Walking Travesty || CTH

By calumslostsoul

1K 101 26

If you see her you'd say she's perfect. You'd say she's the queen of the school, has many friends and lives a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Author's Note
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Four

44 4 1
By calumslostsoul

Niall and I kept listening to the music playing through the speakers. We're almost at the mall. It's a short drive.

"So... Are you excited?" Niall asked me.

"About what?"

"You know.. Going on tour with us!"

I glanced at him and then focused back on the road. He can't be serious, right?

"Of course Niall!! This is so amazing! People are going to notice us and I hope we'll get big someday." I exclaimed.

"I'm sure you will!! You guys are good!! I thanked him and smiled.

"So who's your favorite in 5SOS?"

My eyes widened for a minute and I blushed so hard..

"No one" I replied too quickly.

"Bullshit!! I know you're lying Rachel, so tell me..." Niall laughed.

"Ugh fine!! It's Calum." I mumbled.

"I knew it!!" He yelled.

Uhh what?

"Knew what?" I asked him and furrowed my eyebrows. I'm confused.

"I don't know. I just guessed it. You kinda look like a Calum girl. You'd be a cute couple, I'm not going to lie.."

"Couple?? Are you crazy? Why do you think he would actually like me?" I laughed. I'm also shocked.

Calum and I?

A couple?

Niall are you drunk?

"Why wouldn't he? You're beautiful, kind, sweet, have a really good personality and you're talented.. Every guy wants a girl like you!!"

"Yeah of course! That's why Dan used to abuse and cheat on me and the guys at my school were throwing themselves at me." I said and rolled my eyes. I hope you notice my sarcasm, which was so obvious.

"Dan was an asshole and doesn't know what he had.. So are the guys in your school! Calum is not like them at all. And I'm sure not only him are going to have eyes for you.. Even Louis has crush on you!!"

Once he said that he gasped and covered his mouth. My eyes widened and I'm trying to not crash into the car in front of me.

Louis has a crush on me? Wow, I never thought a boy would actually find me attractive.

"You can't be serious, right?" I asked him in disbelief.

"Please don't tell him I told you that! He will literally kill me!!" He pleaded.

"Don't worry Niall, you just caught me off guard." I said and chuckled.

"Phew! Thank you so much!!"

We drove in silence until he said something that surprised me.

"Don't think low of yourself Rachel.. You're beautiful and when I say that every guy wants a girl like you then I mean it. I wouldn't lie to you. Louis likes you. Even Chase has eyes for you!" I looked at him with a shock expression.

"You didn't notice it? The way he looks at you just says it all."

"This can't be true. We're just friends." I said and shook my head.

I'm not going to believe him. Chase and I are like brother and sister.

"Whatever you say Ray.." He sing-songs. Ughh he annoys me sometimes!!

We arrived and I found an empty space in front of the mall. Both of us got out and I locked the car and went inside.

"Do you know where we're going to meet the boys?" Niall asked me.

"Yeah, they said to meet them in front of Forever 21." I answered.

"I hope people won't notice me.." Niall mumbled. Oh yeah, I forgot he was famous.. Oops?

"Don't worry. We're in a small town here, so no one will notice you." I assured him.

It's true. I live in a small town so close to New York. It's quiet here and safe.

Don't mention the accident please.

Niall and I walked through the mall until we reached the store. In front of it were Nick, Chase and Jonah.

Chase doesn't like me. Chase doesn't like me. Chase doesn't like me.

I kept saying that in my head, so I won't act awkward around him. 

We walked up to the boys and entered the store. I kept looking through the racks for some clothes. I found a couple of outfits and I carried them all to the fitting rooms. I told the boys to wait outside for me so I could ask them for their opinions.

I got inside and tried the first outfit. It was a tight batman crop top and black high waisted shorts. I got out and showed the boys.



"It looks really good on you!"

"You have to buy that."

I thanked the boys and got inside again to try on the next outfit. The next one was a black cross crop top and a floral skirt. I got out once again.

"I like the top but don't get the skirt.. It's not your style." Chase said and the boys agreed.

I got back inside and tried more outfits and then headed to the cashier. I payed and we all went to the Food Court. We found an empty table and sat on the chairs.

"So Niall, when are you going back to Ireland?" I asked him.

"On Monday. I have to go visit my family and stay there for a while before the tour."

"Ohh, okay."

"I forgot to tell you guys some things. You will be flying to London before the tour because our manager, Paul, wants to hear you first and maybe record some of your songs. And you'll get to see the 5SOS boys before the tour. I think it's a great idea so you can get to know the boys better.. And of course you'll need the practice before the tour, right?"

"Of course! I like the idea!" Nick said and we all agreed.

"So, when will we fly to London?" I asked him.

"I think it's next week. I'll be picking you up from the airport in London. So don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time." Niall assured us.

Next week!! Wow... I'm speechless. I still can't believe we're going on tour with One Direction and 5SOS... This is going to be a good distraction for me. I need to stop thinking about my parents and move on. I'll try to run the companies too but I'm not sure if I can do this.......

"This is great!! Dude, thanks really for doing this!!" Jonah said..

"You don't have to thank me. It's nothing and you guys deserve to get noticed." Niall said. "So, do you have new songs?"

"Yeah! Our girl here wrote a song. It's amazing!!" Chase said and I rolled my eyes.

"It's not amazing!! It's okay and we still need to practice it."

"I have an idea!!" Niall said and jumped from is his seat.

"Sit down you idiot!! What the hell are you doing?!" I whisper yelled at him. He's still a kid stuck in an 20 year old body.

"Sorry, I was just excited.." He muttered and we chuckled.

