the playground we always came to after the nonstop bullied out days of elementary and middle." I dashed towards the abandoned, rusted up playground and Zack followed. I heavily exhaled watching my breath escape into the universe.

I saw the old metal slide, which caused the park to be shut down. Some kid bashed his chin against the crappy old thing and ended up in the E.R with a major head trauma. I glanced over at the old rusted see-saw and remembered the time when Zack flew off one side, because I had my growth spurt before him. I looked back at Zack, who was shuffling the damp wooden chips on the ground. I walked up to him, and hugged him, very tightly. This was my best friend, and ever since high school I feel like I've forgotten this. 

Zack gasped, and I felt him smile. He rested his chin on my shoulder, as I did to him. "Thank you, I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world." I laughed lightly. "Not even a free private concert with The Beatles?" He joked. I laughed and let go of our embrace. I watched his breath trickle out from between his lips when he exhaled, and it was frankly soothing. 

"Here, I have one more stop. Toss me the keys." He smiled and chuckled. I dug the keys out of my front pocket and tossed them. He missed catching them, of course. I laughed. "Shut up!" He teased. We got back into the car, this time I was in the passenger seat. When Zack started the engine, I immediately changed the station to an oldies station, and screamed a Queen song. Zack laughed at my impression of him. I watched as we swerved and turned on many different back roads I never knew, but I guess as Zack and I started growing apart he picked up on a few new things.

We parked on a street, and I actually knew this street. Zack turned off the engine and looked at me. We were on main street, and across the street was this four star, amazing, burger place. I looked back at Zack, who was giggling to himself. I playfully slapped his arm. "Why are you laughing!" I started laughing along with him.

"It's nothing," He laughed lightly again, and started what he wanted to really say, "So when you weren't around I started walking and meeting people and I met this guy Daniel who works here at this burger joint and we eventually agreed he would leave me this grand meal out in the back every other weekday, and today happens to be one of those days." He smirked, which was odd but adorable. He opened his door, so I opened mine and we quietly snuck to the back of the building, where there was in fact, a large paper bag filled with warm food.

"We just have to grab this and go, okay? There's a security guard that patrols around here all night." Zack warned. Zack grabbed the bag, and the drink sitting behind it we didn't notice fell on the ground. I looked at Zack quietly, with worried eyes.

"Hey! Is someone back there?" We heard a large voice yell. Zack pulled on my arm and we started running to the car. I was falling behind Zack a bit, but I could hear the security guard's footsteps closing in behind. I heard Zack scream, "Joe look out!" and screeching tires against the pavement before I blacked out.

Ooooooops c:

hopefully this is okay ;-; because I had updated it like a week ago, but when it published wattpad deleted it and I kinda gave up for a bit. I'm sorry ;-;

I love yooous <33

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Twitter: @idkoakley

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