"So, what's your idea?" Nick said and motioned for him to continue.

"Well, I thought maybe you could finish the song and then play it for all of us in London? You'll have us as the crowd and supporters of course. And you'll also be showing Paul what you got.... What do you think?"

I let the idea of his sink in first before responding. Play our song in front of them? Omg I'm going to be nervous as fuck. And what will Paul say? Will we impress him? I hope so..

"I like the idea but I'm not sure if I can perform in front of you.." I started but got cut off by Niall.

"Ray, you're going to be performing in front of thousands of people!! And we're only going to be a small group!! Don't worry.." He assured me. Well, except the part of performing in front of thousands of people of course.

"Who's going to be watching us?" I asked him.

"Me and the boys of course. 5SOS, Paul, Lou and her husband and maybe some of our workers. Not much really.."

Hmm maybe that's a good idea. And it will help me control my nerves. I have never performed in front of a crowd before. Only my parents and the boys.

"Fine! But do you think we'll find plane tickets by next week?"

"Oh don't worry about that! Management already bought you plane tickets and everything. I have them in my bag back at the house!"


"I wanted to ask you something Ray. But I always forget!" Niall said.

"Uhm okay.... What is it?"

"Your parents were rich as hell!! And I'm sure they knew a lot of music producers! Why didn't you tell them to call one for you?" He asked.

Ugh not this again.

"Just because! We have to work hard for our goal. This is just the easy way and it's not fair. I prefer getting noticed by people than just call a music producer.." I explained.

"True." Nick agreed.

"I don't understand why no boy wants you."

Niall not this again, god..

"I'm just too much to handle." I bragged and flipped my hair.

The boys stared at me and then burst into laughter.. Remind me, why I did this again? Oh yeah because I like to make a fool of myself, obviously..

"I was joking! Stop laughing!" I said and covered my face with my hands. Ugh this is so embarrassing.

"Awww guys! She's blushing!!" Jonah teased.

Expect payback Jonah. Trust me, you won't like it.

"Ha ha ha, very funny guys.." I said annoyingly. I swear those boys are going to be the death of me.

"Fine, fine. That's enough.." Niall said.




"I'm hungry.." Of course you are... When aren't you hungry Jonah?

"How about Pizza?" Chase suggested.

"Yeah!!" They all cheered.

"Fine.. You guys stay here and have some guy talk and I'll go get us pizza" I joked.

I got up and went to Pizza Hut.

"Welcome to Pizza Hut!! What would you like to order?" The lady by the cashier asked.

"I want 2 large Pizzas please!" I said and smiled at her.

"What topping would you like?"


"Okay. That'll cost 20$ please."

I gave her the money and went to the bathroom. I quickly looked at the mirror to make sure that my make-up is not smeared or anything. I then washed my hands and got out. Just when I was about to enter Pizza Hut again, I crashed into someone and we both fell.

This can't be happening now.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!! I wasn't looking where I was going.. Please forgive me!!" I rambled.

The person in front of me started chuckling. What's so funn-

Wait a minute. I know that sound. My eyes widened when I realized who I crashed into.
No no no no no...

"Long time no see babe" Dan said.

"Hey Dan." I muttered and forced a smile..

Dan stood up and reached out his hands for me.. I hesitated before letting him help me.

"How are you?"

"Don't act like you care now!" I said through my teeth.

"Still feisty I see.." He smirked and I just rolled my eyes.

"Just leave me alone Dan. I'm not in the mood for your shit right now." I said and started to walk past him only to be yanked by him.. I stumbled and fell into his arms.

"Not so fast you bitch" He whispered.

He put an arm around my waist and guided me through the crowd until we reached a corner where's no people there. He pushed me against the wall and I yelped in pain. He started sucking on my neck. I kept pushing him and hitting him on his chest but he won't budge.

"Don't try to fight babe"

"Don't babe me!! Get off of--"

I got cut off by him kissing me.. I kept hitting him but nothing works. I don't kiss him back.

Wait I have an idea.

I hit him in the stomach with my knee and he stumbled back.

"You'll regret doing this!" He hissed.

Before I could run away, I felt his hands in my hair and he pushed me to the ground. I screamed but he quickly covered my mouth with his hands and my voice got muffled.

Why is this happening to me?

I tried to get him off of me but got smacked in the face instead. This will definitely form a bruise.

"You're a useless and desperate bitch, you know that?" He yelled. He kicked me in my stomach and hit me in the face.. I screamed again but he kicked me really hard in my back.

I kicked him in the balls and he groaned in pain and fell on the ground. I got up really fast and started running. Good thing I left my bag with the boys.

I arrived at the Food Court and ran to our table.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Nick yelled.

The boys stood up with a shocked expression on their face.

I took a deep breath and explained everything to them.

"We better get you to a hospital!" Jonah said examining my face.

No jokes?

"Where's Jonah and what did you to him?" I joked.

"Oh don't worry kiddo. The jokes will come later." He smirked and pats my back knowing what I mean. I flinched and hissed in pain.

"Oh shit I'm sorry!" He apologized.

"It's okay, don't worry about it"

"We better bring you to the hospital now. People are staring." Chase said.

Nick put his arm around my waist carefully and we walked to our cars.

"Give Niall your car keys and don't you dare protest! You can't drive in this condition." He said.

Ugh damn it!!

"Fine!" I pouted. I told Niall where the keys are and he opened the door for me. Nick helped me get inside and then sat next to me.

"Chase, you and Jonah will take your car to the hospital and Niall will follow you." Nick ordered.
They all obliged and Chase and Jonah walked to Chase's car. After they got in the car we headed to the hospital.

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